443 resultados para Intolerance


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) are incretins secreted in response to oral glucose ingestion by intestinal L and K cells, respectively. The molecular mechanisms responsible for intestinal cell glucose sensing are unknown but could be related to those described for beta-cells, brain and hepatoportal sensors. We determined the role of GLUT2, GLP-1 or GIP receptors in glucose-induced incretins secretion, in the corresponding knockout mice. GLP-1 secretion was reduced in all mutant mice, while GIP secretion did not require GLUT2. Intestinal GLP-1 content was reduced only in GIP and GLUT2 receptors knockout mice suggesting that this impairment could contribute to the phenotype. Intestinal GIP content was similar in all mice studied. Furthermore, the impaired incretins secretion was associated with a reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and an impaired glucose tolerance in all mice. In conclusion, both incretins secretion depends on mechanisms involving their own receptors and GLP-1 further requires GLUT2.


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Using theory and empirical data from social psychology to measure for cultural differences between countries, we study the effect of individualism as defined by Hofstede (1980) and egalitarianism as defined by Schwartz (1994, 1999, 2004) on earnings management. We find a significant influence of both cultural measures. In line with Licht et al. (2004), who argue that individualistic societies may be less susceptible to corruption, we find that countries scoring high on individualism tend to have lower levels of earnings management. In addition, we find that egalitarianism, defined as a society's cultural orientation with respect to intolerance for abuses of market and political power, is negatively related with earnings management. Our results are robust to different specifications and controls. The main message of this paper is that besides formal institutions, cultural differences are relevant to explain earnings management behaviour. We think that our work adds to the understanding of the importance of cultural values in managerial behaviour across countries contributing to the literature on earnings management and law and institutions.


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Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition characterised by nutrient malabsorption and excessive bacteria in the small intestine. It typically presents with diarrhea, flatulence and a syndrome of malabsorption (steatorrhea, macrocytic anemia). However, it may be asymptomatic in the eldery. A high index of suspicion is necessary in order to differentiate SIBO from other similar presenting disorders such as coeliac disease, lactose intolerance or the irritable bowel syndrome. A search for predisposing factor is thus necessary. These factors may be anatomical (stenosis, blind loop), or functional (intestinal hypomotility, achlorydria). The hydrogen breath test is the most frequently used diagnostic test although it lacks standardisation. The treatment of SIBO consists of eliminating predisposing factors and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: MicroRNAs are key regulators of gene expression involved in health and disease. The goal of our study was to investigate the global changes in beta cell microRNA expression occurring in two models of obesity-associated type 2 diabetes and to assess their potential contribution to the development of the disease. METHODS: MicroRNA profiling of pancreatic islets isolated from prediabetic and diabetic db/db mice and from mice fed a high-fat diet was performed by microarray. The functional impact of the changes in microRNA expression was assessed by reproducing them in vitro in primary rat and human beta cells. RESULTS: MicroRNAs differentially expressed in both models of obesity-associated type 2 diabetes fall into two distinct categories. A group including miR-132, miR-184 and miR-338-3p displays expression changes occurring long before the onset of diabetes. Functional studies indicate that these expression changes have positive effects on beta cell activities and mass. In contrast, modifications in the levels of miR-34a, miR-146a, miR-199a-3p, miR-203, miR-210 and miR-383 primarily occur in diabetic mice and result in increased beta cell apoptosis. These results indicate that obesity and insulin resistance trigger adaptations in the levels of particular microRNAs to allow sustained beta cell function, and that additional microRNA deregulation negatively impacting on insulin-secreting cells may cause beta cell demise and diabetes manifestation. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: We propose that maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis or progression toward glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes may be determined by the balance between expression changes of particular microRNAs.


