920 resultados para IMAGING TECHNIQUES
Syövän diagnostiikassa ja hoidossa nanopartikkelit voivat toimia kuljetinaineina lääke- ja diagnostisille aineille tai nukleiinihappojaksoille. Kantaja-aineeseen voidaan liittää kohdennusmolekyylejä partikkelien passiivista tai aktiivista kohdennusta varten tai radioleima kuvantamista tai radioterapiaa varten. Kantaja-aineiden avulla voidaan parantaa lääkeaineen fysikaalis-kemiallisia ominaisuuksia ja biologista hyötyosuutta, vähentää systeemisiä sivuvaikutuksia, pidentää lääkeaineen puoliintumisaikaa ja siten harventaa annosteluväliä, sekä parantaa lääkeaineen pääsyä kohdekudokseen. Näin voidaan parantaa kemo- ja radioterapian tehoa ja hoidon onnistumisen todennäköisyyttä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään nanokantajien rooliin syövän hoidossa. Vuosikymmeniä jatkuneesta tutkimuksesta huolimatta vain kaksi (Eurooppa) tai kolme (Yhdysvallat) nanopartikkeliformulaatiota on hyväksytty markkinoille syövän hoidossa. Ongelmina ovat riittämätön hakeutuminen kohdekudokseen, immunogeenisyys ja nanopartikkelien labiilius. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkitaan in vitro ja hiirillä in vivo 99mTc-leimattujen, PEG-verhoiltujen biotiiniliposomien kaksivaiheista kohdennusta ihmisen munasarjan adenokarsinoomasoluihin. Kohdentamiseen käytetään biotinyloitua setuksimabi-(Erbitux®) vasta-ainetta, joka sitoutuu solujen yli-ilmentämiin EGF-reseptoreihin. Kaksivaiheista kohdennusta verrataan suoraan ja/tai passiiviseen kohdennukseen. Tehokkaampien kuvantamismenetelmien kehitys on vauhdittanut kohdennettujen nanopartikkelien tutkimusta. Isotooppikuvantamista käyttäen pystytään seuraamaan radioleiman jakautumista elimistössä ja kuvantamaan solutasolla tapahtuvia ilmiöitä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään SPECT- ja PET-kuvantamiseen syövän hoidossa, sekä niiden hyödyntämiseen lääkekehityksessä nanopartikkelien kuvantamisessa. Kyseiset kuvantamismenetelmät erottuvat muista menetelmistä korkean erotuskyvyn, herkkyyden ja helppokäyttöisyyden suhteen. Kokeellisessa osassa 99mTc-leimattujen liposomien distribuutiota hiirissä tutkittiin SPECT-CT-laitteen avulla. Aktiivisuus kasvaimessa, pernassa ja maksassa kvantifioitiin InVivoScope-ohjelman ja gammalaskijan avulla. Tuloksia verrattiin keskenään. In vitro-kokeessa saavutettiin kaksivaiheisella kohdennuksella 2,7- 3,5-kertainen (solulinjasta riippuen) hakeutuminen soluihin kontrolliliposomeihin verrattuna. Kuitenkin suora kohdennus toimi kaksivaiheista kohdennusta paremmin in vitro. In vivo –kokeissa liposomit jakautuivat kasvaimeen tehokkaammin i.p.-annosteltuna kuin i.v.-annosteltuna. Kaksivaiheisella kohdennuksella saavutettiin 1,24-kertainen jakautuminen kasvaimeen (% ID/g kudosta) passiivisesti kohdennettuihin liposomeihin verrattuna. %ID/elin oli kohdennetuilla liposomeilla 5,9 % ja passiivisesti kohdennetuilla 5,4%. Todellinen ero oli siis pieni. InVivoScope:n ja gammalaskijan tulokset eivät korreloineet keskenään. Lisätutkimuksia ja menetelmän optimointia vaaditaan liposomien kohdennuksessa kasvaimeen.
