966 resultados para Impurities in electrolytic cell
Abstract We report here the long-term outcome of autologous stem cell transplant in peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL). Forty-three consecutive patients with PTCL diagnosed between 2000 and 2011 were treated with high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) and autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) in our center. Diagnoses included PTCL-not otherwise specified (n = 19), anaplastic large cell lymphoma (n = 11), angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (n = 5), enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma (n = 5) and other rare subtypes (n = 3). Thirty-six patients with a median age of 50 years (range 22-65) were transplanted in first response and seven after relapse. After a median follow-up of 63 months, estimated overall survival at 12 years was 40%, progression-free survival at 12 years was 34% and event-free survival at 12 years was 30%. On univariate analysis, age less than 50 years and no B symptoms at diagnosis were significantly associated with prolonged overall and progression-free-survival. HDCT/ASCT for peripheral T-cell lymphoma can lead to long-term survival for patients responding to induction chemotherapy.
In adult, bone remodeling is a permanent process, reaching an annual turnover of about 10% of the skeleton. Bone remodeling requires the sequential and coordinated actions of the hematopoietic origin osteoclasts, to remove bone and the mesenchymal origin osteoblasts to replace it. An increased level of bone resorption is the primary cause of age-related bone loss often resulting in osteopenia, and is the major cause of osteoporosis.¦Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which are expressed in three isotypes, PPARa, PPARp and PPARy, are ligand-activated transcription factors that control many cellular and metabolic processes, more particularly linked to lipid metabolism. In bone, previous works has shown that PPARy inhibits osteogenesis by favoring adipogenesis from common mesenchymal progenitors. In addition, the pro-osteoclastogenesis activity of PPARy results in an increased bone resorption. Accordingly, treatment with PPARy agonist such as the anti-diabetic drug TZD causes bone loss and accumulation of marrow adiposity in mice as well as in postmenopausal women. The aim of the present thesis work was to elucidate the PPARs functions in bone physiology.¦The initial characterization of the PPARP" bone phenotype mainly revealed a decreased BMD. In vitro studies exploring the potency of mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate in osteoblast showed no differences depending on the genotype. However, we could demonstrate an effect of PPARp in partially inhibiting osteoclastogenesis. These results are further sustained by a study made in collaboration with the group of Dr Kronke, which showed an impressive protection against ovariectomy-generated bone loss when the females are treated with a PPARp agonist.¦Observations in PPARy null mice are more complex. The lab has recently been able to generate mice carrying a total deletion of PPARy. Intriguingly, the exploration of the bone phenotype of these mice revealed paradoxical findings. Whereas short bones such as vertebrae exhibit an elevated BMD as expected, long bones (tibia and femur) are clearly osteoporotic. According to their activity when set in culture, osteoblast differentiation normally occurs. Indeed the phenotype can be mainly attributed to a high density of osteoclasts in the cortical bone of PPARy null mice, associated to large bone resorption areas.¦Our explorations suggest a mechanism that involves regulatory processes linking osteoclastogenesis to adipogenesis, the latter being totally absent in PPARy null mice. Indeed, the lack of adipose tissue creates a favorable niche for osteoclastogenesis since conditioned medium made from differentiated adipocyte 3T3L1 inhibited osteoclastogenesis from both PPARy-/- and WT cells. Thus, adipokines deficiency in PPARy-/- mice contributes to de- repress osteoclastogenesis. Using specific blocking antibody, we further identified adiponectin as the major player among dozens of adipokines. Using flow cytometry assay, we explored the levels at which the osteoclastic commitment was perturbed in the bone marrow of PPARy-/- mice. Intriguingly, we observe a general decrease for hematopoietic stem cell and lineage progenitors but increased proportion of osteoclast progenitor in PPARy-/- bone marrow. The general decrease of HSC in the bone marrow is however largely compensated by an important extra-medullary hematopoeisis, taking place in the liver and in the spleen.