788 resultados para Hip Fracture
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vilka riskfaktorer som kunde leda till höftfraktur hos äldre samt att beskriva vilka preventiva åtgärder sjuksköterskan kunde använda i omvårdnaden för att förhindra höftfraktur. Resultatet baserades på 21 vetenskapliga artiklar skrivna på engelskt språk. Exklusionskriterie var artiklar baserade på individer yngre än 50 år. Artiklarna söktes via databaserna Elin och Blackwell Synergy och skulle vara publicerade från år 1996 till 2006. Även manuell sökning genomfördes utifrån artiklars referenser samt en tidskrift. Sökorden som användes var hip fracture, risk factor, prevention, cause, nursing samt nursing care. Sökorden användes i olika kombinationer. Resultatet visade att kvinnligt kön, hög ålder, osteoporos, tidigare frakturer, synnedsättning, urininkontinens, läkemedel, nedsatt kognition, rörlighet och faktorer i närmiljön var riskfaktorer som kunde leda till höftfrakturer hos äldre. Preventivt arbete för att minska riskerna för höftfraktur var åtgärder som livsstilsförändringar, riskbedömning för fallolyckor och riskbedömning av närmiljön. Träningsprogram för att förbättra styrka och balans samt ökad användning av höftskydd var ytterligare preventiva åtgärder som sjuksköterskan kunde använda. Med kunskaper om riskfaktorer och prevention kunde sjuksköterskan med enkla hjälpmedel minska frekvensen höftfrakturer.
Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva orsaker till undernäring hos äldre patienter med höftfraktur i det postoperativa skedet, samt vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan användas för att förebygga undernäring. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt och artiklarna söktes via databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. 15 artiklar hittades och ligger till grund för resultatet. 14 av dessa var av kvantitativ ansats och en var kvalitativ. Resultat: Orsaker till undernäring postoperativt hos höftopererade äldre patienter var att inte kunna äta, aptitlöshet, bristande kommunikation och låg compliance. Omvårdnadsåtgärder som ökade patientens dagliga energi- och näringsintag var energi- och proteintillskott, god måltidsmiljö, information och stöd angående nutritionens betydelse samt samarbete med annan profession. Detta resulterade i ett högre men inte tillräckligt stort energi- och näringsintag hos större delen av patienterna. Slutsats: Då undernäringsproblematik var vanligt förekommande i det postoperativa skedet hos äldre patienter som drabbats av höftfraktur är det viktigt att tillämpa adekvata omvårdnadsåtgärder samt förebygga orsakerna i ett tidigt skede. Tillägg av energi- och näring samt att aktivt involvera patienten i sin nutrition gav positiva effekter. Trots dessa omvårdnadsåtgärder var det få patienter som kom upp i sitt rekommenderade dagliga energi- och näringsintag. Detta påvisar vikten av att både patienten och sjuksköterskan måste involveras i nutritionsvården.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: Osteoporosis is a disease of bone metabolism in which bisphosphonates (BPS) are the most common medications used in its treatment, whose main objective is to reduce the risk of fractures. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review on BPs adherence for treatment of osteoporosis. Methods. Systematic review of articles on BPs adherence for treatment of osteoporosis, indexed on MEDLINE (via PubMed) databases, from inception of databases until January 2013. Search terms were Adherence, Medication (MeSH term), Bisphosphonates (MeSH term), and Osteoporosis (MeSH term). Results: Of the 78 identified studies, 27 met the eligibility criteria. Identified studies covered a wide range of aspects regarding adherence and associated factors, adherence and fracture, adherence and BPs dosage. The studies are mostly observational, conducted with women over 45 years old, showing low rates of adherence to treatment. Several factors may influence adherence: socio-economic and cultural, participation of physicians when guidance is given to the patient, the use of bone turnover markers, and use of generic drugs. The monthly dosage is associated with greater adherence compared to weekly dosage. Conclusions: Considering the methodological differences between the studies, the results converge to show that adherence to treatment of osteoporosis with BPs is still inadequate. Further experimental studies are needed to evaluate the adherence and suggest new treatment options. © 2013 Vieira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Background: Homeopathy is based on treatment by similitude ('like cures like') administering to sick individuals substances that cause similar symptoms in healthy individuals, employing the secondary and paradoxical action of the organism as therapeutic response. This vital or homeostatic reaction of the organism can be scientifically explained by the rebound effect of drugs, resulting in worsening of symptoms after suspension of treatment. Bisphosphonates (BPs) reduce 'typical' fractures in patients with osteoporosis, but recent studies report 'atypical' fractures of the femur after stopping the BPs, a rebound effect may be the causal mechanism. Method: Review of the literature concerning the relationship between atypical femoral fractures and antiresorptive drugs (bisphosphonates), identifying the pathogenesis of this adverse event. Results: Several studies have described multiple cases of 'atypical' low-impact subtrochanteric stress fractures or complete fractures of the femur. These fractures are often bilateral, preceded by pain in the affected thigh, may have a typical X-ray appearance, and may delayed healing. Rebound of osteoclastic activity after suspension of antiresorptive drugs is a plausible mechanism to explain this phenomenon. Conclusion: As for other classes of drugs, the rebound effect of antiresorptive drugs supports Hahnemann's similitude principle (primary action of the drugs followed by secondary and opposite action of the organism), and clarifies this 'unresolved' issue. Unfortunately, the rebound effect is little discussed among health professionals, depriving them of important knowledge ensure safe management of drugs. Homeopathy (2012) 101, 231-242.
