270 resultados para Hyènes


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Continuous wave rf plasma polymerization of 2-iodothiophene has been studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The variation in plasma polymer stoichiometry and the extent of monomer fragmentation are found to be critically dependent upon the electrical discharge power.


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A flexible panel consisting of 38 informative microsatellite markers for Salmo trutta is described. These markers were selected from a pool of over 150 candidate loci that can be readily amplified in four multiplex PCR groups but other permutations are also possible. The basic properties of each markers were assessed in six population samples from both the Burrishoole catchment, in the west of Ireland, and Lough Neagh, in Northern Ireland. A method to assess the relative utility of individual markers for the detection of population genetic structuring is also described. Given its flexibility, technical reliability and high degree of informativeness, the use of this panel of markers is advocated as a standard for S. trutta genetic studies. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Globally, Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are considered to be one of the major threats to native biodiversity, with the World Conservation Union (IUCN) citing their impacts as ?immense, insidious, and usually irreversible?. It is estimated that 11% of the c. 12,000 alien species in Europe are invasive, causing environmental, economic and social damage; and it is reasonable to expect that the rate of biological invasions into Europe will increase in the coming years. In order to assess the current position regarding IAS in Europe and to determine the issues that were deemed to be most important or critical regarding these damaging species, the international Freshwater Invasives - Networking for Strategy (FINS) conference was convened in Ireland in April 2013. Delegates from throughout Europe and invited speakers from around the world were brought together for the conference. These comprised academics, applied scientists, policy makers, politicians, practitioners and representative stakeholder groups. A horizon scanning and issue prioritization approach was used by in excess of 100 expert delegates in a workshop setting to elucidate the Top 20 IAS issues in Europe. These issues do not focus solely on freshwater habitats and taxa but relate also to marine and terrestrial situations. The Top 20 issues that resulted represent a tool for IAS management and should also be used to support policy makers as they prepare European IAS legislation.


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Despite recent advances in the understanding of the interplay between a dynamic physical environment and phylogeography in Europe, the origins of contemporary Irish biota remain uncertain. Current thinking is that Ireland was colonized post-glacially from southern European refugia, following the end of the last glacial maximum(LGM), some 20 000 years BP. The Leisler’s bat (Nyctalus leisleri), one of the few native Irish mammal species, is widely distributed throughout Europe but, with the exception of Ireland, is generally rare and considered vulnerable. We investigate the origins and phylogeographic relationships of Irish populations in relation to those across Europe, including the closely related species N. azoreum. We use a combination of approaches, including mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers, in addition to approximate Bayesian computation and palaeo-climatic species distribution modelling. Molecular analyses revealed two distinct and diverse European mitochondrialDNAlineages,which probably diverged in separate glacial refugia. Awestern lineage, restricted to Ireland, Britain and the Azores, comprises Irish and British N. leisleri and N. azoreum specimens; an eastern lineage is distributed throughout mainland Europe. Palaeo-climatic projections indicate suitable habitats during the LGM, including known glacial refugia, in addition to potential novel cryptic refugia along the western fringe of Europe. These results may be applicable to populations of many species.


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Contact zones between divergent forms of the same species are often characterised by high levels of phenotypic diversity over small geographic distances. What processes are involved in generating such high phenotypic diversity? One possibility is that introgression and recombination between divergent forms in contact zones results in greater phenotypic and genetic polymorphism. Alternatively, strong reproductive isolation between forms may maintain distinct phenotypes, preventing homogenisation by gene flow. Contact zones between divergent freshwater-resident and anadromous stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) forms are numerous and common throughout the species distribution, offering an opportunity to examine these contrasting hypotheses in greater detail. This study reports on an interesting new contact zone located in a tidally influenced lake catchment in western Ireland, characterised by high polymorphism for lateral plate phenotypes. Using neutral and QTL-linked microsatellite markers, we tested whether the high diversity observed in this contact zone arose as a result of introgression or reproductive isolation between divergent forms: we found strong support for the latter hypothesis. Three phenotypic and genetic clusters were identified, consistent with two divergent resident forms and a distinct anadromous completely plated population that migrates in and out of the system. Given the strong neutral differentiation detected between all three morphotypes (mean FST = 0.12), we hypothesised that divergent selection between forms maintains reproductive isolation. We found a correlation between neutral genetic and adaptive genetic differentiation that support this. While strong associations between QTL linked markers and phenotypes were also observed in this wild population, our results support the suggestion that such associations may be more complex in some Atlantic populations compared to those in the Pacific. These findings provide an important foundation for future work investigating the dynamics of gene flow and adaptive divergence in this newly discovered stickleback contact zone.


