953 resultados para Hybrid-electric vehicles


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä tarkastellaan sähköajoneuvojen yleistymisen vaikutuksia Suomen sähköverkkoihin. Työssä käsitellään myös sähköajoneuvojen, sekä hybridi- että täyssähköajoneuvon, toimintaperiaate, akkuteknologiaa ja latausvaihtoehtoja, sekä mahdollisia muita vaihtoehtoja nykyiselle polttonesteajoneuvokannalle. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa käydään läpi myös mahdolliset sähköajoneuvojen yleistymisskenaariot. Tutkimuksessa käydään läpi yleistymisen vaikutukset sähkön siirtoverkkoon, keskijänniteverkkoon, pienjänniteverkkoon sekä sähköntuotantoon.


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Työssä tarkastellaan hybridi- ja sähköajoneuvojen voimankäyttöjärjestelmiä ja bussin ajomoottorina toimivan kestomagneettitahtikoneen toimintaa ja sen soveltuvuutta ajoneuvokäyttöön. Esitetään analyyttinen työkalu kestomagneettitahtikoneen induktanssisuunnittelun ja koneen vääntömomentin tuottokyvyn optimoinnin tueksi. Työkalua hyödynnetään esitettävässä ajomoottorin mitoituslaskelmassa. Työssä päätellään, että kestomagneettitahtimoottori soveltuu hyvin ajoneuvokäyttöön. Maksimaalisen vääntömomentin saavuttamiseksi sen roottorin rakenne ja induktanssit on optimoitava. Analysoimalla ajoneuvokäyttöön tarkoitettua kestomagneettitahtimoottoria työkalun avulla havaitaan, että yhtä suuremmalla induktanssisuhteella vääntömomentti on pienempi kentänheikennyksessä kuin ajettaessa konetta taajuusmuuttajalla vakioteholla nimelliskuormalla. Vastaavasti yhtä pienemmillä induktanssisuhteilla vääntömomentti on pienempi kentänheikennyksessä. Todetaan, että vääntömomentti kasvaa induktanssisuhteen poiketessa yhdestä. Suuri vääntömomentti saadaan pienillä induktanssisuhteilla. Induktanssisuhteen kasvattaminen yhdestä ei lisää moottorin tuottamaa vääntömomenttia yhtä paljon kuin induktanssisuhteen pienentäminen. Työn lopuksi verrataan työkalun laskemia tuloksia kirjallisuudesta löytyvillä yhtälöillä laskettuihin tuloksiin. Työkalun laskemat tulokset vaikuttavat ristiriidattomilta ja yhteneväisiltä teorian kanssa. Työkalun toteutuksessa tehdyt teoreettiset yksinkertaistukset aiheuttavat todennäköisesti epätarkkuutta tuloksissa erityisesti suurella kuormituksella.


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Nykyään monet käyttökohteet vaativat akuilta aiempaa parempaa suorituskykyä, joten on syntynyt kasvavaa tarvetta uusien akkujen kehittämiselle erilaisista uusista materiaaleista ja uusiin valmistusmenetelmiin pohjautuen. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää kirjallisuustutkimuksena litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakun ja vanadiini-redoksi-virtausakun ominaisuuksia, saatavuutta, sovelluskohteita ja vertailla niitä muutamaan eri litiumakkutekniikkaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakkuja ei ole vielä saatavilla kaupallisesti, joten työssä tutkittiin niitä teknisten raporttien pohjalta. Raporttien pohjalta arvioituna, parhaita ominaisuuksia litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakuilla on erinomainen kuormituksen kesto ja korkea nimellisjännite. Sähköisissä ajoneuvoissa litium-vanadiini-fosfaattiakuilla on suurimmat mahdollisuudet erilaisissa hybridiajoneuvoissa, mutta todennäköisesti ne soveltuvat täyssähköisiin ajoneuvoihin vähintään yhtä hyvin kuin esimerkiksi litium-rauta-fosfaattiakut, jos valmistuskustannukset olisivat samalla tasolla. Vanadiini-redoksi-virtausakkua on jo markkinoilla usean valmistajan toimesta. Niiden ominaisuudet poikkeavat paljon muista akkutyypeistä ja erikoisuutena on mahdollisuus akun pikalataukseen elektrolyyttinesteet vaihtamalla. Syklien kestossa päästään myös erinomaisiin arvoihin, mutta suurimmat ongelmat ovat lyijyakkuakin matalampi energiatiheys ja tehotiheys. Vanadiini-redoksi-virtausakut soveltuvat parhaiten suuren kokoluokan sähköverkkoratkaisuihin ja sähköisissä ajoneuvoissa niiden mahdollisuudet rajoittunevat täyssähköisiin linja-autoihin ja isoihin työkoneisiin.