The equilibrium between cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis is crucial for maintaining homeostasis in epithelial tissues. In order for the epithelium to function properly, individual cells must gain normal structural and functional polarity. The junctional proteins have an important role both in binding the cells together and in taking part in cell signaling. Cadherins form adherens junctions. Cadherins initiate the polarization process by first recognizing and binding the neighboring cells together, and then guiding the formation of tight junctions. Tight junctions form a barrier in dividing the plasma membranes to apical and basolateral membrane domains. In glandular tissues, single layered and polarized epithelium is folded into tubes or spheres, in which the basal side of the epithelial layer faces the outer basal membrane, and the apical side the lumen. In carcinogenesis, the differentiated architecture of an epithelial layer is disrupted. Filling of the luminal space is a hallmark of early epithelial tumors in tubular and glandular structures. In order for the transformed tumor cells to populate the lumen, enhanced proliferation as well as inhibition of apoptosis is required. Most advances in cancer biology have been achieved by using two-dimensional (2D) cell culture models, in which the cells are cultured on flat surfaces as monolayers. However, the 2D cultures are limited in their capacity to recapitulate the structural and functional features of tubular structures and to represent cell growth and differentiation in vivo. The development of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture methods enables the cells to grow and to be studied in a more natural environment. Despite the wide use of 2D cell culture models and the development of novel 3D culture methods, it is not clear how the change of the dimensionality of culture conditions alters the polarization and transformation process and the molecular mechanisms behind them. Src is a well-known oncogene. It is found in focal and adherens junctions of cultured cells. Active src disrupts cell-cell junctions and interferes with cell-matrix binding. It promotes cell motility and survival. Src transformation in 2D disrupts adherens junctions and the fibroblastic phenotype of the cells. In 3D, the adherens junctions are weakened, and in glandular structures, the lumen is filled with nonpolarized vital cells. Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells are an epithelial cell type commonly used as a model for cell polarization. Its-src-transformed variants are useful model systems for analyzing the changes in cell morphology, and they play a role in src-induced malignant transformation. This study investigates src-transformed cells in 3D cell cultures as a model for malignant transformation. The following questions were posed. Firstly: What is the role of the composition and stiffness of the extracellular matrix (ECM) on the polarization and transformation of ts v-src MDCK cells in 3D cell cultures? Secondly: How do the culture conditions affect gene expression? What is the effect of v-src transformation in 2D and in 3D cell models? How does the shift from 2D to 3D affect cell polarity and gene expression? Thirdly: What is the role of survivin and its regulator phosphatase and tensin homolog protein (PTEN) in cell polarization and transformation, and in determining cell fate? How does their expression correlate with impaired mitochondrial function in transformed cells? In order to answer the above questions, novel methods of culturing and monitoring cells had to be created: novel 3D methods of culturing epithelial cells were engineered, enabling real time monitoring of a polarization and transformation process, and functional testing of 3D cell cultures. Novel 3D cell culture models and imaging techniques were created for the study. Attention was focused especially on confocal microscopy and live-cell imaging. Src-transformation disturbed the polarization of the epithelium by disrupting cell adhesion, and sensitized the cells to their environment. With active src, the morphology of the cell cluster depended on the composition and stiffness of the matrix. Gene expression studies revealed a broader impact of src transformation than mere continuous activity of src-kinase. In 2D cultures, src transformation altered the expression of immunological, actin cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix (ECM). In 3D, the genes regulating cell division, inhibition of apoptosis, cell metabolism, mitochondrial function, actin cytoskeleton and mechano-sensing proteins were altered. Surprisingly, changing the culture conditions from 2D to 3D affected also gene expression considerably. The microarray hit survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis, played a crucial role in the survival and proliferation of src-transformed cells.
