973 resultados para Immediate indefeasibility


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Informe de la reunion que tuvo por objetivo: 1) considerar estrategias y propuestas de accion para superar la pobreza y lograr un desarrollo social armonico con el desarrollo economico; y 2) promover un analisis de la situacion del desarrollo social en la region, y especificamente de la naturaleza y caracteristicas de la pobreza en el marco de los factores estructurales y de los factores derivados del proceso de ajuste a la crisis externa.


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This study evaluated the immunohistochemical expression of OPG, RANK, and RANKL proteins in the repair after immediate and delayed replantation of rat teeth. Fifty-six Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) had their maxillary right lateral incisor extracted and then replanted, according to the following conditions: group I (control; n = 8), teeth were not extracted; group II (n = 16), immediate replantation; group III (n = 16), delayed replantation without treatment; and group IV (n = 16), delayed replantation after root surface treatment (periodontal ligament removal and immersion in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride) and calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing. Rats in group I were euthanized on the first day of the experiment, while the animals in the other groups were euthanized 10 and 60 days after replantation (n = 8/period). Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections were obtained for histological analysis. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed expression of OPG and RANKL proteins in all groups and both postreplantation times, except for group II at 60 days. In the experimental groups, RANK expression was observed only at 10 days. In conclusion, there was strong immunostaining for the OPG-RANK-RANKL system at the earlier postreplantation time, suggesting a more effective participation of these proteins at the start of the healing process, as their expression decreased at 60 days. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.


