945 resultados para INTERFERON-ALPHA-2


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Treatment regimens for solid tumours have been extensively investigated for their physical toxic effects, but far less is known about the potential impairment of cognitive function by anticancer treatment regimens. Here, we review published studies that examined cognitive function in adult patients receiving systemic therapy for solid tumours. Our review suggests that patients can experience cognitive changes related to their treatment. However, several studies had methodological limitations, such as use of a limited sample size, lack of baseline assessment, and lack of control for potential confounding factors. Better designed clinical trials are required so that the difficulties patients face in terms of reduced cognitive function as a result of anticancer treatment can be fully elucidated. These trials should have sufficient statistical power and, importantly, should also be prospective.


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Gemstone Team ANTIDOTE


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Previously, we reported that the alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor, but not the alpha(1D)-adrenoceptor, mediates pupillary dilation elicited by sympathetic nerve stimulation in rats. This study was undertaken to further characterize the alpha-adrenoceptor subtypes mediating pupillary dilation in response to both neural and agonist activation. Pupillary dilator response curves were generated by intravenous injection of norepinephrine in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. Involvement of alpha(1)-adrenoceptors was established as mydriatic responses were inhibited by systemic administration of nonselective alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists, phentolamine (0.3-3 mg/kg) and phenoxybenzamine (0.03-0.3 mg/kg), as well as by the selective alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist, prazosin (0.3 mg/kg). The alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist, rauwolscine (0.5 mg/kg), was without antagonistic effects. alpha(1A)-Adrenoceptor selective antagonists, 2-([2,6-dimethoxyphenoxyethyl]aminomethyl)-1,4-benzodioxane (WB-4101; 0.1-1 mg/kg) and 5-methylurapidil (0.1-1 mg/kg), the alpha(1B)-adrenoceptor selective antagonist, 4-amino-2-[4-[1-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-2(S)- [[(1,1-dimethylethyl)amino]carbonyl]-piperazinyl]-6,7-dimethoxyquinazoline (L-765314; 0.3-1 mg/kg), as well as the alpha(1D)-adrenoceptor selective antagonist, 8-[2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-8-azaspiro[4.5]decane-7,9-dione (BMY-7378; 1 mg/kg), were used to delineate the adrenoceptor subtypes involved. Mydriatic responses to norepinephrine were significantly antagonized by intravenous administration of both WB-4101 and 5-methylurapidil, but neither by L-765314 nor by BMY-7378. L-765314 (0.3-3 mg/kg, i.v.) was also ineffective in inhibiting the mydriasis evoked by cervical sympathetic nerve stimulation. These results suggest that alpha(1B)-adrenoceptors do not mediate sympathetic mydriasis in rats, and that the alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor is the exclusive subtype mediating mydriatic responses in this species.


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This study was undertaken to identify the alpha-adrenergic receptor type responsible for sympathetically evoked mydriasis in pentobarbital-anesthetized rabbits. Frequency-response curves of pupillary dilation were generated by stimulation of the preganglionic cervical sympathetic nerve (1-64 Hz). Evoked mydriatic responses were inhibited by systemic administration of nonselective alpha-adrenergic antagonists, phentolamine (0.3-10 mg/kg) and phenoxybenzamine (0.03-0.3 mg/kg), as well as the selective alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist, prazosin (0.1-1 mg/kg). The alpha(2)-adrenergic antagonist, RS 79948 (0.3 mg/kg, i.v.) was without inhibitory effect, but potentiated the mydriatic response. In addition, the selective alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor antagonist, 5-methylurapidil (0.1-1 mg/kg, i.v.), antagonized the elicited mydriasis in a dose-dependent fashion. Unlike previous observations that prazosin does not block the adrenoceptor in rabbit iris dilator muscle, our results suggest that prazosin is effective in inhibiting neuronally elicited mydriasis in this species, and that alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors appear to mediate the response.