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Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli tutkia sähköautoissa käytettäviä akkuteknologioita ja verrata niiden ominaisuuksia keskenään sekä sähköautojen asettamien akkuvaatimusten kanssa. Akkuteknologiakartoituksen ja ominaisuusvertailun avulla tutkimuksessa oli tarkoitus selvittää sähköautojen akkujen kehitystä menneestä nykyhetkeen ja luoda katsaus akkuteknologian tulevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa painotettiin akkujen suorituskykynäkökulmaa, mutta tutkimuksessa otettiin kantaa myös eri akkuteknologioiden turvallisuuteen, ympäristötekijöihin ja hintaan. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena ja lähteinä käytettiin alan kirjallisuutta, IEEE artikkeleita, tutkimusraportteja ja verkkodokumentteja. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin akku- ja sähköautovalmistajilta saatavaa tietoa, johon suhtauduttiin varauksin. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että erilaisia litiumioniakkuteknologioita käytetään tällä hetkellä eniten sekä täyssähköautoissa että pistokehybrideissä. Huomattiin, että akkujen suorituskyvyn kehittyminen on nopeutunut viime vuosina. Erityisesti akkujen energianvarastointikykyyn vaikuttavat ominaisenergiatasot ovat kasvaneet selkeästi. Nykyisen kehittyneen litiumioniakkuteknologian todettiin täyttävän jo osittain lähivuosien suorituskykytavoitteet. Tutkimuksessa tultiin siihen tulokseen, että litiumrikkiakkuteknologia voi korvata litiumioniakkuteknologian ainakin täyssähköautoissa parempien ominaisenergiatasojen ja halvempien valmistuskustannuksien takia. Myös litiumilma-akkuteknologialla havaittiin olevan mahdollisuuksia haastaa muut litiumakkuteknologiat seuraavalla vuosikymmenellä. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että sähköautot voivat kaupallistua laajemmin lähivuosina akkujen suorituskykyominaisuuksien kehittyessä jatkuvasti. Suorituskykyominaisuuksien parantuminen tulee todennäköisesti johtamaan siihen, että täyssähköautot yleistyvät enemmän ja pistokehybridit tulevat jäämään sähköautojen välivaiheeksi. Uusien akkuteknologioiden käyttöönotto kaupallisiin sähköautoihin voi viedä kuitenkin odotettua kauemmin, sillä akut tarvitsevat huolellista testausta ja käyttöönotto edellyttää, että kaikki ominaisuudet ovat vaaditulla tasolla.


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More and more households are purchasing electric vehicles (EVs), and this will continue as we move towards a low carbon future. There are various projections as to the rate of EV uptake, but all predict an increase over the next ten years. Charging these EVs will produce one of the biggest loads on the low voltage network. To manage the network, we must not only take into account the number of EVs taken up, but where on the network they are charging, and at what time. To simulate the impact on the network from high, medium and low EV uptake (as outlined by the UK government), we present an agent-based model. We initialise the model to assign an EV to a household based on either random distribution or social influences - that is, a neighbour of an EV owner is more likely to also purchase an EV. Additionally, we examine the effect of peak behaviour on the network when charging is at day-time, night-time, or a mix of both. The model is implemented on a neighbourhood in south-east England using smart meter data (half hourly electricity readings) and real life charging patterns from an EV trial. Our results indicate that social influence can increase the peak demand on a local level (street or feeder), meaning that medium EV uptake can create higher peak demand than currently expected.