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To assess the role of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) in glucose homeostasis, we investigated glucose metabolism in knockout mice deficient of this receptor subtype (alpha1b-AR-/-). Mutant mice had normal blood glucose and insulin levels, but elevated leptin concentrations in the fed state. During the transition to fasting, glucose and insulin blood concentrations remained markedly elevated for at least 6 h and returned to control levels after 24 h whereas leptin levels remained high at all times. Hyperinsulinemia in the post-absorptive phase was normalized by atropine or methylatropine indicating an elevated parasympathetic activity on the pancreatic beta cells, which was associated with increased levels of hypothalamic NPY mRNA. Euglycemic clamps at both low and high insulin infusion rates revealed whole body insulin resistance with reduced muscle glycogen synthesis and impaired suppression of endogenous glucose production at the low insulin infusion rate. The liver glycogen stores were 2-fold higher in the fed state in the alpha1b-AR-/- compared with control mice, but were mobilized at the same rate during the fed to fast transition or following glucagon injections. Finally, high fat feeding for one month increased glucose intolerance and body weight in the alpha1b-AR-/-, but not in control mice. Altogether, our results indicate that in the absence of the alpha1b-AR the expression of hypotalamic NPY and the parasympathetic nervous activity are both increased resulting in hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance as well as favoring obesity and glucose intolerance development during high fat feeding.


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CONTEXT: New trial data and drug regimens that have become available in the last 2 years warrant an update to guidelines for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults in resource-rich settings. OBJECTIVE: To provide current recommendations for the treatment of adult HIV infection with ART and use of laboratory-monitoring tools. Guidelines include when to start therapy and with what drugs, monitoring for response and toxic effects, special considerations in therapy, and managing antiretroviral failure. DATA SOURCES, STUDY SELECTION, AND DATA EXTRACTION: Data that had been published or presented in abstract form at scientific conferences in the past 2 years were systematically searched and reviewed by an International Antiviral Society-USA panel. The panel reviewed available evidence and formed recommendations by full panel consensus. DATA SYNTHESIS: Treatment is recommended for all adults with HIV infection; the strength of the recommendation and the quality of the evidence increase with decreasing CD4 cell count and the presence of certain concurrent conditions. Recommended initial regimens include 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (tenofovir/emtricitabine or abacavir/lamivudine) plus a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (efavirenz), a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (atazanavir or darunavir), or an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (raltegravir). Alternatives in each class are recommended for patients with or at risk of certain concurrent conditions. CD4 cell count and HIV-1 RNA level should be monitored, as should engagement in care, ART adherence, HIV drug resistance, and quality-of-care indicators. Reasons for regimen switching include virologic, immunologic, or clinical failure and drug toxicity or intolerance. Confirmed treatment failure should be addressed promptly and multiple factors considered. CONCLUSION: New recommendations for HIV patient care include offering ART to all patients regardless of CD4 cell count, changes in therapeutic options, and modifications in the timing and choice of ART in the setting of opportunistic illnesses such as cryptococcal disease and tuberculosis.


