941 resultados para Immune System Diseases


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Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that can be fatal if not appropriately managed. Although heat stroke has been recognised as a medical condition for centuries, a universally accepted definition of heat stroke is lacking and the pathology of heat stroke is not fully understood. Information derived from autopsy reports and the clinical presentation of patients with heat stroke indicates that hyperthermia, septicaemia, central nervous system impairment and cardiovascular failure play important roles in the pathology of heat stroke. The current models of heat stroke advocate that heat stroke is triggered by hyperthermia but is driven by endotoxaemia. Endotoxaemia triggers the systemic inflammatory response, which can lead to systemic coagulation and haemorrhage, necrosis, cell death and multi-organ failure. However, the current heat stroke models cannot fully explain the discrepancies in high core temperature (Tc) as a trigger of heat stroke within and between individuals. Research on the concept of critical Tc: as a limitation to endurance exercise implies that a high Tc may function as a signal to trigger the protective mechanisms against heat stroke. Athletes undergoing a period of intense training are subjected to a variety of immune and gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances. The immune disturbances include the suppression of immune cells and their functions, suppression of cell-mediated immunity, translocation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), suppression of anti-LPS antibodies, increased macrophage activity due to muscle tissue damage, and increased concentration of circulating inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines. Common symptoms of exercise-induced GI disturbances include diarrhoea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, and cramps, which may increase gut-related LPS translocation. This article discusses the current evidence that supports the argument that these exercise-induced immune and GI disturbances may contribute to the development of endotoxaemia and heat stroke. When endotoxaemia can be tolerated or prevented, continuing exercise and heat exposure will elevate Tc to a higher level (> 42 degrees C), where heat stroke may occur through the direct thermal effects of heat on organ tissues and cells. We also discuss the evidence suggesting that heat stroke may occur through endotoxaemia (heat sepsis), the primary pathway of heat stroke, or hyperthermia, the secondary pathway of heat stroke. The existence of these two pathways of heat stroke and the contribution of exercise-induced immune and GI disturbances in the primary pathway of heat stroke are illustrated in the dual pathway model of heat stroke. This model of heat stroke suggests that prolonged intense exercise suppresses anti-LPS mechanisms, and promotes inflammatory and pyrogenic activities in the pathway of heat stroke.


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The trafficking of molecules and membranes within cells is a prerequisite for all aspects of cellular immune functions, including the delivery and recycling of cell-surface proteins, secretion of immune mediators, ingestion of pathogens and activation of lymphocytes. SNARE (soluble-N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-factor accessory-protein receptor)-family members mediate membrane fusion during all steps of trafficking, and function in almost all aspects of innate and adaptive immune responses. Here, we provide an overview of the roles of SNAREs in immune cells, offering insight into one level at which precision and tight regulation are instilled on immune responses.


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Rapid clearance of dying cells is a vital feature of apoptosis throughout development, tissue homeostasis and resolution of inflammation. The phagocytic removal of apoptotic cells is mediated by both professional and amateur phagocytes, armed with a series of pattern recognition receptors that participate in host defence and apoptotic cell clearance. CD14 is one such molecule. It is involved in apoptotic cell clearance (known to be immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory) and binding of the pathogen-associated molecular pattern, lipopolysaccharides (a pro-inflammatory event). Thus CD14 is involved in the assembly of two distinct ligand-dependent macrophage responses. This project sought to characterise the involvement of the innate immune system, particularly CD14, in the removal of apoptotic cells. The role of non-myeloid CD14 was also considered and the data suggests that the expression of CD14 by phagocytes may define their professional status as phagocytes. To assess if differential CD14 ligation causes the ligand-dependent divergence in macrophage responses, a series of CD14 point mutants were used to map the binding of apoptotic cells and lipopolysaccharides. Monoclonal antibodies, 61D3 and MEM18, known to interfere with ligand-binding and responses, were also mapped. Data suggests that residue 11 of CD14, is key for the binding of 61D3 (but not MEM18), LPS and apoptotic cells, indicating lipopolysaccharides and apoptotic cells bind to similar residues. Furthermore using an NF-kB reporter, results show lipopolysaccharides but not apoptotic cells stimulate NF-kB. Taken together these data suggests ligand-dependent CD14 responses occur via a mechanism that occurs downstream of CD14 ligation but upstream of NF-?B activation. Alternatively apoptotic cell ligation of CD14 may not result in any signalling event, possibly by exclusion of TLR-4, suggesting that engulfment receptors, (e.g. TIM-4, BAI1 and Stablin-2) are required to mediate the uptake of apoptotic cells and the associated anti-inflammatory response.


