994 resultados para Ion Enhanced Helicity


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A simple method to enhance ion generation with femtosecond ultraintense lasers is demonstrated experimentally by defocusing laser beams on target surface. When the laser is optimally defocused, we find that the population of medium and low energy protons from ultra-thin foils is increased significantly while the proton cutoff energy is almost unchanged. In this way, the total proton yield can be enhanced by more than 1 order, even though the peak laser intensity drops. The depression of the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) effect and the population increase of moderate-energy electrons are believed to be the main reasons for the effective enhancement. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Purpose The aim of this study is to improve the drug release properties of antimicrobial agents from hydrophobic biomaterials using using an ion pairing strategy. In so doing antimicrobial agents may be eluted and maintained over a sufficient time period thereby preventing bacterial colonisation and subsequent biofilm formation on medical devices. Methods The model antimicrobial agent was chlorhexidine and the selected fatty acid counter ions were capric acid, myristic acid and stearic acid. The polymethyl methacrylate films were loaded with 2% of fatty acid:antimicrobial agent at the following molar ratios; 0.5:1M, 1:1M and 2:1M and thermally polymerized using azobisisobutyronitrile initiator. Drug release experiments were subsequently performed over a 3-month period and the mass of drug released under sink conditions (pH 7.0, 37oC) quantified using a validated HPLC-UV method. Results In all platforms, a burst of chlorhexidine release was observed over the initial 24-hour period. Similar release kinetics were observed between the formulations during the initial 28 days. However, as time progressed, the chlorhexidine baseline plateaued after 56 days whereas formulations containing the counterions appeared to continuously elute linearly with time. As can be observed in figure 1, the rank order of total chlorhexidine release in the presence of 0.5M fatty acid was myristic acid (40%) > capric acid (35%) > stearic acid (30%)> chlorhexidine baseline (15%). Conclusion The incorporation of fatty acids within the formulation significantly improved chlorhexidine solubility within both the monomer and the polymer and enhanced the drug release kinetics over the period of study. This is attributed to the greater diffusivity of chlorhexidine through PMMA in the presence of fatty acids. In th absence of fatty acids, chlorhexidine release was facilitated by dissolution of surface associated drug particles. This study has illustrated the ability of fatty acids to modulate chlorhexidine release from a model biomaterial through enhanced diffusivity. This strategy may prove advantageous for improved medical devices with enhanced resistance to infection.


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Ion acceleration driven by the interaction of an ultraintense (2 × 1020 W cm-2) laser pulse with an ultrathin ( nm) foil target is experimentally and numerically investigated. Protons accelerated by sheath fields and via laser radiation pressure are angularly separated and identified based on their directionality and signature features (e.g. transverse instabilities) in the measured spatial-intensity distribution. A low divergence, high energy proton component is also detected when the heated target electrons expand and the target becomes relativistically transparent during the interaction. 2D and 3D particle-in-cell simulations indicate that under these conditions a plasma jet is formed at the target rear, supported by a self-generated azimuthal magnetic field, which extends into the expanded layer of sheath-accelerated protons. Electrons trapped within this jet are directly accelerated to super-thermal energies by the portion of the laser pulse transmitted through the target. The resulting streaming of the electrons into the ion layers enhances the energy of protons in the vicinity of the jet. Through the addition of a controlled prepulse, the maximum energy of these protons is demonstrated experimentally and numerically to be sensitive to the picosecond rising edge profile of the laser pulse.


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At sufficiently high laser intensities, the rapid heating to relativistic velocities and resulting decompression of plasma electrons in an ultra-thin target foil can result in the target becoming relativistically transparent to the laser light during the interaction. Ion acceleration in this regime is strongly affected by the transition from an opaque to a relativistically transparent plasma. By spatially resolving the laser-accelerated proton beam at near-normal laser incidence and at an incidence angle of 30°, we identify characteristic features both experimentally and in particle-in-cell simulations which are consistent with the onset of three distinct ion acceleration mechanisms: sheath acceleration; radiation pressure acceleration; and transparency-enhanced acceleration. The latter mechanism occurs late in the interaction and is mediated by the formation of a plasma jet extending into the expanding ion population. The effect of laser incident angle on the plasma jet is explored.