¦These specific characteristics emphasize the key role of PPARy on a cross road of osteogenesis, adipogenesis and hematopoiesis/osteoclastogenesis. They underline the complexity of the bone marrow niche, and demonstrate the inter-dependance of different cell types in defining bone homeostasis, that may be overseen when experimental design single out pure cell populations.¦Chez l'adulte, même après la fin de la croissance, le renouvellement des os se poursuit et porte sur environ 10% de l'ensemble du squelette adulte, par année. Ce renouvellement implique à la fois des mécanismes séquentiels et coordonnés des ostéoclastes d'origine hématopoïetique, qui dégradent l'os, et des ostéoblastes d'origine mésenchymale, qui permettent la régénération de l'os. La perte en densité osseuse due à l'âge entraîne un fort niveau de résorption, conduisant souvent à une ostéopénie, elle-même cause de l'ostéoporose.¦Les trois isotypes PPAR (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, PPARa, PPARp, et PPARy) sont des récepteurs nucléaires qui contrôlent de nombreux mécanismes cellulaires et métaboliques, plus particulièrement liés au métabolisme lipidique. Au niveau osseux, des travaux précédents ont montré que PPARy inhibe l'ostéoblastogenèse en favorisant la formation d'adipocytes à partir de la cellule progénitrice commune. De plus, l'activité pro- ostéoclastogénique de PPARy induit une résorption osseuse accrue. Condormément à ces observations, les patients diabétiques traités par les thiazolidinediones qui agissent sur PPARy, ont un risque accrue d'ostéoporose liée à une perte osseuse accrue et un accroissement de l'adiposité au niveau de la moelle osseuse. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de mon travail de thèse a été d'élucider le rôle des PPAR dans la physiologie osseuse, en s'appuyant sur le phénotype des souris porteuses de mutation pour PPAR.¦La caractérisation initiale des os des souris porteuses d'une délétion de ΡΡΑΕφ a principalement révélé une diminution de la densité minérale osseuse (DMO). Alors que l'ostéogenèse n'est pas significativement altérée chez ces souris, l'ostéoclastogenèse est elle augmentée, suggérant un rôle modérateur de ce processus par ΡΡΑΕΙβ. Ces résultats sont par ailleurs soutenus par une étude menée par le groupe du Dr Krônke en collaboration avec notre groupe, et qui monte une protection très importante des souris traitées par un activateur de PPARP contre l'ostéoporose provoquée par l'ovariectomie.¦Les observations concernant PPARy donnent des résultats plus complexes. Le laboratoire a en effet été capable récemment de générer des souris portant une délétion totale de PPARy. Alors que les os courts chez ces souris présentent une augmentation de la DMO, comme attendu, les os longs sont clairement ostéoporotiques. Ce phénotype corrèle avec une densité élevée d'ostéoclastes dans l'os cortical de ces os longs. Deux processus semblent contribuer à ce phénotype. En premier lieu, nous démontrons qu'un milieu conditionné provenant de cultures de cellules 3T3-L1 différenciées en adipocytes contiennent une forte activité inhibitrice d'osteoclastogenesis. L'utilisation d'anticorps neutralisant permet d'identifier l'adiponectine comme l'un des facteurs principaux de cette inhibition. Les souris PPARy étant totalement dépourvues d'adipocytes et donc de tissu adipeux, la sécrétion locale d'adiponectine dans la moelle osseuse est donc également absente, entraînant une désinhibition de l'ostéoclastogenèse. En second lieu, des analyses par FACS révèle une proportion accrue des cellules progénitrices d'ostéoclastes dans la moelle osseuse. Cela s'accompagne par une diminution globale des cellules souches hématopoïétiques, qui est cependant largement compensée par une importante hématopoëise extra-médullaire, dans le foie comme dans la rate.¦L'ensemble de notre travail montre toute l'importance de PPARy au carrefour de l'ostéogenèse, adipogenèse, et hématopoëise/osteoclastogenèse. Il souligne la complexité de la niche que représente la moelle osseuse et démontre l'inter-dépendance des différents types cellulaires définissant l'homéostasie osseuse, complexité qui peut facilement être masqué lorsque le travail expérimental se concentre sur le comportement d'un type cellulaire donné.
