133 resultados para IPO
This paper analyses the time series behaviour of the initial public offering (IPO) market using an equilibrium model of demand and supply that incorporates the number of new issues, average underpricing, and general market conditions. Model predictions include the existence of serial correlation in both the number of new issues and the average level of underpricing, as well as interactions between these variables and the impact of general market conditions. The model is tested using 40 years of monthly IPO data. The empirical results are generally consistent with predictions.
Machine learning techniques for prediction and rule extraction from artificial neural network methods are used. The hypothesis that market sentiment and IPO specific attributes are equally responsible for first-day IPO returns in the US stock market is tested. Machine learning methods used are Bayesian classifications, support vector machines, decision tree techniques, rule learners and artificial neural networks. The outcomes of the research are predictions and rules associated With first-day returns of technology IPOs. The hypothesis that first-day returns of technology IPOs are equally determined by IPO specific and market sentiment is rejected. Instead lower yielding IPOs are determined by IPO specific and market sentiment attributes, while higher yielding IPOs are largely dependent on IPO specific attributes.
A vantagem competitiva e o desempenho organizacional são conceitos administrativos estreitamente ligados à competitividade das empresas e sua permanência no mercado a longo prazo. Para que alcancem tal objetivo, de acordo com os fundamentos da RBV, as capacidades organizacionais dessas empresas devem ser dinâmicas, o que significa estar à frente das mudanças ambientais, mantendo, criando e desenvolvendo novas capacidades. Um dos caminhos para que isso se realize é a aposta na sua capitalização, que pode ocorrer com a captação de recursos de terceiros ou recursos próprios, com maior ou menor grau de risco. A captação de recursos com capital de terceiros acontece, principalmente, via instituições financeiras e factorings. A captação por meio de capital próprio pode ocorrer por retenção de lucros ou pelo underwriting. A emissão feita via mercado primário configura a oferta pública inicial de ações ou Initial Public Offering (IPO). No Brasil, a escolha dos fundos de Private Equity e Venture Capital, segmentos do mercado financeiro que consistem fundamentalmente em aporte temporário de capital, vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos anos. Contudo, existem poucas pesquisas a respeito da utilização e do desempenho financeiro que esses fundos trazem para as empresas. O presente estudo procura averiguar se as empresas que estavam listadas na BOVESPA no período de 2002 a 2008 e que receberam recursos via Private Equity e Venture Capital com IPO desenvolveram desempenho financeiro superior às que receberam ou não outros tipos de financiamento no mesmo período. Foram selecionados dados secundários como: balanços patrimoniais, demonstração de resultados e valores das ações, utilizando-se da base de dados da Economática. Tomando o logaritmo do Q de Tobin como variável dependente e log_Ativo, Debt to Equity, ROA, crescimento de vendas, crescimento de investimentos, crescimento investimento Fama e CrescInv_endividamento como variáveis de controle, foram aplicados testes estatísticos, comparando a média dos índices, seguidos de análise por setor econômico, subsetor e segmento. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as empresas que receberam recursos via Private Equity e Venture Capital com IPO, tornaram-se diferentes das demais empresas que estavam listadas na BOVESPA naquele período. O presente trabalho busca, dessa forma, contribuir para o enriquecimento de conhecimento acadêmico acerca do tema.(AU)
As várias teorias acerca da estrutura de capital despertam interesse motivando diversos estudos sobre o assunto sem, no entanto, ter um consenso. Outro tema aparentemente pouco explorado refere-se ao ciclo de vida das empresas e como ele pode influenciar a estrutura de capital. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar quais determinantes possuem maior relevância no endividamento das empresas e se estes determinantes alteram-se dependendo do ciclo de vida da empresa apoiada pelas teorias Trade Off, Pecking Order e Teoria da Agência. Para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizado análise em painel de efeito fixo sendo a amostra composta por empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, com dados secundários disponíveis na Economática® no período de 2005 a 2013, utilizando-se os setores da BM&FBOVESPA. Como resultado principal destaca-se o mesmo comportamento entre a amostra geral, alto e baixo crescimento pelo endividamento contábil para o determinante Lucratividade apresentando uma relação negativa, e para os determinantes Oportunidade de Crescimento e Tamanho, estes com uma relação positiva. Para os grupos de alto e baixo crescimento alguns determinantes apresentaram resultados diferentes, como a singularidade que resultou significância nestes dois grupos, sendo positiva no baixo crescimento e negativa no alto crescimento, para o valor colateral dos ativos e benefício fiscal não dívida apresentaram significância apenas no grupo de baixo crescimento. Para o endividamento a valor de mercado foi observado significância para o Benefício fiscal não dívida e Singularidade. Este resultado reforça o argumento de que o ciclo de vida influência a estrutura de capital