Purpose: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Method: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM. Results: The mean age of the population under study was 58.01 years, while the mean FIM point score was 118.38 points, showing a level of complete or modified independence within this population. Even though the level of dependence found has been low, this can be highlighted, within the locomotion domain, in the activity of going up and down stairs (10.28%). Age, complications arising from haemodialysis, and comorbidities show a negative correlation with FIM. Conclusion: Awareness of the level of functional independence of the patients being subjected to treatment with haemodialysis is essential in order to back up intervention for the improvement of nursing assistance provided to this population.
Objective Growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis and insulin are key determinants of bone remodelling. Homozygous mutations in the GH-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) gene (GHRHR) are a frequent cause of genetic isolated GH deficiency (IGHD). Heterozygosity for GHRHR mutation causes changes in body composition and possibly an increase in insulin sensitivity, but its effects on bone quality are still unknown. The objective of this study was to assess the bone quality and metabolism and its correlation with insulin sensitivity in subjects heterozygous for a null mutation in the GHRHR. Patients and methods A cross-sectional study was performed on 76 normal subjects (68.4% females) (N/N) and 64 individuals (64.1% females) heterozygous for a mutation in the GHRHR (MUT/N). Anthropometric features, quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of the heel, bone markers [osteocalcin (OC) and CrossLaps], IGF-I, glucose and insulin were measured, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMAIR) was calculated. Results There were no differences in age or height between the two groups, but weight (P = 0.007) and BMI (P = 0.001) were lower in MUT/N. There were no differences in serum levels of IGF-I, glucose, T-score or absolute values of stiffness and OC, but insulin (P = 0.01), HOMAIR (P = 0.01) and CrossLaps (P = 0.01) were lower in MUT/N. There was no correlation between OC and glucose, OC and HOMAIR in the 140 individuals as a whole or in the separate MUT/N or N/N groups. Conclusions This study suggests that one allele mutation in the GHRHR gene has a greater impact on energy metabolism than on bone quality.
The WHO fracture risk assessment tool FRAX® is a computer based algorithm that provides models for the assessment of fracture probability in men and women. The approach uses easily obtained clinical risk factors (CRFs) to estimate 10-year probability of a major osteoporotic fracture (hip, clinical spine, humerus or wrist fracture) and the 10-year probability of a hip fracture. The estimate can be used alone or with femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD) to enhance fracture risk prediction. FRAX® is the only risk engine which takes into account the hazard of death as well as that of fracture. Probability of fracture is calculated in men and women from age, body mass index, and dichotomized variables that comprise a prior fragility fracture, parental history of hip fracture, current tobacco smoking, ever long-term use of oral glucocorticoids, rheumatoid arthritis, other causes of secondary osteoporosis, daily alcohol consumption of 3 or more units daily. The relationship between risk factors and fracture probability was constructed using information of nine population-based cohorts from around the world. CRFs for fracture had been identified that provided independent information on fracture risk based on a series of meta-analyses. The FRAX® algorithm was validated in 11 independent cohorts with in excess of 1 million patient-years, including the Swiss SEMOF cohort. Since fracture risk varies markedly in different regions of the world, FRAX® models need to be calibrated to those countries where the epidemiology of fracture and death is known. Models are currently available for 31 countries across the world. The Swiss-specific FRAX® model was developed very soon after the first release of FRAX® in 2008 and was published in 2009, using Swiss epidemiological data, integrating fracture risk and death hazard of our country. Two FRAX®-based approaches may be used to explore intervention thresholds. They have recently been investigated in the Swiss setting. In the first approach the guideline that individuals with a fracture probability equal to or exceeding that of women with a prior fragility fracture should be considered for treatment is translated into thresholds using 10-year fracture probabilities. In that case the threshold is age-dependent and increases from 16 % at the age of 60 ys to 40 % at the age of 80 ys. The second approach is a cost-effectiveness approach. Using a FRAX®-based intervention threshold of 15 % for both, women and men 50 years and older, should permit cost-effective access to therapy to patients at high fracture probability in our country and thereby contribute to further reduce the growing burden of osteoporotic fractures.
