180 resultados para INHOMOGENEITIES


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O campo magnetotelúrico em regiões equatoriais viola a condição de ondas planas por causa de uma fonte fortemente concentrada na direção E-W na ionosfera, denominada eletrojato equatorial. No presente trabalho, procurou-se analisar a resposta magnetotelúrica de fontes que simulam o efeito do eletrojato equatorial. Foram considerados dois tipos de fontes para simular o eletrojato: uma linha infinita de corrente e uma distribuição gaussiana de densidade de corrente em relação a uma das coordenadas horizontais. A resistividade aparente foi obtida através da relação de Cagniard e comparada com os resultados de ondas planas. É mostrada também a comparação entre a fase da impedância na superfície, para os três tipos de fontes (ondas planas, eletrojato gaussiano e linha de corrente). O problema de meios com heterogeneidades laterais foi resolvido em termos de campos secundários, sendo as equações diferenciais solucionadas através da técnica de elementos finitos bidimensionais. Os resultados mostram que o eletrojato tem pouca influência nas respostas (resistividade aparente e fase) de estruturas geológicas rasas. Entretanto, a influência pode ser considerável nas estruturas profundas (maior que 5000 m), principalmente se suas resistividades são altas (maior que 100 Ω.m). Portanto, a influência do eletrojato equatorial deve ser considerada na interpretação de dados magnetotelúricos de bacias sedimentares profundas ou no estudo da crosta terrestre.


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Os métodos numéricos de Elementos Finitos e Equação Integral são comumente utilizados para investigações eletromagnéticas na Geofísica, e, para essas modelagens é importante saber qual algoritmo é mais rápido num certo modelo geofísico. Neste trabalho são feitas comparações nos resultados de tempo computacional desses dois métodos em modelos bidimensionais com heterogeneidades condutivas num semiespaço resistivo energizados por uma linha infinita de corrente (com 1000Hz de freqüência) e situada na superfície paralelamente ao "strike" das heterogeneidades. Após a validação e otimização dos programas analisamos o comportamento dos tempos de processamento nos modelos de corpos retangulares variandose o tamanho, o número e a inclinação dos corpos. Além disso, investigamos nesses métodos as etapas que demandam maior custo computacional. Em nossos modelos, o método de Elementos Finitos foi mais vantajoso que o de Equação Integral, com exceção na situação de corpos com baixa condutividade ou com geometria inclinada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We study the thermodynamic properties of a certain type of space-inhomogeneous Fermi and quantum spin systems on lattices. We are particularly interested in the case where the space scale of the inhomogeneities stays macroscopic, but very small as compared to the side-length of the box containing fermions or spins. The present study is however not restricted to "macroscopic inhomogeneities" and also includes the (periodic) microscopic and mesoscopic cases. We prove that - as in the homogeneous case - the pressure is, up to a minus sign, the conservative value of a two-person zero-sum game, named here thermodynamic game. Because of the absence of space symmetries in such inhomogeneous systems, it is not clear from the beginning what kind of object equilibrium states should be in the thermodynamic limit. However, we give rigorous statements on correlations functions for large boxes. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4763465]


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The existence of inhomogeneities in the observed Universe modifies the distance-redshift relations thereby affecting the results of cosmological tests in comparison to the ones derived assuming spatially uniform models. By modeling the inhomogeneities through a Zeldovich-Kantowski-Dyer-Roeder approach which is phenomenologically characterized by a smoothness parameter alpha, we rediscuss the constraints on the cosmic parameters based on type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) data. The present analysis is restricted to a flat Lambda CDM model with the reasonable assumption that Lambda does not clump. A chi(2) analysis using 557 SNe Ia data from the Union2 compilation data (R. Amanullah et al., Astrophys. J. 716, 712 (2010).) constrains the pair of parameters (Omega(m), alpha) to Omega(m) = 0.27(-0.03)(+0.08) (2 sigma) and alpha >= 0.25. A similar analysis based only on 59 Hymnium GRBs (H. Wei, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 08 (2010) 020.) constrains the matter density parameter to be Omega(m) = 0.35(-0.24)(+0.62) (2 sigma) while all values for the smoothness parameter are allowed. By performing a joint analysis, it is found that Omega(m) = 0.27(-0.06)(+0.06) and alpha >= 0.52. As a general result, although considering that current GRB data alone cannot constrain the smoothness alpha parameter, our analysis provides an interesting cosmological probe for dark energy even in the presence of inhomogeneities.


