853 resultados para In prison gross
A large part of the work done by women is not counted in the gross national product (GDP) of nations. Which type of work are we referring to? Unpaid work; also commonly called domestic work. Because all the services produced by households for their own consumption are not subject to monetary exchange, they are excluded from de production boundary defined by the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA). In doing so, this key statistics, inspired by the Keynesian school of thoughts, shows an accepted iniquity in the quantification of the product since women’s productive contribution within the households is not taken into account. In other words, national accounts are not gender neutral. In fact, this breach of a fundamental ethical rule which is equity towards gender inequalities is just the reflection of a social conception that prevails within the SNA since its creation, namely that domestic work is not considered as work. It is therefore essential to quantify women’s unpaid work, a concern that has long been the preserve of feminist activists even though; this should go beyond feminists considerations. This article shows how the issue of measuring unpaid work on a broader prospective is relevant on both ethical and economic fronts. The recognition of this production factor as a macroeconomic variable is indeed fundamental to get a more complete understanding and assessment of the economy. Valorization of unpaid work would also allow women to claim better retribution, or at least, to expect an effective social recognition of their actions and efforts and in the end would contribute to the establishment of greater social justice.
Dans cette recherche, je me penche sur les activités de pastorale d’un centre de détention pour femmes du Québec. En me basant sur des observations participantes réalisées dans la chapelle catholique de l’établissement, j’étudie les interactions qui composent les activités religieuses : les gestes, les paroles et les comportements qui ont lieu avant, pendant et après les représentations. En m’inspirant de l’approche dramaturgique d’Erving Goffman, je reconstruis dans un premier temps le déroulement des activités de pastorale de la prison. Ainsi, je décris ce que les acteurs disent et font en situation, à travers les séquences d’actions qu’ils construisent mutuellement. Dans ce processus de reconstruction des activités religieuses, je remarque la présence d’« incidents », c’est-à-dire de gestes et de paroles qui, se manifestant avec récurrence, ralentissent leur cadence. Je tente donc, dans un deuxième temps, de comprendre et d’expliquer la récurrence des « incidents ». L’étude de ces derniers permet de réfléchir 1) au caractère total de l’institution dans laquelle ils prennent forme, 2) à la culture des participantes qui les occasionnent ainsi qu’à 3) la structure des activités au sein desquels ils émergent. En rendant compte des situations observées et en analysant leurs interactions, cette recherche permet une meilleure compréhension des activités religieuses « en train de se faire » en milieu carcéral sans omettre un regard sur son contenu et sur la façon dont elle se concrétise en situation.
Background: An important challenge in conducting social research of specific relevance to harm reduction programs is locating hidden populations of consumers of substances like cannabis who typically report few adverse or unwanted consequences of their use. Much of the deviant, pathologized perception of drug users is historically derived from, and empirically supported, by a research emphasis on gaining ready access to users in drug treatment or in prison populations with higher incidence of problems of dependence and misuse. Because they are less visible, responsible recreational users of illicit drugs have been more difficult to study. Methods: This article investigates Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) as a method of recruiting experienced marijuana users representative of users in the general population. Based on sampling conducted in a multi-city study (Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver), and compared to samples gathered using other research methods, we assess the strengths and weaknesses of RDS recruitment as a means of gaining access to illicit substance users who experience few harmful consequences of their use. Demographic characteristics of the sample in Toronto are compared with those of users in a recent household survey and a pilot study of Toronto where the latter utilized nonrandom self-selection of respondents. Results: A modified approach to RDS was necessary to attain the target sample size in all four cities (i.e., 40 'users' from each site). The final sample in Toronto was largely similar, however, to marijuana users in a random household survey that was carried out in the same city. Whereas well-educated, married, whites and females in the survey were all somewhat overrepresented, the two samples, overall, were more alike than different with respect to economic status and employment. Furthermore, comparison with a self-selected sample suggests that (even modified) RDS recruitment is a cost-effective way of gathering respondents who are more representative of users in the general population than nonrandom methods of recruitment ordinarily produce. Conclusions: Research on marijuana use, and other forms of drug use hidden in the general population of adults, is important for informing and extending harm reduction beyond its current emphasis on 'at-risk' populations. Expanding harm reduction in a normalizing context, through innovative research on users often overlooked, further challenges assumptions about reducing harm through prohibition of drug use and urges consideration of alternative policies such as decriminalization and legal regulation.
