979 resultados para INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS


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Title: Boundary-setting as a core activity in complex public systems
Authors: Joanne Murphy & Mary Lee Rhodes

The definition of the boundary of a system is at the core of any systems approach (Midgley 2000; 2003). By defining boundaries we enable – and delimit – the range of outcomes sought and the actions and resources that can be brought to bear. In complex adaptive systems (CAS) analysis, the conceptualisaion and definition of boundaries is particularly challenging as they are constantly undergoing redefinition through agent action, interaction and entry/exit. (Rhodes et al 2011). The concept of ‘boundaries’ appears regularly in a wide range of literature around public management, administration, geopolitics, regeneration and organisational development. Discussions around boundaries focus on many things from concrete physical manifestations and barriers, to virtual interfaces between one organisational unit and another, or even entirely theoretical demarcations between different schools of thought (Kaboolian, 1998, Levi-Faur, 2004, Agranoff & McGuire, 2004).

However, managing ‘beyond’ such boundaries is a routinely recurring aspiration that transcends sectors and local concerns. Unsurprisingly then, there is an increasing understanding of the need to acknowledge and manage such boundaries (whether they be physical, social or organisational) within public management as a discipline (Currie et al 2007, Fitzsimmons and White, 1997, Murtagh, 2002). This paper explores the impact of boundaries on public management strategic decision-making in the sectors of urban regeneration and healthcare. In particular, it focuses on demarcations to physical space, communal identity and within professional relationships in these sectors.

The first section describes the research that gave rise to the paper and the cases examined. Next we briefly define what we mean by boundaries. We explore issues that have emerged from our analysis of urban regeneration and health care singularly, before looking at how the concept of boundaries is a recurrent concern across the sectors. The main contribution of the paper is an exploration of how a CAS lens can bring a new insight into the concept of boundaries and decision-making in the two sets of case studies. This discussion will concentrate on initial conditions, bifurcation and adaptation as key CAS factors in relation to boundaries. We conclude with a brief discussion on the benefits of a CAS lens to an analysis of boundaries in public management decision-making.

Agranoff, R. and McGuire, M. (2003) Collaborative Public Management: Strategies for Local Government. Washington, DC: Georgetown Univ. Press.

Currie, G., Lockett, A. (2007) “A critique of transformational leadership: moral, professional & contingent dimensions of leadership within public services organizations”. Human Relations 60: 341-370.

Fitzsimmons and White, (1997) "Crossing boundaries: communication between professional groups", Journal of Management in Medicine, Vol. 11 Iss: 2, pp.96 – 101

Kaboolian, L. (1998) “The New Public Management: Challenging the Boundaries of the Management vs. Administration Debate” Public Administration Review Vol. 58, No. 3 pp.189-193

Levi-Faur D. and Vigoda-Gadot Eran (eds) (2004) International Public Policy and Management: Policy Learning Beyond Regional, Cultural and Political Boundaries, Marcel Dekker,
Midgley, G. (ed) (2003) Systems Thinking. London: Sage Publications

Midgley, G. (2000) Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology and Practice. New York, NY: Kluwer.

Murtagh, B. (2002). The Politics of Territory: Policy and Segregation in Northern Ireland. Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Rhodes, ML, Joanne Murphy, Jenny Muir, John Murray (2011) Public Management & Complexity Theory: Richer Decision Making in Irish Public Services, UK: Routledge


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Considerable time, research money and expertise has been spent exploring the complex reality of ethno nationalist conflict and the role that public management plays in supporting the transition from violent conflict to stability, order and prosperity (Esman 1999; Guelke and Milton-Edwards 2000; Brinkerhoff 2005; Brinkerhoff, Wetterberg et al. 2012; Rao 2014). However, there seems to be a gap in relation to the practical challenges of managing change within, through and beyond such conflict. This paper aims to begin the process of putting a framework around the real experience of public management in conflict and transition by shifting the lens of analysis from macros concerns about sequencing interventions (Rao 2014) and legitimate requirements of security, stability and service delivery (Brinkerhoff, Wetterberg et al. 2012) to a micro analysis of the attitudes, behaviours, challenges and compromises held and faced by those public servants on the front line of conflict management and conflict transformation processes. Using senior managers as the unit of analysis and Northern Ireland as an embryonic case study, this paper discusses the links between ethno nationalist societal conflict, public sector reform and manager behaviour. In doing so, it highlights some initial data from an early pilot study into the experiences of individuals in significant public service roles at various stages of the NI conflict / peace process and draws some tentative conclusions about the viability of a wider study.