There are two main types of bone in the human body, trabecular and cortical bone. Cortical bone is primarily found on the outer surface of most bones in the body while trabecular bone is found in vertebrae and at the end of long bones (Ross 2007). Osteoporosis is a condition that compromises the structural integrity of trabecular bone, greatly reducing the ability of the bone to absorb energy from falls. The current method for diagnosing osteoporosis and predicting fracture risk is measurement of bone mineral density. Limitations of this method include dependence on the bone density measurement device and dependence on type of test and measurement location (Rubin 2005). Each year there are approximately 250,000 hip fractures in the United States due to osteoporosis (Kleerekoper 2006). Currently, the most common method for repairing a hip fracture is a hip fixation surgery. During surgery, a temporary guide wire is inserted to guide the permanent screw into place and then removed. It is believed that directly measuring this screw pullout force may result in a better assessment of bone quality than current indirect measurement techniques (T. Bowen 2008-2010, pers. comm.). The objective of this project is to design a device that can measure the force required to extract this guide wire. It is believed that this would give the surgeon a direct, quantitative measurement of bone quality at the site of the fixation. A first generation device was designed by a Bucknell Biomedical Engineering Senior Design team during the 2008- 2009 Academic Year. The first step of this project was to examine the device, conduct a thorough design analysis, and brainstorm new concepts. The concept selected uses a translational screw to extract the guide wire. The device was fabricated and underwent validation testing to ensure that the device was functional and met the required engineering specifications. Two tests were conducted, one to test the functionality of the device by testing if the device gave repeatable results, and the other to test the sensitivity of the device to misalignment. Guide wires were extracted from 3 materials, low density polyethylene, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, and polypropylene and the force of extraction was measured. During testing, it was discovered that the spring in the device did not have a high enough spring constant to reach the high forces necessary for extracting the wires without excessive deflection of the spring. The test procedure was modified slightly so the wires were not fully threaded into the material. The testing results indicate that there is significant variation in the screw pullout force, up to 30% of the average value. This significant variation was attributed to problems in the testing and data collection, and a revised set of tests was proposed to better evaluate the performance of the device. The fabricated device is a fully-functioning prototype and further refinements and testing of the device may lead to a 3rd generation version capable of measuring the screw pullout force during hip fixation surgery.
Extended pharmacological venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis beyond discharge is recommended for patients undergoing high-risk surgery. We prospectively investigated prophylaxis in 1,046 consecutive patients undergoing major orthopaedic (70%) or major cancer surgery (30%) in 14 Swiss hospitals. Appropriate in-hospital prophylaxis was used in 1,003 (96%) patients. At discharge, 638 (61%) patients received prescription for extended pharmacological prophylaxis: 564 (77%) after orthopaedic surgery, and 74 (23%) after cancer surgery (p < 0.001). Patients with knee replacement (94%), hip replacement (81%), major trauma (80%), and curative arthroscopy (73%) had the highest prescription rates for extended VTE prophylaxis; the lowest rates were found in patients undergoing major surgery for thoracic (7%), gastrointestinal (19%), and hepatobiliary (33%) cancer. The median duration of prescribed extended prophylaxis was longer in patients with orthopaedic surgery (32 days, interquartile range 14-40 days) than in patients with cancer surgery (23 days, interquartile range 11-30 days; p<0.001). Among the 278 patients with an extended prophylaxis order after hip replacement, knee replacement, or hip fracture surgery, 120 (43%) received a prescription for at least 35 days, and among the 74 patients with an extended prophylaxis order after major cancer surgery, 20 (27%) received a prescription for at least 28 days. In conclusion, approximately one quarter of the patients with major orthopaedic surgery and more than three quarters of the patients with major cancer surgery did not receive prescription for extended VTE prophylaxis. Future effort should focus on the improvement of extended VTE prophylaxis, particularly in patients undergoing major cancer surgery.
