982 resultados para Human supervisory control


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Esta tesis examina las implicaciones técnicas, políticas y espaciales del aire urbano, y en concreto, de la calidad del aire, para tenerlo en cuenta desde una perspectiva arquitectónica. En oposición a formas de entender el aire como un vacío o como una metáfora, este proyecto propone abordarlo desde un acercamiento material y tecnológico, trayendo el entorno al primer plano y reconociendo sus múltiples agencias. Debido a la escasa bibliografía detectada en el campo de la arquitectura, el objetivo es construir un marco teórico-analítico para considerar el aire urbano. Para ello el trabajo construye Aeropolis, una metáfora heurística que describe el ensamblaje sociotecnico de la ciudad. Situada en la intersección de determinadas ramas de la filosofía de la cultura, los estudios sobre ciencia y tecnología y estudios feministas de la ciencia este nuevo paisaje conceptual ofrece una metodología y herramientas para abordar el objeto de estudio desde distintos ángulos. Estas herramientas metodológicas han sido desarrolladas en el contexto específico de Madrid, ciudad muy contaminada cuyo aire ha sido objeto de controversias políticas y sociales, y donde las políticas y tecnologías para reducir sus niveles no han sido exitosas. Para encontrar una implicación alternativa con el aire esta tesis propone un método de investigación de agentes invisibles a partir del análisis de sus dispositivos epistémicos. Se centra, en concreto, en los instrumentos que miden, visualizan y comunican la calidad del aire, proponiendo que no sólo lo representan, sino que son también instrumentos que diseñan el aire y la ciudad. La noción de “sensing” (en castellano medir y sentir) es expandida, reconociendo distintas prácticas que reconstruyen el aire de Madrid. El resultado de esta estrategia no es sólo la ampliación de los espacios desde los que relacionarnos con el aire, sino también la legitimación de prácticas existentes fuera de contextos científicos y administrativos, como por ejemplo prácticas relacionadas con el cuerpo, así como la redistribución de agencias entre más actores. Así, esta tesis trata sobre toxicidad, la Unión Europea, producción colaborativa, modelos de computación, dolores de cabeza, kits DIY, gases, cuerpos humanos, salas de control, sangre o políticos, entre otros. Los dispositivos que sirven de datos empíricos sirven como un ejemplo excepcional para investigar infraestructuras digitales, permitiendo desafiar nociones sobre Ciudades Inteligentes. La tesis pone especial atención en los efectos del aire en el espacio público, reconociendo los procesos de invisibilización que han sufrido sus infraestructuras de monitorización. Para terminar se exponen líneas de trabajo y oportunidades para la arquitectura y el diseño urbano a través de nuevas relaciones entre infraestructuras urbanas, el medio construido, espacios domésticos y públicos y humanos y no humanos, para crear nuevas ecologías políticas urbanas (queer). ABSTRACT This thesis examines the technical, political and spatial implications of urban air, and more specifically "air quality", in order to consider it from an architectural perspective. In opposition to understandings of the air either as a void or as a metaphor, this project proposes to inspect it from a material and technical approach, bringing the background to the fore and acknowledging its multiple agencies. Due to the scarce bibliography within the architectural field, its first aim is to construct a theoretical and analytical framework from which to consider urban air. For this purpose, the work attempts the construction of Aeropolis, a heuristic metaphor that describes the city's aero socio-material assemblage. Located at the intersection of certain currents in cultural philosophy, science and technology studies as well as feminist studies in technoscience, this framework enables a methodology and toolset to be extracted in order to approach the subject matter from different angles. The methodological tools stemming from this purpose-built framework were put to the test in a specific case study: Madrid, a highly polluted city whose air has been subject to political and social controversies, and where no effective policies or technologies have been successful in reducing its levels of pollution. In order to engage with the air, the thesis suggests a method for researching invisible agents by examining the epistemic devices involved. It locates and focuses on the instruments that sense, visualise and communicate urban air, claiming that they do not only represent it, but are also instruments that design the air and the city. The notion of "sensing" is then expanded by recognising different practices which enact the air in Madrid. The work claims that the result of this is not only the opening up of spaces for engagement but also the legitimisation of existing practices outside science and policymaking environments, such as embodied practices, as well as the redistribution of agency among more actors. So this is a thesis about toxicity, the European Union, collaborative production, scientific computational models, headaches, DIY kits, gases, human bodies, control rooms, blood, or politicians, among many others. The devices found throughout the work serve as an exceptional substrate for an investigation of digital infrastructures, enabling to challenge Smart City tropes. There is special attention paid to the effects of the air on the public space, acknowledging the silencing processes these infrastructures have been subjected to. Finally there is an outline of the opportunities arising for architecture and urban design when taking the air into account, to create new (queer) urban political ecologies between the air, urban infrastructures, the built environment, public and domestic spaces, and humans and more than humans.