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This paperwork presents a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) speed controller for an electric mini-baja-type car. A battery-fed 1-kW three-phase induction motor provides the electric vehicle traction. The open-loop speed control is implemented with an equal voltage/frequency ratio, in order to maintain a constant amount of torque on all velocities. The PWM is implemented by a low-cost 8-bit microcontroller provided with optimized ROM charts for distinct speed value implementations, synchronized transition between different charts and reduced odd harmonics generation. This technique was implemented using a single passenger mini-baja vehicle, and the essays have shown that its application resulted on reduced current consumption, besides eliminating mechanical parts. Copyright © 2007 by ABCM.


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Nowadays, drives that use a combination of induction motors and frequency inverters are very common, a fact due to the financial practicality and viability in purchasing and operating that system. This system modeling and simulation becomes important when it wants to evaluate the performance, to calculate and correct parameters, and it has a fundamental role in functionality and viability analysis for application of new configurations and technologies. This work is about to elaborate a simple induction motor model based in the torque versus speed characteristic, using the linearization method for application in a specific operation range to be controlled by a frequency inverter. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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A new mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is proposed to represent the plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) charging coordination problem in electrical distribution systems. The proposed model defines the optimal charging schedule for each division of the considered period of time that minimizes the total energy costs. Moreover, priority charging criteria is taken into account. The steady-state operation of the electrical distribution system, as well as the PEV batteries charging is mathematically represented; furthermore, constraints related to limits of voltage, current and power generation are included. The proposed mathematical model was applied in an electrical distribution system used in the specialized literature and the results show that the model can be used in the solution of the PEVs charging problem.


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The ever-increasing spread of automation in industry puts the electrical engineer in a central role as a promoter of technological development in a sector such as the use of electricity, which is the basis of all the machinery and productive processes. Moreover the spread of drives for motor control and static converters with structures ever more complex, places the electrical engineer to face new challenges whose solution has as critical elements in the implementation of digital control techniques with the requirements of inexpensiveness and efficiency of the final product. The successfully application of solutions using non-conventional static converters awake an increasing interest in science and industry due to the promising opportunities. However, in the same time, new problems emerge whose solution is still under study and debate in the scientific community During the Ph.D. course several themes have been developed that, while obtaining the recent and growing interest of scientific community, have much space for the development of research activity and for industrial applications. The first area of research is related to the control of three phase induction motors with high dynamic performance and the sensorless control in the high speed range. The management of the operation of induction machine without position or speed sensors awakes interest in the industrial world due to the increased reliability and robustness of this solution combined with a lower cost of production and purchase of this technology compared to the others available in the market. During this dissertation control techniques will be proposed which are able to exploit the total dc link voltage and at the same time capable to exploit the maximum torque capability in whole speed range with good dynamic performance. The proposed solution preserves the simplicity of tuning of the regulators. Furthermore, in order to validate the effectiveness of presented solution, it is assessed in terms of performance and complexity and compared to two other algorithm presented in literature. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is also tested on induction motor drive fed by a matrix converter. Another important research area is connected to the development of technology for vehicular applications. In this field the dynamic performances and the low power consumption is one of most important goals for an effective algorithm. Towards this direction, a control scheme for induction motor that integrates within a coherent solution some of the features that are commonly required to an electric vehicle drive is presented. The main features of the proposed control scheme are the capability to exploit the maximum torque in the whole speed range, a weak dependence on the motor parameters, a good robustness against the variations of the dc-link voltage and, whenever possible, the maximum efficiency. The second part of this dissertation is dedicated to the multi-phase systems. This technology, in fact, is characterized by a number of issues worthy of investigation that make it competitive with other technologies already on the market. Multiphase systems, allow to redistribute power at a higher number of phases, thus making possible the construction of electronic converters which otherwise would be very difficult to achieve due to the limits of present power electronics. Multiphase drives have an intrinsic reliability given by the possibility that a fault of a phase, caused by the possible failure of a component of the converter, can be solved without inefficiency of the machine or application of a pulsating torque. The control of the magnetic field spatial harmonics in the air-gap with order higher than one allows to reduce torque noise and to obtain high torque density motor and multi-motor applications. In one of the next chapters a control scheme able to increase the motor torque by adding a third harmonic component to the air-gap magnetic field will be presented. Above the base speed the control system reduces the motor flux in such a way to ensure the maximum torque capability. The presented analysis considers the drive constrains and shows how these limits modify the motor performance. The multi-motor applications are described by a well-defined number of multiphase machines, having series connected stator windings, with an opportune permutation of the phases these machines can be independently controlled with a single multi-phase inverter. In this dissertation this solution will be presented and an electric drive consisting of two five-phase PM tubular actuators fed by a single five-phase inverter will be presented. Finally the modulation strategies for a multi-phase inverter will be illustrated. The problem of the space vector modulation of multiphase inverters with an odd number of phases is solved in different way. An algorithmic approach and a look-up table solution will be proposed. The inverter output voltage capability will be investigated, showing that the proposed modulation strategy is able to fully exploit the dc input voltage either in sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal operating conditions. All this aspects are considered in the next chapters. In particular, Chapter 1 summarizes the mathematical model of induction motor. The Chapter 2 is a brief state of art on three-phase inverter. Chapter 3 proposes a stator flux vector control for a three- phase induction machine and compares this solution with two other algorithms presented in literature. Furthermore, in the same chapter, a complete electric drive based on matrix converter is presented. In Chapter 4 a control strategy suitable for electric vehicles is illustrated. Chapter 5 describes the mathematical model of multi-phase induction machines whereas chapter 6 analyzes the multi-phase inverter and its modulation strategies. Chapter 7 discusses the minimization of the power losses in IGBT multi-phase inverters with carrier-based pulse width modulation. In Chapter 8 an extended stator flux vector control for a seven-phase induction motor is presented. Chapter 9 concerns the high torque density applications and in Chapter 10 different fault tolerant control strategies are analyzed. Finally, the last chapter presents a positioning multi-motor drive consisting of two PM tubular five-phase actuators fed by a single five-phase inverter.


