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Variable-rate nitrogen fertilization (VRF) based on optical spectrometry sensors of crops is a technological innovation capable of improving the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and mitigate environmental impacts. However, studies addressing fertilization based on crop sensors are still scarce in Brazilian agriculture. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of an optical crop sensor to assess the nutritional status of corn and compare VRF with the standard strategy of traditional single-rate N fertilization (TSF) used by farmers. With this purpose, three experiments were conducted at different locations in Southern Brazil, in the growing seasons 2008/09 and 2010/11. The following crop properties were evaluated: above-ground dry matter production, nitrogen (N) content, N uptake, relative chlorophyll content (SPAD) reading, and a vegetation index measured by the optical sensor N-Sensor® ALS. The plants were evaluated in the stages V4, V6, V8, V10, V12 and at corn flowering. The experiments had a completely randomized design at three different sites that were analyzed separately. The vegetation index was directly related to above-ground dry matter production (R² = 0.91; p<0.0001), total N uptake (R² = 0.87; p<0.0001) and SPAD reading (R² = 0.63; p<0.0001) and inversely related to plant N content (R² = 0.53; p<0.0001). The efficiency of VRF for plant nutrition was influenced by the specific climatic conditions of each site. Therefore, the efficiency of the VRF strategy was similar to that of the standard farmer fertilizer strategy at sites 1 and 2. However, at site 3 where the climatic conditions were favorable for corn growth, the use of optical sensors to determine VRF resulted in a 12 % increase in N plant uptake in relation to the standard fertilization, indicating the potential of this technology to improve NUE.


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Oxygen content is a very important factor influencing the electrical properties of YBa2Cu3Oy. In this work the electrical properties of laser deposited YBa2Cu3Oy thin films on LaAlO3(100), in the whole range 6 y 7, are studied. An electrical network model, which randomly assigns oxygen contents and R(T) characteristics to the different elements in the circuit according to an arbitrary distribution, is used to analyze several features in the measured R(T) characteristics as a function of oxygen homogeneity. The model takes into account both short-range and long-range oxygen inhomogeneities. Good agreement between estimated oxygen contents from x-ray diffraction data in our samples and the average oxygen contents used to reproduce their R(T) characteristics is found. The model points out that oxygen homogeneity is very important in order to get the best and reproducible properties, and for conduction and superconductivity analysis through the shape or derivatives of R(T) characteristics.


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In the previous Comment, Forker and co-workers claim that perturbed angular correlation (PAC) data leave no alternative to the conclusion that the spontaneous magnetization of PrCo2 and NdCo2 undergoes a discontinuous, first-order phase transition at TC. We show here that their claim is in clear contradiction with a wealth of experimental evidence, including our own. Finally, we propose a possible origin for the disagreement between their interpretation of the PAC results and the literature on this subject.


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This research investigated the effects of changing the cementitious content required at a given water-to-cement ratio (w/c) on workability, strength, and durability of a concrete mixture. An experimental program was conducted in which 64 concrete mixtures with w/c ranging between 0.35 and 0.50, cementitious content ranging from 400 to 700 per cubic yard (pcy), and containing four different supplementary cementitious material (SCM) combinations were tested. The fine-aggregate to total-aggregate ratio was fixed at 0.42 and the void content of combined aggregates was held constant for all the mixtures. Fresh (i.e., slump, unit weight, air content, and setting time) and hardened properties (i.e., compressive strength, chloride penetrability, and air permeability) were determined. The hypothesis behind this study is that when other parameters are kept constant, concrete properties such as strength, chloride penetration, and air permeability will not be improved significantly by increasing the cement after a minimum cement content is used. The study found that about 1.5 times more paste is required than voids between the aggregates to obtain a minimum workability. Below this value, water-reducing admixtures are of no benefit. Increasing paste thereafter increased workability. In addition, for a given w/c, increasing cementitious content does not significantly improve compressive strength once the critical minimum has been provided. The critical value is about twice the voids content of the aggregate system. Finally, for a given w/c, increasing paste content increases chloride penetrability and air permeability.


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This research investigated the effects of changing the cementitious content required at a given water-to-cement ratio (w/c) on workability, strength, and durability of a concrete mixture. An experimental program was conducted in which 64 concrete mixtures with w/c ranging between 0.35 and 0.50, cementitious content ranging from 400 to 700 per cubic yard (pcy), and containing four different supplementary cementitious material (SCM) combinations were tested. The fine-aggregate to total-aggregate ratio was fixed at 0.42 and the void content of combined aggregates was held constant for all the mixtures. Fresh (i.e., slump, unit weight, air content, and setting time) and hardened properties (i.e., compressive strength, chloride penetrability, and air permeability) were determined. The hypothesis behind this study is that when other parameters are kept constant, concrete properties such as strength, chloride penetration, and air permeability will not be improved significantly by increasing the cement after a minimum cement content is used. The study found that about 1.5 times more paste is required than voids between the aggregates to obtain a minimum workability. Below this value, water-reducing admixtures are of no benefit. Increasing paste thereafter increased workability. In addition, for a given w/c, increasing cementitious content does not significantly improve compressive strength once the critical minimum has been provided. The critical value is about twice the voids content of the aggregate system. Finally, for a given w/c, increasing paste content increases chloride penetrability and air permeability.