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An investigation of the propagation of ion acoustic waves in nonthermal plasmas in the presence of trapped electrons has been undertaken. This has been motivated by space and laboratory plasma observations of plasmas containing energetic particles, resulting in long-tailed distributions, in combination with trapped particles, whereby some of the plasma particles are confined to a finite region of phase space. An unmagnetized collisionless electron-ion plasma is considered, featuring a non-Maxwellian-trapped electron distribution, which is modelled by a kappa distribution function combined with a Schamel distribution. The effect of particle trapping has been considered, resulting in an expression for the electron density. Reductive perturbation theory has been used to construct a KdV-like Schamel equation, and examine its behaviour. The relevant configurational parameters in our study include the superthermality index κ and the characteristic trapping parameter β. A pulse-shaped family of solutions is proposed, also depending on the weak soliton speed increment u0. The main modification due to an increase in particle trapping is an increase in the amplitude of solitary waves, yet leaving their spatial width practically unaffected. With enhanced superthermality, there is a decrease in both amplitude and width of solitary waves, for any given values of the trapping parameter and of the incremental soliton speed. Only positive polarity excitations were observed in our parametric investigation


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Systems such as MF/diol (M = alkali metal) and }1F/carboxylic acid were subjected to IH, I9F and 13C nmr study to investigate the nature of the very strong H-bonding of fluoride ions with these systems. Evidence indicates a strong H-bond in diol-fluoride systems (~H ~ -(56) kJ mol-I) which is stronger than most 'typical' H-bonds (~H = -(12-40) kJ mol-I), but weaker than that reported for carboxylic acid-fluoride systems (~H ~ -(120) kJ mol-I). Approximate fluoride H-bonded shifts (o(OH)OHF) were evaluated for MF/diol systems from IH chemical shift measurements. No direct correlation was observed between I9F chemical shift and H-bond strength. Thermodynamic parameters were calculated from temperature dependent IH and 19F shifts. Preliminary studies of BUn 4NF-acetylacetone by I9F nmr were conducted at low temperatures and a possible Jmax (ca. 400 Hz) is reported for the fluoride ion H-bonded to acetylacetone. Highfield shift for non-protonated carbons and downfield shift for protonated carbons were observed in carboxylic acid/KF systems. Significant decreas$in I3C TI due to strong H-bonding to fluoride ions were also detected in both diol and carboxylic acid systems. Anomalous results were obtained, such as increasing NOE with increasing temperature in neat 1,2-ethanediol (values above the theoretical maximum of 1.988) and in 1,2-ethanediol/KF. The large 13C NOE's for carboxy carbons in neat carboxylic acids which are. further enhanced by the addition of KF are also unusual.