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The worldwide demand for a clean and low-fuel-consuming transport promotes the development of safe, high energy and power electrochemical storage and conversion systems. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are considered today the best technology for this application as demonstrated by the recent interest of automotive industry in hybrid (HEV) and electric vehicles (EV) based on LIBs. This thesis work, starting from the synthesis and characterization of electrode materials and the use of non-conventional electrolytes, demonstrates that LIBs with novel and safe electrolytes and electrode materials meet the targets of specific energy and power established by U.S.A. Department of Energy (DOE) for automotive application in HEV and EV. In chapter 2 is reported the origin of all chemicals used, the description of the instruments used for synthesis and chemical-physical characterizations, the electrodes preparation, the batteries configuration and the electrochemical characterization procedure of electrodes and batteries. Since the electrolyte is the main critical point of a battery, in particular in large- format modules, in chapter 3 we focused on the characterization of innovative and safe electrolytes based on ionic liquids (characterized by high boiling/decomposition points, thermal and electrochemical stability and appreciable conductivity) and mixtures of ionic liquid with conventional electrolyte. In chapter 4 is discussed the microwave accelerated sol–gel synthesis of the carbon- coated lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO 4 -C), an excellent cathode material for LIBs thanks to its intrinsic safety and tolerance to abusive conditions, which showed excellent electrochemical performance in terms of specific capacity and stability. In chapter 5 are presented the chemical-physical and electrochemical characterizations of graphite and titanium-based anode materials in different electrolytes. We also characterized a new anodic material, amorphous SnCo alloy, synthetized with a nanowire morphology that showed to strongly enhance the electrochemical stability of the material during galvanostatic full charge/discharge cycling. Finally, in chapter 6, are reported different types of batteries, assembled using the LiFePO 4 -C cathode material, different anode materials and electrolytes, characterized by deep galvanostatic charge/discharge cycles at different C-rates and by test procedures of the DOE protocol for evaluating pulse power capability and available energy. First, we tested a battery with the innovative cathode material LiFePO 4 -C and conventional graphite anode and carbonate-based electrolyte (EC DMC LiPF 6 1M) that demonstrated to surpass easily the target for power-assist HEV application. Given that the big concern of conventional lithium-ion batteries is the flammability of highly volatile organic carbonate- based electrolytes, we made safe batteries with electrolytes based on ionic liquid (IL). In order to use graphite anode in IL electrolyte we added to the IL 10% w/w of vinylene carbonate (VC) that produces a stable SEI (solid electrolyte interphase) and prevents the graphite exfoliation phenomenon. Then we assembled batteries with LiFePO 4 -C cathode, graphite anode and PYR 14 TFSI 0.4m LiTFSI with 10% w/w of VC that overcame the DOE targets for HEV application and were stable for over 275 cycles. We also assembled and characterized ―high safety‖ batteries with electrolytes based on pure IL, PYR 14 TFSI with 0.4m LiTFSI as lithium salt, and on mixture of this IL and standard electrolyte (PYR 14 TFSI 50% w/w and EC DMC LiPF 6 50% w/w), using titanium-based anodes (TiO 2 and Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 ) that are commonly considered safer than graphite in abusive conditions. The batteries bearing the pure ionic liquid did not satisfy the targets for HEV application, but the batteries with Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 anode and 50-50 mixture electrolyte were able to surpass the targets. We also assembled and characterized a lithium battery (with lithium metal anode) with a polymeric electrolyte based on poly-ethilenoxide (PEO 20 – LiCF 3 SO 3 +10%ZrO 2 ), which satisfied the targets for EV application and showed a very impressive cycling stability. In conclusion, we developed three lithium-ion batteries of different chemistries that demonstrated to be suitable for application in power-assist hybrid vehicles: graphite/EC DMC LiPF 6 /LiFePO 4 -C, graphite/PYR 14 TFSI 0.4m LiTFSI with 10% VC/LiFePO 4 -C and Li 4 T i5 O 12 /PYR 14 TFSI 50%-EC DMC LiPF 6 50%/LiFePO 4 -C. We also demonstrated that an all solid-state polymer lithium battery as Li/PEO 20 –LiCF 3 SO 3 +10%ZrO 2 /LiFePO 4 -C is suitable for application on electric vehicles. Furthermore we developed a promising anodic material alternative to the graphite, based on SnCo amorphous alloy.