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High-frequency seismograms contain features that reflect the random inhomogeneities of the earth. In this work I use an imaging method to locate the high contrast small- scale heterogeneity respect to the background earth medium. This method was first introduced by Nishigami (1991) and than applied to different volcanic and tectonically active areas (Nishigami, 1997, Nishigami, 2000, Nishigami, 2006). The scattering imaging method is applied to two volcanic areas: Campi Flegrei and Mt. Vesuvius. Volcanic and seismological active areas are often characterized by complex velocity structures, due to the presence of rocks with different elastic properties. I introduce some modifications to the original method in order to make it suitable for small and highly complex media. In particular, for very complex media the single scattering approximation assumed by Nishigami (1991) is not applicable as the mean free path becomes short. The multiple scattering or diffusive approximation become closer to the reality. In this thesis, differently from the ordinary Nishigami’s method (Nishigami, 1991), I use the mean of the recorded coda envelope as reference curve and calculate the variations from this average envelope. In this way I implicitly do not assume any particular scattering regime for the "average" scattered radiation, whereas I consider the variations as due to waves that are singularly scattered from the strongest heterogeneities. The imaging method is applied to a relatively small area (20 x 20 km), this choice being justified by the small length of the analyzed codas of the low magnitude earthquakes. I apply the unmodified Nishigami’s method to the volcanic area of Campi Flegrei and compare the results with the other tomographies done in the same area. The scattering images, obtained with frequency waves around 18 Hz, show the presence of high scatterers in correspondence with the submerged caldera rim in the southern part of the Pozzuoli bay. Strong scattering is also found below the Solfatara crater, characterized by the presence of densely fractured, fluid-filled rocks and by a strong thermal anomaly. The modified Nishigami’s technique is applied to the Mt. Vesuvius area. Results show a low scattering area just below the central cone and a high scattering area around it. The high scattering zone seems to be due to the contrast between the high rigidity body located beneath the crater and the low rigidity materials located around it. The central low scattering area overlaps the hydrothermal reservoirs located below the central cone. An interpretation of the results in terms of geological properties of the medium is also supplied, aiming to find a correspondence of the scattering properties and the geological nature of the material. A complementary result reported in this thesis is that the strong heterogeneity of the volcanic medium create a phenomenon called "coda localization". It has been verified that the shape of the seismograms recorded from the stations located at the top of the volcanic edifice of Mt. Vesuvius is different from the shape of the seismograms recorded at the bottom. This behavior is justified by the consideration that the coda energy is not uniformly distributed within a region surrounding the source for great lapse time.