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La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est le trouble du rythme le plus fréquemment observé en pratique clinique. Elle constitue un risque important de morbi-mortalité. Le traitement de la FA reste un défi majeur en lien avec les nombreux effets secondaires associés aux approches thérapeutiques actuelles. Dans ce contexte, une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à la FA est essentielle pour le développement de nouvelles thérapies offrant un meilleur rapport bénéfice/risque pour les patients. La FA est caractérisée par i) un remodelage électrique délétère associé le plus souvent ii) à un remodelage structurel du myocarde favorisant la récurrence et le maintien de l’arythmie. La diminution de la période réfractaire effective au sein du tissu auriculaire est un élément clef du remodelage électrique. Le remodelage structurel, quant à lui, se manifeste principalement par une fibrose tissulaire qui altère la propagation de l’influx électrique dans les oreillettes. Les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la mise en place de ces deux substrats restent mal connus. Récemment, le rôle des microARNs (miARNs) a été pointé du doigt dans de nombreuses pathologies notamment cardiaques. Dans ce contexte les objectifs principaux de ce travail ont été i) d'acquérir une compréhension approfondie du rôle des miARNs dans la régulation de l’expression des canaux ioniques et ii) de mieux comprendre le rôle de ces molécules dans l’installation d’un substrat favorable a la FA. Nous avons, dans un premier temps, effectué une analyse bio-informatique combinée à des approches expérimentales spécifiques afin d’identifier clairement les miARNs démontrant un fort potentiel de régulation des gènes codant pour l’expression des canaux ioniques cardiaques humains. Nous avons identifié un nombre limité de miARNs cardiaques qui possédaient ces propriétés. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous avons démontré que l’altération de l'expression des canaux ioniques, observée dans diverse maladies cardiaques (par exemple, les cardiomyopathies, l’ischémie myocardique, et la fibrillation auriculaire), peut être soumise à ces miARNs suggérant leur implication dans l’arythmogénèse. La régulation du courant potassique IK1 est un facteur déterminant du remodelage électrique auriculaire associée à la FA. Les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents sont peu connus. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l'altération de l’expression des miARNs soit corrélée à l’augmentation de l’expression d’IK1 dans la FA. Nous avons constaté que l’expression de miR-26 est réduite dans la FA et qu’elle régule IK1 en modulant l’expression de sa sous-unité Kir2.1. Nous avons démontré que miR-26 est sous la répression transcriptionnelle du facteur nucléaire des lymphocytes T activés (NFAT) et que l’activité accrue de NFATc3/c4, aboutit à une expression réduite de miR-26. En conséquence IK1 augmente lors de la FA. Nous avons enfin démontré que l’interférence in vivo de miR-26 influence la susceptibilité à la FA en régulant IK1, confirmant le rôle prépondérant de miR-26 dans le remodelage auriculaire électrique. La fibrose auriculaire est un constituant majeur du remodelage structurel associé à la FA, impliquant l'activation des fibroblastes et l’influx cellulaire du Ca2 +. Nous avons cherché à déterminer i) si le canal perméable au Ca2+, TRPC3, jouait un rôle dans la fibrose auriculaire en favorisant l'activation des fibroblastes et ii) étudié le rôle potentiel des miARNs dans ce contexte. Nous avons démontré que les canaux TRPC3 favorisent l’influx du Ca2 +, activant la signalisation Ca2 +-dépendante ERK et en conséquence activent la prolifération des fibroblastes. Nous avons également démontré que l’expression du TRPC3 est augmentée dans la FA et que le blocage in vivo de TRPC3 empêche le développement de substrats reliés à la FA. Nous avons par ailleurs validé que miR-26 régule les canaux TRPC3 en diminuant leur expression dans les fibroblastes. Enfin, nous avons montré que l'expression réduite du miR-26 est également due à l’activité augmentée de NFATc3/c4 dans les fibroblastes, expliquant ainsi l’augmentation de TRPC3 lors de la FA, confirmant la contribution de miR-26 dans le processus de remodelage structurel lié à la FA. En conclusion, nos résultats mettent en évidence l'importance des miARNs dans la régulation des canaux ioniques cardiaques. Notamment, miR-26 joue un rôle important dans le remodelage électrique et structurel associé à la FA et ce, en régulant IK1 et l’expression du canal TRPC3. Notre étude démasque ainsi un mécanisme moléculaire de contrôle de la FA innovateur associant des miARNs. miR-26 en particulier représente apres ces travaux une nouvelle cible thérapeutique prometteuse pour traiter la FA.