Bon nombre de consommateurs de substances psychoactives se retrouvent dans les institutions carcérales québécoises et canadiennes. Or, leur consommation ne s'arrête pas nécessairement avec l'incarcération. Les taux de prévalence de consommation en prison et en pénitencier en témoignent. Aux prises avec les méfaits qui y sont associés (propagation des maladies virales, intoxication, etc.), les autorités pénitentiaires et de santé publique sont priées de trouver une réponse appropriée. En communauté, les pratiques de réduction des méfaits ont déjà démontré des résultats positifs au-delà de l'amélioration des comportements à risque. Toutefois, est-il possible d'adopter, dans un contexte carcéral, une approche visant à atténuer les méfaits associés à la consommation de drogue plutôt que de prôner l'abstinence totale de toute drogue? Cet article tente une réponse à cette question en se basant sur un bref survol international des mesures adoptées en prison, mais plus spécifiquement en analysant celles entérinées à l'intérieur des murs québécois et canadiens. Il en ressort qu'une concertation entre les différentes instances correctionnelles, judiciaires et de santé publique s'avère essentielle dans l'adoption de mesures de réduction des méfaits et que doivent s'arrimer les soins prépost et carcéraux. / Many consumers of psychoactive substances are found in Quebec's and Canada's prisons. However, their consumptions do not necessarily stop with the imprisonment. The prevalence rates of consumption in penitentiaries institutions testifies it. The penitentiaries and the public health authorities are requested to find a suitable answer to the harms associated with the drug consumption (propagation of the viral diseases, intoxications, etc). In community, the harm reduction practices already showed positive results beyond the improvement of the consumers' risk behaviors. However, in the context of the incarceration, is it possible to adopt an approach aiming harm reduction associated with drugs consumption rather than the abstinence with any drug? While being based on a short international abstract of the measures adopted in prison, this article tries an answer specifically by analyzing those ratified inside the Québécois' and the Canadians' prisons. This study reveals that coordinates dialogues between the various correctional, legal and of public health authorities are essentials in the adoption of effective harms reduction measures. And those measures must be organized in a continuum with the pre-post and prison care.
Rapport de stage présenté à Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître (M.Sc.) en criminologie
Imprisonment is the most common method of punishment resorted to by almost all legal systems.The new theories of crime causation propounded in the latter half of the nineteenth century gave rise to the feeling that the prisons could be used as appropriate institutions for reforming the offenders. It called for individualisation of punishment.As a result of international movements for humanisation of prisons the judiciary' in tine common law countries started taking active interest in prisoner's treatment.Various studies reveal that much has been done in America to improve the lot of prisoners and to treat them as human beings.The courts there have gone to the extent of saying that there is no iron curtain between a prisoner and the constitution. Most of the rights available to citizens except those which they cannot enjoy due to the conditions of incarceration have also been granted to prisoner.In India also the judiciary has come forward to protect the rights of the prisoners.Maneka Gandhi is a turning point in prisoner's rights.The repeated intervention of courts in prison administration project the view that prisoners have been denied the basic human rights.The High Courts and the Supreme Court of India have been gradually exercising jurisdiction ixl assuming prison justice, including improving the quality of food and amenities, payment of wages and appropriate standards of medical care. Access to courts must be made easier to the aggrieved prisoners.The government should come forward along with some public spirited citizens and voluntary organisations to form a "discharged prisoner“ aid society. The society should exploit opportunities for rehabilitation of prisoners after their release.Most of the prison buildings in the State of Kerala are ill-equipped, ill furnished and without proper ventilation or sanitation and with insufficient water supply arrangements.In India prisoners and prisons today are governed by the old central legislations like Prisons Act l894 Prisoners Act 1900 and the Transfer of Prisoners Act 1950.