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Piezoelectrics present an interactive electromechanical behaviour that, especially in recent years, has generated much interest since it renders these materials adapt for use in a variety of electronic and industrial applications like sensors, actuators, transducers, smart structures. Both mechanical and electric loads are generally applied on these devices and can cause high concentrations of stress, particularly in proximity of defects or inhomogeneities, such as flaws, cavities or included particles. A thorough understanding of their fracture behaviour is crucial in order to improve their performances and avoid unexpected failures. Therefore, a considerable number of research works have addressed this topic in the last decades. Most of the theoretical studies on this subject find their analytical background in the complex variable formulation of plane anisotropic elasticity. This theoretical approach bases its main origins in the pioneering works of Muskelishvili and Lekhnitskii who obtained the solution of the elastic problem in terms of independent analytic functions of complex variables. In the present work, the expressions of stresses and elastic and electric displacements are obtained as functions of complex potentials through an analytical formulation which is the application to the piezoelectric static case of an approach introduced for orthotropic materials to solve elastodynamics problems. This method can be considered an alternative to other formalisms currently used, like the Stroh’s formalism. The equilibrium equations are reduced to a first order system involving a six-dimensional vector field. After that, a similarity transformation is induced to reach three independent Cauchy-Riemann systems, so justifying the introduction of the complex variable notation. Closed form expressions of near tip stress and displacement fields are therefore obtained. In the theoretical study of cracked piezoelectric bodies, the issue of assigning consistent electric boundary conditions on the crack faces is of central importance and has been addressed by many researchers. Three different boundary conditions are commonly accepted in literature: the permeable, the impermeable and the semipermeable (“exact”) crack model. This thesis takes into considerations all the three models, comparing the results obtained and analysing the effects of the boundary condition choice on the solution. The influence of load biaxiality and of the application of a remote electric field has been studied, pointing out that both can affect to a various extent the stress fields and the angle of initial crack extension, especially when non-singular terms are retained in the expressions of the electro-elastic solution. Furthermore, two different fracture criteria are applied to the piezoelectric case, and their outcomes are compared and discussed. The work is organized as follows: Chapter 1 briefly introduces the fundamental concepts of Fracture Mechanics. Chapter 2 describes plane elasticity formalisms for an anisotropic continuum (Eshelby-Read-Shockley and Stroh) and introduces for the simplified orthotropic case the alternative formalism we want to propose. Chapter 3 outlines the Linear Theory of Piezoelectricity, its basic relations and electro-elastic equations. Chapter 4 introduces the proposed method for obtaining the expressions of stresses and elastic and electric displacements, given as functions of complex potentials. The solution is obtained in close form and non-singular terms are retained as well. Chapter 5 presents several numerical applications aimed at estimating the effect of load biaxiality, electric field, considered permittivity of the crack. Through the application of fracture criteria the influence of the above listed conditions on the response of the system and in particular on the direction of crack branching is thoroughly discussed.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Faktorisierungsmethode zur Erkennung von Inhomogenitäten der Leitfähigkeit in der elektrischen Impedanztomographie auf unbeschränkten Gebieten - speziell der Halbebene bzw. dem Halbraum - untersucht. Als Lösungsräume für das direkte Problem, d.h. die Bestimmung des elektrischen Potentials zu vorgegebener Leitfähigkeit und zu vorgegebenem Randstrom, führen wir gewichtete Sobolev-Räume ein. In diesen wird die Existenz von schwachen Lösungen des direkten Problems gezeigt und die Gültigkeit einer Integraldarstellung für die Lösung der Laplace-Gleichung, die man bei homogener Leitfähigkeit erhält, bewiesen. Mittels der Faktorisierungsmethode geben wir eine explizite Charakterisierung von Einschlüssen an, die gegenüber dem Hintergrund eine sprunghaft erhöhte oder erniedrigte Leitfähigkeit haben. Damit ist zugleich für diese Klasse von Leitfähigkeiten die eindeutige Rekonstruierbarkeit der Einschlüsse bei Kenntnis der lokalen Neumann-Dirichlet-Abbildung gezeigt. Die mittels der Faktorisierungsmethode erhaltene Charakterisierung der Einschlüsse haben wir in ein numerisches Verfahren umgesetzt und sowohl im zwei- als auch im dreidimensionalen Fall mit simulierten, teilweise gestörten Daten getestet. Im Gegensatz zu anderen bekannten Rekonstruktionsverfahren benötigt das hier vorgestellte keine Vorabinformation über Anzahl und Form der Einschlüsse und hat als nicht-iteratives Verfahren einen vergleichsweise geringen Rechenaufwand.


