213 resultados para Hog lice


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Les pyréthrinoïdes et les pyréthrines sont des insecticides neurotoxiques auxquels on attribue également des effets néfastes sur les systèmes immunitaire, hormonal et reproducteur. Ils sont abondamment utilisés en agriculture, mais aussi en horticulture, en extermination et dans le traitement d’infestations parasitaires humaines et animales (gale, poux). Il y a donc un intérêt en santé environnementale à connaître l’ampleur de l’exposition humaine à ces pesticides. La mesure des métabolites urinaires des pyréthrinoïdes et des pyréthrines apparaît une approche de choix pour arriver à cette fin puisqu’elle permet, en théorie, d’obtenir un portrait global de l’exposition. Or,traditionnellement et par soucis de simplicité les concentrations volumiques ou ajustées pour la créatinine) de ces biomarqueurs dans des urines ponctuelles sont déterminées, mais l’effet de l’utilisation de ces unités sur la validité des estimations de dose quotidienne absorbée n’a jamais été vérifié. L’objectif général de cette thèse était donc de développer, appliquer et valider une nouvelle stratégie de mesure et d’analyse de biomarqueurs pour améliorer la précision et la fiabilité des évaluations de l’exposition individuelles et populationnelles aux pyréthrinoïdes et pyréthrines. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient : i) de caractériser l’exposition humaine à ces contaminants en région urbaine et rurale au Québec et ii) de comparer la validité de la nouvelle stratégie de mesure et d’analyse de biomarqueurs urinaires proposée avec les autres méthodes plus usuelles utilisées pour estimer l’exposition individuelle et populationnelle et les doses absorbées de pyréthrinoïdes. Des adultes et des enfants, recrutés dans la population de l’Île de Montréal et de la Montérégie ont recueilli leurs urines pendant une période d’au moins douze heures et complété un questionnaire documentant les sources potentielles d’exposition. Les quantités de métabolites de pyréthrinoïdes et pyréthrines (pmol) mesurées dans les urines ont été ajustées pour une période de douze heures exactement et pour le poids corporel. Les quantités excrétées en région urbaine ont été comparées à celles excrétées en région rurale et les données individuelles et populationnelles ont été comparées à celles qui auraient été obtenues si des concentrations volumiques ou ajustées pour la créatinine avaient été mesurées. Les résultats montrent que l’exposition à ces pesticides est ubiquiste puisque plus de 90% des participants excrétaient les principaux métabolites de pyréthrinoïdes et pyréthrines à un niveau supérieur au seuil de détection analytique. Les résultats suggèrent que l’alimentation pourrait être à l’origine de ce niveau de base puisque les autres sources d’exposition connues n’ont été que rarement rapportées. Au Québec, l’exposition en milieu rural apparaissait légèrement plus importante qu’en milieu urbain et certains facteurs d’exposition, comme l’utilisation de pesticides domestiques, ont été rapportés plus fréquemment en milieu rural. Enfin, il a été démontré que la mesure des concentrations volumiques ou ajustées pour la créatinine de biomarqueurs est une approche qui peut entraîner des biais importants (jusqu’à 500% d’erreur et plus) en particulier lors de l’évaluation de l’exposition individuelle. Il est évident que les autorités de santé publique et de santé environnementale employant des biomarqueurs urinaires afin d’évaluer l’exposition aux pyréthrinoïdes et aux pyréthrines (ainsi qu’à d’autres molécules ayant des demi-vies d’élimination similaire)devraient diriger leurs efforts vers la mesure des quantités excrétées pendant une période d’au moins douze heures pour obtenir un portrait le plus valide possible de l’exposition. Il serait aussi souhaitable de mieux documenter la toxicocinétique de ces molécules chez l’humain afin d’établir avec une plus grande confiance la relation entre les quantités excrétées de biomarqueurs et les doses absorbées de ces contaminants.


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This project describes a Web Geographic Information System (WebGIS) built on an Open Source geographic structure lice MapServer (Minnesota University) and PostgreSQL/PostGIS (object relational database management system). The WebGIS is a web site to route ways in streets net of a part of Sao Paulo city (Brazil). The system traces the route based in a best way algorithm looking for better streets traffic conditions


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La comunicació que es presenta pretén sintetitzar les principals conclusions del disseny, implementació, seguiment i avaluació d’un projecte d’aplicació de noves metodologies d’ensenyament centrades en l’estudiant, en el marc dels canvis que comporten els crèdits ECTS. La presentació i il·lustració dels resultats s’utilitza com a punt de partida per encetar una reflexió més àmplia sobre alguns criteris estratègics que haurien de tenir-se en compte en l’enfocament de la docència i l’aprenentatge en l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior. Les experiències d’innovació docent s’han dut a terme durant dos cursos acadèmics en cinc assignatures que han cursat alumnes de les titulacions de Mestres i Psicologia, de la Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació i Psicologia de la URV. El desenvolupament de nous dissenys instruccionals, metodològics i organitzatius ha comptat amb el suport de l’ICE de la URV