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Evidence suggests that in some species (cats, rabbits, and possibly humans) alpha-adrenoceptors in the iris dilator muscle are "atypical" in that they cannot be readily classified by conventional criteria. This study was undertaken in an attempt to characterize the alpha-adrenoceptor subtype(s) mediating sympathetically elicited mydriasis in rats. Frequency-response pupillary dilator curves were generated by stimulation of the preganglionic cervical sympathetic nerve (1-32 Hz) in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. Evoked responses were inhibited by systemic administration of nonselective alpha-adrenergic antagonists, phentolamine (0.3-10 mg/kg) and phenoxybenzamine (0.03-1 mg/kg). The selective alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist, prazosin (0.01-1 mg/kg), also was effective, although alpha(2)-adrenergic antagonism with rauwolscine (0.1-1 mg/kg) was not. alpha(1A)-Adrenoceptor-selective antagonists, 2-([2,6-dimethoxyphenoxyethyl]aminomethyl)-1,4-benzodioxane (WB-4101; 0.1-1 mg/kg) and 5-methylurapidil (0.1-1 mg/kg), as well as the alpha(1D)-adrenoceptor-selective antagonist 8-[2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-8-azaspiro[4.5]decane-7,9-dione (BMY-7378; 1-3 mg/kg), were used to determine the subtype(s) involved. Evoked mydriasis was significantly antagonized by both WB-4101 and 5-methylurapidil but not by BMY-7378. These results suggest that, unlike some other species, adrenoceptors in the rat iris dilator mediating neurogenic mydriasis are "typical" and, in addition, can be characterized as being primarily of the alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor subtype.


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Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) therapy is commonly used in the treatment of neoplastic and autoimmune diseases, including cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). However, the IFN-alpha response is unpredictable, and the IFN-alpha cell targets and pathways are only partially understood. To delineate the molecular mechanisms of IFN-alpha activity, gene expression profiling was performed in a time-course experiment of both IFN-alpha sensitive and IFN-alpha-resistant variants of a CTCL cell line. These experiments revealed that IFN-alpha is responsible for the regulation of hundreds of genes in both variants and predominantly involves genes implicated in signal transduction, cell cycle control, apoptosis, and transcription regulation. Specifically, the IFN-alpha response of tumoral T cells is due to a combination of induction of apoptosis in which TNFSF10 and HSXIAPAF1 may play an important role and cell cycle arrest achieved by downregulation of CDK4 and CCNG2 and upregulation of CDKN2C and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). Resistance to IFN-alpha appears to be associated with failure to induce IRF1 and IRF7 and deregulation of the apoptotic signals of HSXIAPAF1, TRADD, BAD, and BNIP3. Additionally, cell cycle progression is heralded by upregulation of CDC25A and CDC42. A critical role of NF-kappaB in promoting cell survival in IFN-alpha-resistant cells is indicated by the upregulation of RELB and LTB.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) induces chronic infection in 50% to 80% of infected persons; approximately 50% of these do not respond to therapy. We performed a genome-wide association study to screen for host genetic determinants of HCV persistence and response to therapy. METHODS: The analysis included 1362 individuals: 1015 with chronic hepatitis C and 347 who spontaneously cleared the virus (448 were coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]). Responses to pegylated interferon alfa and ribavirin were assessed in 465 individuals. Associations between more than 500,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and outcomes were assessed by multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Chronic hepatitis C was associated with SNPs in the IL28B locus, which encodes the antiviral cytokine interferon lambda. The rs8099917 minor allele was associated with progression to chronic HCV infection (odds ratio [OR], 2.31; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.74-3.06; P = 6.07 x 10(-9)). The association was observed in HCV mono-infected (OR, 2.49; 95% CI, 1.64-3.79; P = 1.96 x 10(-5)) and HCV/HIV coinfected individuals (OR, 2.16; 95% CI, 1.47-3.18; P = 8.24 x 10(-5)). rs8099917 was also associated with failure to respond to therapy (OR, 5.19; 95% CI, 2.90-9.30; P = 3.11 x 10(-8)), with the strongest effects in patients with HCV genotype 1 or 4. This risk allele was identified in 24% of individuals with spontaneous HCV clearance, 32% of chronically infected patients who responded to therapy, and 58% who did not respond (P = 3.2 x 10(-10)). Resequencing of IL28B identified distinct haplotypes that were associated with the clinical phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: The association of the IL28B locus with natural and treatment-associated control of HCV indicates the importance of innate immunity and interferon lambda in the pathogenesis of HCV infection.