A transmission electron microscopy study has been carried out on the domain structures of SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) ferroelectric ceramics which belong to the Aurivillius family of bismuth layered perovskite oxides. SBN is a potential candidate for Ferroelectric Random access memory (FeRAM) applications. The 90° ferroelectric domains and antiphase boundaries (APBs) were identified with dark field imaging techniques using different superlattice reflections which arise as a consequence of octahedral rotations and cationic shifts. The 90° domain walls are irregular in shape without any faceting. The antiphase boundaries are less dense compared to that of SrBi2Ta2O9(SBT). The electron microscopy observations are correlated with the polarization fatigue nature of the ceramic where the domain structures possibly play a key role in the fatigue- free behavior of the Aurivillius family of ferroelectric oxides.
Advanced composite structural components made up of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) used in aerospace structures such as in Fuselage, Leading & Trailing edges of wing and tail, Flaps, Elevator, Rudder and entire wing structures encounter most critical type of damage induced by low velocity impact (<10 m/s) loads. Tool dropped during maintenance & service,and hailstone impacts on runways are common and unavoidable low-velocity impacts. These lowvelocity impacts induce defects such as delaminations, matrix cracking and debonding in the layered material, which are sub-surface in nature and are barely visible on the surface known as Barely Visible Impact Damage (BVID). These damages may grow under service load, leading to catastrophic failure of the structure. Hence detection, evaluation and characterization of these types of damage is of major concern in aerospace industries as the life of the component depends on the size and shape of the damage.In this paper, details of experimental investigations carried out and results obtained from a low-velocity impact of 30 Joules corresponding to the hailstone impact on the wing surface,simulated on the 6 mm CFRP laminates using instrumented drop-weight impact testing machine are presented. The Ultrasound C-scan and Infrared thermography imaging techniques were utilized extensively to detect, evaluate and characterize impact damage across the thickness of the laminates.
Super-resolution imaging techniques are of paramount interest for applications in bioimaging and fluorescence microscopy. Recent advances in bioimaging demand application-tailored point spread functions. Here, we present some approaches for generating application-tailored point spread functions along with fast imaging capabilities. Aperture engineering techniques provide interesting solutions for obtaining desired system point spread functions. Specially designed spatial filters—realized by optical mask—are outlined both in a single-lens and 4Pi configuration. Applications include depth imaging, multifocal imaging, and super-resolution imaging. Such an approach is suitable for fruitful integration with most existing state-of-art imaging microscopy modalities.
Optical imaging techniques have played a major role in understanding the flow dynamics of varieties of fluid flows, particularly in the study of hypersonic flows. Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques have been the flow diagnostic tools for the investigation of compressible flows since more than a century. However these techniques provide only the qualitative information about the flow field. Other optical techniques such as holographic interferometry and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) have been used extensively for extracting quantitative information about the high speed flows. In this paper we present the application of digital holographic interferometry (DHI) technique integrated with short duration hypersonic shock tunnel facility having 1 ms test time, for quantitative flow visualization. Dynamics of the flow fields in hypersonic/supersonic speeds around different test models is visualized with DHI using a high-speed digital camera (0.2 million fps). These visualization results are compared with schlieren visualization and CFD simulation results. Fringe analysis is carried out to estimate the density of the flow field.
Light microscopy has been one of the most common tools in biological research, because of its high resolution and non-invasive nature of the light. Due to its high sensitivity and specificity, fluorescence is one of the most important readout modes of light microscopy. This thesis presents two new fluorescence microscopic imaging techniques: fluorescence optofluidic microscopy and fluorescent Talbot microscopy. The designs of the two systems are fundamentally different from conventional microscopy, which makes compact and portable devices possible. The components of the devices are suitable for mass-production, making the microscopic imaging system more affordable for biological research and clinical diagnostics.
Fluorescence optofluidic microscopy (FOFM) is capable of imaging fluorescent samples in fluid media. The FOFM employs an array of Fresnel zone plates (FZP) to generate an array of focused light spots within a microfluidic channel. As a sample flows through the channel and across the array of focused light spots, a filter-coated CMOS sensor collects the fluorescence emissions. The collected data can then be processed to render a fluorescence microscopic image. The resolution, which is determined by the focused light spot size, is experimentally measured to be 0.65 μm.