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Aquesta comunicació exposa l’experiència desenvolupada a través de la xarxa d’Innovació Docent (XID) d’Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes (ABP) de la nostra Universitat. La xarxa d’ABP forma part d’una proposta d’innovació docent endegada per l’ICE el curs 2009-2010 dins un conjunt d’iniciatives entre les que hi ha altres xarxes. Els membres de la xarxa d’ABP pertanyem a diferents disciplines: Ciències de la Salut, Socials, Educació i Enginyeria. El grup es va organitzar a partir d’una coordinació que, alhora, es vehiculava amb les altres xarxes d’innovació docent de l’ICE. A banda de les sessions presencials, es van utilitzar altres formes de comunicació i relació, a través de la plataforma Moodle i el correu electrònic


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Essential oils have been widely used in traditional medicine for the eradication of lice, including head lice, but due to the variability of their constitution the effects may not be reproducible. In an attempt to assess the contribution of their component monoterpenoids, a range of common individual compounds were tested in in vitro toxicity model against both human lice (Pediculus humanus, an accepted model of head lice lethality) and their eggs, at different concentrations. No detailed study into the relative potencies of their constituent terpenoids has so far been published. Adult lice were observed for lack of response to stimuli over 3 h and the LT50 calculated, and the percentage of eggs failing to hatch was used to generate ovicidal activity data. A ranking was compiled for adult lice and partially for eggs, enabling structure-activity relationships to be assessed for lethality to both, and showed that, for activity in both life-cycle stages, different structural criteria were required. (+)-Terpinen-4-ol was the most effective compound against adult lice, followed by other mono-oxygenated monocyclic compounds, whereas nerolidol was particularly lethal to eggs, but ineffective against adult lice. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this article is to study the problem of pedestrian classification across different light spectrum domains (visible and far-infrared (FIR)) and modalities (intensity, depth and motion). In recent years, there has been a number of approaches for classifying and detecting pedestrians in both FIR and visible images, but the methods are difficult to compare, because either the datasets are not publicly available or they do not offer a comparison between the two domains. Our two primary contributions are the following: (1) we propose a public dataset, named RIFIR , containing both FIR and visible images collected in an urban environment from a moving vehicle during daytime; and (2) we compare the state-of-the-art features in a multi-modality setup: intensity, depth and flow, in far-infrared over visible domains. The experiments show that features families, intensity self-similarity (ISS), local binary patterns (LBP), local gradient patterns (LGP) and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), computed from FIR and visible domains are highly complementary, but their relative performance varies across different modalities. In our experiments, the FIR domain has proven superior to the visible one for the task of pedestrian classification, but the overall best results are obtained by a multi-domain multi-modality multi-feature fusion.


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The p21-activated protein kinases (PAKs) may participate in signalling from Cdc42/Rac1 to the stress-regulated MAPKs (SAPKs/JNKs and p38-/HOG-1-related-MAPKs). We characterized the expression and regulation of alpha PAK in cultured ventricular myocytes. alpha PAK was specifically immunoprecipitated from myocyte extracts. High basal alpha PAK activity was detected in unstimulated myocytes. Its activity was increased rapidly (<30 s) by hyperosmotic shock in the presence of okadaic acid, and was maximal by 3 min (187 +/- 7% relative to unstimulated cells). Endothelin-1 and interleukin-1beta, which also activate SAPKs/JNKs, did not increase alpha PAK activity and presumably act through different PAK isoforms or other mechanisms.


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Human action recognition has been attracted lots of interest from computer vision researchers due to its various promising applications. In this paper, we employ Pyramid Histogram of Orientation Gradient (PHOG) to characterize human figures for action recognition. Comparing to silhouette-based features, the PHOG descriptor does not require extraction of human silhouettes or contours. Two state-space models, i.e.; Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Conditional Random Field (CRF), are adopted to model the dynamic human movement. The proposed PHOG descriptor and the state-space models with respect to different parameters are tested using a standard dataset. We also testify the robustness of the method with respect to various unconstrained conditions and viewpoints. Promising experimental result demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed method.


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We present a comparative evaluation of the state-of-art algorithms for detecting pedestrians in low frame rate and low resolution footage acquired by mobile sensors. Four approaches are compared: a) The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HoG) approach [1]; b) A new histogram feature that is formed by the weighted sum of both the gradient magnitude and the filter responses from a set of elongated Gaussian filters [2] corresponding to the quantised orientation, called Histogram of Oriented Gradient Banks (HoGB) approach; c) The codebook based HoG feature with branch-and-bound (efficient subwindow search) algorithm [3] and; d) The codebook based HoGB approach. Results show that the HoG based detector achieves the highest performance in terms of the true positive detection, the HoGB approach has the lowest false positives whilst maintaining a comparable true positive rate to the HoG, and the codebook approaches allow computationally efficient detection.