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This qualitative study examined the perceived thoughts, feelings and experiences of seven public health nurses employed in a southern ontario health department, regarding the initial phase of the introduction of a self-directed orientation program in their place of employment. A desire to understand what factors facilitate public health nurses in the process of becoming self-directed learners was the purpose of this study. Data were gathered by three methods: 1) a standard open-ended interview was conducted by the researcher with each nurse for approximately one hour; 2) personal notes were kept by the researcher throughout the study; and 3) a review of all pertinent health department documents such as typed minutes of meetings and memos which referred to the introduction of the self-directed learning model was conducted. The meaning of the experience for the nurses provided some insights into what does and does not facilitate public health nurses in the process of becoming self-directed learners. Implications and recommendations for program planners, nurse administrators, facilitators of learning and researchers evolved from the findings of this study.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II


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In an attempt to focus clients' minds on the importance of considering the construction and maintenance costs of a commercial office building (both as a factor in staff productivity and as a fraction of lifetime staff costs) there is an often-quoted ratio of costs of 1:5:200, where for every one pound spent on construction cost, five are spent on maintenance and building operating costs and 200 on staffing and business operating costs. This seems to stem from a paper published by the Royal Academy of Engineering, in which no data is given and no derivation or defence of the ratio appears. The accompanying belief that higher quality design and construction increases staff productivity, and simultaneously reduces maintenance costs, how ever laudable, appears unsupported by research, and carries all the hallmarks of an "urban myth". In tracking down data about real buildings, a more realistic ratio appears to depend on a huge variety of variables, as well as the definition of the number of "lifetime" years. The ill-defined origins of the original ratio (1:5:200) describing these variables have made replication impossible. However, by using published sources of data, we have found that for three office buildings, a more realistic ratio is 1:0.4:12. As there is nothing in the public domain about what comprised the original research that gave rise to 1:5:200, it is not possible to make a true comparison between these new calculations and the originals. Clients and construction professionals stand to be misled because the popularity and widespread use of the wrong ratio appears to be mis-informing important investment and policy decisions.


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Objective: To examine perceptions of success in weight control and future weight-control intentions in a community sample. Design: Cross-sectional postal survey. Subjects: There were 1500 adults randomly selected from the Electoral Roll of Victoria (47% response). Setting: Community. Main outcome measures: Retrospective weight change over previous 12 months; perceived weight-control success; future weight-control intentions. Statistical analyses: Pearson's χ² tests were used to compare perceived weight-control success by sex, and by age, education level, initial BMI, amount of weight change and weight-loss behaviour within sex. ANOVA was used to compare mean weight change associated with perceived weight control success within sex, and within age, education, body mass index and weight-loss behaviour by sex. The distribution (frequency) of weight-control intentions are reported within perceived weight-control success and amount of weight change. Results: One in two (53%) reported maintaining their weight within 1kg in the preceding 12 months, 26% of men and 21% of women reported weight gain and 20% of men and 26% of women reported weight loss. Almost one-third (30%) of those who maintained their weight considered themselves unsuccessful. A majority of those who lost weight considered themselves successful at controlling their weight. However, more than 45% of men who gained weight also considered themselves successful. Those who considered themselves unsuccessful experienced less weight loss (1.1 ± 3.9kg) than those who considered themselves quite successful (-1.4 ± 4.5 kg, P < 0.001) or very successful (-1.3 ± 7.8 kg, P < 0.001). Conclusion: Public views of what constitutes successful weight control may need to be reoriented to be consistent with public health goals.


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This paper will report on a research project funded by the Australian Football League (AFL).The research mobilises Foucault's later work on the care of the Self to focus on the ways in which player identities are regulated; and the manner in which players conduct themselves in ways that can be characterised as professional - or not.

The paper explores the forms of risk management that Clubs use in the processes of talent identification that they engage in as a consequence of AFL rules. The paper discusses how psychological profiling is used to identify character traits prior to initial recruitment in the draft or trading processes - and reports on suggestions that risk management in this increasingly commerciaIised context may lead to recruitment practices that exclude certain types of persons. from
certain types of backgrounds.