The addition of nerve growth factor (2.5S NGF) to serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon greatly stimulated the developmental increase in choline acetyltransferase activity. Two other neuronal enzymes, acetylcholinesterase and glutamic acid decarboxylase, showed only slightly increased activities after NGF treatment whereas the total protein content of the cultures and the activity of 2',3'- cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase remained unchanged. The stimulation of choline acetyltransferase was dependent on the NGF media concentrations, showing a 50% maximum effect (120% increase) at approximately 3 ng/ml (10-10 M 2.5S NGF). NGF treatments during different culture periods showed that the cholinergic neurons remained responsive for at least 19 days. The continued treatment was the most effective; however, an initial treatment for only 5 days still caused a significant stimulation of choline acetyltransferase on day 19. The observed stimulation appeared to be specific to NGF. Univalent antibody fragments (Fab) against 2.5S NGF completely abolished the NGF-dependent increase in choline acetyltransferase activity, whereas Fab fragments of control IgG were ineffective. Furthermore, angiotensin II, added in high amounts to the cultures, showed no stimulatory effect. The present results suggest that certain populations of rat brain neurons are responsive to nerve growth factor.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the rate of tumor recurrence within the irradiated volume after initial low-dose irradiation of limited-stage small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), to assess the tolerance of a sequential combination of low-dose chest irradiation followed by chemotherapy, and to confirm the responsiveness of limited-stage SCLC to low-dose irradiation. METHODS AND MATERIALS: In this pilot study, 26 patients with limited-stage SCLC were treated by first-line 20-Gy thoracic irradiation followed 3 weeks later by chemotherapy (cisplatin, doxorubicin, and etoposide for six cycles). RESULTS: We present our final results with a median follow-up of surviving patients of 7 years. The response rate to this low-dose irradiation was 83%, with an overall response rate to radiochemotherapy of 96% and a median survival of 21 months. No unexpected early or late toxicity was observed. The rate of initial isolated local failure was 8%, which compares favorably with other published series using higher doses of radiochemotherapy. CONCLUSION: An initial chest irradiation of 20 Gy before chemotherapy could be sufficient to reduce the risk of local failure during the time of survival of patients with limited-stage SCLC. Potential advantages of this treatment may be the prevention of resistance mechanisms to radiotherapy induced by preliminary chemotherapy and a reduced radiation-induced toxicity.
Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are heterogeneous and uncommon malignancies characterized by an aggressive clinical course and a mostly poor outcome with current treatment strategies. The recent genome-wide molecular characterization of several entities has provided novel insights into their pathobiology and led to the identification of new biomarkers with diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic implications for PTCL patients. Cell lineage and differentiation antigens (markers of γδ or NK lineage, of cytotoxicity, of follicular helper T cells) reflect the tumour's biological behaviour, and their detection in tissue samples may refine the diagnostic and prognostic stratification of the patients. Previously unrecognized gene rearrangements are being discovered (ITK-SYK translocation, IRF4/MUM1 and DUSP22 rearrangements), and may serve as diagnostic genetic markers. Deregulated molecules within oncogenic pathways (NF-κB, Syk, PDGFRα) and immunoreactive cell-surface antigens (CD30, CD52) have been brought to the fore as potential targets for guiding the development of novel therapies.
Labile or mutation-sensitised proteins may spontaneously convert into aggregation-prone conformations that may be toxic and infectious. This hazardous behavior, which can be described as a form of "molecular criminality", can be actively counteracted in the cell by a network of molecular chaperone and proteases. Similar to law enforcement agents, molecular chaperones and proteases can specifically identify, apprehend, unfold and thus neutralize "criminal" protein conformers, allowing them to subsequently refold into harmless functional proteins. Irreversibly damaged polypeptides that have lost the ability to natively refold are preferentially degraded by highly controlled ATP-consuming proteases. Damaged proteins that escape proteasomal degradation can also be "incarcerated" into dense amyloids, "evicted" from the cell, or internally "exiled" to the lysosome to be hydrolysed and recycled. Thus, remarkable parallels exist between molecular and human forms of criminality, as well as in the cellular and social responses to various forms of crime. Yet, differences also exist: whereas programmed death is the preferred solution chosen by aged and aggregation-stressed cells, collective suicide is seldom chosen by lawless societies. Significantly, there is no cellular equivalent for the role of familial care and of education in general, which is so crucial to the proper shaping of functional persons in the society. Unlike in the cell, humanism introduces a bias against radical solutions such as capital punishment, favouring crime prevention, reeducation and social reinsertion of criminals.