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Over the past decade, the common rock shrimp, Rhynchocinetes typus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, has been the focus of extensive investigations on mating behaviour. The species is now perceived as a model system for the study of reproductive strategies and sexual conflict in crustaceans displaying external fertilization. Using molecular markers, the current study assesses whether social mating behaviour in common rock shrimp translates into true genetic parentage. In a large mesocosm tank with >200 individuals of both sexes, the analysis of 15 families (22 eggs per female) for three informative microsatellites unambiguously confirmed multiple paternity in 11 instances (73%) involving, in each case, two to four males. Where more than one male was identified siring a particular brood, reproductive skew was apparent towards a single individual. Results suggest that multiple paternity in this species results from subordinate male coercive behaviour, female solicitation of multiple male matings or a combination of both.


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Farmed fish are typically genetically different from wild conspecifics. Escapees from fish farms may contribute one-way gene flow from farm to wild gene pools, which can depress population productivity, dilute local adaptations and disrupt coadapted gene complexes. Here, we reanalyse data from two experiments (McGinnity et al., 1997, 2003) where performance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) progeny originating from experimental crosses between farm and wild parents (in three different cohorts) were measured in a natural stream under common garden conditions. Previous published analyses focussed on group-level differences but did not account for pedigree structure, as we do here using modern mixed-effect models. Offspring with one or two farm parents exhibited poorer survival in their first and second year of life compared with those with two wild parents and these group-level inferences were robust to excluding outlier families. Variation in performance among farm, hybrid and wild families was generally similar in magnitude. Farm offspring were generally larger at all life stages examined than wild offspring, but the differences were moderate (5–20%) and similar in magnitude in the wild versus hatchery environments. Quantitative genetic analyses conducted using a Bayesian framework revealed moderate heritability in juvenile fork length and mass and positive genetic correlations (>0.85) between these morphological traits. Our study confirms (using more rigorous statistical techniques) previous studies showing that offspring of wild fish invariably have higher fitness and contributes fresh insights into family-level variation in performance of farm, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon families in the wild. It also adds to a small, but growing, number of studies that estimate key evolutionary parameters in wild salmonid populations. Such information is vital in modelling the impacts of introgression by escaped farm salmon.


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Le site moustérien de la Grotte du Bison est situé au cœur des grottes préhistoriques longeant la rivière de la Cure à Arcy-sur-Cure (Yonne, France). La couche I-J de ce gisement représente une occupation néandertalienne datant de la fin du stade isotopique 4 (MIS 4) et du début du stade 3. Face à l’instabilité du climat durant cette période, les groupes de chasseurs-cueilleurs néandertaliens doivent faire des choix en matière d’acquisition des ressources alimentaires. Le mode de subsistance de ces groupes implique des choix stratégiques de comportements de chasse, de transport et de traitement des carcasses, ainsi que de mobilité de groupe. Quelles sont les stratégies d’exploitation de la faune employées par les Néandertaliens à Arcy-sur-Cure il y a un peu plus de 50 000 ans? Ce mémoire présente une analyse archéozoologique de l’assemblage faunique mis au jour durant la mission de fouilles 2014. Les résultats indiquent que les populations néandertaliennes ont occupé le site de façon saisonnière en alternance avec d’autres animaux carnivores comme l’ours des cavernes et la hyène des cavernes. Les hyènes et les Néandertaliens sont deux potentiels agents accumulateurs d’ossements dans la grotte. Un regard taphonomique sur l’assemblage faunique de la couche I-J suggère que les groupes néandertaliens ont chassé le renne et le cheval, alors que les meutes de hyènes ont accumulé des ossements de bovinés et de chevaux. Les groupes néandertaliens de la Grotte du Bison ont rapporté les carcasses entières de leurs proies sur le site. Ils en ont exploité la viande, la moelle, les peaux, ont fabriqué des outils en os et ont utilisé les plumes des rapaces, vraisemblablement à des fins symboliques.


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Cette étude se penche sur le geste singulier se dégageant de l’œuvre du cinéaste sénégalais Djibril Diop Mambety. Une force de « mise en présence » y est identifiée, dont la présente recherche démontre qu’elle s’apparente à l’action médiatrice du griot des traditions orales d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Singulièrement, cette force tenant de l’oralité ne repose pas sur le récit ou la parole comme discours, mais relève au contraire de ruptures narratives et de disjonctions image-son qui mettent le récit en question, invitant le spectateur à fréquemment réviser son interprétation de ce qu’il voit et entend. C’est le film lui-même qui devient alors griot, actualisant un lien en constante transformation entre l’univers qu’il porte et son spectateur. En instaurant un rapport critique à l’égard du monde dans lequel s’inscrit le récit, les multiples ruptures dans le cinéma de Mambety sont également les brèches par lesquelles se crée un espace d’accueil pour la marginalité, qui habite tous ses films. La tradition orale et le griot sont présentés en premier lieu, de manière à poser les bases à partir desquelles peut se développer la réflexion. La description et l’analyse des films Parlons Grand-mère et Le franc démontrent en quoi ceux-ci sont des films médiateurs, qui se comportent en griots. Cette découverte ouvre la voie à une réflexion plus large sur la médiation au cinéma, où la portée éthique du film-médiateur est explorée, ainsi que la nature des relations possibles entre médiation et récit. Finalement, l’analyse du film Hyènes, eu égard à la différence qu’il présente en déployant un récit plus linéaire, est l’occasion d’approfondir une compréhension à la fois de ce que font les films de Mambety et de ce que peut la médiation au cinéma de façon plus large.