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Malgré plusieurs chimiothérapies suivies d’une transplantation et d’une immunothérapie, 40% des patients avec un neuroblastome (NB) à haut risque subissent une progression de la maladie ou une rechute. L’échec de ces traitements est attribué à la présence de cellules initiatrices de tumeur (TIC) qui expriment le marqueur CD133 et qui sont souvent résistantes aux agents chimiothérapeutiques. Les cellules Natural Killer (NK), qui possèdent un effet anti-tumoral, peuvent être utilisées dans le cadre du développement de nouvelles approches immuno-thérapeutiques. Nous posons l’hypothèse que les cellules NK activées éliminent efficacement les TIC et contribuent à la réduction des risques de rechute. De plus, il est possible d’augmenter l’effet anti-tumoral des cellules NK contre le NB. L’activité cytotoxique des cellules NK est augmentée par des cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (pDC) activées. A la suite de la stimulation de leurs récepteurs Toll-like les pDC produisent de grandes quantités d'interféron-alpha (IFN-α). Nous avons étudié les propriétés lytiques des cellules NK contre des lignées cellulaires de NB à la suite de leur activation par l’IFN-α ou des pDC activées. Nos résultats révèlent une augmentation de l’activité cytolytique des cellules NK contre ces lignées en réponse à une stimulation par les pDC activées. De plus, les cellules de NB CD133+ ou celles résistantes à l’immunothérapie dirigée contre le GD2 sont sensibles à la lyse médiée par les cellules NK stimulées par les pDC. Nous avons examiné les mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans la lyse des cellules de NB. Nous montrons que cette cytotoxicité est médiée en partie par TRAIL induisant l'apoptose et en partie par la libération des granules cytotoxiques. Ainsi, ces résultats permettent de proposer une nouvelle approche immuno-thérapeutique complémentaire au traitement par l’anticorps anti-GD2 pour les patients atteints de NB à haut risque.


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Introducción: La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una enfermedad crónica benigna, rara y de etiología desconocida; tiende a confundirse con otras enfermedades debido a síntomas similares. Este estudio pretende identificar y cuantificar las características demográficas, los antecedentes ginecoobstétricos relevantes y las manifestaciones clínicas prediagnósticas de esta enfermedad Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática con análisis agrupado de datos tipo meta análisis. Se utilizó una estrategia de búsqueda en PubMed. Todos los estudios relacionados con la definición, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática fueron elegibles. Las variables de interés fueron edad, país, antecedente de contracepción hormonal, tiempo de evolución, tiempo desde el último embarazo, diagnóstico inicial, y manifestaciones clínicas previas a la consulta. No hubo restricción en fechas de publicación. Resultados: Fueron incluidas 641 mujeres con diagnóstico de MGI reportadas en 68 publicaciones que cumplieron los criterios de selección. La edad media fue 35.9 años, 14.1% de ellas estaba embarazada o lactando, el antecedente de consumo de anticonceptivos hormonales fue 21% y el tiempo promedio desde el último parto fue de 3.9 años. La afectación ocurre principalmente en mama izquierda y en cuadrante superoexterno. El cáncer de mama y el absceso mamario son diagnósticos diferenciales en la consulta. Discusión: El diagnóstico de MGI es un reto para el ginecólogo desde la consulta inicial. Debido a que sus manifestaciones clínicas no son específicas, su diagnóstico parece apuntar a la necesidad de un proceso de descarte de otras patologías más frecuentes e incluso de peor pronóstico. Palabras clave mastitis granulomatosa idiopática