Fluorescence Talbot microscopy (FTM) is a fluorescence chip-scale microscopy technique that enables large field-of-view (FOV) and high-resolution imaging. The FTM method utilizes the Talbot effect to project a grid of focused excitation light spots onto the sample. The sample is placed on a filter-coated CMOS sensor chip. The fluorescence emissions associated with each focal spot are collected by the sensor chip and are composed into a sparsely sampled fluorescence image. By raster scanning the Talbot focal spot grid across the sample and collecting a sequence of sparse images, a filled-in high-resolution fluorescence image can be reconstructed. In contrast to a conventional microscope, a collection efficiency, resolution, and FOV are not tied to each other for this technique. The FOV of FTM is directly scalable. Our FTM prototype has demonstrated a resolution of 1.2 μm, and the collection efficiency equivalent to a conventional microscope objective with a 0.70 N.A. The FOV is 3.9 mm × 3.5 mm, which is 100 times larger than that of a 20X/0.40 N.A. conventional microscope objective. Due to its large FOV, high collection efficiency, compactness, and its potential for integration with other on-chip devices, FTM is suitable for diverse applications, such as point-of-care diagnostics, large-scale functional screens, and long-term automated imaging.
The unique structure and properties of brush polymers have led to increased interest in them within the scientific community. This thesis describes studies on the self-assembly of these brush polymers.
Chapter 2 describes a study on the rapid self-assembly of brush block copolymers into nanostructures with photonic bandgaps spanning the entire visible spectrum, from ultraviolet to near infrared. Linear relationships are observed between the peak wavelengths of reflection and polymer molecular weights. This work enables "bottom-up" fabrication of photonic crystals with application-tailored bandgaps, through synthetic control of the polymer molecular weight and the method of self-assembly.
Chapter 3 details the analysis of the self-assembly of symmetrical brush block copolymers in bulk and thin films. Highly ordered lamellae with domain spacing ranging from 20 to 240 nm are obtained by varying molecular weight of the backbone. The relationship between degree of polymerization and the domain spacing is reported, and evidence is provided for how rapidly the brush block copolymers self-assemble and achieve thermodynamic equilibrium.
Chapter 4 describes investigations into where morphology transitions take place as the volume fraction of each block is varied in asymmetrical brush block copolymers. Imaging techniques are used to observe a transition from lamellar to a cylindrical morphology as the volume fraction of one of the blocks exceeds 70%. It is also shown that the asymmetric brush block copolymers can be kinetically trapped into undulating lamellar structures by drop casting the samples.
Chapter 5 explores the capability of macromolecules to interdigitate into densely grafted molecular brush copolymers using stereocomplex formation as a driving force. The stereocomplex formation between complementary linear polymers and brush copolymers is demonstrated, while the stereocomplex formation between complementary brush copolymers is shown to be restricted.