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Los ataques a redes de información son cada vez más sofisticados y exigen una constante evolución y mejora de las técnicas de detección. Para ello, en este proyecto se ha diseñado e implementado una plataforma cooperativa para la detección de intrusiones basada en red. En primer lugar, se ha realizado un estudio teórico previo del marco tecnológico relacionado con este ámbito, en el que se describe y caracteriza el software que se utiliza para realizar ataques a sistemas (malware) así como los métodos que se utilizan para llegar a transmitir ese software (vectores de ataque). En el documento también se describen los llamados APT, que son ataques dirigidos con una gran inversión económica y temporal. Estos pueden englobar todos los malware y vectores de ataque existentes. Para poder evitar estos ataques, se estudiarán los sistemas de detección y prevención de intrusiones, describiendo brevemente los algoritmos que se tienden a utilizar en la actualidad. En segundo lugar, se ha planteado y desarrollado una plataforma en red dedicada al análisis de paquetes y conexiones para detectar posibles intrusiones. Este sistema está orientado a sistemas SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Adquisition) aunque funciona sobre cualquier red IPv4/IPv6, para ello se definirá previamente lo que es un sistema SCADA, así como sus partes principales. Para implementar el sistema se han utilizado dispositivos de bajo consumo llamados Raspberry PI, estos se ubican entre la red y el equipo final que se quiera analizar. En ellos se ejecutan 2 aplicaciones desarrolladas de tipo cliente-servidor (la Raspberry central ejecutará la aplicación servidora y las esclavas la aplicación cliente) que funcionan de forma cooperativa utilizando la tecnología distribuida de Hadoop, la cual se explica previamente. Mediante esta tecnología se consigue desarrollar un sistema completamente escalable. La aplicación servidora muestra una interfaz gráfica que permite administrar la plataforma de análisis de forma centralizada, pudiendo ver así las alarmas de cada dispositivo y calificando cada paquete según su peligrosidad. El algoritmo desarrollado en la aplicación calcula el ratio de paquetes/tiempo que entran/salen del equipo final, procesando los paquetes y analizándolos teniendo en cuenta la información de señalización, creando diferentes bases de datos que irán mejorando la robustez del sistema, reduciendo así la posibilidad de ataques externos. Para concluir, el proyecto inicial incluía el procesamiento en la nube de la aplicación principal, pudiendo administrar así varias infraestructuras concurrentemente, aunque debido al trabajo extra necesario se ha dejado preparado el sistema para poder implementar esta funcionalidad. En el caso experimental actual el procesamiento de la aplicación servidora se realiza en la Raspberry principal, creando un sistema escalable, rápido y tolerante a fallos. ABSTRACT. The attacks to networks of information are increasingly sophisticated and demand a constant evolution and improvement of the technologies of detection. For this project it is developed and implemented a cooperative platform for detect intrusions based on networking. First, there has been a previous theoretical study of technological framework related to this area, which describes the software used for attacks on systems (malware) as well as the methods used in order to transmit this software (attack vectors). In this document it is described the APT, which are attacks directed with a big economic and time inversion. These can contain all existing malware and attack vectors. To prevent these attacks, intrusion detection systems and prevention intrusion systems will be discussed, describing previously the algorithms tend to use today. Secondly, a platform for analyzing network packets has been proposed and developed to detect possible intrusions in SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Adquisition) systems. This platform is designed for SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) but works on any IPv4 / IPv6 network. Previously, it is defined what a SCADA system is and the main parts of it. To implement it, we used low-power devices called Raspberry PI, these are located between the network and the final device to analyze it. In these Raspberry run two applications client-server developed (the central Raspberry runs the server application and the slaves the client application) that work cooperatively using Hadoop distributed technology, which is previously explained. Using this technology is achieved develop a fully scalable system. The server application displays a graphical interface to manage analytics platform centrally, thereby we can see each device alarms and qualifying each packet by dangerousness. The algorithm developed in the application calculates the ratio of packets/time entering/leaving the terminal device, processing the packets and analyzing the signaling information of each packet, reating different databases that will improve the system, thereby reducing the possibility of external attacks. In conclusion, the initial project included cloud computing of the main application, being able to manage multiple concurrent infrastructure, but due to the extra work required has been made ready the system to implement this funcionality. In the current test case the server application processing is made on the main Raspberry, creating a scalable, fast and fault-tolerant system.