Programa piloto de radio que expone lo que puede llegar a significar para una mujer, estar en prisión; el programa mezcla tres historias de vida de mujeres recluidas en la cárcel Buen Pastor de Bogotá con el análisis propio de dos expertos en el tema.
Desde el año 2007 se ha venido presentando un crecimiento progresivo en Colombia, donde la participación del comercio exterior en el PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) ha aumentado, según cifras del Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP). En contraste a esto, Colombia últimamente se ha caracterizado por presentar falencias en su desempeño logístico, las cuales se ven reflejadas en el LPI (Logistics Performance Index), una herramienta desarrollada por el Banco Mundial que mide el desempeño de la cadena de suministro de un país. El Gobierno y sus ministerios han velado por mejorar la competitividad del país, y advierten una serie de tratados y acuerdos internacionales que facilitarán el intercambio de productos junto con el fortalecimiento de la industria; a lo cual, las empresas colombianas deberán encaminar sus esfuerzos y al interior de la organización deberán tomar partida en cuanto a la capacitación del personal en temas logísticos, la administración de los costos y la eficiencia en los procesos. Así pues, mediante la realización de un estudio de la percepción que tienen los empresarios actuales en materia de logística, donde se evalúan distintas variables relacionadas con la administración de la cadena de suministro; se podrá entender holísticamente la problemática del sector, específicamente de los sectores agrícola y textil: dos sectores influyentes en el PIB nacional, generadores de empleo y con una gran cantidad de empresas asociadas. Igualmente, proponer medidas de mejora cercanas a la realidad, que contribuyan con el buen desempeño de las empresas en todo el curso de su cadena de suministro, con actividades involucradas como la planeación, las compras, el abastecimiento, las operaciones, la producción, el almacenamiento, los despachos y la distribución. Finalmente, se logrará tener un acercamiento al perfil logístico que deberán tener estas empresas en el marco de la competitividad, contando con herramientas que de una u otra manera permitan a los empresarios la toma de decisiones acertadas en pro de la organización y sus partes interesadas.
El sistema penitenciario y carcelario en Colombia atraviesa por una crisis de hacinamiento sin precedentes. El sobrecupo en los establecimientos de reclusión y los deficientes servicios de salud, alimentación e higiene dificultan la habitabilidad de los internos en prisión y atenta contra los derechos fundamentales y los Derechos Humanos de los condenados. La resocialización, mediante el Plan de Acción y Sistema de oportunidades (PASO), presenta múltiples dificultades para su realización en el Complejo Penitenciario y Carcelario (COMEB) – La Picota; por lo que esta investigación tiene como propósito analizar las condiciones y oportunidades que ofrece este establecimiento para un tratamiento penitenciario digno durante el periodo 2004-2013, y establecer recomendaciones para su mejoramiento.
