997 resultados para Holy Roman Empire.
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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-03
The organizational authority of the Papacy in the Roman Catholic Church and the permanent membership of the UN Security Council are unique from institutions that are commonly compared with the UN, like the Concert of Europe and the League of Nations, in that these institutional organs possessed strong authoritative and veto powers. Both organs also owe their strong authority during their founding to a need for stability: The Papacy after the crippling of Western Roman Empire and the P-5 to deal with the insecurities of the post-WWII world. While the P-5 still possesses similar authoritative powers within the Council as it did after WWII, the historical authoritative powers of the Papacy within the Church was debilitated to such a degree that by the time of the Reformation in Europe, condemnations of practices within the Church itself were not effective. This paper will analyze major challenges to the authoritative powers of the Papacy, from the crowning of Charlemagne to the beginning of the Reformation, and compare the analysis to challenges affecting the authoritative powers of the P-5 since its creation. From research conducted thus far, I hypothesize that common themes affecting the authoritative powers of the P-5 and the Papacy would include: major changes in the institutions organization (i.e. the Avignon Papacy and Japan’s bid to become a permanent member); the decline in power of actors supporting the institutional organ (i.e. the Holy Roman Empire and the P-5 members); and ideological clashes affecting the institution’s normative power (i.e. the Great Western Schism and Cold War politics).
The organizational authority of the Papacy in the Roman Catholic Church and the permanent membership of the UN Security Council are unique from institutions that are commonly compared with the UN, like the Concert of Europe and the League of Nations, in that these institutional organs possessed strong authoritative and veto powers. Both organs also owe their strong authority during their founding to a need for stability: The Papacy after the crippling of Western Roman Empire and the P-5 to deal with the insecurities of the post-WWII world. While the P-5 still possesses similar authoritative powers within the Council as it did after WWII, the historical authoritative powers of the Papacy within the Church was debilitated to such a degree that by the time of the Reformation in Europe, condemnations of practices within the Church itself were not effective. This paper will analyze major challenges to the authoritative powers of the Papacy, from the crowning of Charlemagne to the beginning of the Reformation, and compare the analysis to challenges affecting the authoritative powers of the P-5 since its creation. From research conducted thus far, I hypothesize that common themes affecting the authoritative powers of the P-5 and the Papacy would include: major changes in the institutions organization (i.e. the Avignon Papacy and Japan’s bid to become a permanent member); the decline in power of actors supporting the institutional organ (i.e. the Holy Roman Empire and the P-5 members); and ideological clashes affecting the institution’s normative power (i.e. the Great Western Schism and Cold War politics).
Las perspectivas geopolíticas de la guerra de Sucesion espanola traspasaron ampliamente los limites de la herencia territorial de Carlos II. El político enlace del candidato austriaco al trono de Madrid, Carlos III de Austria, con Isabel Cristina de Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel, una princesa luterana convertida ex profeso al catolicismo, vinculó las dos dinastias con el esfuerzo misionero de la Santa Sede en el norte del Sacro Imperio. En el presente estudio se propone reconstruir la relacion de la red diplomatica Wolfenbuttel con el papado y la monarquia carolina, ademas de apuntar la difusa -pero constante- presencia de la soberana dentro del proceso de financiación lombarda del misionalismo germánico a comienzos del Setecientos.
Este artículo reconstruye la evolución del debate político alemán durante la primera edad moderna, poniendo atención en particular en la manera en la que tal debate se fue elaborando y transmitiendo dentro de la comunidad de discurso universitaria que lo produjo. El análisis de las características formales y de las modalidades en las que se desarrolló este debate permite demonstrar que el aristotelismo político no fue sólo una doctrina política, sino también, y sobre todo, un código común que más allá de diferencias específicas, caracterizó todas las experiencias universitarias del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico desde finales del siglo xvi y durante todo el siglo xvii. Las características esenciales de este código se pondrán de relieve en particular a través del caso de los escritos políticos de Iohannes Althusius, en los que la forma y el contenido de su doctrina política terminan coincidiendo.
As diversas modalidades de ascetismo feminino que vigoraram nas comunidades cristãs ao longo dos três primeiros séculos do Império tenderão a se integrar numa nova experiência religiosa que começa a se esboçar por volta de 270 para alcançar uma expansão considerável no final do Mundo Antigo: o monacato. Mediante a análise da História Lausíaca, de Paládio de Helenópolis, obra escrita por volta de 420, investigamos a posição social das ascetas e o tipo de atuação que desempenharam no interior de um movimento dominado pelos homens, como foi o movimento monástico. Além disso, analisamos a capacidade das mulheres de exercer alguma modalidade de poder no âmbito das suas comunidades locais em comparação aos homens divinos cristãos do Baixo Império.