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Empirical antibiotic use is prescribed in managing children with pneumonia worldwide. We assessed the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) in differentiating viral from bacterial pneumonia. Among 159 hospitalized children, pneumonia was diagnosed based on clinical complaints plus pulmonary infiltrate. Aetiology was investigated for 9 viruses and 4 atypical and 3 typical bacteria. PCT and IFN-alpha were measured in the serum sample collected on admission. Eight patients had bacteraemic infections, 38 had non-bacteraemic typical infections, and 19 patients had atypical bacterial infections. Viral and unknown aetiology was established in 57 (36%) and 34 (21%) cases, respectively. Three patients with bacterial infection without collected blood culture were excluded. IFN-alpha (IU/ml) was detectable in 20 (13%) cases. The difference among median PCT values of the bacteraemic (4.22; 1.56-7.56), non-bacteraemic typical bacterial (1.47; 0.24-4.07), atypical bacterial (0.18; 0.06-1.03) and only viral (0.65; 0.11-2.22) subgroups was significant (p = 0.02). PCT was >= 2 ng/ml in 52 (33%) cases. The presence of IFN-alpha was associated with PCT <2 ng/ml (90% vs. 64%, p = 0.02). The negative predictive value (95% confidence interval) of PCT >= 2 ng/ml was 95% (89-100%), 89% (78-100%), 93% (85-100%) for differentiation of bacteraemic from viral, atypical bacterial and non-bacteraemic typical bacterial infection, respectively, and 58% (49-68%) for differentiation between bacterial and viral infection. PCT may be useful in identifying bacteraemia among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. IFN-alpha was uncommonly detected.


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Objective: It was the aim of this study to evaluate whether chronic pain in athletes is related to performance, measured by the maximum oxygen consumption and production of hormones and cytokines. Methods: Fifty-five athletes with a mean age of 31.9 +/- 4.2 years engaged in regular competition and showing no symptoms of acute inflammation, particularly fever, were studied. They were divided into 2 subgroups according to the occurrence of pain. Plasma concentrations of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, prolactin, growth hormone and dopamine were measured by radioimmunoassay, and the production of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-alpha and prostaglandin E-2 by whole-blood culture. Maximal oxygen consumption was determined during an incremental treadmill test. Results: There was no change in the concentration of stress hormones, but the athletes with chronic pain showed a reduction in maximum oxygen consumption (22%) and total consumption at the anaerobic threshold (25%), as well as increased cytokine production. Increases of 2.7-, 8.1-, 1.7- and 3.7-fold were observed for IL-1, IL-2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-alpha, respectively. Conclusions: Our data show that athletes with chronic pain have enhanced production of proinflammatory cytokines and lipid mediators and reduced performance in the ergospirometric test. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estrous behavior and the estrus-to-ovulation interval are essential for estimating the best time to artificially inseminate cattle. Because these parameters are not well characterized in the Nelore breed (Bos indicus), the main purpose of the this study was to determine the estrus-to-ovulation interval in Nelore heifers and cows with natural estrus or with estrus induced by treatments with PGF2 alpha or norgestomet and estradiol valerate (NEV). The cows and heifers were observed continuously (24 h a day) to determine the onset of estrus and to study estrous behavior in the cows. Ten hours after the start of estrus the ovaries were scanned every 2 h by ultrasonography to monitor the dominant follicle until ovulation. Blood samples were collected periodically to determine progesterone levels by RIA. Administration of PGF2 alpha (2 injections, 11 days apart) did not induce estrus in most Nelore females in spite of the presence of functional CL, indicated by progesterone concentrations above 6.0 ng/ml in 25 of 28 animals. Treatment with NEV induced high sexual receptivity in cows (10/11), but only 66% ovulated. Cows with natural or induced estrus exhibited behavioral estrus of 10.9 +/- 1.4 h, and ovulation occurred 26.6 +/- 0.44 h (n = 26) after the onset of estrus. In most of the cows (53.8%) estrus began at night (between 1801 and 600 h), and 34.6% it started and finished during the night. It is concluded that in Nelore females ovulation occurs approximately 26 h after the onset of estrus. Additionally, estrous behavior is shorter than in European breeds, and there is a high incidence of estrus at night, which makes it difficult to detect and, consequently, impairs Al in Nelore cattle. The observation that a high percentage of Nelore females with an active CL did not respond to usual dosages of PGF2 alpha warrants further investigation. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)