Morphogenesis is a phenomenon of intricate balance and dynamic interplay between processes occurring at a wide range of scales (spatial, temporal and energetic). During development, a variety of physical mechanisms are employed by tissues to simultaneously pattern, move, and differentiate based on information exchange between constituent cells, perhaps more than at any other time during an organism's life. To fully understand such events, a combined theoretical and experimental framework is required to assist in deciphering the correlations at both structural and functional levels at scales that include the intracellular and tissue levels as well as organs and organ systems. Microscopy, especially diffraction-limited light microscopy, has emerged as a central tool to capture the spatio-temporal context of life processes. Imaging has the unique advantage of watching biological events as they unfold over time at single-cell resolution in the intact animal. In this work I present a range of problems in morphogenesis, each unique in its requirements for novel quantitative imaging both in terms of the technique and analysis. Understanding the molecular basis for a developmental process involves investigating how genes and their products- mRNA and proteins-function in the context of a cell. Structural information holds the key to insights into mechanisms and imaging fixed specimens paves the first step towards deciphering gene function. The work presented in this thesis starts with the demonstration that the fluorescent signal from the challenging environment of whole-mount imaging, obtained by in situ hybridization chain reaction (HCR), scales linearly with the number of copies of target mRNA to provide quantitative sub-cellular mapping of mRNA expression within intact vertebrate embryos. The work then progresses to address aspects of imaging live embryonic development in a number of species. While processes such as avian cartilage growth require high spatial resolution and lower time resolution, dynamic events during zebrafish somitogenesis require higher time resolution to capture the protein localization as the somites mature. The requirements on imaging are even more stringent in case of the embryonic zebrafish heart that beats with a frequency of ~ 2-2.5 Hz, thereby requiring very fast imaging techniques based on two-photon light sheet microscope to capture its dynamics. In each of the hitherto-mentioned cases, ranging from the level of molecules to organs, an imaging framework is developed, both in terms of technique and analysis to allow quantitative assessment of the process in vivo. Overall the work presented in this thesis combines new quantitative tools with novel microscopy for the precise understanding of processes in embryonic development.
O foco central desta tese consiste em procurar compreender um fenômeno que se verifica na atualidade em torno das imagens ultra-sonográficas fetais. O que era a princípio e em princípio uma tecnologia de imagem médica, inventada com propósitos diagnósticos, gradualmente transformou-se em objeto de consumo e lazer. Para investigar o fenômeno, a pesquisa teórica aborda como foram construídos o olhar e o observador modernos, e de que modo as tecnologias de imageamento médico incidem na construção social do corpo. Outro aspecto teórico consiste na investigação, de um ponto de vista sócio-histórico, acerca da produção da gravidez e do feto como temas médicos, e de que modo a tecnologia de ultra-som aplicada à obstetrícia está situada na articulação de vários processos: o da construção de um novo olhar, o das reconfigurações do corpo, o da medicalização da gestação e do feto e, finalmente, o da construção do feto como Pessoa antes de seu nascimento. Estudos antropológicos produzidos no exterior, ao longo da década de 1990, apontaram que o fenômeno envolvendo as imagens fetais encontrava-se inscrito nos e delimitado pelos códigos socioculturais específicos de onde ocorriam. A inexistência de pesquisas acerca do tema, no contexto brasileiro, foi o ponto de partida para uma investigação empírica. Foi realizada uma observação antropológica de ultra-sonografias obstétricas, em abordagem etnográfica, em três clínicas privadas de imagem, ao longo de 2003, no Rio de Janeiro, visando compreender como tal fenômeno se dava, de que modo era produzido e significado pelos atores e quais os desdobramentos de tais práticas, modelados por especificidades culturais locais. O trabalho de campo evidenciou que a ultra-sonografia obstétrica caracteriza-se por ser uma tecnologia de imagem interativa, em contraste com outras técnicas de imageamento médico, uma peculiaridade que propicia a construção de diversos significados a partir das imagens fetais cinzentas e esfumaçadas. A produção do prazer de ver o feto é a pedra de toque que une o útil ao agradável, e o consumo de imagens é um ponto de articulação de diversas questões expostas ao longo da tese. Pode-se pensar nesta situação como parte de um panopticismo que devassa corpos femininos e fetais, em um mesmo processo normatizando-os e construindo novos sujeitos calcados em corporalidades virtuais.