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El manejo de la obstrucción intestinal por adherencias es un reto para cualquier especialista en Cirugía debido a que existe controversia sobre el alcance del manejo médico y el momento adecuado para llevar el paciente a cirugía para la resolución del cuadro clínico. En el presente trabajo se pretende, identificar los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por adherencias. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en una relación de 1:1, con una recolección de muestra estadística de 48 pacientes en cada grupo, entre mayo 2012 y mayo 2014 en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi y en Barrios Unidos. Se consideraron casos los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por obstrucción intestinal por bridas y controles los pacientes manejados con tratamiento médico. Se evaluaron factores como edad, antecedentes personales patológicos y quirúrgicos, tiempo de evolución del cuadro clínico, hallazgos en imágenes y laboratorio entre otros. Resultados: Se recolectaron un total de 158 pacientes, (78 casos, 80 controles). Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables (p=0.13). Los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico estadísticamente significativos fueron género masculino, presencia de fiebre al ingreso, el hallazgo de engrosamiento de la pared intestinal y de obstrucción de asa cerrada en imágenes diagnósticas (p<0,05). Discusión: Los principales factores asociados para que un paciente con obstrucción intestinal por bridas requiera de manejo quirúrgico son consistentes con literatura. Se requiere la socialización de los resultados para disminuir la morbimortalidad de nuestros pacientes.


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El principal objeto de este contexto consisite en sistematicar el fragmentario, disperso, parco e incompleto material legal (LSA, Cde C, LMV, LCCH, y normativa de rango inferior) que ofrece el ordenamiento en materia de documentación y transmisión de acciones. Un material que conduce a la ambigüedad, la duda y, en no pocas ocaciones, a la discrepancia y contradicción, amén de errores de una mala traducción cuando se toman sin más figuras e institutos que pasan por ser análogas en otro ordenamiento y cuya esencia es distina.Así mismo, este libro pretende arrojar luz sobre la importancia que ha tenido la teoría de valor, para el derecho mercantil, genuina aportación donde los hubiere al derecho privado, la teoría del título valor a través del fenómeno de la representación de la acción, la incorporación del derecho al título, la tipología del título que no de la acción, pues la acción es lo que es como derecho, como valor y como alícuota, y es el título el que es nominativo, al portador o la orden, lo que ha supuesto la desincorporación o desdanar un camino que no es tal pues irrumpe el derecho valor, etc.; estos elementos constituyen un apasionante reto que lleva a hallar y bucear en la médula misma del derecho de sociedades y de los título valor.


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We present simultaneous multicolor infrared and optical photometry of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 during its short 2005 January outburst, supported by simultaneous X-ray observations. The variability is dominated by short timescales, ~10 s, although a weak superhump also appears to be present in the optical. The optical rapid variations, at least, are well correlated with those in X-rays. Infrared JHKs photometry, as in the previous outburst, exhibits especially large-amplitude variability. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of the variable infrared component can be fitted with a power law of slope α=-0.78+/-0.07, where F_ν~ν^α. There is no compelling evidence for evolution in the slope over five nights, during which time the source brightness decayed along almost the same track as seen in variations within the nights. We conclude that both short-term variability and longer timescale fading are dominated by a single component of constant spectral shape. We cannot fit the SED of the IR variability with a credible thermal component, either optically thick or thin. This IR SED is, however, approximately consistent with optically thin synchrotron emission from a jet. These observations therefore provide indirect evidence to support jet-dominated models for XTE J1118+480 and also provide a direct measurement of the slope of the optically thin emission, which is impossible, based on the average spectral energy distribution alone.


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We present optical and ultraviolet spectra, light curves, and Doppler tomograms of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676. Using an extensive set of 15 emission-line tomograms, we show that, along with the usual emission from the stream and ``hot spot,'' there is extended nonaxisymmetric emission from the disk rim. Some of the emission and Hα and Hβ absorption features lend weight to the hypothesis that part of the stream overflows the disk rim and forms a two phase medium. The data are consistent with a 1.35 Msolar neutron star with a main-sequence companion and hence a mass ratio q~0.34.