Proteases control many vital aspects of humoral and cellular immune responses, including the maturation of cytokines and the killing of target cells. Recently, it has become evident that triggering of the T-cell receptor controls T-cell proliferation through proteases such as mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue 1 (MALT1) and Caspase-8 that act both as adapters and enzymes. Here, we discuss the role of these and other proteases that are relevant to the control of the T-cell response and represent interesting targets of therapeutic immunomodulation.
The activation of T cells is vital to the successful elimination of pathogens, but can also have a deleterious role in autoimmunity and transplant rejection. Various signalling pathways are triggered by the T-cell receptor; these have key roles in the control of the T-cell response and represent interesting targets for therapeutic immunomodulation. Recent findings define MALT1 (mucosa-associated-lymphoid-tissue lymphoma-translocation gene 1) as a protein with proteolytic activity that controls T-cell activation by regulating key molecules in T-cell-receptor-induced signalling pathways
Hepatic natural killer (NK) cells mediate antigen-specific contact hypersensitivity (CHS) in mice deficient in T cells and B cells. We report here that hepatic NK cells, but not splenic or naive NK cells, also developed specific memory of vaccines containing antigens from influenza, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) or human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Adoptive transfer of virus-sensitized NK cells into naive recipient mice enhanced the survival of the mice after lethal challenge with the sensitizing virus but not after lethal challenge with a different virus. NK cell memory of haptens and viruses depended on CXCR6, a chemokine receptor on hepatic NK cells that was required for the persistence of memory NK cells but not for antigen recognition. Thus, hepatic NK cells can develop adaptive immunity to structurally diverse antigens, an activity that requires NK cell-expressed CXCR6.
In patients suffering from sickle cell disease (SCD), bone is a preferred site of infection. We report the case of a five-year-and-eight-month-old black African boy with homozygous-SS disease who developed a cranial epidural abscess. This intracranial infectious complication originated from a Salmonella enteritidis osteitis of the frontal bone. Antibiotic treatment alone did not control the disease, so surgery was necessary to remove the necrotic bone and to evacuate the epidural pus. The numerous factors interfering with normal healing of a septic focus in sickle cell anemia, particularly in this previously undescribed intracranial complication, emphasize the need for a primary and early surgical treatment in similar situations.
Résumé La dérégulation de c-Myc est un événement fréquent de la transformation cellulaire. Une régulation positive de cette oncoprotéine a été démontrée dans divers mélanomes cutanés primaires et métastatiques et est associée à un pronostic défavorable (Grover et al., 1996; Zhuang et al., 2008). c-Myc est considéré comme une molécule centrale impliquée dans plusieurs processus de l'homéostasie cellulaire. En raison de sa contribution importante dans la progression tumorale, la fonction de c-Myc a été étudiée intensément. Cependant nous connaissons peu le rôle de ce facteur de transcription dans l'embryogenèse et dans la spécification tissulaire. Un déficit total de c-Myc pendant l'embryogenèse conduit à la mort embryonnaire avant 10.5 jours de gestation. Cette mort est causée par de multiples imperfections du développement touchant la taille de l'embryon, le coeur, le péricarde, le tube neural et les cellules sanguines (Davis et al., 1993; Trumpp et al., 2001). Récemment, il a été montré que la plupart de ces anomalies sont secondaires et résultent d'une insuffisance du placenta dans les embryons c-myc-/- (Dubois et al., 2008). Sachant que c-Myc est important dans la maintenance des lignées de la crête neurale (Wei et al., 2007), nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de c-Myc dans le développement des cellules pigmentaires et à leur homéostasie après la naissance. Un allèle floxé de c-myc (Trumpp et al., 2001) a été utilisé pour supprimer ce gène spécifiquement dans la lignée mélanocytaire à l'aide d'une souris transgénique Tyr::Cre (Delmas et al., 2003). L'ablation des deux allèles de c-myc dans les mélanocytes des souris c-myccKO conduit au phénotype de grisonnement des poils, observé directement après la naissance et associé à une diminution du nombre de mélanocytes dans le bulbe des follicules pileux. Les cellules pigmentaires restantes expriment les marqueurs mélanogéniques (Tyr, TRP-1, Dct and MITF) et semblent être fonctionnelles puisqu'elles peuvent produire et transférer la mélanine. De plus, la capacité de prolifération des mélanocytes déficients en c-Myc dans le bulbe des follicules pileux ne semble pas être affectée chez les nouveaux-nés. Les cellules souches mélanocytaires sont présentes, mais en nombre réduit, dans le bulge des follicules pileux à la fin de la morphogenèse chez les souris c-myccKO âgées de huit jours. Ces cellules sont maintenues sans changement durant le premier cycle pileux (vérifié à l'âge de trente jours), ce qui sous-entend que la fonction de c-Myc n'est