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In the course of this work the effect of metal substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of the double perovskites Sr2MM’O6 (M = Fe, substituted by Cr, Zn and Ga; M’ = Re, substituted by Sb) was explored by means of X-ray diffraction, magnetic measurements, band structure calculations, Mößbauer spectroscopy and conductivity measurements. The focus of this study was the determination of (i) the kind and structural boundary conditions of the magnetic interaction between the M and M’ cations and (ii) the conditions for the principal application of double perovskites as spintronic materials by means of the band model approach. Strong correlations between the electronic, structural and magnetic properties have been found during the study of the double perovskites Sr2Fe1-xMxReO6 (0 < x < 1, M = Zn, Cr). The interplay between van Hove-singularity and Fermi level plays a crucial role for the magnetic properties. Substitution of Fe by Cr in Sr2FeReO6 leads to a non-monotonic behaviour of the saturation magnetization (MS) and an enhancement for substitution levels up to 10 %. The Curie temperatures (TC) monotonically increase from 401 to 616 K. In contrast, Zn substitution leads to a continuous decrease of MS and TC. The diamagnetic dilution of the Fe-sublattice by Zn leads to a transition from an itinerant ferrimagnetic to a localized ferromagnetic material. Thus, Zn substitution inhibits the long-range ferromagnetic interaction within the Fe-sublattice and preserves the long-range ferromagnetic interaction within the Re-sublattice. Superimposed on the electronic effects is the structural influence which can be explained by size effects modelled by the tolerance factor t. In the case of Cr substitution, a tetragonal – cubic transformation for x > 0.4 is observed. For Zn substituted samples the tetragonal distortion linearly increases with increasing Zn content. In order to elucidate the nature of the magnetic interaction between the M and M’ cations, Fe and Re were substituted by the valence invariant main group metals Ga and Sb, respectively. X-ray diffraction reveals Sr2FeRe1-xSbxO6 (0 < x < 0.9) to crystallize without antisite disorder in the tetragonal distorted perovskite structure (space group I4/mmm). The ferrimagnetic behaviour of the parent compound Sr2FeReO6 changes to antiferromagnetic upon Sb substitution as determined by magnetic susceptibility measurements. Samples up to a doping level of 0.3 are ferrimagnetic, while Sb contents higher than 0.6 result in an overall antiferromagnetic behaviour. 57Fe Mößbauer results show a coexistence of ferri- and antiferromagnetic clusters within the same perovskite-type crystal structure in the Sb substitution range 0.3 < x < 0.8, whereas Sr2FeReO6 and Sr2FeRe0.9Sb0.1O6 are “purely” ferrimagnetic and Sr2FeRe0.1Sb0.9O6 contains antiferromagnetically ordered Fe sites only. Consequently, a replacement of the Re atoms by a nonmagnetic main group element such as Sb blocks the double exchange pathways Fe–O–Re(Sb)–O–Fe along the crystallographic axis of the perovskite unit cell and destroys the itinerant magnetism of the parent compound. The structural and magnetic characterization of Sr2Fe1-xGaxReO6 (0 < x < 0.7) exhibit a Ga/Re antisite disorder which is unexpected because the parent compound Sr2FeReO6 shows no Fe/Re antisite disorder. This antisite disorder strongly depends on the Ga content of the sample. Although the X-ray data do not hint at a phase separation, sample inhomogeneities caused by a demixing are observed by a combination of magnetic characterization and Mößbauer spectroscopy. The 57Fe Mößbauer data suggest the formation of two types of clusters, ferrimagnetic Fe- and paramagnetic Ga-based ones. Below 20 % Ga content, Ga statistically dilutes the Fe–O–Re–O–Fe double exchange pathways. Cluster formation begins at x = 0.2, for 0.2 < x < 0.4 the paramagnetic Ga-based clusters do not contain any Fe. Fe containing Ga-based clusters which can be detected by Mößbauer spectroscopy firstly appear for x = 0.4.