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Using a set of variables measured in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study, our empirical investigation explored the influence of mass media through national culture on national entrepreneurial participation rates in 37 countries over 4 years (2000 to 2003). We found that stories about successful entrepreneurs, conveyed in mass media, were not significantly associated with the rate of nascent (opportunity searching) or the rate of actual (business activities commenced up to 3 months old) start-up activity, but that there was a significant positive association between the volume of entrepreneurship media stories and a nation’s volume of people running a young business (that is in GEM terminology, a business aged greater than 3 but less than 42 months old). More particularly, such stories had strong positive association with opportunity oriented operators of young businesses. Together, these findings are compatible with what in the mass communications theory literature may be called the ‘reinforcement model’. This argues that mass media are only capable of reinforcing their audience’s existing values and choice propensities but are not capable of shaping or changing those values and choices. In the area covered by this paper, policy-makers are committing public resources to media campaigns of doubtful utility in the absence of an evidence base. A main implication drawn from this study is the need for further and more sophisticated investigation into the relationship between media coverage of entrepreneurship, national culture and the rates and nature of people’s participation in the various stages of the entrepreneurial process.


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Electronic networking ('computer-mediated communication1), considered to be ‘unique domain for educational activity’ (Harasim, 1989:50) and ‘new educational paradigm’ (Mason & Kaye, 1989:23), has been widely used and researched in K-12 schooling, place-based undergraduate subjects and distance education courses. However, only a limited number of reports of usage with experienced teachers (professional development), beginning teachers (induction support) and trainee teachers (initial training) have been published. Hence, little is known about the ways in which this new medium might contribute to the acquisition and maintenance of professional knowledge in the field of teacher education. The purpose of this study was to document an application of electronic networking in an initial 'school-based1 teacher education course. Three factors which were considered to be important in the adoption of electronic networking were specifically addressed: (a) the potential of the medium to attract and maintain a representative and comprehensive audience', (b) the willingness of participants to use the medium for the notation of ideas about teaching; and, (c) the extent to which reflection on practice was evident in network messages. This study also identified and investigated other effects which emerged as participants attempted to negotiate personal relationships with new technology. A case study was selected to investigate audience, notation, reflection, and other effects, in a particular application. Data were collected using participant observation, software-generated statistics, printed documentation, university records, questionnaires, interviews and content analysis of messages. These data were used to describe and analyse network participation by trainee teachers, classroom teachers and university staff. The data revealed that an audience did exist on the electronic network but that this was not comprehensive. Teachers had difficulty accessing the network because of other school commitments, access to equipment and personal competence with microcomputers. These difficulties indicated that developing and maintaining the teacher audience may be a major problem with electronic networking in initial teacher education. This case study revealed that deeply held concerns about notation of ideas by trainee teachers and classroom teachers can be powerful reasons for limited network participation. For trainee teachers, recording ideas publicly presented special difficulties associated with written communication. They were concerned about writing for an audience; about what to write about and how to write it. The loss of visual and verbal cues which form part of face-to-face communication was also a problem leading to concerns about how messages would be received by others. However, the overwhelming concern of almost all trainee teachers about presenting their own ideas was Tear of criticism' from peers (in particular), and other participants on the network. Trainee teachers expressed concerns about the 'dangers' of putting their thoughts in writing, the scrutiny their messages might have received from others, and the public 'criticism' about what they wrote which might have appeared on the network. Knowing that messages were stored on the network, and could be retrieved at some later date, heightened anxiety about the vulnerability of written communication; what was written on one occasion may have to be defended at some later date when the views expressed initially were no longer held. Classroom teachers were also unsure about recording their own ideas in an electronic form. Like trainee teachers, they were concerned about the scrutiny their contributions might receive from other users, and the lack of visual and verbal cues which they had learnt to use in face-to-face communication. Notating ideas in text-based messages which were archived (by the software), and retrievable by others later, was also daunting to many teachers. Another major 'danger' for teachers was the possible repercussions of 'public comment' about curriculum policy and initiatives which they thought might get them into 'trouble' with their employer. Since very few messages were contributed to conferences, there was little evidence of reflection in network communication. In the main, the network was not used to share information and ideas about curriculum and teaching. Public examples of collaboration between participants were not evident, and the 'special knowledge' held by members in each distinct group of users was not elaborated and discussed. Messages were not used to request information or clarification about issues, to outline the processes by which decisions about teaching were reached, or to synthesis ideas from different sources. The potential of the medium to operationalise reflective practice was not realised. Among the effects observed, the use of an anonymous account to access the network, and the impact this had on participation (in one conference) was considered to be a particularly significant finding. While the opportunity to systematically investigate the effects of anonymity on network participation and message contributions was not realised (by the author) while the research was in progress, the effects observed and discussed are considered to be important and worthy of further investigation. In this case study, the anonymous account helped trainee teachers mask concerns about personal writing skills and fear of criticism from others, indicating that anonymity may alter communication patterns, particularly in the early stages of network use. Given the data collected in this case study, and the interpretations placed on it by the author, a pessimistic assessment of the place of electronic networking in initial teacher education courses was presented. For this situation to change - that is, for electronic discussions to become more fully integrated into course activities - four issues which need to be addressed were identified and discussed. These included clarification of the role of collaboration amongst participants in initial teacher education, the ways in which collaboration can be facilitated using electronic networking, the problems of notation - such as the difficulty of expressing ideas about teaching in written form, and the concerns about permanently archived messages - for teachers and trainee teachers, and the lack of skills which many trainee teachers bring to electronic discussions. In the context of initial teacher education, it was suggested that these four aspects require clarification and development before the potential advantages of electronic networking can be realised. Some specific suggestions about how these issues might be resolved were presented.