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Forensic science is generally defined as the application of science to address questions related to the law. Too often, this view restricts the contribution of science to one single process which eventually aims at bringing individuals to court while minimising risk of miscarriage of justice. In order to go beyond this paradigm, we propose to refocus the attention towards traces themselves, as remnants of a criminal activity, and their information content. We postulate that traces contribute effectively to a wide variety of other informational processes that support decision making inmany situations. In particular, they inform actors of new policing strategies who place the treatment of information and intelligence at the centre of their systems. This contribution of forensic science to these security oriented models is still not well identified and captured. In order to create the best condition for the development of forensic intelligence, we suggest a framework that connects forensic science to intelligence-led policing (part I). Crime scene attendance and processing can be envisaged within this view. This approach gives indications abouthowto structure knowledge used by crime scene examiners in their effective practice (part II).


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Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schultz (Convolvulaceae) and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich) Vahl. (Verbenaceae), two weeds found in pastures and crop areas in the Brazilian Amazonia, Brazil, were grown in controlled environment cabinets under high (800-1000 µmol m-² s-¹) and low (200-350 µmol m-² s-¹) light regimes during a 40-day period. The objective was to determine the effect of shade on photosynthetic features and leaf nitrogen content of I. asarifolia and S. cayennensis. High-irradiance grown I. asarifolia leaves had significantly higher dark respiration and light saturated rates of photosynthesis than low-irradiance leaves. No significant differences for these traits, between treatments, were observed in S. cayennensis. Low-irradiance leaves of both species displayed higher CO2 assimilation rates under low irradiance. High-irradiance grown leaves of both species had less nitrogen per unit of weight. Low-irradiance S. cayennensis had more nitrogen per unit of leaf area than high-irradiance plants; however, I. asarifolia showed no consistent pattern for this variable through time. For S. cayennensis, leaf nitrogen content and CO2 assimilation were inversely correlated to the amount of biomass allocated to developing reproductive structures. These results are discussed in relation to their ecological and weed management implications.


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The freeze-thaw resistance of concretes was studied. Nine concrete mixes, made with five cements and cement-Class C fly ash combinations, were exposed to freeze-thaw cycling following 110 to 222 days of moist curing. Prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, the specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The influence of a wet/dry treatment was also studied. Infilling of ettringite in entrained air voids was observed in the concretes tested. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The concretes with 15% Class C fly ash replacement show more infilling in their air voids. It was found that the influence of the infilling on the freeze-thaw durability relates to the air spacing factor. The greater the spacing factor, the more expansion under the freeze-thaw cycling. The infilling seems to decrease effective air content and to increase effective spacing factor. The infilling also implies that the filled air voids are water-accessible. These might lead to concrete more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. By combining the above results with field observations, one may conclude that the freeze-thaw damage is a factor related to premature deterioration of portland cement concrete pavements in Iowa.


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Aquest projecte ha estat impulsat per l’Observatori de la Divulgació de la Ciència (ODC) de la UAB i dut a terme a l’Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA). Està emmarcat dins el marc del nou Programa Europeu Horizon 2020 i més específicament dels conceptes establerts per la RRI. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és analitzar la comunicació científica que duu a terme l’ICTA cap a al societat i conèixer la filosofia, els incentius i la motivació de l’ICTA i els seus investigadors per donar a conèixer la seva recerca a la ciutadania. L’anàlisi de la comunicació de l’ICTA consta d’un anàlisi del contingut de la pàgina web del centre de recerca, una entrevista feta a la directora de l’institut i un qüestionari realitzat a 14 investigadors Les formes de comunicació que més utilitzen són els articles científics en revistes dirigides a públic acadèmic. Respecte la comunicació no acadèmica, s’ha pogut observar que la majoria dels investigadors, tot i la manca de facilitats realitzaven activitats per interès personal, molts cops però, no comuniquen la seva recerca, principalment perquè tenen altres tasques de docència, de recerca i gestió per atendre. Hi ha una minoria que es refereix a la comunicació científica com un “estil essencialment vocacional”. Per tal d’impulsar i promoure una estratègia contínua i efectiva de comunicació científica cal definir un pla de comunicació a nivell institucional que contribueixi a millorar les capacitats divulgatives, comunicatives i educatives de l’ICTA per tal d’ajudar a les persones que hi fan recerca a apropar la seva tasca a la societat a la que pertanyen.