This research addressed the question: "Which factors predict the effectiveness of healthcare teams?" It was addressed by assessing the psychometric properties of a new measure of team functioning with the use of data collected from 797 team members in 61 healthcare teams. This new measure is the Aston Team Performance Inventory (ATPI) developed by West, Markiewicz and Dawson (2005) and based on the IPO model. The ATPI was pilot tested in order to examine the reliability of this measure in the Jordanian cultural context. A sample of five teams comprising 3-6 members each was randomly selected from the Jordan Red Crescent health centers in Amman. Factors that predict team effectiveness were explored in a Jordanian sample (comprising 1622 members in 277 teams with 255 leaders from healthcare teams in hospitals in Amman) using self-report and Leader Ratings measures adapted from work by West, Borrill et al (2000) to determine team effectiveness and innovation from the leaders' point of view. The results demonstrate the validity and reliability of the measures for use in healthcare settings. Team effort and skills and leader managing had the strongest association with team processes in terms of team objectives, reflexivity, participation, task focus, creativity and innovation. Team inputs in terms of task design, team effort and skills, and organizational support were associated with team effectiveness and innovation whereas team resources were associated only with team innovation. Team objectives had the strongest mediated and direct association with team effectiveness whereas task focus had the strongest mediated and direct association with team innovation. Finally, among leadership variables, leader managing had the strongest association with team effectiveness and innovation. The theoretical and practical implications of this thesis are that: team effectiveness and innovation are influenced by multiple factors that must all be taken into account. The key factors managers need to ensure are in place for effective teams are team effort and skills, organizational support and team objectives. To conclude, the application of these findings to healthcare teams in Jordan will help improve their team effectiveness, and thus the healthcare services that they provide.
IPO underpricing has been attributed to valuation uncertainty, which can be at least partially resolved by the indirect learning associated with IPO clustering [Benveniste, L.M., Ljungqvist, A., Wilhelm, W.J., Yu, X.Y., 2003. Evidence of information spillovers in the production of investment banking services. Journal of Finance 58, 577–608]. We examine why firms might choose not to issue their IPOs contemporaneously with clusters of similar firms, forgoing opportunities to learn from their peers. We find that the willingness to file an IPO without the benefit of indirect learning from peer firm IPOs is directly related to insiders’ needs for portfolio diversification and the firm’s need to raise capital.
Panel discussion held at the College of Business Complex Room 152 at the Modesto Maidique Campus hosted by Florida International University on the subject of Facebook's IPO (initial public offering). FIU experts on the panel included: Bogdan Carbunar, professor in the College of Engineering and Computing Science Rosanna Fiske, associate professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication Raul Reis, dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication Helen Simon, director of the State Farm Financial Literacy Lab and senior instructor in the College of Business Administration Hannibal Travis, associate professor in the College of Law Patrick O'Leary, Executive Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs at FIU's Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Moderated by Miami Herald Business Editor Jane Wooldridge
After decennia of research on economic voting, it is now established that the state of the economy affects voting behaviour. Nevertheless, this conclusion is the result of a focus on predominantly national-level economies and national-level elections. In this paper, we show that at a local level as well, mechanisms of accountability linked to the economy are at work. The local economic context affected voting behaviour in the 2012 Belgian municipal elections, with a stronger increase of unemployment rates in their municipality significantly decreasing the probability that voters choose an incumbent party. Additionally, we observe that voters are not opportunistically voting for incumbents who lower tax rates. Instead, voters seem to be holding local incumbents accountable for local economic conditions. We hence conclude that voters care about economic outcomes, not about what specific policies are implemented to reach these outcomes.