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Since the democratic elections held across Iraq in 2005 and 2010 much attention has understandably been paid to the new Iraqi government. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly clear that much of Iraq’s political elite are practising the type of governance referred to in the literature on other Arab states alternatively as ‘liberalised autocracy’ (Brumberg, 2002), ‘semi-authoritarianism’ (Ottaway, 2003) or ‘pluralised authoritarianism’ (Posusney & Angrist, 2005). That is to say, that the Iraqi government actually utilises (and controls) nominally democratic mechanisms such as elections, media freedoms, political opposition and civil society as part of their strategy to retain power. This is perhaps best demonstrated via the nine month political stalemate that followed the March 2010 elections and PM Maliki’s refusal to step down despite having narrowly lost the election. Not surprisingly, the Iraqi people have become increasingly disillusioned and critical of their political leaders – hence the mass protests that have swept across Iraq in the context of the popular Arab Revolutions of 2010-11.

However, these latest Iraqi protests are only the most recent and overt sign of the hidden geographies that are agitating towards democracy in this deeply troubled and increasingly authoritarian state. Since the invasion of 2003, a complex array of political, religious and ethno-sectarian factions have formed civil society movements; uncensored news has been consumed across the nation; ordinary citizens have taken to the streets to protest key government decisions; and various local councils have been formed, deliberating on key decisions facing their immediate communities (Davis, 2004, 2007). Given this context, this chapter focuses on the specific case of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU), Iraq’s largest and most powerful independent workers union. The IFOU has repeatedly taken the Iraqi government to task over their poor pay and the dangerous nature of their work, as well as the government’s initial kowtowing to US plans to privatise the entire Iraqi oil sector. To do this, the IFOU have utilised a variety of very democratic mechanisms including peaceful strikes and protests, media campaigns and political lobbying. Such moves have met with mixed results in Baghdad – at times the central government has pandered to the requests of IFOU, but it has also gone as far as issuing arrest warrants for its senior members. The IFOU therefore serve as an interesting example of public power in Iraq and may well pose one of the greatest challenges to rising authoritarianism there.


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BACKGROUND: Adolescence is the peak age of onset for mental illness, with half of all people who will ever have a mental illness experiencing their first episode prior to 18 years of age. Early onset of mental illness is a significant predictor for future episodes. However, adolescents and young adults are less likely than the population as a whole to either seek or receive treatment for a mental illness. The knowledge and attitudes of the adults in an adolescent's life may affect whether or not help is sought, and how quickly. In 2007, the Youth Mental Health First Aid Program was launched in Australia with the aim to teach adults, who work with or care for adolescents, the skills needed to recognise the early signs of mental illness, identify potential mental health-related crises, and assist adolescents to get the help they need as early as possible. This paper provides a description of the program, some initial evaluation and an outline of future directions.

