907 resultados para Idade Media - Portugal
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
The world is aging. This subject is becoming more and more present on the communication media. The future journalists must be made aware of this phenomena that involves a important change in the society. One of the ways can be the study of the empowerment and Social Capital Formation techniques, using the new Information and Communication Technologies, or following the example of the Open Universities to the Third Age that are appearing all over the world. In this article we’ll study the case of “Programa Universitario para Mayores” (University Program for the Grown ups), at Seville University (Spain).
This paper proposes a reflection of media’s role and its relationship with global phenomena of demographic aging. From a critical point of view of empowerment’s concepts and social capital, it suggests that journalists can give more visibility to the perspective of senior citizens’ inclusion in social life through a better use of ICTs and the insertion of more diverse subjects such as universities opened to Third Age. It suggests also that this theme should be developed in training future professionals, so the media can enhance others representations of excluded groups with more social responsibility.
This article intends to inventory the medias that also cover Third Age in Brazil, in view of that all the demographic pointers reveal the accented process of aging of the worldwide population, and therefore of our country. A time that the journalists cannot ignore the changes that occur in the interior of the society, in which it is the main area of performance of the journalism, we want to understand why the Brazilian media still dedicates so little space to this phenomenon of the elderly, in contrast of what occurs in other countries. We ask ourselves, then, if the change in the way of looking at the elderly one would not have to be born inside of the University, through the young who prepare for the exercise of the profession, with citizenship and social concern. In the Course of Journalism of the UNESP/Bauru a group of future journalists is searching this subject, for this they sign this article.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
[POR] Introdução: Em Portugal, além das aulas de educação física, as escolas oferecem tempos destinados ao desporto escolar (DE), que poderão aumentar os níveis de actividade física dos alunos. Objectivo: Analisar os níveis e os correlatos da participação no DEnos ensinos regular e militar, identificando a su a relação com variáveis sociodomográficas e atitudes.
This dissertation aims at enhancing the cultural and linguistic skills in Portuguese of the author of this work, as it is a third language. This activity is carried out starting from the analysis and research of topics mentioned in a number of texts within a particular literary work, “Portugal Vale A Pena”. In this work, many Portuguese personalities express their vision on their country and state why Portugal matters. Since these texts have many cultural references, it can be assumed that such work of analysis and research can lead to better linguistic skills as well as a greater knowledge of the Portuguese culture. All of the chosen texts were originally written by journalists. This choice originates from the important service these professionals provide to the public as well as from the special role their work has played in my interpreting studies over the last couple of years. Chapter 1 explains why I chose this dissertation and who are the target users of these texts. Chapter 2 focuses on the role of journalists. A brief history of modern journalism is presented and its functions are analysed. This chapter also includes a section that examines which values make an event newsworthy. Attention is then paid to the evolution of Portuguese journalism, from Salazar's dictatorship until today. Teaching of journalism in Portuguese academia is also presented. Then, a selection of Portuguese-language media is offered. Chapter 3 focuses on some aspects of Portugal, with particular attention to its history. Finally, Chapter 4 presents a selection of texts from the original book. This part provides a biography of the authors, a translation with a comment and a presentation of some of the topics from the texts. To conclude, a glossary with words and expressions from the original text is included and their translations into Italian, Spanish and English are provided.
O presente estudo pretende articular conhecimentos entre a Terapia da Fala e a Linguística, através de uma investigação observacional. Tendo por componente empírica uma amostra constituída por 150 crianças em idade escolar (dos 5 anos e 7 meses aos 10 anos), sem dificuldades no desenvolvimento da linguagem e que frequentam escolas públicas do concelho do Funchal da ilha da Madeira, selecionadas de acordo com a localização, número total de alunos e ranking, procura-se avaliar o seu desempenho linguístico, através da aplicação da Grelha de Avaliação da Linguagem, nível escolar (GOL-E). Os resultados da análise quantitativa mostram que o desenvolvimento da linguagem das crianças madeirenses não se distancia dos valores percentuais observados em crianças continentais, nos vários domínios considerados na GOL-E - semântico, morfossintático e fonológico. Do ponto de vista qualitativo, constata-se o uso significativo de variantes linguísticas não padrão em português (verbo ir na 3ª pessoa do singular no presente do indicativo, assim como o uso do clítico se). Relativamente aos fatores que poderão influenciar o desenvolvimento da linguagem, podemos observar que a idade da criança, as habilitações literárias dos pais e o número de membros do agregado familiar são os mais importantes na variação do desenvolvimento da linguagem. Já no que concerne às variáveis não ordinais, nota-se significância estatística da influência do tipo de família, naturalidade do Professor e localização da escola.