pas nécessaire pour ce processus. Ceci explique pourquoi, en supposant que des cellules souches mélanocytaires fonctionnelles sont présentes dans la peau, nous n'observons pas de dilution de couleur de la robe liée à l'âge. Cependant, la présence de ces cellules souches mélanocytaires dans la peau c-myccKO ne suffit pas à assurer une quantité normale de mélanocytes différenciés dans le bulbe des follicules pileux. Cette population de cellules pigmentaires matures est sévèrement affectée par la suppression de c-Myc, ce qui contribue amplement au phénotype de grisonnement des poils. De plus, c-Myc paraît être important pour le développement des mélanocytes. Ainsi, le nombre de mélanoblastes diminue dans les embryons c-myccKO à partir du douzième jour de gestation. A treize jours de gestation, au stade où les mélanoblastes pénètrent dans l'épiderme et prolifèrent, les mélanoblastes déficients en c-Myc ne s'adaptent pas aux signaux de prolifération et se retrouvent en nombre réduit dans l'épiderme. Finalement, nous nous sommes intéressés, au rôle de N-Myc, un homologue proche de c-Myc, dans la lignée mélanocytaire. Nos expériences ont montré que. N-Myc était superflu pour le développement et l'homéostasie des mélanocytes, une seule copie du gène c-myc étant suffisante pour maintenir une pigmentation normale de la robe des souris c-mycc-myccKO/+~N_ myccKO/KO. Cependant, le rôle essentiel de N-Myc dans la maintenance des cellules mélanocytaires précurseurs apparaît lorsque c-Myc est absent, puisque la suppression simultanée des deux Myc résulte en une perte complète de la coloration de la robe. Ceci implique la présence d'un mécanisme compensatoire entre c- et N-Myc dans la lignée mélanocytaire, avec un rôle prédominant de c-Myc. Summary Deregulation of c-Myc is known to be a common event in cellular transformation. Upregulation of this oncoprotein was shown in a variety of primary and metastatic cutaneous melanomas and has been associated with a poor prognosis (Grover et al., 1996; Zhuang et al., 2008). c-myc is seen as a central molecule involved in many aspects of cellular homeostasis. c-Myc function has been intensively studied mostly because of its significant contribution to tumour progression. However little is known on the role of this transcription factor in embryogenesis and tissue specification. Complete loss of c-Myc during embryogenesis results in embryonic death before E10.5 due to multiple developmental defects including embryonic size, heart, pericardium, neural tube and blood cells (Davis et al., 1993; Trumpp et al., 2001). Recently it was discovered that most of these abnormalities are secondary and results of placental insufficiency in c-Myc-/- embryos (Dubois et al., 2008). Here, we focused on the role of c-Myc in pigment cell development and homeostasis after birth, knowing that c-Myc is important in the maintenance of neural crest lineages (Wei et al., 2007). A floxed allele of c-Myc (Trumpp et al., 2001) was used to specifically delete this gene in the melanocyte lineage using Tyr::Cre transgenic mice (Delmas et al., 2003). Removal of both c-Myc alleles in melanocytes of c-MyccKO mouse led to the grey hair phenotype which is seen directly after birth and was associated with a decrease in the melanocyte number in the bulb of the hair follicle. The remaining population of pigment cells express melanogenic markers (Tyr, TRP-1, Dct and MITF) and seem functionally normal since they can produce and transfer melanin. Furthermore proliferation capacity of c-Myc deficient melanocytes in the bulb of hair follicle seems not to be affected in newborn animals. Melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) are present but reduced in numbers in the bulge of the hair follicle at the end of morphogenesis in 8 days old c-MyccKO mice. These cells are maintained through the first hair cycle (as verified at P30) without any further changes, suggesting that c-Myc function is not required for this process. This explains why we did not detect any agerelated coat color dilution, assuming a presence of functional MSCs in the skin. Importantly, presence of MSCs in c-MyccKO skin was not sufficient for assuring a normal number of differentiated melanocytes in the bulb of the hair follicle. This population of mature pigmented cells is severely affected upon c-myc deletion thus largely contributing to the grey hair phenotype. Moreover, c-Myc appears to be important for melanocyte development. Thus, melanoblast number is affected in c-MyccKO embryos day 12 of gestation onwards. At E13.5, when melanoblasts enter the epidermis and proliferate, c-myc deficient melanoblasts failed to adapt to proliferation signals and are therefore reduced in number in the epidermis. Finally, we addressed the role of N-Myc, a closest homologue of c-Myc, in the melanocyte lineage. In these experiments, N-Myc was dispensable for melanocyte development and homeostasis, and even one copy of the c-myc gene was sufficient to maintain normal coat color pigmentation in c-mycc-mycCKO/+ ,N-myccKO/KO mice. However the crucial role of N-Myc in maintenance of melanocyte precursor cells became apparent when c-myc is eliminated since simultaneous deletion of both Myc results in complete loss of coat color pigmentation. This suggests compensatory mechanisms between c- and N-Myc with a predominant role of c-Myc in melanocyte lineage.