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Coevolution is evolution in one species in response to selection imposed by a second species, followed by evolution in the second species in response to reciprocal selection imposed by the first species. Although reciprocal selection is a prerequisite of coevolution, it has seldom been documented in natural populations. We examined the feasibility of reciprocal selection in a simple host‐parasite system consisting of feral pigeons (Columba livia) and their Ischnoceran feather lice (Phthiraptera: Insecta). We tested for a selective effect of parasites on hosts with experimentally altered defenses and for a selective effect of host defense on a component of parasite escape. Previous work indicates that pigeons control lice through efficient preening, while lice escape from preening using complex avoidance behavior. Our results show that feral pigeons with impaired preening, owing to slight bill deformities, have higher louse loads than pigeons with normal bills. We use a controlled experiment to show that high louse loads reduce the survival of pigeons, suggesting that lice select for efficient preening and against bill deformities. In a reciprocal experiment, we demonstrate that preening with a normal bill selects for small body size in lice, which may facilitate their escape from preening. The results of this study verify a crucial element of coevolutionary theory by identifying likely targets of reciprocal phenotypic selection between host and parasite.


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1We censused ectoparasite populations of adult and nestling swifts over the course of the host's breeding season. Nearly all of the birds were infested with chewing lice and two-thirds of the nests were infested with louse flies. Feather mites were observed but not quantified.2Lice and louse flies both showed aggregated distributions among hosts. Louse eggs, hatched lice and adult louse flies had negative binomial distributions, whereas the aggregated distribution of louse fly pupae was not adequately described by negative binomial or Poisson models.3Transmission of lice from parents to offspring was documented. A comparison of the age structure of lice on parents and offspring indicated that most transmission was by nymphal lice.4Host reproductive success and survival appeared to be independent of the number of lice or louse flies. Neither parasite correlated with the number, body mass, or date of fledging of young birds, nor with the overwinter survival of adults. We caution, however, that experimental manipulations of parasite load are required for a definitive test of the impact of ectoparasites on evolutionary fitness components.


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BACKGROUND: Australian farmers and their workers are exposed to a wide variety of pesticides. Organophosphate (OP) insecticides are a widely used class of pesticide used for animal husbandry practices (Naphthalophos for sheep dipping, jetting and drench), crop production for pest control (Dimethoate) and in public health (Maldison for head lice). Acute poisonings with this class of insecticide are reported among agricultural workers and children around the globe, due to the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Less is known about chronic exposures. Regular monitoring of erythrocyte AChE will enable farmers to identify potential exposure to organophosphate insecticides and take action to reduce exposures and improve their health and safety practices. This study aims to assess and improve the integration of AChE monitoring into routine point of care health clinics, and provide farming and non-farming people with a link between their AChE activity and their household chemical and agrichemical use. METHODS/DESIGN: The research will target individuals who work on mixed farming enterprises and routinely using OPs (n = 50) and non-farmers (n = 30). Baseline data are collected regarding demographic, health conditions and behaviours, Kessler 10 (K10) scores, chemical use and personal protection. Baseline anthropometric measures include height, weight, hip and waist circumference, body fat analysis and, biochemical analysis of fasted total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density cholesterol (LDL), high-density cholesterol (HDL) and blood glucose. Analysis of erythrocyte cholinesterase (EAChE) activity is also conducted using a finger prick test. Testing of EAChE is then repeated in all participants every 3 weeks for a maximum of three times over a period 10 weeks. Participants are provided with full feedback and counselling about their EAChE activity after each reading and a detailed summary provided to all participants at the completion of the study. Data will be analysed using repeated measures within a general linear model. DISCUSSION: This work will provide an evidence base and recommendations for the integration of EAChE monitoring into Australian rural health clinics, leading to research which will further quantify pesticide exposure both on the farm and in the home, highlighting the importance of sustaining and providing a safe work and home environment for farming communities. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ACTRN12613001256763.


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This document constitutes itself a thesis for a master¿s, partial fulfillment for getting a master¿s degree in Public and Business Management. The subject is a research on the influence of the attribute of safety in the segmentation of pork in the northwest border of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, involving a bibliographic review related to the theme, and also an explorative research in order to identify the characteristics of the sector. From this information, a descriptive research is carried out from data collected in stores wich commercialize pork products in Santa Rosa, reaching a comprehensive undestanding on the subject. The main results of the research are the theoretical building of the thematic support concerning the safety of the food; the use of interviews aiming at verifying the importance of different attributes of pork which the consumer consider important and also the identification of segments based on these assessments. The conclusions from the research show that the consumers in general consider of high importance the safety of the food, and it is due to the fact that pork is still considered a product which offers a high risk at consumption. Consumers still have a preconceived idea about pork, because years ago, hog breeding was conducted with precarious standards of hygiene. It is imperative that the related business and producers divulge the advances of the sector in order to destroy this negative concept. The study identified three segments of market to the consumer of in natura pork: the first emphasized attributes are the inspection and the presentation of the product (cluster 1), flavour and softness stand out as the second ones. Finally, the third most important attributes that consumers consider when picking a pork product are its price and its aspect. It also favours further studies wich can provide the formulation of new marketing strategies to order products that form part of this agrolimentary system, giving this segment opportunity to boost its business and improve its approach to its consumer.