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Objective: To compare immediate and staged approach implant placement in circumferential defects treated with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM); hidroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate (HA/TP); autogenous bone (Ab); and coagulum (Cg); upon implant stability, osseointegration and alveolar crest maintenance. Materials and methods: Six dogs underwent extractions of lower premolars, bilaterally. Twelve weeks later four bone defects (6 mm wide/4 mm long) were drilled at one side and randomly filled with DBBM; HA/TP; Ab; and Cg, respectively, and left to heal (staged approach). Eight weeks later one implant (Osseospeed™, AstraTech) was placed in experimental sites. At the same session four defects were drilled on contra-lateral side and implants were inserted immediately after biomaterials grafting (immediate approach). Animals were euthanized 8 weeks later. Implant stability was measured by resonance frequency analysis (RFA) at installation and after sacrifice. Ground sections were prepared for bone contact (BIC); bone area (BA); distance implant shoulder-bone crest (IS-C); distance implant shoulder first bone contact (IS-B); and areas occupied by soft tissue. Results: The BA and BIC were superior in the staged approach. The Cg exhibited higher BIC and BA as compared with other materials at the total implant body (P = 0.004 and 0.012, respectively). The DBBM, HA/TP and Ab groups rendered similar BA and BIC. The immediate approach resulted in less crest resorption compared to staged approach. The biomaterials did not affect the IS-C and IS-B measurements. Particles area tended to be higher in DBBM group than HA/TP (P = 0.15), while soft tissue infiltrate was higher in DBBM group when used in the immediate approach (P = 0.04). The RFA indicated gain in stability in the staged approach (P = 0.002). The correlation test between RFA vs. BIC and BA demonstrated inferior stability for DBBM group in immediate approach (P = 0.01). Conclusions: Implants placed in healed defects resulted in better stability as a consequence of higher BIC and BA. The Cg alone rendered increased BIC compared to other materials in both approaches. Immediate approach should be preferable to staged approach in terms of alveolar crest maintenance. The BIC and BA values did not vary between micro and macro-threads in this experimental model. Implants installed in sites filled with DBBM in immediate approach were less stable. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Dental tissues have special characteristics, and its regenerative capacity is noteworthy. However, understanding the circumstances that lead to regeneration is challenging. In this study, the chronology of the healing process after immediate replantation of rat incisor teeth was examined by histological and immunohistochemical analyses within a 60-day period. Thirty-six male Wistar rats had their maxillary right incisors extracted and replanted after 15min in saline storage. The rats were sacrificed immediately 3, 7, 15, 28, and 60days after replantation. The histological analysis showed rupture of the periodontal ligament and formation of a blood clot, which started being replaced by a connective tissue after 3days. At 7days, the gingival mucosa epithelium was reinserted and areas of root resorption could be seen. At 15days, the periodontal ligament was repaired. At 3days, the pulp presented an absence of the odontoblast layer, which started being replaced by a connective tissue. This tissue suffered gradual calcification, filling the root canal at 28 and 60days. The root ends were closed. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed greater expression of OP, OPG, and RANK proteins in the initial periods (0 and 3days), while TRAP expression predominated at 28 and 60days (P<0.05). In conclusion, in delayed tooth replantation, there is great new bone formation activity in the earlier periods of the repair process, while a predominance of bone resorption and remodeling is observed in the more advanced periods. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to analyze and measure, under optical microscopy, the hybrid layer thickness and resin tags length, as well as the microtensile bond strength of two conventional adhesive systems when applied to dry and moist dentinal substrate. Methods: Thirty-two extracted human molars were randomly distributed into four groups according to the adhesive systems (XP Bond and Prime&Bond 2.1) and moisture condition (dry and moist). In Groups I and II, XP adhesive system was applied on dry and moist dentin, respectively; while Groups III and IV received PB adhesive system, in the same way as was done in Groups I and II, respectively. After adhesive and restorative procedures, all specimens were sectioned along their long axes; one hemi-tooth sample was subjected to the microtensile bond strength test while the other was decalcified and serially sectioned into six micron thick slices and sequentially mounted on glass slides. These sections were stained by the Brown and Brenn method for posterior analysis and measurement of the hybrid layer and resin tags under a light microscope with a micrometric ocular 40/075. Results: Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). For the variable hybrid layer thickness, XP showed no significant differences between dry and moist dentin (5.2 μm and 5.5 μm, respectively), but for PB, hybrid layer was significantly thicker for moist (4.0 μm) than for dry dentin (3.0 μm). For the variable resin tags length XP showed 17.9 μm length for dry dentin and 20.8 μm for moist dentin; PB 11.7 μm for dry and 12.69 μm for moist dentin;there was no significant differences between them, independent of the moisture condition. For the variable microtensile bond strength, XP showed 38.0 MPa for dry dentin and 44.5 MPa for moist dentin; and PB showed 22.7 MPa for dry dentin and 20.8 MPa for dry dentin no significant difference was observed between moist and dry dentin for XP (p=0.2) and PB (p=0.7), but XP was presented significantly higher bond strength values than PB in both moisture conditions (p=0.003 for dry and p=0.002 for moist). Conclusion: The two-step butanol-based etch-and-rinse adhesive XP Bond presented a superior behavior with regard to the hybrid layer thickness, length of resin tags and bond strength to dry and moist dentin substrates when compared with two-step acetone-based adhesive system Prime&Bond2.1. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Background: Dental implants, indicated for re-establishing both mastigatory and aesthetic functions, can be placed in the sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Most studies investigate the anterior and upper regions of the dental arch, whereas few examine longitudinal appraisal of immediate implant installation in the mandibular molar region. Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the success rate of immediate dental implants placement in mandibular molars within a follow-up period as long as 8 years. Materials and methods: Seventy-four mandibular molar implants after non-traumatic tooth extraction between 2002 and 2008 were examined in the study. All implants were evaluated radiographically immediately after prosthesis placement, 1 year after implantation, and by the end of the experimental period, in 2010. Clinical evaluation was done according to [Albrektsson et al. (1986) The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, 1, 11-25] success criteria for marginal bone loss. The mean bone losses, calculated as the difference between the final evaluation measures and those taken by the end of the first year of implant, were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test with a significance level of 5%. Results: All implants presented clinical and radiographic stable conditions, that is, 100% success rate. Significant bone loss was not found between final evaluation and that of the first functional year (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Immediate implant placement of mandibular molars proved to be a viable surgical treatment given the high success rate up to 8 years after implantation. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Introduction: The goal of implant treatment is the formation of a direct bone-implant interface contact. Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the possibilities of immediate loading treatment for edentulous patients rehabilitated with mandibular and maxillary overdentures. Material and methods: A literature review using the PubMed and BIREME databases between the periods of 1977 and 2011 was performed. Results: From an initial yield of 218 titles, 78 articles were selected for text analysis, finally resulting in 23 studies (16 prospective, 6 prospective randomized, and 1 prospective multicenter) that met the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: The immediate loading protocol through which the implants are subjected to occlusal function immediately after their placement was introduced to overcome this limitation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Informe de la reunión que tuvo por objetivo: 1) considerar estrategias y propuestas de acción para superar la pobreza y lograr un desarrollo social armónico con el desarrollo económico; y 2) promover un análisis de la situación del desarrollo social en la región, y específicamente de la naturaleza y características de la pobreza en el marco de los factores estructurales y de los factores derivados del proceso de ajuste a la crisis externa.