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Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons des travaux sur la synthèse à faible coût des matériaux de cathode et l'anode pour les piles lithium-ion. Pour les cathodes, nous avons utilisé des précurseurs à faible coût pour préparer LiFePO4 et LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 en utilisant une méthode hydrothermale. Tout d'abord, des matériaux composites (LiFePO4/C) ont été synthétisés à partir d'un précurseur de Fe2O3 par une procédé hydrothermique pour faire LiFePO4(OH) dans une première étape suivie d'une calcination rapide pour le revêtement de carbone. Deuxièmement, LiFePO4 avec une bonne cristallinité et une grande pureté a été synthétisé en une seule étape, avec Fe2O3 par voie hydrothermale. Troisièmement, LiFe0.3Mn0.7PO4 a été préparé en utilisant Fe2O3 et MnO comme des précurseurs de bas coûts au sein d'une méthode hydrothermale synthétique. Pour les matériaux d'anode, nous avons nos efforts concentré sur un matériau d'anode à faible coût α-Fe2O3 avec deux types de synthèse hydrothermales, une a base de micro-ondes (MAH) l’autre plus conventionnelles (CH). La nouveauté de cette thèse est que pour la première fois le LiFePO4 a été préparé par une méthode hydrothermale en utilisant un précurseur Fe3+ (Fe2O3). Le Fe2O3 est un précurseur à faible coût et en combinant ses coûts avec les conditions de synthèse à basse température nous avons réalisé une réduction considérable des coûts de production pour le LiFePO4, menant ainsi à une meilleure commercialisation du LiFePO4 comme matériaux de cathode dans les piles lithium-ion. Par cette méthode de préparation, le LiFePO4/C procure une capacité de décharge et une stabilité de cycle accrue par rapport une synthétisation par la méthode à l'état solide pour les mêmes précurseurs Les résultats sont résumés dans deux articles qui ont été récemment soumis dans des revues scientifiques.


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The main challenges in the deposition of cathode materials in thin film form are the reproduction of stoichiometry close to the bulk material and attaining higher rates of deposition and excellent crystallinity at comparatively lower annealing temperatures. There are several methods available to develop stoichiometric thin film cathode materials including pulsed laser deposition; plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, electron beam evaporation, electrostatic spray deposition and RF magnetron sputtering. Among them the most versatile method is the sputtering technique, owing to its suitability for micro-fabricating the thin film batteries directly on chips in any shape or size, and on flexible substrates, with good capacity and cycle life. The main drawback of the conventional sputtering technique using RF frequency of 13.56MHz is its lower rate of deposition, compared to other deposition techniques A typical cathode layer for a thin film battery requires a thickness around one micron. To deposit such thick layers using convention RF sputtering, longer time of deposition is required, since the deposition rate is very low, which is typically 10-20 Å/min. This makes the conventional RF sputtering technique a less viable option for mass production in an economical way. There exists a host of theoretical and experimental evidences and results that higher excitation frequency can be efficiently used to deposit good quality films at higher deposition rates with glow discharge plasma. The effect of frequencies higher than the conventional one (13.56MHz) on the RF magnetron sputtering process has not been subjected to detailed investigations. Attempts have been made in the present work, to sputter deposit spinel oxide cathode films, using high frequency RF excitation source. Most importantly, the major challenge faced by the thin film battery based on the LiMn2O4 cathode material is the poor capacity retention during charge discharge cycling. The major causes for the capacity fading reported in LiMn2O4cathode materials are due to, Jahn-Teller distortion, Mn2+ dissolution into the electrolyte and oxygen loss in cathode material during cycling. The work discussed in this thesis is an attempt on overcoming the above said challenges and developing a high capacity thin film cathode material.