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"Issued August 1975."


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In reaction time (RT) tasks, presentation of a startling acoustic stimulus (SAS) together with a visual imperative stimulus can dramatically reduce RT while leaving response execution unchanged. It has been suggested that a prepared motor response program is triggered early by the SAS but is not otherwise affected. Movements aimed at intercepting moving targets are usually considered to be similarly governed by a prepared program. This program is triggered when visual stimulus information about the time to arrival of the moving target reaches a specific criterion. We investigated whether a SAS could also trigger such a movement. Human experimental participants were trained to hit moving targets with movements of a specific duration. This permitted an estimate of when movement would begin (expected onset time). Startling and sub-startle threshold acoustic probe stimuli were delivered unexpectedly among control trials: 65, 85, 115 and 135 ms prior to expected onset (10:1 ratio of control to probe trials). Results showed that startling probe stimuli at 85 and 115 ms produced early response onsets but not those at 65 or 135 ms. Sub-threshold stimuli at 115 and 135 ms also produced early onsets. Startle probes led to an increased vigor in the response, but sub-threshold probes had no detectable effects. These data can be explained by a simple model in which preparatory, response-related activation builds up in the circuits responsible for generating motor commands in anticipation of the GO command. If early triggering by the acoustic probes is the mechanism underlying the findings, then the data support the hypothesis that rapid interceptions are governed by a motor program. © 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO.


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Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are used by many industries because of their ability to manage sensors and control external hardware. The problem with commercially available systems is that they are restricted to a local network of users that use proprietary software. There was no Internet development guide to give remote users out of the network, control and access to SCADA data and external hardware through simple user interfaces. To solve this problem a server/client paradigm was implemented to make SCADAs available via the Internet. Two methods were applied and studied: polling of a text file as a low-end technology solution and implementing a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) socket connection. Users were allowed to login to a website and control remotely a network of pumps and valves interfaced to a SCADA. This enabled them to sample the water quality of different reservoir wells. The results were based on real time performance, stability and ease of use of the remote interface and its programming. These indicated that the most feasible server to implement is the TCP/IP connection. For the user interface, Java applets and Active X controls provide the same real time access.