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The main objective of this work was to investigate the impact of different hybridization concepts and levels of hybridization on fuel economy of a standard road vehicle where both conventional and non-conventional hybrid architectures are treated exactly in the same way from the point of view of overall energy flow optimization. Hybrid component models were developed and presented in detail as well as the simulations results mainly for NEDC cycle. The analysis was performed on four different parallel hybrid powertrain concepts: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), High Speed Flywheel Hybrid Vehicle (HSF-HV), Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle (HHV) and Pneumatic Hybrid Vehicle (PHV). In order to perform equitable analysis of different hybrid systems, comparison was performed also on the basis of the same usable system energy storage capacity (i.e. 625kJ for HEV, HSF and the HHV) but in the case of pneumatic hybrid systems maximal storage capacity was limited by the size of the systems in order to comply with the packaging requirements of the vehicle. The simulations were performed within the IAV Gmbh - VeLoDyn software simulator based on Matlab / Simulink software package. Advanced cycle independent control strategy (ECMS) was implemented into the hybrid supervisory control unit in order to solve power management problem for all hybrid powertrain solutions. In order to maintain State of Charge within desired boundaries during different cycles and to facilitate easy implementation and recalibration of the control strategy for very different hybrid systems, Charge Sustaining Algorithm was added into the ECMS framework. Also, a Variable Shift Pattern VSP-ECMS algorithm was proposed as an extension of ECMS capabilities so as to include gear selection into the determination of minimal (energy) cost function of the hybrid system. Further, cycle-based energetic analysis was performed in all the simulated cases, and the results have been reported in the corresponding chapters.