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Background: A nti-TNF d rugs (Infliximab (IFX), Adalimumab (ADA), Certolizumab pegol (CZP)) are effective in inducing and maintaining response a nd remission in i nflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Insufficient response or side effects may lead to a switch o f the anti-TNF d rug. W e aimed to e valuate the frequency and reasons for anti-TNF switches. Methods: Analysis of data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort (SIBDCS). Eighty percent of included patients were recruited in hospitals and 20% from private practice. Results: From 2,058 patients ( 1,172 with Crohn's disease (CD), 842 with ulcerative colitis (UC) and 44 with indeterminate colitis (IC)), 772 received at least one anti-TNF. Forty-eight % of patients w ith CD, 23% with U C, a nd 30% with IC w ere ever treated with an anti-TNF drug. There was no gender difference with respect to the frequency of a nti-TNF treatment. A total of 584 patients (76%) were treated with one, 142 (18%) with two, and 46 (6%) with three anti-TNF (of which 32 were female). A total of 89% patients were treated with IFX, 28% ADA and 13% with CZP. Overall response rate (defined as drop in CDAI >100 points) to anti-TNF was 50%, with best response rates for the first used anti-TNF. Reasons t o switch t he anti-TNF w ere in 11% a primary non-response, in 38% a loss of response and in 36% anti-TNF s ide effects o r intolerance ( reasons for 15% of treatment failures not documented). Conclusion: A nti-TNF d rugs were used in h alf of the CD patients a nd in o ne quarter of U C patients. Anti-TNF d rug switch d ue to insufficient response a nd/or side effects w as necessary in one quarter of IBD patients. IFX was mainly used as first-line therapy. Best response rates were observed for the first used anti-TNF. Following analyses will identify risk median treatment duration as well as risk factors for anti-TNF switch.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility and efficacy of subcutaneous amifostine therapy in patients with head and neck cancer treated with curative accelerated radiotherapy (RT). DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. PATIENTS: Thirty-three consecutive patients (male-female ratio, 4.5; median age, 54 years [age range, 39-76 years]). INTERVENTIONS: Between November 2000 and January 2003, the 33 patients were treated with curative definitive (n = 19) or postoperative (n = 14) RT with (n = 26) or without (n = 7) chemotherapy. All patients received conformal RT. Fractionation schedule consisted of concomitant-boost (Friday afternoon session) accelerated RT using 70 Gy (2 Gy per fraction) in 6 weeks in patients treated with definitive RT and 66 Gy (2 Gy per fraction) in 5 weeks and 3 days in the postoperative setting. Parotid glands received at least 50 Gy in all patients. Amifostine was administered to a total dose of 500 mg subcutaneously, 15 to 30 minutes before morning RT sessions. RESULTS: All patients received their planned treatment (including chemotherapy). Ten patients received the full schedule of amifostine (at least 25 injections), 9 received 20 to 24 doses, 4 received 10 to 19 doses, 5 received 5 to 9 doses, and 5 received fewer than 5 doses. Fifteen patients (45%) did not show any intolerance related to amifostine use. Amifostine therapy was discontinued because of nausea in 11 patients (33%) and hypotension in 6 patients (18%), and 1 patient refused treatment. No grade 3, amifostine-related, cutaneous toxic effects were observed. Radiotherapy-induced grade 3 acute toxic effects included mucositis in 14 patients (42%), erythema in 14 patients (42%), and dysphagia in 13 patients (39%). Late toxic effects included grade 2 or more xerostomia in 17 patients (51%) and fibrosis in 3 patients (9%). Grade 2 or more xerostomia was observed in 8 (42%) of 19 patients receiving 20 injections or more vs 9 (64%) of 14 patients receiving fewer than 20 injections (P = .15). CONCLUSIONS: Subcutaneous amifostine administration in combination with accelerated concomitant-boost RT with or without chemotherapy is feasible. The major adverse effect of subcutaneous administration was nausea despite prophylactic antiemetic medication, and hypotension was observed in only 6 patients (18%).


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BACKGROUND: Chronic mountain sickness (CMS) is a major public health problem in mountainous regions of the world. In its more advanced stages, exercise intolerance is often found, but the underlying mechanism is not known. Recent evidence indicates that exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension is markedly exaggerated in CMS. We speculated that this problem may cause pulmonary fluid accumulation and aggravate hypoxemia during exercise. METHODS: We assessed extravascular lung water (chest ultrasonography), pulmonary artery pressure, and left ventricular function in 15 patients with CMS and 20 control subjects at rest and during exercise at 3,600 m. RESULTS: Exercise at high altitude rapidly induced pulmonary interstitial fluid accumulation in all patients but one (14 of 15) with CMS and further aggravated the preexisting hypoxemia. In contrast, in healthy high-altitude dwellers exercise did not induce fluid accumulation in the majority of subjects (16 of 20) (P = .002 vs CMS) and did not alter arterial oxygenation. Exercise-induced pulmonary interstitial fluid accumulation and hypoxemia in patients with CMS was accompanied by a more than two times larger increase of pulmonary artery pressure than in control subjects (P < .001), but no evidence of left ventricular dysfunction. Oxygen inhalation markedly attenuated the exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension (P < .01) and interstitial fluid accumulation (P < .05) in patients with CMS but had no detectable effects in control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, these findings provide the first direct evidence that exercise induces rapid interstitial lung fluid accumulation and hypoxemia in patients with CMS that appear to be related to exaggerated pulmonary hypertension. We suggest that this problem contributes to exercise intolerance in patients with CMS. TRIAL REGISTRY: ClinicalTrials.gov; No.: NCT01182792; URL: www.clinicaltrials.gov.