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This dissertation is devoted to the experimental exploration of the propagation of elastic waves in soft mesoscopic structures with submicrometer dimensions. A strong motivation of this work is the large technological relevance and the fundamental importance of the subject. Elastic waves are accompanied by time-dependent fluctuations of local stress and strain fields in the medium. As such, the propagation phase velocities are intimately related to the elastic moduli. Knowledge of the elastic wave propagation directly provides information about the mechanical properties of the probed mesoscopic structures, which are not readily accessible experimentally. On the other hand, elastic waves, when propagating in an inhomogeneous medium with spatial inhomogeneities comparable to their wavelength, exhibit rather rich behavior, including the appearance of novel physical phenomena, such as phononic bandgap formation. So far, the experimental work has been restricted to macroscopic structures, which limit wave propagation below the KHz range. It was anticipated that an experimental approach capable of probing the interplay of the wave propagation with the controlled mesoscopic structures would contribute to deeper insights into the fundamental problem of elastic wave propagation in inhomogeneous systems. The mesoscopic nature of the structures to be studied precludes the use of traditional methods, such as sound transmission, for the study of elastic wave propagation. In this work, an optical method utilizing the inelastic scattering of photons by GHz frequency thermally excited elastic waves, known as Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy (BLS), was employed. Two important classes of soft structures were investigated: thin films and colloidal crystals. For the former, the main interest was the effect of the one-dimensional (1D) confinement on the wave propagation due to the presence of the free-surface or interface of the layer and the utilization of these waves to extract relevant material parameters. For the second system, the primary interest was the interaction of the elastic wave and the strong scattering medium with local resonance units in a three-dimensional (3D) periodic arrangement.


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Gegenstand und Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Synthese und Charakterisierung einer Hydrogelmatrix, welche für die Herstellung eines vielseitig verwendbaren Sensors, der mehrere Analyten (Proteine, DNA etc.) in hoher Verdünnung (c0 < 50 fM) aus kleinsten Probenmengen (Volumina <20 nl) schnell (t < 1 min) und parallel nachweisen kann, Verwendung finden soll. Der Fokus der Arbeit lag dabei in der Synthese und Charakterisierung von Copolymeren als Hydrogelmatrix, welche geeignetes temperaturabhängiges Verhalten zeigen. Die Copolymere wurden in eine dreidimensionale Netzwerkstruktur überführt und auf einer Goldoberfläche kovalent angebunden, um Delamination zu vermeiden und die Untersuchung mittels Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz-Spektroskopie (SPR) und Optischer Wellenleiter-Spektroskopie (OWS) zu erlauben. Weiterhin wurde das temperaturabhängige Verhalten der Polymernetzwerke in Wasser mittels optischen Messungen (SPR/OWS) untersucht, um Erkenntnisse über die Quell- und Kollabiereigenschaften des Hydrogels zu gewinnen. Um temperaturschaltbare Hydrogele herzustellen, wurden auf N-Isopropylacrylamid (NIPAAm) basierende Polymere synthetisiert. Es wurde sowohl die für Hydrogele übliche Methode der freien radikalischen Vernetzungspolymerisation in Wasser, wie eine neue, auf Benzophenoneinheiten basierende Syntheseroute, welche die freie radikalische Polymerisation in organischem Medium nutzt, verwendet. Die synthetisierten Polymere sind Copolymere aus N‑Isopropylacrylamid (NIPAAm) und 4-Methacryloyloxybenzophenon (MABP). NIPAAm ist dabei für das temperaturschaltbare Verhalten der Gele verantwortlich und MABP dient als Photovernetzer. Weitere Copolymere, die neben den genannten Monomeren noch andere Funktionen, wie z.B. ionische Gruppen oder Aktivesterfunktionen enthalten, wurden ebenfalls synthetisiert. Das temperaturabhängige Quellverhalten in Bezug auf die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde mit der Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz-Spektroskopie (SPR) und Optischen Wellenleiter-Spektroskopie (OWS) untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass die Anwesenheit von Salz im Hydrogel (Natriumacrylat als Monomer, P4S) Inhomogenität, in Form eines Brechungsindexgradienten senkrecht zur Substratoberfläche, hervorruft. Dies ist nicht der Fall, wenn statt des Salzes die Säure (Methacrylsäure als Monomer, P4A) verwendet wird. Durch die Inhomogenität lassen sich die Filme mit dem Natriummethacrylat nicht mehr mit dem, üblicherweise zur Auswertung genutzten, Kastenmodell beschreiben. Die Anwendung der Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin-Näherung (WKB) auf die Messdaten führt hingegen zu dem gewünschten Ergebnis. Man findet ein kastenähnliches Brechungsindexprofil für das Hydrogel mit der Säure (P4A) und ein Gradientenprofil für das Gel mit dem Salz (P4S). Letzteres ist nicht nur hydrophiler und insgesamt stärker gequollen, sondern ragt auch weiter in die überstehende Wasserphase hinein. Anhand eines säurehaltigen Hydrogels (P8A) konnte der quellungshemmende Einfluss von hohen Salzkonzentrationen gezeigt werden. Weiterhin wurde während des Quellvorgangs eine gewisse Anisotropie gefunden, die aber im vollständig gequollenen und vollständig kollabierten Zustand nicht mehr vorliegt. Anhand eines Hydrogels ohne ionisierbare Gruppen (P9) wurde die Reversibilität des Quell- und Kollabiervorgangs gezeigt. Bei einem Vergleich zwischen einem säurehaltigen Hydrogel (P8A, Quellgrad von 7,3) und einem ohne ionisierbare Gruppen (P9, Quellgrad von 6,1), hat die Anwesenheit der 8 mol% Säuregruppen eine leichte Verstärkung der Quellung um den Faktor 1,2 bewirkt. Rasterkraftmikroskopische Untersuchungen (AFM) an diesen beiden Hydrogelen im getrockneten Zustand, haben gezeigt, dass nach dem Quellen, Kollabieren und Trocknen bei beiden Gelen Porenstrukturen sehr unterschiedlicher Ausmaße vorliegen.


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In various imaging problems the task is to use the Cauchy data of the solutions to an elliptic boundary value problem to reconstruct the coefficients of the corresponding partial differential equation. Often the examined object has known background properties but is contaminated by inhomogeneities that cause perturbations of the coefficient functions. The factorization method of Kirsch provides a tool for locating such inclusions. In this paper, the factorization technique is studied in the framework of coercive elliptic partial differential equations of the divergence type: Earlier it has been demonstrated that the factorization algorithm can reconstruct the support of a strictly positive (or negative) definite perturbation of the leading order coefficient, or if that remains unperturbed, the support of a strictly positive (or negative) perturbation of the zeroth order coefficient. In this work we show that these two types of inhomogeneities can, in fact, be located simultaneously. Unlike in the earlier articles on the factorization method, our inclusions may have disconnected complements and we also weaken some other a priori assumptions of the method. Our theoretical findings are complemented by two-dimensional numerical experiments that are presented in the framework of the diffusion approximation of optical tomography.


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In electrical impedance tomography, one tries to recover the conductivity inside a physical body from boundary measurements of current and voltage. In many practically important situations, the investigated object has known background conductivity but it is contaminated by inhomogeneities. The factorization method of Andreas Kirsch provides a tool for locating such inclusions. Earlier, it has been shown that under suitable regularity conditions positive (or negative) inhomogeneities can be characterized by the factorization technique if the conductivity or one of its higher normal derivatives jumps on the boundaries of the inclusions. In this work, we use a monotonicity argument to generalize these results: We show that the factorization method provides a characterization of an open inclusion (modulo its boundary) if each point inside the inhomogeneity has an open neighbourhood where the perturbation of the conductivity is strictly positive (or negative) definite. In particular, we do not assume any regularity of the inclusion boundary or set any conditions on the behaviour of the perturbed conductivity at the inclusion boundary. Our theoretical findings are verified by two-dimensional numerical experiments.