Este trabalho de investigação consiste num estudo empírico sobre uma nova ciência - a Biblioterapia, e a situação mais específica, a sua aplicação em contexto prisional. Para alcançar este objetivo formulámos a seguinte hipótese: “o livro exerce sobre as pessoas em geral e, de uma forma mais particular, sobre indivíduos em contexto de detenção institucional uma função terapêutica”. A metodologia adotada para esta investigação assenta essencialmente em fontes documentais textuais e digitais, sobre autores especialistas na matéria, que de uma forma mais precisa se identificam e citam especificamente no capítulo referente à revisão da literatura. Para atingir o nosso propósito começámos por definir os conceitos de leitura, de leitura terapêutica, de fenomenologia da linguagem, de terapia e de diálogo assim como procurámos saber quais os fundamentos filosóficos e os componentes biblioterapêuticos, público-alvo e áreas com maiores potencialidades de aplicação, benefícios e limitações que norteiam à aplicação da Biblioterapia, nomeadamente, para fins de desenvolvimento pessoal e de alterações comportamentais. Fez-se igualmente uma análise da evolução do conceito, desde Aristóteles até aos nossos dias. Só com o conhecimento efetivo desta realidade seria possível prosseguir o nosso objeto de estudo. Entendemos ainda ser importante perceber qual é a situação da leitura em Portugal e as políticas desenvolvidas nesta área pelo Estado, para promover a leitura junto dos estudantes e da população em geral. Apenas assente nestas duas realidades que se entrecruzam, no processo de leitor/livro é possível identificar e relacionar esta problemática em estudo. Constatamos a existência de dois tipos de Biblioterapia, a Biblioterapia-arte e a Biblioterapia-ciência, identificando algumas das suas características, principalmente o que as aproxima e o que as separa. Apresentamos um exemplo de uma área reconhecidamente bem sucedida na aplicação da Biblioterapia não-clínica, em instituições prisionais, efetuando uma abordagem às questões mais pertinentes neste campo: os seus aspetos institucionais, os psicossociais e os de reinserção social. Considerámos ainda as recomendações da IFLA para este setor populacional – Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners. Ao longo do trabalho e de uma forma transversal realçamos as interrelações biblioterapêuticas entre pacientes, bibliotecários e outros intervenientes no processo biblioterapêutico, tais como médicos e orientadores de leitura. Finalizamos o trabalho concluindo que a prática de leitura de temas específicos, em qualquer campo de atuação e sob orientação de um elemento profissional com conhecimentos aprofundados tanto em relação às personalidades e problemas dos destinatários como aos materiais que tem à sua disposição – o livro, em sentido lato - pode efetivamente desencadear benefícios terapêuticos nos leitores.
In looking at Wilde and the prison, scholarship has understandably focussed on the lengthy and complex De Profundis, and how the prison experience confirmed or re-shaped Wilde as a writer and thinker. Wilde himself claimed to have been saved by the ‘others’ that he encountered in prison, and these ‘others’ have received scant attention. Who were they? How does a greater knowledge of them supplement our sense of the nineteenth-century prison and of Wilde? This essay looks closely at the Reading Gaol archive, tracing out the lives of some of those with whom Wilde was incarcerated and providing analyses of the prison population in Reading while Wilde was there. Aside from yielding the only known photographs of any of the young working-class men in whom Wilde took an interest, the essay seeks to build a more nuanced reading of Wilde's experience. Above all, the aim is to open out the meanings of the Wilde myth, and, in particular, to offer a more socially inclusive version.
Intresset för kriminalitet och individerna bakom de kriminella handlingarna ökar i samhället och återges i media dagligen. Det är just individen bakom brottet, hen som fängslas och får avtjäna sitt straff som denna studie riktar sitt fokus på. När fängelsegrindarna öppnas och återinträdet till samhället blir ett faktum; Hur tar då dessa individer sig tillbaka till samhället för att åter bli en del av det? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka återanpassningsstrategier som frigivna använder sig av samt hur samhällets bemötande påverkar strategierna. Studien baseras på självbiografier skrivna av fyra författare som alla levt ett kriminellt liv och som sedermera avtjänat ett eller flera fängelsestraff. Resultatet visar att det finns flera anpassningsstrategier som tas i bruk. Däribland att söka hjälp och stöd hos familj, vänner eller andra sociala grupper. Vidare återfinns det i strävan efter en ”ny identitet” vilket ofta sker med hjälp av tro. Att sysselsätta sig, ge något tillbaka till samhället, visa sin kreativitet i syfte att återfå sin kredibilitet kan ses som strategier som leder fram till det slutliga målet, kredibiliteten. Slutligen kunde ett samband mellan samhällets bemötande och återanpassningsstrategierna utrönas. Ju mer negativt bemötandet är desto fler återanpassningsstrategier behövs och arbetet för att uppnå dem blir mer krävande. Givet blir då att ett bemötande som fyllts av uppmuntran till individens förändring medför att färre strategier behövs och risken för återfall blir mindre.
