949 resultados para Horizontal alignment
A coleta de amostras de solo com trado é mais simples e rápida do que com a pá de corte, sendo esta, freqüentemente, utilizada no sistema plantio direto para amostragem e determinação da fertilidade média do solo. Com o objetivo de comparar dois sistemas de amostragem localizada do solo (pá de corte ou trado de caneca) quanto à variabilidade horizontal de características químicas, determinar o número de unidades de amostra necessário à formação de uma amostra representativa da unidade de amostragem e demonstrar que a análise da amostra composta apresenta iguais resultados aos obtidos pelas médias aritméticas das análises das amostras simples, realizou-se um estudo em área há 15 anos sob sistema plantio direto. Os sistemas de amostragem localizada foram: pá de corte (24 amostras simples coletadas perpendicularmente ao sulco de plantio e no espaço compreendido entre os pontos médios entre sulcos) e trado (20 amostras simples coletadas no sulco de plantio (Ts), 20 amostras simples coletadas lateralmente a 10 cm do sulco (T10) e 20 amostras simples coletadas a 40 cm do sulco (T40)). Subamostras representativas das amostras simples foram misturadas, visando à formação de amostras compostas, tanto para pá de corte quanto para trado. Nas amostras simples e compostas foram determinados os teores de P, K, Ca2+, Mg2+ e Al3+ e os valores de pH, H + Al e P-rem. Foram calculadas as médias das determinações das amostras simples e das compostas, os desvios-padrão e os coeficientes de variação, sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste t de Student. Foi também calculado o número de amostras simples necessário à formação de uma amostra composta, para os dois sistemas de amostragem. Os resultados mostraram que apenas os teores de K e Mg2+ e os valores de H + Al diferiram de um método de amostragem para outro. Na amostragem com trado de caneca, a variabilidade de todas as características avaliadas foi maior do que na amostragem com pá de corte. A variabilidade foi baixa para pH, P-rem e H + Al e alta para P, Al3+, Mg2+, K e Ca2+. Dez amostras simples coletadas com pá de corte ou 27 amostras simples coletadas de forma localizada com trado de caneca (cinco amostras coletadas no sulco de plantio, nove coletadas a 10 cm do sulco e 13 coletadas no ponto médio entre sulcos) foram necessárias à formação de amostras compostas representativas. As análises das amostras compostas, tanto de pá de corte quanto de trado, apresentaram valores semelhantes às médias das análises das respectivas amostras simples, caracterizando corretamente a fertilidade média da unidade de amostragem.
Five to ten percent of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are caused by the horizontal semi-circular variant (h-BPPV). In this study, we reviewed the efficacy of the Barbecue repositioning manoeuvre in h-BPPV, and we assessed the possible effect of different factors on the outcome. Barbecue manoeuvre consists in turning the supine patient around his longitudinal axis toward the unaffected side until 360 degrees are accomplished. After every 90 degrees step the patient is maintained in the new position for 30 s. We reviewed 46 patients with h-BPPV, treated by barbecue rotation from 2003 to 2005. After the first Barbecue manoeuvre, the patients were followed-up at intervals of approximately 1 week and the rotation was repeated if h-BPPV persisted (up to three rotations). Factors assessed were age, gender, duration of symptoms before treatment and type of h-BPPV (canalolithiasis vs. cupulolithiasis). Fisher's exact test was used for the analysis. Results: 85% of patients (39/46) were cured after a maximum of 3 rotations. 74% (34/46) were cured after the first manoeuvre and 80% (37/46) after the second one. None of the evaluated factors did significantly affect the efficacy (P > 0.05). The Barbecue manoeuvre is an efficient treatment of h-BPPV demonstrating 85% cure rate after a maximum of three sessions. 74% of the patients are healed after one manoeuvre. The efficacy is not affected by the evaluated factors.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a forma de espacialização vertical e horizontal dos indicadores de qualidade química, física e hídrica de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura média, cultivado com citros. O pomar de laranjeira Valência sobre limoeiro Cravo foi plantado em 1995, em Alto Paraná, região noroeste do Paraná. Em agosto de 2002, coletaram-se amostras deformadas e indeformadas de solo para realizar determinações químicas, físicas e hídricas. A amostragem foi feita em 24 transeções perpendiculares aos troncos das laranjeiras, em duas profundidades (0-0,20 e 0,20-0,40 m) e em três posições (projeção da copa da laranjeira, rodado da entrelinha e centro da entrelinha). Os indicadores avaliados foram submetidos às análises multivariadas, por meio dos componentes principais, e agrupados pelo método de Tocher. Os resultados demonstraram que a qualidade do solo apresentou espacialização heterogênea entre os indicadores de qualidade física, química e hídrica do solo, resultante das ações de manejo do pomar de laranjeira. A integração dos indicadores de qualidade física, química e hídrica do solo caracterizou a espacialização vertical da qualidade do solo (0-0,40 m) na projeção da copa da laranjeira e a espacialização vertical e horizontal (0-0,20 e 0,20-0,40 m) no rodado da entrelinha e centro da entrelinha. No rodado da entrelinha (0-0,20 m) ocorreu a maior restrição física e hídrica associada à melhor condição química do solo para as laranjeiras.