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The main focus of this thesis is to address the relative localization problem of a heterogenous team which comprises of both ground and micro aerial vehicle robots. This team configuration allows to combine the advantages of increased accessibility and better perspective provided by aerial robots with the higher computational and sensory resources provided by the ground agents, to realize a cooperative multi robotic system suitable for hostile autonomous missions. However, in such a scenario, the strict constraints in flight time, sensor pay load, and computational capability of micro aerial vehicles limits the practical applicability of popular map-based localization schemes for GPS denied navigation. Therefore, the resource limited aerial platforms of this team demand simpler localization means for autonomous navigation. Relative localization is the process of estimating the formation of a robot team using the acquired inter-robot relative measurements. This allows the team members to know their relative formation even without a global localization reference, such as GPS or a map. Thus a typical robot team would benefit from a relative localization service since it would allow the team to implement formation control, collision avoidance, and supervisory control tasks, independent of a global localization service. More importantly, a heterogenous team such as ground robots and computationally constrained aerial vehicles would benefit from a relative localization service since it provides the crucial localization information required for autonomous operation of the weaker agents. This enables less capable robots to assume supportive roles and contribute to the more powerful robots executing the mission. Hence this study proposes a relative localization-based approach for ground and micro aerial vehicle cooperation, and develops inter-robot measurement, filtering, and distributed computing modules, necessary to realize the system. The research study results in three significant contributions. First, the work designs and validates a novel inter-robot relative measurement hardware solution which has accuracy, range, and scalability characteristics, necessary for relative localization. Second, the research work performs an analysis and design of a novel nonlinear filtering method, which allows the implementation of relative localization modules and attitude reference filters on low cost devices with optimal tuning parameters. Third, this work designs and validates a novel distributed relative localization approach, which harnesses the distributed computing capability of the team to minimize communication requirements, achieve consistent estimation, and enable efficient data correspondence within the network. The work validates the complete relative localization-based system through multiple indoor experiments and numerical simulations. The relative localization based navigation concept with its sensing, filtering, and distributed computing methods introduced in this thesis complements system limitations of a ground and micro aerial vehicle team, and also targets hostile environmental conditions. Thus the work constitutes an essential step towards realizing autonomous navigation of heterogenous teams in real world applications.


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The Virtual Reality techniques applied in Electricity Environments provide a new supervisory control paradigm. The fact of existing a virtual environment (VE), geometrically similar to a real substation, reduces the difference of mental models built by field operators compared with those built by system center operation improving the communication. Beside this, those systems can be used as visualization interfaces for electricity system simulators, training systems for professors and undergraduate students, field operators and maintenance professionals. However, the development process of these systems is quite complex, combining several activities such as implementation, 3D modeling, virtual sceneries construction, usability assessment and management project techniques. In this context, this work present a GUI strategy to build field arrangements based on scene graphs, to reduce time in Virtual Electricity Substations Arrangement development. Through this, mistakes during the VE building can be avoided making this process more reliable. As an concept proof, all toolkits developed in this work were applied in the virtualization of the substations from a Brazilian power concessionary named CEMIG.


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Emerging cybersecurity vulnerabilities in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are becoming urgent engineering issues for modern substations. This paper proposes a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) tailored for cybersecurity of IEC 61850 based substations. The proposed IDS integrates physical knowledge, protocol specifications and logical behaviours to provide a comprehensive and effective solution that is able to mitigate various cyberattacks. The proposed approach comprises access control detection, protocol whitelisting, model-based detection, and multi-parameter based detection. This SCADA-specific IDS is implemented and validated using a comprehensive and realistic cyber-physical test-bed and data from a real 500kV smart substation.


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This paper provides an overview of IDS types and how they work as well as configuration considerations and issues that affect them. Advanced methods of increasing the performance of an IDS are explored such as specification based IDS for protecting Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Cloud networks. Also by providing a review of varied studies ranging from issues in configuration and specific problems to custom techniques and cutting edge studies a reference can be provided to others interested in learning about and developing IDS solutions. Intrusion Detection is an area of much required study to provide solutions to satisfy evolving services and networks and systems that support them. This paper aims to be a reference for IDS technologies other researchers and developers interested in the field of intrusion detection.


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Power generation from alternative sources is at present the subject of numerous research and development in science and industry. Wind energy stands out in this scenario as one of the most prominent alternative in the generation of electricity, by its numerous advantages. In research works, computer reproduction and experimental behavior of a wind turbine are very suitable tools for the development and study of new technologies and the use of wind potential of a given region. These tools generally are desired to include simulation of mechanical and electrical parameters that directly affect the energy conversion. This work presents the energy conversion process in wind systems for power generation, in order to develop a tool for wind turbine emulation testing experimental, using LabVIEW® software. The purpose of this tool is to emulate the torque developed in an axis wind turbine. The physical setup consists of a three phase induction motor and a permanent magnet synchronous generator, which are evaluated under different wind speed conditions. This tool has the objective to be flexible to other laboratory arrangements, and can be used in other wind power generation structures in real time. A modeling of the wind power system is presented, from the turbine to the electrical generator. A simulation tool is developed using Matlab/Simulink® with the purpose to pre-validate the experiment setup. Finally, the design is implemented in a laboratory setup.