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Cationic swede and anionic turnip peroxidases were partially purified by ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography, respectively. Heat treatment of these enzymes and of a commercial high purity horseradish peroxidase (HRP) caused a loss of enzyme activity and a corresponding increase in linoleic acid hydroperoxide formation activity. The hydroperoxide levels in model systems increased only in the early stages of the oxidation reaction and then declined as degradation became more significant. The presence of a dialysed blend of cooked swede markedly lowered the hydroperoxide level formed. Analysis of volatile compounds formed showed that hexanal predominated in a buffer system and in a blend of cooked turnip. In dialysed blends of cooked swede, hexanol was the primary volatile compound generated. After inactivation under mild conditions in the presence of EDTA, the peroxidases showed hydroperoxide formation activity and patterns of volatile compounds from linoleic acid that were similar to those found on heat-inactivation. This suggested that calcium abstraction from the peroxidases was critical for the enhancement of lipid oxidation activity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Exacerbated sensitivity to mechanical stimuli that are normally innocuous or mildly painful (mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia) occurs during inflammation and underlies painful diseases. Proteases that are generated during inflammation and disease cleave protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) on afferent nerves to cause mechanical hyperalgesia in the skin and intestine by unknown mechanisms. We hypothesized that PAR2-mediated mechanical hyperalgesia requires sensitization of the ion channel transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4). Immunoreactive TRPV4 was coexpressed by rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons with PAR2, substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), mediators of pain transmission. In PAR2-expressing cell lines that either naturally expressed TRPV4 (bronchial epithelial cells) or that were transfected to express TRPV4 (HEK cells), pretreatment with a PAR2 agonist enhanced Ca2+ and current responses to the TRPV4 agonists phorbol ester 4alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4alphaPDD) and hypotonic solutions. PAR2-agonist similarly sensitized TRPV4 Ca2+ signals and currents in DRG neurons. Antagonists of phospholipase Cbeta and protein kinases A, C and D inhibited PAR2-induced sensitization of TRPV4 Ca2+ signals and currents. 4alphaPDD and hypotonic solutions stimulated SP and CGRP release from dorsal horn of rat spinal cord, and pretreatment with PAR2 agonist sensitized TRPV4-dependent peptide release. Intraplantar injection of PAR2 agonist caused mechanical hyperalgesia in mice and sensitized pain responses to the TRPV4 agonists 4alphaPDD and hypotonic solutions. Deletion of TRPV4 prevented PAR2 agonist-induced mechanical hyperalgesia and sensitization. This novel mechanism, by which PAR2 activates a second messenger to sensitize TRPV4-dependent release of nociceptive peptides and induce mechanical hyperalgesia, may underlie inflammatory hyperalgesia in diseases where proteases are activated and released.


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We study here the injection and transport of ions in the convection-dominated region of the Earth’s magnetosphere. The total ion counts from the CAMMICE MICS instrument aboard the POLAR spacecraft are used to generate occurrence probability distributions of magnetospheric ion populations. MICS ion spectra are characterised by both the peak in the differential energy flux, and the average energy of ions striking the detector. The former permits a comparison with the Stubbs et al. (2001) survey of He2+ ions of solar wind origin within the magnetosphere. The latter can address the occurrences of various classifications of precipitating particle fluxes observed in the topside ionosphere by DMSP satellites (Newell and Meng, 1992). The peak energy occurrences are consistent with our earlier work, including the dawn-dusk asymmetry with enhanced occurrences on the dawn flank at low energies, switching to the dusk flank at higher energies. The differences in the ion energies observed in these two studies can be explained by drift orbit effects and acceleration processes at the magnetopause, and in the tail current sheet. Near noon at average ion energies of _1 keV, the cusp and open LLBL occur further poleward here than in the Newell and Meng survey, probably due to convectionrelated time-of-flight effects. An important new result is that the pre-noon bias previously observed in the LLBL is most likely due to the component of this population on closed field lines, formed largely by low energy ions drifting earthward from the tail. There is no evidence here of mass and momentum transfer from the solar wind to the LLBL by nonreconnection coupling. At higher energies (_2–20 keV), we observe ions mapping to the auroral oval and can distinguish between the boundary and central plasma sheets. We show that ions at these energies relate to a transition from dawnward to duskward dominated flow, this is evidence of how ion drift orbits in the tail influence the location and behaviour of the plasma populations in the magnetosphere.


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We present observations of a poleward propagating substorm-disturbed region which was observed by the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radar and the Svalbard International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects (IMAGE) magnetometers in the postmidnight sector. The expansion of the disturbance was launched by a substorm intensification which started similar to 25 min after the initial onset, and similar to 10 min before the disturbance arrived over Svalbard. In association with the magnetic disturbance, a poleward expanding enduring enhancement in the F region electron temperature was observed, indicative of soft electron precipitation, with a narrow band of enhanced ion temperature straddling its poleward edge, indicative of fast ion flows and ion-neutral collisional heating. This electron temperature boundary was coincident with the poleward propagating electrojet current system detected by the high-latitude IMAGE magnetometer stations and is taken to be a proxy for the observation of a substorm auroral bulge. The electron temperature boundary is inferred to have a width comparable or less than one radar range gate (similar to 60 km transverse to the magnetic field), while the region of high ion temperature was found to be approximately three gates wide, extending approximately two gates (similar to 120 km) poleward of the electron temperature boundary, and approximately one gate (similar to 60 km) equatorward. The two-beam radar line-of-sight velocity data are found to be consistent with the existence of a layer of high-speed flow in the boundary, peaking at values similar to1.5-3 km s(-1), roughly consistent with the ion temperature data. The flow is directed either east or west along the boundary depending on the direction of the flow in the poleward region. We infer that the flow is deflected along and around the boundary of the substorm-disturbed region due to the high conductivity of the latter. Variations in the flow poleward of the boundary produced no discernible magnetic effects on the ground, confirming the low conductivity of the preboundary ionosphere.