Nos últimos anos, temos nos deparado com a difusão maciça e a popularização crescente de descrições biológicas para aspectos outrora pensados como mentais, sociais, ou relacionais. Visível em diversas arenas leigas e científicas, esta tendência freqüentemente elege o cérebro como o órgão privilegiado da sua atenção. A cada semana é divulgada uma nova localização cerebral correlacionada os mais variados aspectos comportamentais e ou de personalidade. Acompanhando este movimento, é notável o esforço intelectual e financeiro despendido nos últimos anos no campo da saúde mental, no sentido de fazer avançar pesquisas cujo foco central é a descoberta das bases neurobiológicas dos transtornos mentais. Esta tendência apontaria na direção de uma fusão entre a psiquiatria e a neurologia em uma disciplina única, de teor fisicalista, chamada por alguns de cerebrologia. Dentre os acontecimentos que serviram de alicerce para a legitimação e a popularização desta tendência, o desenvolvimento nas últimas décadas de novas técnicas e tecnologias de visualização médica, como a tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET scan) e a ressonância magnética funcional (fMRI), foi fundamental. Elas permitiram a construção de imagens das mais diversas categorias nosográficas construídas no campo psiquiátrico, veiculando tacitamente uma série de pressupostos e promessas. Malgrado o imaginário cultural sustentado por estas tecnologias e todo o esforço despendido nas últimas décadas no sentido de se tentar localizar os marcadores biológicos dos transtornos psiquiátricos, não há, até o presente momento, nenhum resultado conclusivo que autorize o diagnóstico por imagem de nosografias como a esquizofrenia, a depressão, e muito menos o jogo patológico. Apesar de todo o alarde midiático e dos montantes milionários direcionados para pesquisas nesta área, os resultados concretos obtidos até agora não estão livres das mais ferozes controvérsias. Entretanto, ainda que estejamos muito longe da construção de mapas precisos para as perturbações mentais é espantoso o poder de convencimento que as neuro-imagens comportam na atualidade. Os scans são exibidos como verdades visuais, ou fatos acerca das pessoas e do mundo, numa proporção muito superior aos dados que apresentam. Alguns críticos chamam este aspecto de neurorealismo, ou de retórica da auto-evidência. A intenção deste trabalho é problematizar o poder persuasivo que as neuro-imagens detém na contemporaneidade, especialmente quando utilizadas com a finalidade diagnóstica no campo da saúde mental. Se estas imagens transmitem uma ideia de neutralidade, transparência imediata e auto-evidência, este trabalho almeja inseri-las num contexto sócio-histórico, a partir do qual puderam adquirir sentido, familiaridade e valor de verdade. O ponto de partida é o de que elas estão localizadas no cruzamento de dois movimentos históricos distintos: o das ilustrações médicas, em sua relação com a produção de conhecimento objetivo; e o das pesquisas acerca da localização no córtex cerebral de comportamentos complexos e traços de personalidade. Além de estabelecer algumas condições históricas de possibilidade para a emergência de um neo-localizacionismo cerebral, mediado pelas novas tecnologias de imageamento, pretende-se enfatizar algumas descontinuidades com projetos anteriores e marcar a influência do contexto cultural da atualidade para o sucesso e poder persuasivo deste tipo de tecnologia.
O aumento exponencial dos gastos em saúde demanda estudos econômicos que subsidiem as decisões de agentes públicos ou privados quanto à incorporação de novas tecnologias aos sistemas de saúde. A tomografia de emissão de pósitrons (PET) é uma tecnologia de imagem da área de medicina nuclear, de alto custo e difusão ainda recente no país. O nível de evidência científica acumulada em relação a seu uso no câncer pulmonar de células não pequenas (CPCNP) é significativo, com a tecnologia mostrando acurácia superior às técnicas de imagem convencionais no estadiamento mediastinal e à distância. Avaliação econômica realizada em 2013 aponta para seu custo-efetividade no estadiamento do CPCNP em comparação à estratégia atual de manejo baseada no uso da tomografia computadorizada, na perspectiva do SUS. Sua incorporação ao rol de procedimentos disponibilizados pelo SUS pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS) ocorreu em abril de 2014, mas ainda se desconhecem os impactos econômico-financeiros decorrentes desta decisão. Este estudo buscou estimar o impacto orçamentário (IO) da incorporação da tecnologia PET no estadiamento do CPCNP para