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Fifty-eight infants and children with a severe subglottic stenosis underwent a partial cricotracheal resection with primary thyrotracheal anastomosis. There were 2 grade II, 40 grade III, and 16 grade IV stenoses according to the Myer-Cotton classification. A 100% subglottic lumen was formed in 34 cases and a better than 80% lumen in 23 cases. Fifty-four of the 58 (93%) patients are presently decannulated; one patient sustained a complete restenosis and three patients with a better than 80% subglottic airway still await decannulation for the following reasons: severe tracheomalacia, bilateral cricoarytenoïd joint fixation and laryngeal malformation with fusion of the vocal cords in each case respectively. Forty-four patients have no exercise intolerance, 8 live fully normally but present a slight exertional dyspnea, one patient with a laryngeal malformation is decannulated but suffers from a severe exertional dyspnea, and 4 patients are still not decannulated. The voice is normal in 20 cases, a slight dysphonia is present in 17, a moderate to severe dysphonia in another 17 and 4 patients are still not decannulated.


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BACKGROUND: The provision of sufficient basal insulin to normalize fasting plasma glucose levels may reduce cardiovascular events, but such a possibility has not been formally tested. METHODS: We randomly assigned 12,537 people (mean age, 63.5 years) with cardiovascular risk factors plus impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or type 2 diabetes to receive insulin glargine (with a target fasting blood glucose level of ≤95 mg per deciliter [5.3 mmol per liter]) or standard care and to receive n-3 fatty acids or placebo with the use of a 2-by-2 factorial design. The results of the comparison between insulin glargine and standard care are reported here. The coprimary outcomes were nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes and these events plus revascularization or hospitalization for heart failure. Microvascular outcomes, incident diabetes, hypoglycemia, weight, and cancers were also compared between groups. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 6.2 years (interquartile range, 5.8 to 6.7). Rates of incident cardiovascular outcomes were similar in the insulin-glargine and standard-care groups: 2.94 and 2.85 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the first coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94 to 1.11; P=0.63) and 5.52 and 5.28 per 100 person-years, respectively, for the second coprimary outcome (hazard ratio, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.97 to 1.11; P=0.27). New diabetes was diagnosed approximately 3 months after therapy was stopped among 30% versus 35% of 1456 participants without baseline diabetes (odds ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.64 to 1.00; P=0.05). Rates of severe hypoglycemia were 1.00 versus 0.31 per 100 person-years. Median weight increased by 1.6 kg in the insulin-glargine group and fell by 0.5 kg in the standard-care group. There was no significant difference in cancers (hazard ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.88 to 1.13; P=0.97). CONCLUSIONS: When used to target normal fasting plasma glucose levels for more than 6 years, insulin glargine had a neutral effect on cardiovascular outcomes and cancers. Although it reduced new-onset diabetes, insulin glargine also increased hypoglycemia and modestly increased weight. (Funded by Sanofi; ORIGIN ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00069784.).