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In this paper we study the high-latitude plasma flow variations associated with a periodic (∼8 min) sequence of auroral forms moving along the polar cap boundary, which appear to be the most regularly occuring dayside auroral phenomenon under conditions of southward directed interplanetary magnetic field. Satellite data on auroral particle precipitation and ionospheric plasma drifts from DMSP F10 and F11 are combined with ground-based optical and ion flow measurements for January 7, 1992. Ionospheric flow measurements of 10-s resolution over the range of invariant latitudes from 71° to 76° were obtained by operating both the European incoherent scatter (EISCAT) UHF and VHF radars simultaneously. The optical site (Ny Ålesund, Svalbard) and the EISCAT radar field of view were located in the postnoon sector during the actual observations. The West Greenland magnetometers provided information about temporal variations of high-latitude convection in the prenoon sector. Satellite observations of polar cap convection in the northern and southern hemispheres show a standard two-cell pattern consistent with a prevailing negative By component of the interplanetary magnetic field. The 630.0 nm auroral forms located poleward of the persistent cleft aurora and the flow reversal boundary in the ∼1440–1540 MLT sector were observed to coincide with magnetosheath-like particle precipitation and a secondary population of higher energy ions, and they propagated eastward/tailward at speeds comparable with the convection velocity. It is shown that these optical events were accompanied by bursts of sunward (return) flow at lower latitudes in both the morning and the afternoon sectors, consistent with a modulation of Dungey cell convection. The background level of convection was low in this case (Kp =2+). The variability of the high-latitude convection may be explained as resulting from time-varying reconnection at the magnetopause. In that case this study indicates that time variations of the reconnection rate effectively modulates ionospheric convection.


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Optical observations of a dayside auroral brightening sequence, by means of all-sky TV cameras and meridian scanning photometers, have been combined with EISCAT ion drift observations within the same invariant latitude-MLT sector. The observations were made during a January 1989 campaign by utilizing the high F region ion densities during the maximum phase of the solar cycle. The characteristic intermittent optical events, covering ∼300 km in east-west extent, move eastward (antisunward) along the poleward boundary of the persistent background aurora at velocities of ∼1.5 km s−1 and are associated with ion flows which swing from eastward to westward, with a subsequent return to eastward, during the interval of a few minutes when there is enhanced auroral emission within the radar field of view. The breakup of discrete auroral forms occurs at the reversal (negative potential) that forms between eastward plasma flow, maximizing near the persistent arc poleward boundary, and strong transient westward flow to the south. The reported events, covering a 35 min interval around 1400 MLT, are embedded within a longer period of similar auroral activity between 0830 (1200 MLT) and 1300 UT (1600 MLT). These observations are discussed in relation to recent models of boundary layer plasma dynamics and the associated magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. The ionospheric events may correspond to large-scale wave like motions of the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL)/plasma sheet (PS) boundary. On the basis of this interpretation the observed spot size, speed and repetition period (∼10 min) give a wavelength (the distance between spots) of ∼900 km in the present case. The events can also be explained as ionospheric signatures of newly opened flux tubes associated with reconnection bursts at the magnetopause near 1400 MLT. We also discuss these data in relation to random, patchy reconnection (as has recently been invoked to explain the presence of the sheathlike plasma on closed field lines in the LLBL). In view of the lack of IMF data, and the existing uncertainty on the location of the open-closed field line boundary relative to the optical events, an unambiguous discrimination between the different alternatives is not easily obtained.