os anos de 2014 a 2018, a partir da perspectiva do SUS como financiador da assistência à saúde. As estimativas foram calculadas pelo método epidemiológico e usaram como base modelo de decisão do estudo de custo-efetividade previamente realizado. Foram utilizados dados nacionais de incidência; de distribuição de doença e acurácia das tecnologias procedentes da literatura e de custos, de estudo de microcustos e das bases de dados do SUS. Duas estratégias de uso da nova tecnologia foram analisadas: (a) oferta da PET-TC a todos os pacientes; e (b) oferta restrita àqueles que apresentem resultados de TC prévia negativos. Adicionalmente, foram realizadas análises de sensibilidade univariadas e por cenários extremos, para avaliar a influência nos resultados de possíveis fontes de incertezas nos parâmetros utilizados. A incorporação da PET-TC ao SUS implicaria a necessidade de recursos adicionais de R$ 158,1 (oferta restrita) a 202,7 milhões (oferta abrangente) em cinco anos, e a diferença entre as duas estratégias de oferta é de R$ 44,6 milhões no período. Em termos absolutos, o IO total seria de R$ 555 milhões (PET-TC para TC negativa) e R$ 600 milhões (PET-TC para todos) no período. O custo do procedimento PET-TC foi o parâmetro de maior influência sobre as estimativas de gastos relacionados à nova tecnologia, seguido da proporção de pacientes submetidos à mediastinoscopia. No cenário por extremos mais otimista, os IOs incrementais reduzir-se-iam para R$ 86,9 (PET-TC para TC negativa) e R$ 103,9 milhões (PET-TC para todos), enquanto no mais pessimista os mesmos aumentariam para R$ 194,0 e R$ 242,2 milhões, respectivamente. Resultados sobre IO, aliados às evidências de custo-efetividade da tecnologia, conferem maior racionalidade às decisões finais dos gestores. A incorporação da PET no estadiamento clínico do CPCNP parece ser financeiramente factível frente à magnitude do orçamento do MS, e potencial redução no número de cirurgias desnecessárias pode levar à maior eficiência na alocação dos recursos disponíveis e melhores desfechos para os pacientes com estratégias terapêuticas mais bem indicadas.
Three-dimensional (3D) optical microscopy based on integral imaging techniques is limited mainly by diffraction effects and the pitch of the microlens array used to sample the specimen. We integrate nanotechnology to the integral imaging technique and demonstrate a nanophotonic 3D microscope, where a nanophotonic lens array is used to finely sample the specimen. The resolution limitation due to diffraction is reduced by capturing images before the diffraction effects predominate and hence overcomes the bottleneck of achieving high resolution in an integral imaging 3D microscope.
Deep ocean sediments off the west coast of Africa exhibit a peculiar undrained strength profile in the form of a crust, albeit of exceptionally high water content, overlying normally consolidated clay. Hot-oil pipelines are installed into these crustal sediments, so their origins and characteristics are of great interest to pipeline designers. This paper provides evidence for the presence of burrowing invertebrates in crust material, and for the way sediment properties are modified through their creation of burrows, and through the deposition of faecal pellets. A variety of imaging techniques are used to make these connections, including photography, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray computer tomography. However, the essential investigative technology is simply the wet-sieving of natural cores, which reveals that up to 60% by dry mass of the crustal material can consist of smooth, highly regular, sand-sized capsules that have been identified as the faecal pellets of invertebrates such as polychaetes. Mechanical tests reveal that these pellets are quite robust under effective stresses of the order of 10 kPa, acting like sand grains within a matrix of fines. Their abundance correlates closely with the measured strength of the crust. While this can easily be accepted in the context of a pellet fraction as high as 60%, the question arises how a smaller proportion of pellets, such as 20%, is apparently able to enhance significantly the strength of a sediment that otherwise appears to be normally consolidated. A hypothesis is suggested based on the composition of the matrix of fines around the pellets. These appear to consist of agglomerates of clay platelets, which may be the result of the breakdown of pellets by other organisms. Their continued degradation at depths in excess of 1 m is taken to explain the progressive loss of crustal strength thereafter.