SummarySecondary lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes or spleen, are the only places in our body where primary adaptive immune responses are efficiently elicited. These organs have distinct Β and Τ cell rich zones and Τ lymphocytes constantly migrate from the bloodstream into Τ zones to scan dendritic cells (DCs) for antigens they present. Specialized fibroblasts, the Τ zone reticular cells (HR.Cs), span the Τ zone in the form a three-dimensional network. lK.Cs guide incoming Τ cells in their migration, both chemically, by the secretion of the chemokines CCL19 and CCL21, and physically, by construction of a road system to which also DCs adhere. In this way TRCs are thought to facilitate encounters of Τ cells with antigen-bearing DCs and thereby accelerate the selection of rare antigen-specific Τ cells. The resulting Τ cell activation, proliferation and differentiation all take place within the TRC network. However, the influence of TRCs on Τ cell activation has so fer not been elucidated with the possible reasons being that TRCs represent a relative rare cell population and that mice devoid of TRCs have not been described.To circumvent these technical limitations, we established TRC clones and lines to have an abundant source to functionally characterize TRCs. Both the clones and lines show a fibroblastic phenotype, express a surface marker profile comparable to ex vivo TRCs and produce extracellular matrix molecules. However, expression of Ccl19, Ccl21 and ZL-7 is lost and could not be restored by cytokine stimulation. When these TRC clones or lines were cultured in a three-dimensional cell culture system, their morphology changed and resembled that of in vivo TRCs as they formed networks. By adding Τ cells and antigen-loaded DCs to these cultures we successfully reconstructed lymphoid Τ zones that allowed antigen-specific Τ cell activation.To characterize the role of TRCs in Τ cell priming, TRCs were co-cultured with antigen-specific Τ cells in the presence antigen-loaded DCs. Surprisingly, the presence of TRC lines and ex vivo TRCs inhibited rather than enhanced CD8+ Τ cell activation, proliferation and effector cell differentiation. TRCs shared this feature with fibroblasts from non-lymphoid tissues as well as mesenchymal stromal cells. TRCs were identified as a strong source of nitric oxide (NO) thereby directly dampening Τ cell expansion as well as reducing the Τ cell priming capacity of DCs. The expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) was up- regulated in a subset of TRCs by both DC-signals as well as interferon-γ produced by primed CD8+ Τ cells. Importantly, iNOS expression was induced during viral infection in vivo in both lymph node TRCs and DCs. Consistent with a role for NO as a negative regulator, the primary Τ cell response was exaggerated in iNOS-/- mice. Our findings highlight that in addition to their established positive roles in Τ cell responses TRCs and DCs cooperate in a negative feedback loop to attenuate Τ cell expansion during acute inflammation.RésuméLes organes lymphoïdes secondaires, comme les ganglions lymphoïdes ou la rate, sont les seuls sites dans notre corps où la réponse primaire des lymphocytes Β et Τ est initiée efficacement. Ces organes ont des zones différentes, riches en cellules Β ou T. Des lymphocytes Τ circulent constamment du sang vers les zones T, où ils échantillonent la surface des cellules dendritiques (DCs) pour identifier les antigènes qu'ils présentent. Des fibroblastes spécialisés - nommés Τ zone reticular cells (TRCs)' forment un réseau tridimensionnel dans la zone T. Les TRCs guident la migration des cellules Τ par deux moyens: chimiquement, par la sécrétion des chimiokines CCL19 et CCL21 et physiquement, par la construction d'un réseau routier en trois dimensions, auquel adhèrent aussi des DCs. Dans ce? cas, on pense que la présence des TRCs facilite les rencontres entre les cellules Τ et les DCs chargées de l'antigène et accélère la sélection des rares cellules Τ spécifiques. Ensuite, l'activation de cellules T, ainsi que