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi consisteix en saber quins coneixements posseeixen, quines actituds i quin ús fan els cuidadors informals de persones diagnosticades d’Alzheimer en el domicili, de les contencions mecàniques i farmacològiques. Aquest projecte es tracta d’un disseny exploratori, descriptiu i transversal. Per a realitzar-lo es prendrà com a mostra a cuidadors principals informals, que tinguin al seu càrrec persones diagnosticades d’Alzheimer que siguin usuàries de l’atenció primària dels serveis sanitaris públics, de la província de Barcelona. L’estudi integrarà dues fases: la primera consistirà en realitzar una prova pilot a un nombre reduït de persones que servirà per avaluar i perfeccionar l’eina de la recollida de dades (els instruments a emprar seran una enquesta d’elaboració pròpia i entrevistes) i la segona consistirà en efectuar la recollida de dades a partir de l’enquesta modificada i validada en la fase anterior. En la fase pilot es realitzarà l’anàlisi de les dades a través de la tècnica coneguda com <isi del contingut>> i en la fase següent, s’utilitzarà el paquet estadístic SPSS versió 21.0.0.


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Amb aquest treball d‟investigació es pretén fer veure al docent la importància d‟una adequada gestió del temps de classe d‟Educació Física (E.F.), concretament, abans, durant i al final de la sessió, amb l‟objectiu d‟augmentar el temps de compromís motor dels alumnes. Tanmateix citaré autors i esmentaré estudis que demostren que un increment en el temps de compromís motor per part de l‟alumne, augmenta la probabilitat de que s‟assoleixin els objectius proposats i, per tant, el procés d‟ensenyament – aprenentatge serà més eficaç. En conseqüència, s‟analitzen les categories i variables temporals (temps d‟informació del professor, temps d‟organització dels alumnes i del material i temps d‟imprevistos) que poden restar minuts al temps de pràctica motriu i, a la vegada, es presenten una sèrie de recursos i estratègies que ajuden al professor d‟E.F a reduir les accions i variables temporals que incideixen negativament a fi i efecte d‟augmentar el temps de pràctica motriu.


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Los museos vienen aplicando, desde hace ya bastantes décadas, la teoría y práctica de la difusión cultural para generar contenidos culturales que faciliten la accesibilidad cognitiva y emocional de los visitantes a sus colecciones. Últimamente están apareciendo campañas y acciones de comunicación comercial que, lideradas desde los departamentos de comunicación de los museos, están creando unos contenidos cuyo objetivo final es publicitario, sirviéndose para ello de la técnica del Content Marketing. Este artículo presenta este nuevo modelo de generación de contenidos, mediante el análisis de algunos casos internacionales en los que se ha aplicado de forma exitosa.


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Des de fa una dècada es parla de la convergència digital, que ha propiciat la conjunció de la informàtica amb els mitjans de comunicació i la interconnexió en xarxa. Actualment circulen amb facilitat suports vells i nous cada vegada més flexibles. La conseqüència per als usuaris és que avui disposen d’una varietat àmplia de continguts connectats permanentment en qualsevol lloc i en qualsevol moment, a través de diverses plataformes i amb una convivència rica i complexa. En aquest context, aquest article mostra les conclusions d’un estudi de camp sobre l’ús, el consum i les preferències de suports i de continguts de la comunicació digital per part de grups d’infants, de joves, d’adults i de gent gran a Catalunya.


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Approximately 40,000 tons of deteriorated asphalt concrete has been removed from Interstate 80 in Cass County and stockpiled. Laboratory tests indicate that this material has considerable value when upgraded with new aggregate and asphalt cement. This report documents the procedures used and results obtained on an experimental recycling project. It was demonstrated that present drum mixing-recycling equipment and procedures can be used to utilize this material with satisfactory results. Laboratory analyses of material components and mixtures were performed; these analyses indicate mixture can be produced that is uniform, stable, and very closely resembles mixture produced with all virgin material. A 1700 foot long test section was constructed on US 169 in Kossuth County wherein salvaged asphalt concrete from I-80 in Cass County was utilized. The salvaged mix was blended with virgin aggregate and recycled through a modified drum mixing plant, the reprocessed mixture was satisfactorily placed 1 1/2 inches thick as a resurfacing course on an old PCC pavement. An inspection of the test section was made in December of 1978 to evaluate the performance after one full year of service. There was no evidence of rutting or shoving from traffic. The surface does, however, have a very dry and somewhat ravelled appearance. This can be related to a low asphalt content in the mix and some temperature control problems which were difficult to get fully corrected on such a short project and with a short supply of readily available materials.