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La valutazione dei rischi associati all’operatività dei sistemi di stoccaggio, quali la sismicità indotta e la subsidenza, è requisito basilare per una loro corretta gestione e progettazione, e passa attraverso la definizione dell’influenza sullo stato tensionale delle variazioni di pressione di poro nel sottosuolo. Principale scopo di questo progetto è lo sviluppo di una metodologia in grado di quantificare le deformazioni dei reservoir in funzione della pressione di poro, di tarare i modelli utilizzati con casi studio che presentino dati di monitoraggio reali, tali da consentire un confronto con le previsioni di modello. In questa tesi, la teoria delle inomogeneità è stata utilizzata, tramite un approccio semianalitico, per definire le variazioni dei campi elastici derivanti dalle operazioni di prelievo e immissione di fluidi in serbatoi geologici. Estensione, forma e magnitudo delle variazioni di stress indotte sono state valutate tramite il concetto di variazione dello sforzo critico secondo il criterio di rottura di Coulomb, tramite un’analisi numerica agli elementi finiti. La metodologia sviluppata è stata applicata e tarata su due reservoir sfruttati e riconvertiti a sistemi di stoccaggio che presentano dataset, geologia, petrofisica, e condizioni operative differenti. Sono state calcolate le variazioni dei campi elastici e la subsidenza; è stata mappata la variazione di sforzo critico di Coulomb per entrambi i casi. I risultati ottenuti mostrano buon accordo con le osservazioni dei monitoraggi, suggerendo la bontà della metodologia e indicando la scarsa probabilità di sismicità indotta. Questo progetto ha consentito la creazione di una piattaforma metodologica di rapido ed efficace utilizzo, per stimare l’influenza dei sistemi di stoccaggio di gas sullo stato tensionale della crosta terrestre; in fase di stoccaggio, permette di monitorare le deformazioni e gli sforzi indotti; in fase di progettazione, consente di valutare le strategie operative per monitorare e mitigare i rischi geologici associati a questi sistemi.


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A novel nanosized and addressable sensing platform based on membrane coated plasmonic particles for detection of protein adsorption using dark field scattering spectroscopy of single particles has been established. To this end, a detailed analysis of the deposition of gold nanorods on differently functionalized substrates is performed in relation to various factors (such as the pH, ionic strength, concentration of colloidal suspension, incubation time) in order to find the optimal conditions for obtaining a homogenous distribution of particles at the desired surface number density. The possibility of successfully draping lipid bilayers over the gold particles immobilized on glass substrates depends on the careful adjustment of parameters such as membrane curvature and adhesion properties and is demonstrated with complementary techniques such as phase imaging AFM, fluorescence microscopy (including FRAP) and single particle spectroscopy. The functionality and sensitivity of the proposed sensing platform is unequivocally certified by the resonance shifts of the plasmonic particles that were individually interrogated with single particle spectroscopy upon the adsorption of streptavidin to biotinylated lipid membranes. This new detection approach that employs particles as nanoscopic reporters for biomolecular interactions insures a highly localized sensitivity that offers the possibility to screen lateral inhomogeneities of native membranes. As an alternative to the 2D array of gold nanorods, short range ordered arrays of nanoholes in optically transparent gold films or regular arrays of truncated tetrahedron shaped particles are built by means of colloidal nanolithography on transparent substrates. Technical issues mainly related to the optimization of the mask deposition conditions are successfully addressed such that extended areas of homogenously nanostructured gold surfaces are achieved. Adsorption of the proteins annexin A1 and prothrombin on multicomponent lipid membranes as well as the hydrolytic activity of the phospholipase PLA2 were investigated with classical techniques such as AFM, ellipsometry and fluorescence microscopy. At first, the issues of lateral phase separation in membranes of various lipid compositions and the dependency of the domains configuration (sizes and shapes) on the membrane content are addressed. It is shown that the tendency for phase segregation of gel and fluid phase lipid mixtures is accentuated in the presence of divalent calcium ions for membranes containing anionic lipids as compared to neutral bilayers. Annexin A1 adsorbs preferentially and irreversibly on preformed phosphatidylserine (PS) enriched lipid domains but, dependent on the PS content of the bilayer, the protein itself may induce clustering of the anionic lipids into areas with high binding affinity. Corroborated evidence from AFM and fluorescence experiments confirm the hypothesis of a specifically increased hydrolytic activity of PLA2 on the highly curved regions of membranes due to a facilitated access of lipase to the cleavage sites of the lipids. The influence of the nanoscale gold surface topography on the adhesion of lipid vesicles is unambiguously demonstrated and this reveals, at least in part, an answer for the controversial question existent in the literature about the behavior of lipid vesicles interacting with bare gold substrates. The possibility of formation monolayers of lipid vesicles on chemically untreated gold substrates decorated with gold nanorods opens new perspectives for biosensing applications that involve the radiative decay engineering of the plasmonic particles.