la prolifération et la différenciation se produisent toutes à l'intérieur du réseau des TRCs. L'influence des TRCs sur l'activation des cellules T n'est que très peu caractérisée, en partie parce que les TRCs représentent une population rare et que les souris déficientes dans les TRCs n'ont pas encore été découvertes.Pour contourner ces limitations techniques, nous avons établi des clones et des lignées cellulaires de TRC pour obtenir une source indéfinie de ces cellules permettant leur caractérisation fonctionnelle. Les clones et lignées établis ont un phénotype de fibroblaste, ils expriment des molécules de surface similaires aux TRCs ex vivo et produisent de la matrice extracellulaire. Mais l'expression de Ccl19, Ccl21 et 11-7 est perdue et ne peut pas être rétablie par stimulation avec différentes cytokines. Les clones TRC ou les lignées cultivées en un système tridimensionnel de culture cellulaire, montrent une morphologie changée, qui ressemble à celle de TRC ex vivo inclus la construction de réseaux tridimensionnels.Pour caractériser le rôle des TRC dans l'activation des cellules T, nous avons cultivé des TRCs avec des cellules T spécifiques et des DCs chargées avec l'antigène. Etonnamment, la présence des TRC (lignées et ex vivo) inhibait plutôt qu'elle améliorait l'activation, la prolifération et la différenciation des lymphocytes T CDS+. Les TRCs partageaient cette fonction avec des fibr-oblastes des organes non lymphoïdes et des cellules souches du type mésenchymateux. Dans ces conditions, les TRCs sont une source importante d'oxyde nitrique (NO) et par ce fait limitent directement l'expansion des cellules T et réduisent aussi la capacité des DCs à activer les cellules T. L'expression de l'enzyme NO synthase inductible (ïNOS) est régulée à la hausse par des signaux dérivés des DCs et par l'interféron-γ produit par des cellules T de type CD8+ activées. Plus important, l'expression d'iNOS est induite pendant une infection virale in vivo, dans les TRCs et dans les DCs. Par conséquent, la réponse primaire de cellules T est exagérée dans des souris iNOS-/-. Nos résultats mettent en évidence qu'en plus de leur rôle positif bien établi dans la réponse immunitaire, les TRCs et les DCs coopèrent dans une boucle de rétroaction négative pour atténuer l'expansion des cellules T pendant l'inflammation aigiie pour protéger l'intégrité et la fonctionnalité des organes lymphoïdes secondaires.
Background: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is genetically characterized by the t(11;14)(q13;q32) translocation and a high number of secondary chromosomal alterations. The contribution of DNA methylation to MCL lymphomagenesis is not well known. We sought to identify epigenetically silenced genes in these tumours that might have clinical relevance. Methodology/Principal Findings: To identify potential methylated genes in MCL we initially investigated seven MCL cell lines treated with epigenetic drugs and gene expression microarray profiling. The methylation status of selected candidate genes was validated by a quantitative assay and subsequently analyzed in a series of primary MCL (n=38). After pharmacological reversion we identified 252 potentially methylated genes. The methylation analysis of a subset of these genes (n=25) in the MCL cell lines and normal B lymphocytes confirmed that 80% of them were methylated in the cell lines but not in normal lymphocytes. The subsequent analysis in primary MCL identified five genes (SOX9,HOXA9,AHR,NR2F2 ,and ROBO1) frequently methylated in these tumours. The gene methylation events tended to occur in the same primary neoplasms and correlated with higher proliferation, increased number of chromosomal abnormalities, and shorter survival of the patients. Conclusions: We have identified a set of genes whose methylation degree and gene expression levels correlate with aggressive clinicopathological features of MCL. Our findings also suggest that a subset of MCL might show a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) that may influence the behaviour of the tumours.