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PURPOSE: To describe the vascular and tissue histopathological changes in seven sequential experimental liver transplantations in pigs. METHODS: Fourteen female pigs, Sus domesticus species, with body mass between 5 and 8 kg were utilized. After the end of all anastomoses of the graft implantation in the receptor, the animal was monitored for 30 minutes, and at its end one of the biopsies was collected for histological analysis. The histological criteria utilized were: lytic hepatocyte necrosis, density of septal and portal inflammatory infiltrated, sinusoidal congestion and hemorrhage. The analysis was performed separately for the portal region in zone 1, 2 and 3. RESULTS: Among the structural changes undergone by the graft, those with greater frequency and intensity were vascular congestion and steatosis, which stood out in transplantations 5, 6 and 7. CONCLUSIONS: The technique demonstrated vascular alterations represented by vasocongestion, edema and minimum inflammatory reaction. In relation to the parenchyma, was observed macrovacuolar pan-acinar steatosis, focal lytic and occasional hemorrhages, beyond the accumulation of hemosiderin in Kuppfer's cells.


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Moderate and controlled loading environments support or enhance osteogenesis, and, consequently, a high degree of bone-to-implant contact can be acquired. This is because when osteoprogenitor cells are exposed to limited physical deformation, their differentiation into osteoblasts is enhanced. Then, some range of microstrain is considered advantageous for bone ingrowth and osseointegration. The primary stability has been considered one of the main clinical means of controlling micromotion between the implant and the forming interfacial tissue, which helps to establish the proper mechanical environment for osteogenesis. Based on the biological aspects of immediate loading (IL), the objective of this study is to present a clinical case of maxillary arch rehabilitation using immediate loading with implant-supported fixed restoration after bone graft. Ten dental implants were placed in the maxilla 6 months after the autogenous bone graft, removed from the mandible (bilateral oblique line and chin), followed by the installation of an immediate-load fixed cross-arch implant-supported restoration because primary stability was reached for 8 implants. In addition, instructions about masticatory function and how it is related to interfacial micromotion were addressed and emphasized to the patient. The reasons for the IL were further avoidance of an interim healing phase, a potential reduction in the number of clinical interventions for the patient, and aesthetic reasons. After monitoring the rehabilitation for 8 years, the authors can conclude that maxillary IL can be performed followed by a well-established treatment planning based on computed tomography, providing immediate esthetics and function to the patient even when autogenous bone graft was previously performed in the maxilla.


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Because of the functional and esthetic requirements of patients, different techniques have been proposed to reduce the time between dental implant placement and interim restoration fabrication. This article describes a modified indexing technique by using a surgical template for open-tray impression and definitive cast development during immediate loading procedures. This technique does not use a complete impression of the oral cavity and, therefore, is more comfortable, less time consuming, and less expensive. It also allows the fabrication of interim restorations with the optimal shape for developing an adequate emergence profile.