METHODS: The program was evaluated in two ways. The first was an uncontrolled trial with 246 adult members of the Australian public, who completed questionnaires immediately before attending the 14 hour course, one month later and six months later. Outcome measures were: recognition of schizophrenia or depression; intention to offer and confidence in offering assistance; stigmatising attitudes; knowledge about adolescent mental health problems and also about the Mental Health First Aid action plan. The second method of evaluation was to track the uptake of the program, including the number of instructors trained across Australia to deliver the course, the number of courses they delivered, and the uptake of the YMHFA Program in other countries.

RESULTS: The uncontrolled trial found improvements in: recognition of schizophrenia; confidence in offering help; stigmatising attitudes; knowledge about adolescent mental health problems and application of the Mental Health First Aid action plan. Most results were maintained at follow-up. Over the first 3 years of this program, a total of 318 instructors were trained to deliver the course and these instructors have delivered courses to 10,686 people across all states and territories in Australia. The program has also spread to Canada, Singapore and England, and will spread to Hong Kong, Sweden and China in the near future.

CONCLUSIONS: Initial evaluation suggests that the Youth Mental Health First Aid course improves participants' knowledge, attitudes and helping behaviour. The program has spread successfully both nationally and internationally.


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At its core, the power of the public intellectual is the capacity to make ideas move through a culture. This article looks at what kind of academic persona – that is, what kind of public self whose original status comes from intellectual work and thinking – navigates effectively through online culture and communicates ideas in the contemporary moment. Part of the article reports on a research project that has studied academic personas online and explores what can be described as ‘registers of online performance’ that they inhabit through their online selves. The research reveals that public intellectuals have to interpret effectively that online culture privileges what is identified as ‘presentational media’: the individual as opposed to the media is the channel through which information moves and is exchanged online, and it is essentially a presentation of the self that has to be integrated into the ideas and messages. From this initial analysis/categorisation of academic persona online, the article investigates the online magazine The Conversation, which blends journalism with academic expertise in its production of news stories. The article concludes with some of the key elements that are part of the power of the public intellectual online.


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Market Square was a public reserve located in the centre of the Victorian regional city of Geelong. It was established by Governor Sir George Gipps during the initial surveying of the area in 1838. The square later became a produce market, before being progressively built upon for public and commercial purposes. Today, the modern Market Square Shopping Centre occupies a substantial portion of the original site. Opened in 1985 by the City of Geelong, the complex initially drew high rental incomes for the Council. However, by the early 1990s revenue began to decline after the collapse of the Pyramid Building Society and competition from the new Bay City Plaza shopping centre (now Westfield) that was built directly opposite. In 1993 the city council decided to sell the complex. Today it remains privately owned and while it adjoins the Little Malop Street Mall which was also part of the original public square, its connection with the surrounding urban environment is poor. The introverted architectural nature of Geelong’s two large retail shopping complexes has significantly altered the city’s spatial dynamic. The traditional intimate urban structure and streetscape has been fragmented. This has led to a deterioration of the city’s social cohesion, sense of place and economic prosperity. This paper chronicles the myriad errors of judgement by the institution of local government that have contributed to this situation. Heeding past mistakes, it explores ways in which the Council might work with private landowners to improve the permeability of the city’s public urban spaces and internalised retail centres for improved use, integration, functionality and resilience. Achieving a shared culture of concern for the city’s urban fabric presents some significant challenges. How might ‘big box’ shopping centres be reconsidered to make a positive contribution to the city’s urban spatial network while remaining commercially viable? The built environment has an important role to play in addressing the problem by presenting opportunities for these new urban institutions to also benefit from stronger connections between the public and private realm.


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Using national accounts data for the revenue-GDP and expenditure GDP ratios from 1947 to 1992, we examine two central issues in public finance. First, was the path of public debt sustainable during this period? Second, if debt is sustainable, how has the government historically balanced the budget after hocks to either revenues or expenditures? The results show that (i) public deficit is stationary (bounded asymptotic variance), with the budget in Brazil being balanced almost entirely through changes in taxes, regardless of the cause of the initial imbalance. Expenditures are weakly exogenous, but tax revenues are not;(ii) a rational Brazilian consumer can have a behavior consistent with Ricardian Equivalence (iii) seignorage revenues are critical to restore intertemporal budget equilibrium, since, when we exclude them from total revenues, debt is not sustainable in econometric tests.