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Apoptosis, programmed cell death, is used by multicellular organisms to remove cells that are in excess, damaged or diseased. Activation of the apoptosis programme generates "eat me" signals on the surface of the apoptotic cell that mediate recognition and clearance by the innate immune system. CD14, a pattern recognition receptor expressed on macrophages, is widely known for its ability to recognise the pathogen-associated molecular pattern lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and promote inflammation. However, CD14 has also been shown to mediate binding and removal of apoptotic cells in a process that is anti-inflammatory suggesting CD14 is capable of producing two distinct, ligand-dependent macrophage responses. Whilst the molecular basis for this dichotomy has yet to be defined it is clear that CD14 defines a point of interest on the macrophage surface where we may study ligand-specific responses of macrophages. Our work seeks to define the molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of CD14 in the non-inflammatory clearance of apoptotic cells. Here we used three different differentiation strategies to generate macrophages from the monocytic cell line THP-1. The resultant macrophage models were characterised to assess the expression and function of CD14 within each model system. Whilst each macrophage model shows increased levels of surface CD14 expression, our results demonstrate significant differences in the various models’ abilities to respond to LPS and clear apoptotic cells in a CD14-dependent manner. TLR4 levels correlated positively with LPS responsiveness but not CD14-dependent apoptotic cell clearance or anti-inflammatory responses to apoptotic cells. These observations suggest CD14-dependent apoptotic cell clearance is not dependent on TLR4. Taken together our data support the notion that the CD14 ligand-dependent responses to LPS and apoptotic cells derive from changes at the macrophage surface. The nature and composition of the CD14-co-receptor complex for LPS and apoptotic cell binding and responses is the subject of further study.


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The immune system protects the human body against infectious and malignant disease. The concept of an immune system arose because of the observation that an attack of measles or mumps, two common childhood disease, conferred an immunity on the individual, the immunity being specific to the disease. It was only much later that it was discovered that a system in the body conferred this immunity. This article discusses the various components of the immune system, how they develop and their action in conferring immunity.


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Removal of unwanted, effete, or damaged cells through apoptosis, an active cell death culminating in phagocytic removal of cell corpses, is an important process throughout the immune system in development, control, and homeostasis. For example, neutrophil apoptosis is central to the resolution of acute inflammation, whereas autoreactive and virus-infected cells are similarly deleted. The AC removal process functions not only to remove cell corpses but further, to control inappropriate immune responses so that ACs are removed in an anti-inflammatory manner. Such "silent" clearance is mediated by the innate immune system via polarized monocyte/macrophage populations that use a range of PRRs and soluble molecules to promote binding and phagocytosis of ACs. Additionally, attractive signals are released from dying cells to recruit phagocytes to sites of death. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms associated with innate immune removal of and responses to ACs and outline how these may impact on tissue homeostasis and age-associated pathology (e.g., cardiovascular disease). Furthermore, we discuss how an aging innate immune system may contribute to the inflammatory consequences of aging and why the study of an aging immune system may be a useful path to advance characterization of mechanisms mediating effective AC clearance. © Society for Leukocyte Biology.


