292 resultados para Inverters


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Multilevel converters can achieve an overall effective switch frequency multiplication and consequent ripple reduction through the cancellation of the lowest order switch frequency terms. This paper investigates the harmonic content and the frequency response of these multimodulator converters. It is shown that the transfer function of uniformly sampled modulators is a bessel function associated with the inherent sampling process. Naturally sampled modulators have a flat transfer function, but multiple switchings per switch cycle will occur unless the input is slew-rate limited. Lower sideband harmonics of the effective carrier frequency and, in uniform converters, harmonics of the input signal also limit the useful bandwidth. Observations about the effect of the number of converters, their type (naturally or uniformly sampled), and the ratio of modulating frequency and switch frequency are made


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Increasing penetration of photovoltaic (PV) as well as increasing peak load demand has resulted in poor voltage profile for some residential distribution networks. This paper proposes coordinated use of PV and Battery Energy Storage (BES) to address voltage rise and/or dip problems. The reactive capability of PV inverter combined with droop based BES system is evaluated for rural and urban scenarios (having different R/X ratios). Results show that reactive compensation from PV inverters alone is sufficient to maintain acceptable voltage profile in an urban scenario (low resistance feeder), whereas, coordinated PV and BES support is required for the rural scenario (high resistance feeder). Constant as well as variable droop based BES schemes are analyzed. The required BES sizing and associated cost to maintain the acceptable voltage profile under both schemes is presented. Uncertainties in PV generation and load are considered, with probabilistic estimation of PV generation and randomness in load modeled to characterize the effective utilization of BES. Actual PV generation data and distribution system network data is used to verify the efficacy of the proposed method.


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In this paper, a wind energy conversion system interfaced to the grid using a dual inverter is proposed. One of the two inverters in the dual inverter is connected to the rectified output of the wind generator while the other is directly connected to a battery energy storage system (BESS). This approach eliminates the need for an additional dc-dc converter and thus reduces power losses, cost, and complexity. The main issue with this scheme is uncorrelated dynamic changes in dc-link voltages that results in unevenly distributed space vectors. A detailed analysis on the effects of these variations is presented in this paper. Furthermore, a modified modulation technique is proposed to produce undistorted currents even in the presence of unevenly distributed and dynamically changing space vectors. An analysis on the battery charging/discharging process and maximum power point tracking of the wind turbine generator is also presented. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation technique and battery charging/discharging process.


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For the renewable energy sources whose outputs vary continuously, a Z-source current-type inverter has been proposed as a possible buck-boost alternative for grid-interfacing. With a unique X-shaped LC network connected between its dc power source and inverter topology, Z-source current-type inverter is however expected to suffer from compounded resonant complications in addition to those associated with its second-order output filter. To improve its damping performance, this paper proposes the careful integration of Posicast or three-step compensators before the inverter pulse-width modulator for damping triggered resonant oscillations. In total, two compensators are needed for wave-shaping the inverter boost factor and modulation ratio, and they can conveniently be implemented using first-in first-out stacks and embedded timers of modern digital signal processors widely used in motion control applications. Both techniques are found to damp resonance of ac filter well, but for cases of transiting from current-buck to boost state, three-step technique is less effective due to the sudden intermediate discharging interval introduced by its non-monotonic stepping (unlike the monotonic stepping of Posicast damping). These findings have been confirmed both in simulations and experiments using an implemented laboratory prototype.


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This paper presents the design of a dual Z-source inverter that can be used with either a single dc source or two isolated dc sources. Unlike traditional inverters, the integration of a properly designed Z-source network and semiconductor switches to the proposed dual inverter allows buck-boost power conversion to be performed over a wide modulation range with three-level output waveforms generated. The connection of an additional transformer to the inverter ac output also allows all generic wye- or delta-connected loads with three-wire or four-wire configuration to be supplied by the inverter. Modulation-wise, the dual inverter can be controlled using a carefully designed carrier-based pulse-width modulation (PWM) scheme that always will ensure balanced voltage boosting of the Z-source network, while simultaneously achieving reduced common-mode switching. Because of the omission of dead-time delays in the dual inverter PWM scheme, its switched common-mode voltage can be completely eliminated, unlike in traditional inverters where narrow common-mode spikes are still generated. Under semiconductor failure conditions, the presented PWM schemes can easily be modified to allow the inverter to operate without interruption and for cases where two isolated sources are used, zero common-mode voltage can still be ensured. These theoretical findings together with the inverter practicality have been confirmed both in simulations using PSIM with Matlab/Simulink coupler and experimentally using a laboratory implemented inverter prototype.