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Electric power grids throughout the world suffer from serious inefficiencies associated with under-utilization due to demand patterns, engineering design and load following approaches in use today. These grids consume much of the world’s energy and represent a large carbon footprint. From material utilization perspectives significant hardware is manufactured and installed for this infrastructure often to be used at less than 20-40% of its operational capacity for most of its lifetime. These inefficiencies lead engineers to require additional grid support and conventional generation capacity additions when renewable technologies (such as solar and wind) and electric vehicles are to be added to the utility demand/supply mix. Using actual data from the PJM [PJM 2009] the work shows that consumer load management, real time price signals, sensors and intelligent demand/supply control offer a compelling path forward to increase the efficient utilization and carbon footprint reduction of the world’s grids. Underutilization factors from many distribution companies indicate that distribution feeders are often operated at only 70-80% of their peak capacity for a few hours per year, and on average are loaded to less than 30-40% of their capability. By creating strong societal connections between consumers and energy providers technology can radically change this situation. Intelligent deployment of smart sensors, smart electric vehicles, consumer-based load management technology very high saturations of intermittent renewable energy supplies can be effectively controlled and dispatched to increase the levels of utilization of existing utility distribution, substation, transmission, and generation equipment. The strengthening of these technology, society and consumer relationships requires rapid dissemination of knowledge (real time prices, costs & benefit sharing, demand response requirements) in order to incentivize behaviors that can increase the effective use of technological equipment that represents one of the largest capital assets modern society has created.


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This thesis studies the minimization of the fuel consumption for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) using Model Predictive Control (MPC). The presented MPC – based controller calculates an optimal sequence of control inputs to a hybrid vehicle using the measured plant outputs, the current dynamic states, a system model, system constraints, and an optimization cost function. The MPC controller is developed using Matlab MPC control toolbox. To evaluate the performance of the presented controller, a power-split hybrid vehicle, 2004 Toyota Prius, is selected. The vehicle uses a planetary gear set to combine three power components, an engine, a motor, and a generator, and transfer energy from these components to the vehicle wheels. The planetary gear model is developed based on the Willis’s formula. The dynamic models of the engine, the motor, and the generator, are derived based on their dynamics at the planetary gear. The MPC controller for HEV energy management is validated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Both the step response performance (a 0 – 60 mph step input) and the driving cycle tracking performance are evaluated. Two standard driving cycles, Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule (HWFET), are used in the evaluation tests. For the UDDS and HWFET driving cycles, the simulation results, the fuel consumption and the battery state of charge, using the MPC controller are compared with the simulation results using the original vehicle model in Autonomie. The MPC approach shows the feasibility to improve vehicle performance and minimize fuel consumption.


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The paper presents the main elements of a project entitled ICT-Emissions that aims at developing a novel methodology to evaluate the impact of ICT-related measures on mobility, vehicle energy consumption and CO2 emissions of vehicle fleets at the local scale, in order to promote the wider application of the most appropriate ICT measures. The proposed methodology combines traffic and emission modelling at micro and macro scales. These will be linked with interfaces and submodules which will be specifically designed and developed. A number of sources are available to the consortium to obtain the necessary input data. Also, experimental campaigns are offered to fill in gaps of information in traffic and emission patterns. The application of the methodology will be demonstrated using commercially available software. However, the methodology is developed in such a way as to enable its implementation by a variety of emission and traffic models. Particular emphasis is given to (a) the correct estimation of driver behaviour, as a result of traffic-related ICT measures, (b) the coverage of a large number of current vehicle technologies, including ICT systems, and (c) near future technologies such as hybrid, plug-in hybrids, and electric vehicles. The innovative combination of traffic, driver, and emission models produces a versatile toolbox that can simulate the impact on energy and CO2 of infrastructure measures (traffic management, dynamic traffic signs, etc.), driver assistance systems and ecosolutions (speed/cruise control, start/stop systems, etc.) or a combination of measures (cooperative systems).The methodology is validated by application in the Turin area and its capacity is further demonstrated by application in real world conditions in Madrid and Rome.