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The immune system is perhaps the largest yet most diffuse and distributed somatic system in vertebrates. It plays vital roles in fighting infection and in the homeostatic control of chronic disease. As such, the immune system in both pathological and healthy states is a prime target for therapeutic interventions by drugs-both small-molecule and biologic. Comprising both the innate and adaptive immune systems, human immunity is awash with potential unexploited molecular targets. Key examples include the pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system and the major histocompatibility complex of the adaptive immune system. Moreover, the immune system is also the source of many current and, hopefully, future drugs, of which the prime example is the monoclonal antibody, the most exciting and profitable type of present-day drug moiety. This brief review explores the identity and synergies of the hierarchy of drug targets represented by the human immune system, with particular emphasis on the emerging paradigm of systems pharmacology. © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limited.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Statins are a class of drug that inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis, and are used to treat patients with high serum cholesterol levels. They exert this function by competitively binding to the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoenzymeA reductase (HMGR), which catalyses the formation of mevalonate, a rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis. In addition, statins have what are called “pleiotropic effects”, which include the reduction of inflammation, immunomodulation, and antimicrobial effects. Statins can also improve survival of patients with sepsis and pneumonia. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common recessive inherited disease in the Caucasian population, which is characterised by factors including, but not limited to, excessive lung inflammation and increased susceptibility to infection. Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to examine the effects of statins on CFassociated bacterial pathogens and the host response. In this work, the prevalence of HMGR was examined in respiratory pathogens, and several CF-associated pathogens were found to possess homologues of this enzyme. HMGR homology was analysed in Staphylococcus aureus, Burkholderia cenocepacia and Streptococcus pneumoniae, and the HMGR of B. cenocepacia was found to have significant conservation to that of Pseudomonas mevalonii, which is the most widely-characterised bacterial HMGR. However, in silico analysis revealed that, unlike S. aureus and S. pneumoniae, B. cenocepacia did not possess homologues of other mevalonate pathway proteins, and that the HMGR of B. cenocepacia appeared to be involved in an alternative metabolic pathway. The effect of simvastatin was subsequently tested on the growth and virulence of S. aureus, B. cenocepacia and S. pneumoniae. Simvastatin inhibited the growth of all 3 species in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, statin treatment also attenuated biofilm formation of all 3 species, and reduced in vitro motility of S. aureus. Interestingly, simvastatin also increased the potency of the aminoglycoside antibiotic gentamicin against B. cenocepacia. The impact of statins was subsequently tested on the predominant CF-associated pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which does not possess a HMGR homologue. Mevastatin, lovastatin and simvastatin did not influence the growth of this species. However, sub-inhibitory statin concentrations reduced the swarming motility and biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa. The influence of statins was also examined on Type 3 toxin secretion, quorum sensing and chemotaxis, and no statin effect was observed on any of these phenotypes. Statins did not appear to have a characteristic effect on the P. aeruginosa transcriptome. However, a mutant library screen revealed that the effect of statins on P. aeruginosa biofilm was mediated through the PvrR regulator and the Cup fimbrial biosynthesis genes. Furthermore, proteomic analysis demonstrated that 6 proteins were reproducibly induced by simvastatin in the P. aeruginosa swarming cells. The effect of statins on the regulation of the host-P. aeruginosa immune response was also investigated. Statin treatment increased expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-8 and CCL20 in lung epithelial cells, but did not attenuate P. aeruginosa-mediated inflammatory gene induction. In fact, simvastatin and P. aeruginosa caused a synergistic effect on CCL20 expression. The expression of the transcriptional regulators KLF2 and KLF6 was also increased by statins and P. aeruginosa, with the induction of KLF6 by simvastatin proving to be a novel effect. Interestingly, both statins and P. aeruginosa were capable of inducing alternative splicing of KLF6. P. aeruginosa was found to induce KLF6 alternative splicing by way of the type 3 secreted toxin ExoS. In addition, a mechanistic role was elucidated for KLF6 in the lung, as it was determined that statin-mediated induction of this protein was responsible for the induction of the host response genes CCL20 and iNOS. Moreover, statin treatment caused a slight increase in infection-related cytotoxicity, and increased bacterial adhesion to cells. Taken together, these data demonstrate that statins can reduce the virulence of CFassociated bacterial pathogens and alter host response effectors. Furthermore, novel statin effectors were identified in both bacterial and host cells.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Artificial Immune Systems have been used successfully to build recommender systems for film databases. In this research, an attempt is made to extend this idea to web site recommendation. A collection of more than 1000 individuals' web profiles (alternatively called preferences / favourites / bookmarks file) will be used. URLs will be classified using the DMOZ (Directory Mozilla) database of the Open Directory Project as our ontology. This will then be used as the data for the Artificial Immune Systems rather than the actual addresses. The first attempt will involve using a simple classification code number coupled with the number of pages within that classification code. However, this implementation does not make use of the hierarchical tree-like structure of DMOZ. Consideration will then be given to the construction of a similarity measure for web profiles that makes use of this hierarchical information to build a better-informed Artificial Immune System.


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Abstract. The use of artificial immune systems in intrusion detection is an appealing concept for two reasons. Firstly, the human immune system provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading pathogens, in a robust, self-organised and distributed manner. Secondly, current techniques used in computer security are not able to cope with the dynamic and increasingly complex nature of computer systems and their security. It is hoped that biologically inspired approaches in this area, including the use of immune-based systems will be able to meet this challenge. Here we collate the algorithms used, the development of the systems and the outcome of their implementation. It provides an introduction and review of the key developments within this field, in addition to making suggestions for future research.


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We apply the Artificial Immune System (AIS)technology to the collaborative Filtering (CF)technology when we build the movie recommendation system. Two different affinity measure algorithms of AIS, Kendall tau and Weighted Kappa, are used to calculate the correlation coefficients for this movie recommendation system. From the testing we think that Weighted Kappa is more suitable than Kendall tau for movie problems.