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This paper presents the design of a dual Z-source inverter that can be used with either a single dc source or two isolated dc sources. Unlike traditional inverters, the integration of a properly designed Z-source network and semiconductor switches to the proposed dual inverter allows buck-boost power conversion to be performed over a wide modulation range, with three-level output waveforms generated. The connection of an additional transformer to the inverter ac output also allows all generic wye-or delta-connected loads with three-wire or four-wire configuration to be supplied by the inverter. Modulationwise, the dual inverter can be controlled using a carefully designed carrier-based pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) scheme that will always ensure balanced voltage boosting of the Z-source network while simultaneously achieving reduced common-mode switching. Because of the omission of dead-time delays in the dual-inverter PWM scheme, its switched common-mode voltage can be completely eliminated, unlike in traditional inverters, where narrow common-mode spikes are still generated. Under semiconductor failure conditions, the presented PWM schemes can easily be modified to allow the inverter to operate without interruption, and for cases where two isolated sources are used, zero common-mode voltage can still be ensured. These theoretical findings, together with the inverter practicality, have been confirmed in simulations both using PSIM with Matlab/Simulink coupler and experimentally using a laboratory-implemented inverter prototype.


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Battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage systems are becoming popular in the renewable energy sector due to their improved power and energy performances. These hybrid systems require separate dc-dc converters, or at least one dc-dc converter for the supercapacitor bank, to connect them to the dc-link of the grid interfacing inverter. These additional dc-dc converters increase power losses, complexity and cost. Therefore, possibility of their direct connection is investigated in this paper. The inverter system used in this study is formed by cascading two 3-level inverters, named as the “main inverter” and the “auxiliary inverter”, through a coupling transformer. In the test system the main inverter is connected with the rectified output of a wind generator while the auxiliary inverter is directly attached to a battery and a supercapacitor bank. The major issues with this approach are the dynamic changes in dc-link voltages and inevitable imbalances in the auxiliary inverter voltages, which results in unevenly distributed space vectors. A modified SVM technique is proposed to solve this issue. A PWM based time sharing method is proposed for power sharing between the battery and the supercapacitor. Simulation results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation and control techniques.


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This paper presents a novel concept of Energy Storage System (ESS) interfacing with the grid side inverter in wind energy conversion systems. The inverter system used here is formed by cascading a 2-level inverter and a three level inverter through a coupling transformer. The constituent inverters are named as the “main inverter” and the “auxiliary inverter” respectively. The main inverter is connected with the rectified output of the wind generator while the auxiliary inverter is attached to a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). The BESS ensures constant power dispatch to the grid irrespective of change in wind condition. Furthermore, this unique combination of BESS and inverter eliminates the need of additional dc-dc converters. Novel modulation and control techniques are proposed to address the problem of non-integer, dynamically-changing dc-link voltage ratio, which is due to random wind changes. Strategies used to handle auxiliary inverter dc-link voltage imbalances and controllers used to charge batteries at different rates are explained in detail. Simulation results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation and control techniques in suppressing random wind power fluctuations.


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The applications of organic semiconductors in complex circuitry such as printed CMOS-like logic circuits demand miniaturization of the active structures to the submicrometric and nanoscale level while enhancing or at least preserving the charge transport properties upon processing. Here, we addressed this issue by using a wet lithographic technique, which exploits and enhances the molecular order in polymers by spatial confinement, to fabricate ambipolar organic field effect transistors and inverter circuits based on nanostructured single component ambipolar polymeric semiconductor. In our devices, the current flows through a precisely defined array of nanostripes made of a highly ordered diketopyrrolopyrrole-benzothiadiazole copolymer with high charge carrier mobility (1.45 cm2 V-1 s-1 for electrons and 0.70 cm2 V-1 s-1 for holes). Finally, we demonstrated the functionality of the ambipolar nanostripe transistors by assembling them into an inverter circuit that exhibits a gain (105) comparable to inverters based on single crystal semiconductors.