The study systematically describes the frequency and geographic variability of major surgical interventions for musculoskeletal disorders in Switzerland. Age- and sex-standardized rates for joint replacements, arthroscopies, spine surgery and hip fracture repair were calculated for hospital service regions. Various statistical analyses were used to measure the extent of variation. The authors argue that the surgery of hip fractures can be used as index surgery in the context of analyzing variations in orthopedic surgery. Temporal trends imply that patient demand and supply factors related to clinical ambiguity and non-medical incentives of providers are far more important components leading to increased use than the sole effect of an aging population.
The aim of our study was to develop a modeling framework suitable to quantify the incidence, absolute number and economic impact of osteoporosis-attributable hip, vertebral and distal forearm fractures, with a particular focus on change over time, and with application to the situation in Switzerland from 2000 to 2020. A Markov process model was developed and analyzed by Monte Carlo simulation. A demographic scenario provided by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and various Swiss and international data sources were used as model inputs. Demographic and epidemiologic input parameters were reproduced correctly, confirming the internal validity of the model. The proportion of the Swiss population aged 50 years or over will rise from 33.3% in 2000 to 41.3% in 2020. At the total population level, osteoporosis-attributable incidence will rise from 1.16 to 1.54 per 1,000 person-years in the case of hip fracture, from 3.28 to 4.18 per 1,000 person-years in the case of radiographic vertebral fracture, and from 0.59 to 0.70 per 1,000 person-years in the case of distal forearm fracture. Osteoporosis-attributable hip fracture numbers will rise from 8,375 to 11,353, vertebral fracture numbers will rise from 23,584 to 30,883, and distal forearm fracture numbers will rise from 4,209 to 5,186. Population-level osteoporosis-related direct medical inpatient costs per year will rise from 713.4 million Swiss francs (CHF) to CHF946.2 million. These figures correspond to 1.6% and 2.2% of Swiss health care expenditures in 2000. The modeling framework described can be applied to a wide variety of settings. It can be used to assess the impact of new prevention, diagnostic and treatment strategies. In Switzerland incidences of osteoporotic hip, vertebral and distal forearm fracture will rise by 33%, 27%, and 19%, respectively, between 2000 and 2020, if current prevention and treatment patterns are maintained. Corresponding absolute fracture numbers will rise by 36%, 31%, and 23%. Related direct medical inpatient costs are predicted to increase by 33%; however, this estimate is subject to uncertainty due to limited availability of input data.
The determinants of improvements in health outcomes and of cost reduction in hospital inpatient care
This study aims to address two research questions. First, ‘Can we identify factors that are determinants both of improved health outcomes and of reduced costs for hospitalized patients with one of six common diagnoses?’ Second, ‘Can we identify other factors that are determinants of improved health outcomes for such hospitalized patients but which are not associated with costs?’ The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database from 2003 to 2006 was employed in this study. The total study sample consisted of hospitals which had at least 30 patients each year for the given diagnosis: 954 hospitals for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 1552 hospitals for congestive heart failure (CHF), 1120 hospitals for stroke (STR), 1283 hospitals for gastrointestinal hemorrhage (GIH), 979 hospitals for hip fracture (HIP), and 1716 hospitals for pneumonia (PNE). This study used simultaneous equations models to investigate the determinants of improvement in health outcomes and of cost reduction in hospital inpatient care for these six common diagnoses. In addition, the study used instrumental variables and two-stage least squares random effect model for unbalanced panel data estimation. The study concluded that a few factors were determinants of high quality and low cost. Specifically, high specialty was the determinant of high quality and low costs for CHF patients; small hospital size was the determinant of high quality and low costs for AMI patients. Furthermore, CHF patients who were treated in Midwest, South, and West region hospitals had better health outcomes and lower hospital costs than patients who were treated in Northeast region hospitals. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage and pneumonia patients who were treated in South region hospitals also had better health outcomes and lower hospital costs than patients who were treated in Northeast region hospitals. This study found that six non-cost factors were related to health outcomes for a few diagnoses: hospital volume, percentage emergency room admissions for a given diagnosis, hospital competition, specialty, bed size, and hospital region.^