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The electric power systems are getting more complex and covering larger areas day by day. This fact has been contribuiting to the development of monitoring techniques that aim to help the analysis, control and planning of power systems. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Wide Area Measurement Systems and disturbance record systems. Unlike SCADA and WAMS, disturbance record systems are mainly used for offilne analysis in occurrences where a fault resulted in tripping of and apparatus such as a transimission line, transformer, generator and so on. The device responsible for record the disturbances is called Digital Fault Recorder (DFR) and records, basically, electrical quantities as voltage and currents and also, records digital information from protection system devices. Generally, in power plants, all the DFRs data are centralized in the utility data centre and it results in an excess of data that difficults the task of analysis by the specialist engineers. This dissertation shows a new methodology for automated analysis of disturbances in power plants. A fuzzy reasoning system is proposed to deal with the data from the DFRs. The objective of the system is to help the engineer resposnible for the analysis of the DFRs’s information by means of a pre-classification of data. For that, the fuzzy system is responsible for generating unit operational state diagnosis and fault classification.


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Esta dissertação desenvolve uma plataforma de controlo interactiva para edifícios inteligentes através de um sistema SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). Este sistema SCADA integra diferentes tipos de informações provenientes das várias tecnologias presentes em edifícios modernos (controlo da ventilação, temperatura, iluminação, etc.). A estratégia de controlo desenvolvida implementa um controlador em cascada hierárquica onde os "loops" interiores são executados pelos PLC's locais (Programmable Logic Controller), e o "loop" exterior é gerido pelo sistema SCADA centralizado, que interage com a rede local de PLC's. Nesta dissertação é implementado um controlador preditivo na plataforma SCADA centralizada. São apresentados testes efectuados para o controlo da temperatura e luminosidade de salas com uma grande área. O controlador preditivo desenvolvido tenta optimizar a satisfação dos utilizadores, com base nas preferências introduzidas em várias interfaces distribuídas, sujeito às restrições de minimização do desperdício de energia. De forma a executar o controlador preditivo na plataforma SCADA foi desenvolvido um canal de comunicação para permitir a comunicação entre a aplicação SCADA e a aplicação MATLAB, onde o controlador preditivo é executado. ABSTRACT: This dissertation develops an operational control platform for intelligent buildings using a SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). This SCADA system integrates different types of information coming from the several technologies present in modem buildings (control of ventilation, temperature, illumination, etc.). The developed control strategy implements a hierarchical cascade controller where inner loops are performed by local PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller), and the outer loop is managed by the centralized SCADA system, which interacts with the entire local PLC network. ln this dissertation a Predictive Controller is implemented at the centralized SCADA platform. Tests applied to the control of temperature and luminosity in huge­area rooms are presented. The developed Predictive Controller tries to optimize the satisfaction of user explicit preferences coming from several distributed user-interfaces, subjected to the constraints of energy waste minimization. ln order to run the Predictive Controller at the SCADA platform a communication channel was developed to allow communication between the SCADA application and the MATLAB application where the Predictive Controller runs.