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This paper explores the possibility of using grid side inverter as an interface to connect energy storage systems. A dual inverter system, formed by cascading two 2-level inverters through a coupling transformer, is used as the testing model. The inverters are named as “main inverter” and “auxiliary inverter”. The main inverter is powered by the rectified output of the wind generator while the auxiliary inverter is attached to a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). If there is a surplus of wind power compared to the demand, then that would be stored in BESS while if there is a deficit in wind power then the demand will be satisfied by supplying power from the BESS. This enables constant power dispatch to the grid irrespective of wind changes. Novel modulation and control techniques are proposed to address the problem of non-integer, dynamically-varying dc-link voltage ratio, which is due to random wind changes. Furthermore, a maximum power tracking controller for this unique system is explained in detail. Simulation results verify the efficacy of proposed modulation and control techniques in suppressing random power fluctuations.


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This paper presents a new direct integration scheme for supercapacitors that are used to mitigate short term power fluctuations in wind power systems. The proposed scheme uses the popular dual inverter topology for grid connection as well as interfacing a supercapacitor bank. The dual inverter system is formed by cascading two 2-level inverters named as the “main inverter” and the “auxiliary inverter”. The main inverter is powered by the rectified output of a wind turbine coupled permanent magnet synchronous generator. The auxiliary inverter is directly connected to a super capacitor bank. This approach eliminates the need for an interfacing dc-dc converter for the supercapacitor bank and thus improves the overall efficiency. A detailed analysis on the effects of non-integer dynamically changing voltage ratio is presented. The concept of integrated boost rectifier is used to carry out the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) of the wind turbine generator. Another novel feature of this paper is the power reference adjuster which effectively manages capacitor charging and discharging at extreme conditions. Simulation results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed system in suppressing short term wind power fluctuations.


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Modulation and control of a cascade multilevel inverter, which has a high potential in future wind generation applications, are presented. The inverter is a combination of a high power, three level “bulk inverter” and a low power “conditioning inverter”. To minimize switching losses, the bulk inverter operates at a low frequency producing square wave outputs while high frequency conditioning inverter is used to suppress harmonic content produced by the bulk inverter output. This paper proposes an improved Space Vector Modulation (SVM) algorithm and a neutral point potential balancing technique for the inverter. Furthermore, a maximum power tracking controller for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) is described in detail. The proposed SVM technique eliminates most of the computational burdens on the digital controller and renders a greater controllability under varying DC-link voltage conditions. The DC-link capacitor voltage balancing of both bulk and conditioning inverters is carried out using Redundant State Selection (RSS) method and is explained in detail. Experimental results are presented to verify the proposed modulation and control techniques.


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This paper presents a novel STATCOM configuration for voltage quality improvement in wind power generation systems. The proposed STATCOM is formed by cascading two 3-level inverters, `bulk inverter' and `conditioning inverter', through a coupling transformer. Both inverters are powered by dc-link capacitors and they are charged by a small amount of active power drawn from the grid. To minimize switching losses, the high power bulk inverter operates at low frequency while low power high frequency conditioning inverter is used to suppress harmonic content produced by the bulk inverter output. With only 24 switches this topology can synthesize a nine level inverter, if the dc-link voltage ratio is maintained at 3:1. Modulation and control techniques have been developed to meet this requirement. Reactive power of the STATCOM is controlled to mitigate voltage sags or swells caused by sudden wind changes. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation and control techniques used in the STATCOM.


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The reliability of micro inverters is an important factor as it would be necessary to reduce cost and maintenance of the small and medium scale distributed PV power conversion systems. Electrolytic capacitors and active power decouple circuits can be avoided in micro inverters with the use of medium voltage DC-link. Such a DC-link based micro inverter is proposed with a front-end dual inductor current-fed push-pull converter. The primary side power switches of the front-end converter have reduced switching losses due to multi-resonant operation. In addition, the voltage and current stresses on the diodes of the secondary diode voltage doubler rectifier are reduced due to the presence of a series resonant circuit in the front-end converter. The operation of the proposed micro inverter is explained using an in-depth analysis of the switching characteristics of the power semiconductor devices. The theoretical analysis of the proposed micro inverter is validated using simulation result.


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We report a circuit technique to measure the on-chip delay of an individual logic gate (both inverting and non-inverting) in its unmodified form using digitally reconfigurable ring oscillator (RO). Solving a system of linear equations with different configuration setting of the RO gives delay of an individual gate. Experimental results from a test chip in 65nm process node show the feasibility of measuring the delay of an individual inverter to within 1pS accuracy. Delay measurements of different nominally identical inverters in close physical proximity show variations of up to 26% indicating the large impact of local or within-die variations.