[spa] En este trabajo analizamos la hipótesis que las transferencias asignadas a los municipios políticamente alineados generan un mayor apoyo político que las transferencias asignada a los municipios gobernados por la oposición. Para contrastar esta hipótesis utilizamos datos de las transferencias recibidas por 617 municipios españoles procedentes de dos niveles de gobierno superiores (Regional o Autonómico y Supra-Local o Diputaciones) durante el período 1993-2003, así como datos de los votos obtenidos en las tres elecciones celebradas en los diferentes niveles de gobierno durante este período.
Plasmids carry a wide range of genes that are often involved in bacterial social behaviour. The question of why such genes are frequently mobile has received increasing attention. Here, we use an explicit population genetic approach to model the evolution of plasmid-borne bacterial public goods production. Our findings highlight the importance of both transmission and relatedness as factors driving the evolution of plasmid-borne public goods production. We partition the effects of plasmid transfer of social traits into those of infectivity and the effect of increased relatedness. Our results demonstrate that, owing to its effect on relatedness, plasmid mobility increases the invasion and stability of public goods, in a way not seen in individually beneficial traits. In addition, we show that plasmid transfer increases relatedness when public goods production is rare but this effect declines when production is common, with both scenarios leading to an increase in the frequency of plasmid-borne public goods. Plasmids remain important vectors for the spread of social genes involved in bacterial virulence thus an understanding of their dynamics is highly relevant from a public health perspective.
Multisensory interactions are observed in species from single-cell organisms to humans. Important early work was primarily carried out in the cat superior colliculus and a set of critical parameters for their occurrence were defined. Primary among these were temporal synchrony and spatial alignment of bisensory inputs. Here, we assessed whether spatial alignment was also a critical parameter for the temporally earliest multisensory interactions that are observed in lower-level sensory cortices of the human. While multisensory interactions in humans have been shown behaviorally for spatially disparate stimuli (e.g. the ventriloquist effect), it is not clear if such effects are due to early sensory level integration or later perceptual level processing. In the present study, we used psychophysical and electrophysiological indices to show that auditory-somatosensory interactions in humans occur via the same early sensory mechanism both when stimuli are in and out of spatial register. Subjects more rapidly detected multisensory than unisensory events. At just 50 ms post-stimulus, neural responses to the multisensory 'whole' were greater than the summed responses from the constituent unisensory 'parts'. For all spatial configurations, this effect followed from a modulation of the strength of brain responses, rather than the activation of regions specifically responsive to multisensory pairs. Using the local auto-regressive average source estimation, we localized the initial auditory-somatosensory interactions to auditory association areas contralateral to the side of somatosensory stimulation. Thus, multisensory interactions can occur across wide peripersonal spatial separations remarkably early in sensory processing and in cortical regions traditionally considered unisensory.
[spa] En este trabajo analizamos la hipótesis que las transferencias asignadas a los municipios políticamente alineados generan un mayor apoyo político que las transferencias asignada a los municipios gobernados por la oposición. Para contrastar esta hipótesis utilizamos datos de las transferencias recibidas por 617 municipios españoles procedentes de dos niveles de gobierno superiores (Regional o Autonómico y Supra-Local o Diputaciones) durante el período 1993-2003, así como datos de los votos obtenidos en las tres elecciones celebradas en los diferentes niveles de gobierno durante este período.