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Os controladores de caudal, normalmente implementados em sistemas Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), apresentam uma grande relevância no controlo automático de canais de adução. Para garantir que os controladores de caudal sejam fiáveis em todo o seu domínio de funcionamento (em situações de escoamento com ressalto livre ou submerso e de transição entre escoamentos com ressalto livre e ressalto submerso) foram comparados os resultados dos ensaios experimentais com diferentes métodos de cálculo da vazão em comportas e/ou sobre soleiras. O programa de ensaios foi realizado nos canais laboratorial e experimental da Universidade de Évora. Foram realizados ensaios em comportas planas verticais e em soleiras do tipo Waterways Experiment Station (WES) controladas ou não por comportas planas verticais. Em ambos os casos, foram contempladas as situações de escoamento com ressalto livre e submerso. Os resultados obtidos mostram que: a) para as comportas, o método Rajaratnam e Subramanya (1967a) conduz a bons resultados com um erro percentual médio absoluto MAPE < 1% para o escoamento com ressalto livre e MAPE < 4% para o submerso; a transição entre escoamentos foi identificada corretamente por este método; b) para as soleiras, obtiveram-se bons resultados para o escoamento com ressalto livre para o método USACE (1987), com MAPE < 2%, e para o submerso através do método Alves e Martins (2011), com MAPE < 5%; a transição entre escoamentos pode ser considerada adequada de acordo com a curva experimental de Grace (1963); c) para soleiras controladas por comporta, conseguiram-se bons resultados para o escoamento com ressalto livre recorrendo à equação dos orifícios de pequenas dimensões, com MAPE < 1, 5%, e para o submerso com a equação dos orifícios totalmente submersos com MAPE < 1, 6%; em ambos os casos foi necessária calibração do coeficiente de vazão; a transição entre escoamentos foi adequada pelo método de Grace (1963). Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível definir um algoritmo de vazão generalizado para comportas e/ou soleiras que permite a determinação da vazão para as situações de escoamento com ressalto livre e submerso incluindo a transição entre escoamentos; ABSTRACT: Flow controllers, usually implemented in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, are very important in the automatic control of irrigation canal systems. To ensure that flow controllers are reliable for the entire operating range (free or submerged flow and flow transitions) the experimental results were compared with different methods of flow measurement for gates and/or weirs. The test program was conducted in the laboratory flume and in the automatic canal of the University of ´Evora. Tests were carried in sluice gates and in broad-crested weirs controlled or not by sluice gate. In both cases free and submerged flow conditions were analyzed. The results show that: a) for the sluice gates, the method of Rajaratnam e Subramanya (1967a) leads to good results with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) < 1% for free flow and MAPE < 4% for submerged flow. The transition between flows is correctly identified by this method; b) for the uncontrolled weir, good results were obtained for free flow with the method USACE (1987) with MAPE < 2%, and for submerged flow by the method Alves e Martins (2011) with MAPE < 5%. The transition between flows can be accurately defined by the experimental curve of Grace (1963); c) for the controlled weir, good results were achieved for the free flow with the small orifice equation with MAPE < 1.5% and for submerged flow with the submerged orifice equation with MAPE < 1.6%; in both cases the calibration of the discharge coefficient is needed. The transition between flows can be accomplished through Grace (1963) method. Based on the obtained results, it was possible to define a generalized flow algorithm for gates and/or weirs that allows flow determination for free and submerged flow conditions including the transition between flows.


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Recently, the interest of the automotive market for hybrid vehicles has increased due to the more restrictive pollutants emissions legislation and to the necessity of decreasing the fossil fuel consumption, since such solution allows a consistent improvement of the vehicle global efficiency. The term hybridization regards the energy flow in the powertrain of a vehicle: a standard vehicle has, usually, only one energy source and one energy tank; instead, a hybrid vehicle has at least two energy sources. In most cases, the prime mover is an internal combustion engine (ICE) while the auxiliary energy source can be mechanical, electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic. It is expected from the control unit of a hybrid vehicle the use of the ICE in high efficiency working zones and to shut it down when it is more convenient, while using the EMG at partial loads and as a fast torque response during transients. However, the battery state of charge may represent a limitation for such a strategy. That’s the reason why, in most cases, energy management strategies are based on the State Of Charge, or SOC, control. Several studies have been conducted on this topic and many different approaches have been illustrated. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop an online (usable on-board) control strategy in which the operating modes are defined using an instantaneous optimization method that minimizes the equivalent fuel consumption of a hybrid electric vehicle. The equivalent fuel consumption is calculated by taking into account the total energy used by the hybrid powertrain during the propulsion phases. The first section presents the hybrid vehicles characteristics. The second chapter describes the global model, with a particular focus on the energy management strategies usable for the supervisory control of such a powertrain. The third chapter shows the performance of the implemented controller on a NEDC cycle compared with the one obtained with the original control strategy.


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This workshop provides an ergonomic framework and design rules for the design of automotive controls, considering anthropometric design, physiologic design, biomechanic design and information design.