The most valuable pigment of the Roman wall paintings was the red color obtained from powdered cinnabar (Minium Cinnabaris pigment), the red mercury sulfide (HgS), which was brought from mercury (Hg) deposits in the Roman Empire. To address the question of whether sulfur isotope signatures can serve as a rapid method to establish the provenance of the red pigment in Roman frescoes, we have measured the sulfur isotope composition (delta(34) S value in parts per thousand VCDT) in samples of wall painting from the Roman city Aventicum (Avenches, Vaud, Switzerland) and compared them with values from cinnabar from European mercury deposits (Almaden in Spain, Idria in Slovenia, Monte Amiata in Italy, Moschellandsberg in Germany, and Genepy in France). Our study shows that the delta(34) S values of cinnabar from the studied Roman wall paintings fall within or near to the composition of Almaden cinnabar; thus, the provenance of the raw material may be deduced. This approach may provide information on provenance and authenticity in archaeological, restoration and forensic studies of Roman and Greek frescoes. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The graffiti on pottery discovered on the site of Aventicum (Avenches, VD/Switzerland) form the largest corpus of minor inscriptions of the Roman Empire studied until now. Indeed, a total of 1828 graffiti have been found. The reading and the recording of the inscriptions are generally dependent on the state of conservation of the graffito and its support. In numerous cases, only a pale shadow of the inscription is visible, which makes traditional observations, such as visual observations with the naked eye, unsuitable for its decipherment. Consequently, advanced techniques have been applied for enhancing the readability of such inscriptions. In our paper we show the efficiency of 3D laser profilometry as well as high resolution photography as powerful means to decipher illegible engraved inscriptions. The use of such analyses to decipher graffiti on pottery or on other materials enables a better understanding of minor inscriptions and improves the knowledge of the daily life of ancient populations substantially.
Summary. Olive oil and fish products from the south of Hispania and North Africa played an important role in the Roman economy. The authors call attention to the asymmetrical distribution of archaeological data available on this subject, in particular the location of amphora kilns, and try to give an explanation, based on the evolution of European archaeology in the twentieth century.
En continuité avec les ouvrages récents (Veyne 1981, MacMullen 1988 et Kelly 2004) qui tentent de relativiser les effets néfastes de la corruption lors du Bas-Empire, ce travail étudie le suffragium, le processus de nomination des fonctionnaires de bureaux, afin d'évaluer comment les acteurs sociaux du IVe siècle considéraient ce phénomène. Ce système, organisé d'une telle façon que les hauts fonctionnaires devaient fournir des lettres de recommandation aux candidats postulant à des postes au sein de la fonction publique, serait devenu complètement corrompu durant le IVe siècle et les lettres de recommandation auraient commencé à être systématiquement vendues. Pourtant, les lois de Constantin, Constance et Julien ne fournissent aucune preuve tangible que le suffragium était dans tous le cas vénal à cette époque. Bien au contraire, les empereurs ajoutaient la plupart de temps des épithètes au terme suffragium pour spécifier qu'il parle du suffragium vénal. Généralement, les empereurs sont présentés comme farouchement opposés au suffragium et à toutes les tractations qui y sont attachées. Loin d'être aussi hostiles envers les « pratiques corrompues », les empereurs de la dynastie constantinienne firent preuve d'un certain pragmatisme en voyant qu'ils ne pouvaient contrôler toutes les nominations de ceux qui voulaient entrer dans la fonction publique et que ce n'était pas nécessairement à leur avantage de le faire. Les empereurs se concentrèrent plutôt sur les restrictions entourant les promotions afin de faire en sorte que les personnes qui avaient de réels pouvoirs soient celles qui avaient démontré leurs qualités tout au long de leurs années de service. Bien qu'ils n'aient pas concrètement légiféré sur les critères d'embauche des candidats, cela ne veut pas dire que n'importe qui pouvait obtenir un poste. À travers l'étude des lettres de Libanios et de Symmaque, ce travail démontre que les hauts fonctionnaires ne fournissaient pas de lettres à quiconque le demandait, puisque leur réputation pouvait être entachée par le fait d'avoir recommandé un mauvais candidat à un de leurs amis. Les hauts fonctionnaires qui recevaient les recommandations pouvaient également soumettre les candidats à des examens afin d'être certains de la qualité de l'individu. Ce système officieux de contrôle des candidats vint pallier, en partie, les déficits de la législation impériale. Conjointement, la loi et les usages permirent à l'administration de fonctionner en lui fournissant des candidats qui répondaient aux critères de l'époque.
Levels of mobility in the Roman Empire have long been assumed to be relatively high, as attested by epigraphy, demography, material culture and, most recently, isotope analysis and the skeletons themselves. Building on recent data from a range of Romano-British sites (Poundbury in Dorset, York, Winchester, Gloucester, Catterick and Scorton), this article explores the significance of the presence of migrants at these sites and the impact they may have had on their host societies. The authors explore the usefulness of diaspora theory, and in particular the concept of imperial and colonial diasporas, to illustrate the complexities of identities in later Roman Britain.