The progress of a nation is closely linked to the energy supply that it has to develop its economic capabilities. The dependence of contemporary society for energy requires the continued expansion of the use of renewable energy, and implies coordinated action of the Democratic State in the delimitation of the best ways to make full use of energy. In periods of rapid development, countries need an increment of energy supplies superior to those of periods of regular economic growth. Energy demand generated by the condition of Brazil as an emerging country reveals the need for orderly expansion of energy supply. In reverse, lack of energy planning effectively paralyzes a country and generates incalculable losses in national socioeconomic development. The Brazilian Constitution abandoned the notion of development tied to the simple increase in the gross domestic product. The respect for the environment, sovereignty, national development, and especially the constant and growing supply of energy, promotes the advancement of national economic agents, and quenches the simple accounting increase in energy supply. Constitutional principles condition the rational use of energy potentials, in ensuring adequate supply of energy for the entire national territory. The Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, through its agencies, government offices and companies, establishes and formulates policies and guidelines for energy in Brazil, playing an important role in national energy planning. National development is enhanced by the good performance of the state agencies responsible for planning the energy sector
The gradual increase of violence in Brazilian society has being resulting in a growing of the prison population over last years, as well as the proportion of women than men. The participation of women in crime and responsibilities within her family makes this phenomenon a growing social problem. Women prisoners are mostly young, in reproductive age, making pregnancy a recurrent situation while they are serving a sentence. The studies about female criminality are poor and not helpful about its real dimension, especially when targeted to women who experienced pregnancy in this environment. Given these considerations, this research had as its object of study the experience of women in prison during pregnancy: analyze the experience of women in prison during the gestational period. This is a descriptive and qualitative study. The data were sourced through a semi-structured interview with nine incarcerated women, between August and September 2011, who met the inclusion criteria previously established, and organized according to the precepts of content analysis according to Bardin. Through this coding and classification process became a central thematic: the experience of women in prison during pregnancy, resulting in three categories: category 1 interpersonal relationships; category 2 - feelings that permeate the pregnant woman in prison; and category 3 absence of health care to incarcerated pregnant. The data were analyzed according to the available literature and the study revealed that interpersonal relationships, maintained by these women in prison, were marked by distance from family members, primarily due to socioeconomic factors, being a challenge for addressing of pregnancy in prison and reports of abuse of power by employees working in the institution. The women, who experience pregnancy in prison are more likely to experience feelings of worry, doubts, sadness and fear for baby s health due to lack of antenatal care and about the prison environment structure to meet your needs. The health care aimed at these women is poor and often does not occur, endangering the baby s life and his own mother, this is being a troubling reality in public health system. Finally, it is expected that this study can give visibility to an issue rarely discussed in the literature and contribute to the construction of specific public policies for this reality, in order to minimize the effects of incarceration during pregnancy
The theme of this work is the study of marginal territories of the Cidade do Príncipe, sketch in time than today is constituted as the city of Caicó/RN, with the time frame the years 1880 to 1900. Our goal is to investigate the construction of these territories from multiple speech subjects practitioners of the city. Thus, we propose to discover the mapping of the deviation in the city in question, as they were drawn, those who experienced and through which practices. Investigate the construction of these spaces from the speeches, and fill a historiographical gap, allows to find stories sharp, silenced or ignored, abortions and madness in prison, repressed passions and avenged. To meet these spaces the sources are diverse, such as the newspaper O Povo, the Codes of posture, the Reports of Presidents and Heads of Provincial Police and process-crime. Regarding the methodological aspects of research, we decided by discourse analysis, discourse here conceived not only as what is said about someone or something, but as a set of statements circulating at any given time in society, articulating speech, intentions, actions and thought. The city is then considered from their territories, imagined as a space configured in/by the relations power that the dispute, but also as a space for experiences multiple, different feelings, place and non-place, the discipline and mockery, of power and resistance.