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Celiac disease (CD) is a common autoimmune disorder characterized by an immune response to ingested gluten and has a strong HLA association with HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 molecules, but human HLA-DQ risk factors do not explain the entire genetic susceptibility to gluten intolerance. CD is caused by the lack of immune tolerance (oral tolerance) to wheat gluten. In this sense, the expression of soluble HLA-G in CD is of special interest because the molecule plays an important role in the induction of immune tolerance. The enhanced expression of soluble HLA-G found in CD may be part of a mechanism to restore the gluten intolerance. In this editorial, we review recent progress in understanding CD in relation to its prevalence, diagnosis and possible mechanisms of pathogenesis.


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BACKGROUND. Maternal genetics and feeding before and during pregnancy, different maternal metabolic pathologies, as well as nutrient intakes of newborns in their first months of life may be involved in the obesity aetiology and its long-term consequences. The possible role of these and others factors, the mechanisms and the effects on the metabolism, and the development of this disease need further research. OBJECTIVE. To acquire more knowledge about foetal adipose tissue development and the influence of genetic, dietetic and environmental factors on the risk to suffer from obesity. METHODOLOGY. Four study groups have been established with 30 pregnant women in each one: 1) control group; 2) mothers with glucose intolerance/gestational diabetes; 3) women with low weight gain during pregnancy, and 4) women with overweight/obesity at the beginning of the pregnancy. The magnitudes to be studied are: 1) dietary intake; 2) life-style habits; 3) physical activity; 4) anthropometry and body composition; 5) haematological study; 6) biochemical study (lipid and metabolic biomarkers); 7) immune function profile related to nutritional status; 8) psychological profile; 9) genetic biomarkers, and 10) microbiological markers; all of them in relation to the development of the foetal adipose tissue in the first stages of life and the risk of suffering from obesity in the future. CONCLUSION. This project, coordinated by the Department of Paediatrics of the School of Medicine in the University of Granada, and with the collaboration of well-known and expert research groups, tries to contribute to the knowledge about the obesity aetiology in infancy and its subsequent development in later periods of life.


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This essay examines the role of melodrama in the American war film, focusing on three post-WWII examples. The main argument centers on the natural alliance between melodrama and militarism based on a shared intolerance for the notion of death as meaningless and in vain. Both melodrama and military ideology employ elaborate rhetorical and narrative strategies to enfold deaths into larger systems of meaning, such as the nation, or in more personal terms, as a rite of passage. One of the most common narrative devices present in the military melodrama is the death that converts survivors to the values of the virtuous victim. The essay examines the shared conventions and different strategies of the following three films: Sands of Iwo Jima (1949), Platoon (1986), and Top Gun (1986).


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The prevalence of anemia across studies on patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is high (30%). Both iron deficiency (ID) and anemia of chronic disease contribute most to the development of anemia in IBD. The prevalence of ID is even higher (45%). Anemia and ID negatively impact the patient's quality of life. Therefore, together with an adequate control of disease activity, iron replacement therapy should start as soon as anemia or ID is detected to attain a normal hemoglobin (Hb) and iron status. Many patients will respond to oral iron, but compliance may be poor, whereas intravenous (i.v.) compounds are safe, provide a faster Hb increase and iron store repletion, and presents a lower rate of treatment discontinuation. Absolute indications for i.v. iron treatment should include severe anemia, intolerance or inappropriate response to oral iron, severe intestinal disease activity, or use of an erythropoietic stimulating agent. Four different products are principally used in clinical practice, which differ in their pharmacokinetic properties and safety profiles: iron gluconate and iron sucrose (lower single doses), and iron dextran and ferric carboxymaltose (higher single doses). After the initial resolution of anemia and the repletion of iron stores, the patient's hematological and iron parameters should be carefully and periodically monitored, and maintenance iron treatment should be provided as required. New i.v. preparations that allow for giving 1000-1500 mg in a single session, thus facilitating patient management, provide an excellent tool to prevent or treat anemia and ID in this patient population, which in turn avoids allogeneic blood transfusion and improves their quality of life.