This dissertation explores the complex interactions between organizational structure and the environment. In Chapter 1, I investigate the effect of financial development on the formation of European corporate groups. Since cross-country regressions are hard to interpret in a causal sense, we exploit exogenous industry measures to investigate a specific channel through which financial development may affect group affiliation: internal capital markets. Using a comprehensive firm-level dataset on European corporate groups in 15 countries, we find that countries
with less developed financial markets have a higher percentage of group affiliates in more capital intensive industries. This relationship is more pronounced for young and small firms and for affiliates of large and diversified groups. Our findings are consistent with the view that internal capital markets may, under some conditions, be more efficient than prevailing external markets, and that this may drive group affiliation even in developed economies. In Chapter 2, I bridge current streams of innovation research to explore the interplay between R&D, external knowledge, and organizational structure–three elements of a firm’s innovation strategy which we argue should logically be studied together. Using within-firm patent assignment patterns,
we develop a novel measure of structure for a large sample of American firms. We find that centralized firms invest more in research and patent more per R&D dollar than decentralized firms. Both types access technology via mergers and acquisitions, but their acquisitions differ in terms of frequency, size, and i\ntegration. Consistent with our framework, their sources of value creation differ: while centralized firms derive more value from internal R&D, decentralized firms rely more on external knowledge. We discuss how these findings should stimulate more integrative work on theories of innovation. In Chapter 3, I use novel data on 1,265 newly-public firms to show that innovative firms exposed to environments with lower M&A activity just after their initial public offering (IPO) adapt by engaging in fewer technological acquisitions and
more internal research. However, this adaptive response becomes inertial shortly after IPO and persists well into maturity. This study advances our understanding of how the environment shapes heterogeneity and capabilities through its impact on firm structure. I discuss how my results can help bridge inertial versus adaptive perspectives in the study of organizations, by
documenting an instance when the two interact.
In 2006 the Gowers Review of Intellectual Property made a series of recommendations for reforming the intellectual property regime to better serve the interests of both consumers and industry. Among the proposed recommendations was that an exception for parody be introduced within the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. In January 2008 the Intellectual Property Office (the IPO) launched the first part of a two-stage consultation process on exceptions to copyright. As part of that consultation process, the IPO proposed a ‘fair dealing style exception’ for parody, and sought views on whether a new exception should be introduced as well as what form it might take. In December 2009 the IPO launched the second stage of this consultation process. The second consultation document rejected the case for a new parody exception. This article considers the place of parody within the copyright regime and the objections levelled against the introduction of an exception set out within the IPO's second consultation document. It invites the IPO to reconsider its decision not to recommend the introduction of a specific exception for parody within the UK.
La Banque mondiale propose la bonne gouvernance comme la stratégie visant à corriger les maux de la mauvaise gouvernance et de faciliter le développement dans les pays en développement (Carayannis, Pirzadeh, Popescu & 2012; & Hilyard Wilks 1998; Leftwich 1993; Banque mondiale, 1989). Dans cette perspective, la réforme institutionnelle et une arène de la politique publique plus inclusive sont deux stratégies critiques qui visent à établir la bonne gouvernance, selon la Banque et d’autres institutions de Bretton Woods. Le problème, c’est que beaucoup de ces pays en voie de développement ne possèdent pas l’architecture institutionnelle préalable à ces nouvelles mesures. Cette thèse étudie et explique comment un état en voie de développement, le Commonwealth de la Dominique, s’est lancé dans un projet de loi visant l’intégrité dans la fonction publique. Cette loi, la Loi sur l’intégrité dans la fonction publique (IPO) a été adoptée en 2003 et mis en œuvre en 2008. Cette thèse analyse les relations de pouvoir entre les acteurs dominants autour de évolution de la loi et donc, elle emploie une combinaison de technique de l’analyse des réseaux sociaux et de la recherche qualitative pour répondre à la question principale: Pourquoi l’État a-t-il développé et mis en œuvre la conception actuelle de la IPO (2003)? Cette question est d’autant plus significative quand nous considérons que contrairement à la recherche existante sur le sujet, l’IPO dominiquaise diverge considérablement dans la structure du l’IPO type idéal. Nous affirmons que les acteurs "rationnels," conscients de leur position structurelle dans un réseau d’acteurs, ont utilisé leurs ressources de pouvoir pour façonner l’institution afin qu’elle serve leurs intérêts et ceux et leurs alliés. De plus, nous émettons l’hypothèse que: d’abord, le choix d’une agence spécialisée contre la corruption et la conception ultérieure de cette institution reflètent les préférences des acteurs dominants qui ont participé à la création de ladite institution et la seconde, notre hypothèse rivale, les caractéristiques des modèles alternatifs d’institutions de l’intégrité publique sont celles des acteurs non dominants. Nos résultats sont mitigés. Le jeu de pouvoir a été limité à un petit groupe d’acteurs dominants qui ont cherché à utiliser la création de la loi pour assurer leur légitimité et la survie politique. Sans surprise, aucun acteur n’a avancé un modèle alternatif. Nous avons conclu donc que la loi est la conséquence d’un jeu de pouvoir partisan. Cette recherche répond à la pénurie de recherche sur la conception des institutions de l’intégrité publique, qui semblent privilégier en grande partie un biais organisationnel et structurel. De plus, en étudiant le sujet du point de vue des relations de pouvoir (le pouvoir, lui-même, vu sous l’angle actanciel et structurel), la thèse apporte de la rigueur conceptuelle, méthodologique, et analytique au discours sur la création de ces institutions par l’étude de leur genèse des perspectives tant actancielles que structurelles. En outre, les résultats renforcent notre capacité de prédire quand et avec quelle intensité un acteur déploierait ses ressources de pouvoir.