Fractal mathematics has been used to characterize water and solute transport in porous media and also to characterize and simulate porous media properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the soil infiltration parameters sorptivity (S) and time exponent (n) and the parameters dimension (D) and the Hurst exponent (H). For this purpose, ten horizontal columns with pure (either clay or loam) and heterogeneous porous media (clay and loam distributed in layers in the column) were simulated following the distribution of a deterministic Cantor Bar with fractal dimension H" 0.63. Horizontal water infiltration experiments were then simulated using Hydrus 2D software. The sorptivity (S) and time exponent (n) parameters of the Philip equation were estimated for each simulation, using the nonlinear regression procedure of the statistical software package SAS®. Sorptivity increased in the columns with the loam content, which was attributed to the relation of S with the capillary radius. The time exponent estimated by nonlinear regression was found to be less than the traditional value of 0.5. The fractal dimension estimated from the Hurst exponent was 17.5 % lower than the fractal dimension of the Cantor Bar used to generate the columns.
Among different species of eukaryotes, the extent and evolutionary significance of horizontal gene transfer remains poorly understood. A newly published study by Friesen and colleagues indicates that a recent gene transfer between two species of fungi has enabled the recipient to rapidly acquire high virulence on wheat. The study highlights a mechanism by which diseases can suddenly emerge, but also brings up the controversial issues of how horizontal gene transfer occurs and whether fungal incompatibility barriers to gene flow are more 'leaky' than was previously thought.
We have studied the structural changes that fatty acid monolayers in the Ov phase undergo when a simple shear flow is imposed. A strong coupling is revealed by the changes in domain structure that are observable using Brewster angle microscopy, suggesting the possibility of shear alignment. The dependence of the alignment on the molecular polar tilt proves that the mechanism is different than in nematic liquid crystals. We argue that the degenerate lattice symmetry lines of the underlying pseudohexagonal lattice align in the flow direction, and we explain the observed alignment angle using geometrical arguments.
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Scale (HVIC) and the Auckland Individualism and Collectivism Scale (AICS). The sample consisted of 1,403 working individuals from Switzerland (N = 585) and from South Africa (N = 818). Principal component factor analyses indicated that a two-factor structure replicated well across the two countries for both scales. In addition, the HVIC four-factor structure replicated well across countries, whereas the responsibility dimension of individualism of the AICS replicated poorly. Confirmatory factor analyses provided satisfactory support to the original theoretical models for both the HVIC and the AICS. Equivalence measurement indices indicated that the cross-cultural replicability properties of both instruments are generally acceptable. However, canonical correlations and correlations between the HVIC and AICS dimensions confirm that these two instruments differ in their underlying meaning of the individualism and collectivism constructs, suggesting that these two instruments assess individualism and collectivism differently.
Film Propaganda and the Balance between Neutrality and Alignment: Nazi Films in Switzerland, 1933-45
Image registration has been proposed as an automatic method for recovering cardiac displacement fields from Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tMRI) sequences. Initially performed as a set of pairwise registrations, these techniques have evolved to the use of 3D+t deformation models, requiring metrics of joint image alignment (JA). However, only linear combinations of cost functions defined with respect to the first frame have been used. In this paper, we have applied k-Nearest Neighbors Graphs (kNNG) estimators of the -entropy (H ) to measure the joint similarity between frames, and to combine the information provided by different cardiac views in an unified metric. Experiments performed on six subjects showed a significantly higher accuracy (p < 0.05) with respect to a standard pairwise alignment (PA) approach in terms of mean positional error and variance with respect to manually placed landmarks. The developed method was used to study strains in patients with myocardial infarction, showing a consistency between strain, infarction location, and coronary occlusion. This paper also presentsan interesting clinical application of graph-based metric estimators, showing their value for solving practical problems found in medical imaging.
Las redes sociales están generando un amplio entramado de comunicaciones, a distintos niveles y con distintos objetivos. En este artículo analizamos un caso concreto, fruto de la observación y el seguimiento de un grupo creado para la defensa de unas oposiciones justas para el acceso a la función pública de docentes para educación secundaria. Se trata de un grupo creado como reacción a una serie de posibles irregularidades. Interesa observar tanto la creación del grupo, como las distintas fases que sigue la evolución, muy ligada a la efectividad de los procesos de comunicación, y la vinculación de estos últimos a las posibilidades de acción y resolución del conflicto que existe en la base del grupo