Los espacios verdes urbanos han asumido una creciente relevancia por su aportación a la calidad de vida de las poblaciones y a la sostenibilidad de las ciudades. Su valor funcional depende de su integración en una estructura verde eficaz, con múltiples elementos, y que pueda responder a las expectativas de la población, manteniendo una relación coherente con el territorio. En esta tesis se desarrolla y aplica una metodología para el análisis de la estructura verde en distintos niveles, considerando la interpretación de los elementos y procesos territoriales y la respuesta a las expectativas y necesidades de la población. Los distintos planteamientos de esta metodología son aplicados en la ciudad de Bragança, una ciudad media portuguesa. Entre los resultados de este análisis resulta que la excesiva expansión urbana generó la proliferación de espacios verdes asociados a espacios vacantes, poco útiles y degradados, condición ampliada por planes de ordenación que acentúan el incremento del suelo urbanizable, en su mayoría no concretizado. En su relación con los espacios verdes, los ciudadanos manifiestan preferencia por el uso de los espacios verdes públicos de mayores dimensiones en el contexto local y con una mayor complejidad de elementos, respondiendo de modo más adecuado a los requisitos complementarios de múltiplos usuarios. La distribución espacial de los espacios verdes urbanos asume además una importante relevancia en las condiciones de uso y en el modelo de movilidad hacia los espacios verdes. ABSTRACT Urban Green spaces are now recognized to be major contributors to inhabitants’ quality of life and to urban sustainability. Their functional value is dependent on the existence of an efficient green structure, with multiple spaces, that can meet inhabitant’s expectations while having a coherent relation with the landscape, alongside with their individual attributes. This Thesis applies a methodology for the analysis of the Green Infrastructure on different levels, taking into account the interpretation of its elements and their relation to landscape processes, alongside with the evaluation of the answer to inhabitants’ needs and expectations. The different assumptions and methods are tested in the city of Bragança, a Portuguese medium sized city. Among the results from the case study, it is argued that the urban expansion of the traditional city lead to the proliferation not only of useful urban green spaces but also of vacant land. This condition has been increased by land use planning options that overstate the offer for residential areas, most of them not developed. Inhabitants’ relation with the green infrastructure is mostly dependent on larger local public green spaces, which offer a wide range of natural and artificial elements, addressing the needs of multiple users. The spatial distribution of urban green spaces also has a major influence on users’ frequency in the use of such spaces and in the means of travel that they choose.
The theoretical study of forced bubble oscillations is motivated by the importance of cavitation bubbles and oscillating encapsulated microbubbles (i.e. contrast agents) in medical sciences. In more details,theoretical studies on bubble dynamics addressing the sound-bubble interaction phenomenon provide the basis for understanding the dynamics of contrast agent microbubbles used in medical diagnosis and of non-linearly oscillating cavitation bubbles in the case of high-intensity ultrasound therapy. Moreover, the inclusion of viscoelasticity is of vital importance for an accurate theoretical analysis since most biological tissues and fluids exhibit non-Newtonian behavior.
Fashion is one of the most vibrant sectors in Europe and important contributors to the European Union (EU) economy. In particular, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major part in European fashion industry (EU 2012). Just like fashion, where people¿s style has inherently meant to be shared as it is foremost a representation of one¿s self-image, social media allow the reflection of ones' personality and emotions. Although fashion practitioners have embraced social media in their marketing activities, it is still relatively few known at an academic level about the specificities of fashion industry when approaching social media marketing (SMM) strategies. This study sets out to explore fashion companies' SMM strategy and its activities. From an exploratory approach, we present case studies of two Spanish SME fashion companies, anonymously named hereafter as Company A and Company B, to deepen our understanding on how fashion brands implement their SMM strategy. Company A offers high-end fashion products while Company B produces medium fashion products. We analyzed the case studies using qualitative (interviews to companies' executives) and a mix of qualitative and quantitative (content analysis of companies' social media platform) methods. Public posts data of both companies' Facebook brand pages were used to perform the content analysis. Our findings through case studies of the two companies reveal that branding-oriented strategic objectives are the main drivers of their SMM implementations. There are significant differences between both companies. The main strategic action employed by Company A is engaging customers to participate into brand's offline social gathering events by inviting them through social media platform, while Company B focuses its effort on posting product promotion related contents and engaging influencers such as fashion bloggers. Our results are expected to serve as a basis of further investigations on how SMM strategy and strategic actions implemented by fashion brands may influence marketing outcomes.