La fin du traitement actif et le début de la phase de survie correspondent à une période de transition qui présente de nombreux défis pour la personne survivante au cancer, les soignants et le système de santé. La phase de survie au cancer est une phase distincte mais négligée du continuum de soins. Pour faciliter la transition de la fin du traitement actif vers la survie et optimiser la coordination des soins de suivi, la mise en place d’un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) est proposée. Le but de cette recherche est de développer, de mettre en place et d’évaluer si un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) permet de répondre aux besoins globaux, de diminuer la détresse émotionnelle et de favoriser les comportements d’autogestion de santé de femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre (FACE) lors de la transition de la fin du traitement actif vers la survie au cancer. Elle comprend deux phases distinctes. La première phase visait d’abord le développement d’un plan de soins de suivi (PSS) pour des femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre avec traitements adjuvants. La sélection du contenu du PSS a été faite à partir de la recension des écrits et des données recueillies lors d’entrevues individuelles avec 19 FACE, 24 professionnels de la santé travaillant avec cette clientèle et quatre gestionnaires de proximité en oncologie. Cette première phase avait également pour but la validation du contenu du PSS auprès de dix professionnels de la santé impliqués dans l’étude. La seconde phase consistait à évaluer la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité du PSS et à en pré-tester l’utilité à répondre aux besoins globaux, à diminuer la détresse émotionnelle (peur de la récidive) et à favoriser l’autogestion de santé auprès d’un groupe de 18 femmes atteintes du cancer de l’endomètre avec traitements adjuvants à la fin du traitement actif vers la survie. Sur le plan de la faisabilité, les résultats suggèrent que la mise en place du PSS comporte des défis en termes de temps, de ressources et de coordination pour l’infirmière pivot en oncologie (IPO). Concernant l’acceptabilité du PSS, les FACE le perçoivent comme un outil d’information utile qui favorise la communication avec le médecin de famille ou d’autres professionnels de la santé. Les IPO soutiennent sa valeur ajoutée à la fin du traitement et soulignent que la discussion du contenu du PSS fait ressortir des éléments de surveillance et de suivi essentiels à prendre en compte pour la phase de survie et permet de mettre l’emphase sur l’autogestion de sa santé. Pour les médecins de famille, le PSS est un outil d’information pour les survivantes qui favorise la réassurance, la communication et la continuité des soins entre professionnels de la santé. Enfin, pour ce qui est de l’utilité du PSS à répondre aux besoins globaux, les résultats suggèrent que l’ensemble des besoins sont plus satisfaits trois mois après la fin des traitements pour le groupe ayant reçu un PSS. Bien que la peur de récidive du cancer (PRC) s’améliore au suivi de trois mois pour le groupe exposé au PSS, 55% des FACE conservent un score cliniquement significatif de 13 à la sous-échelle de sévérité de peur de récidive à la fin du traitement et 42% au suivi de trois mois. Les comportements d’autogestion de santé s’améliorent entre la fin du traitement et le suivi de trois mois pour le groupe exposé un PSS. Considérant ces résultats, la démarche soutient la pertinence de mettre en place un PSS à la fin du traitement actif pour les FACE pour répondre à des besoins d’information, favoriser la communication et la continuité des soins avec les professionnels de la santé et les comportements d’autogestion de santé dans la phase de survie. Cependant, des contraintes de temps, de ressources et de coordination doivent être prises en compte pour sa mise en place dans le milieu clinique. Mots-clés : Transition, fin du traitement actif, besoins, survie au cancer, plan de soins de suivi.