922 resultados para Higher Degree


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Existing Building/Energy Management Systems (BMS/EMS) fail to convey holistic performance to the building manager. A 20% reduction in energy consumption can be achieved by efficiently operated buildings compared with current practice. However, in the majority of buildings, occupant comfort and energy consumption analysis is primarily restricted by available sensor and meter data. Installation of a continuous monitoring process can significantly improve the building systems’ performance. We present WSN-BMDS, an IP-based wireless sensor network building monitoring and diagnostic system. The main focus of WSN-BMDS is to obtain much higher degree of information about the building operation then current BMSs are able to provide. Our system integrates a heterogeneous set of wireless sensor nodes with IEEE 802.11 backbone routers and the Global Sensor Network (GSN) web server. Sensing data is stored in a database at the back office via UDP protocol and can be access over the Internet using GSN. Through this demonstration, we show that WSN-BMDS provides accurate measurements of air-temperature, air-humidity, light, and energy consumption for particular rooms in our target building. Our interactive graphical user interface provides a user-friendly environment showing live network topology, monitor network statistics, and run-time management actions on the network. We also demonstrate actuation by changing the artificial light level in one of the rooms.


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Monolayers of octadecanethiolate on Au(1 1 1) surface were formed under electrochemical control. The influence of the formation time on the reductive desorption process was studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. When the formation time is increased, the reductive desorption peak observed on the voltammograms is significantly shifted in the negative direction, while the cathodic charge is only slightly affected. This behaviour is attributed to a higher degree of organisation of the monolayers for longer formation times, highlighting the role of defect sites in promoting the dissolution. A good agreement was found between our experimental chronoamperograms and theoretical models describing the dissolution process by a shrinkage mechanism. It is demonstrated that a reorganisation process takes place, consisting in the merging of small condensed domains into larger ones. This annealing phenomenon is time and potential dependent, the largest condensed domains being obtained for the longest formation times and least negative potentials. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new general cell-centered solution procedure based upon the conventional control or finite volume (CV or FV) approach has been developed for numerical heat transfer and fluid flow which encompasses both structured and unstructured meshes for any kind of mixed polygon cell. Unlike conventional FV methods for structured and block structured meshes and both FV and FE methods for unstructured meshes, the irregular control volume (ICV) method does not require the shape of the element or cell to be predefined because it simply exploits the concept of fluxes across cell faces. That is, the ICV method enables meshes employing mixtures of triangular, quadrilateral, and any other higher order polygonal cells to be exploited using a single solution procedure. The ICV approach otherwise preserves all the desirable features of conventional FV procedures for a structured mesh; in the current implementation, collocation of variables at cell centers is used with a Rhie and Chow interpolation (to suppress pressure oscillation in the flow field) in the context of the SIMPLE pressure correction solution procedure. In fact all other FV structured mesh-based methods may be perceived as a subset of the ICV formulation. The new ICV formulation is benchmarked using two standard computational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems i.e., the moving lid cavity and the natural convection driven cavity. Both cases were solved with a variety of structured and unstructured meshes, the latter exploiting mixed polygonal cell meshes. The polygonal mesh experiments show a higher degree of accuracy for equivalent meshes (in nodal density terms) using triangular or quadrilateral cells; these results may be interpreted in a manner similar to the CUPID scheme used in structured meshes for reducing numerical diffusion for flows with changing direction.


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In this paper we look at ways of delivering and assessing learning on database units offered on higher degree programmes (MSc) in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Greenwich. Of critical importance is the teaching methods employed for verbal disposition, practical laboratory exercises and a careful evaluation of assessment methods and assessment tools in view of the fact that databases involve not only database design but also use of practical tools, such as database management systems (DBMSs) software, human designers, database administrators (DBA) and end users. Our goal is to clearly identify potential key success factors in delivering and assessing learning in both practical and theoretical aspects of database course units.


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The stencil printing process is an important process in the assembly of Surface Mount Technology (SMT)devices. There is a wide agreement in the industry that the paste printing process accounts for the majority of assembly defects. Experience with this process has shown that typically over 60% of all soldering defects are due to problems associated with the flow properties of solder pastes. Therefore, the rheological measurements can be used as a tool to study the deformation or flow experienced by the pastes during the stencil printing process. This paper presents results on the thixotropic behaviour of three pastes; lead-based solder paste, lead-free solder paste and isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA). These materials are widely used as interconnect medium in the electronics industry. Solder paste are metal alloys suspended in a flux medium while the ICAs consist of silver flakes dispersed in an epoxy resin. The thixotropy behaviour was investigated through two rheological test; (i) hysteresis loop test and (ii) steady shear rate test. In the hysteresis loop test, the shear rate were increased from 0.001 to 100s-1 and then decreased from 100 to 0.001s-1. Meanwhile, in the steady shear rate test, the materials were subjected to a constant shear rate of 0.100, 100 and 0.001s-1 for a period of 240 seconds. All the pastes showed a high degree of shear thinning behaviour with time. This might be due to the agglomeration of particles in the flux or epoxy resin that prohibits pastes flow under low shear rate. The action of high shear rate would break the agglomerates into smaller pieces which facilitates the flow of pastes, thus viscosity is reduced at high shear rate. The solder pastes exhibited a higher degree of structural breakdown compared to the ICAs. The area between the up curve and down curve in the hysteresis curve is an indication of the thixotropic behavior of the pastes. Among the three pastes, lead-free solder paste showed the largest area between the down curve and up curve, which indicating a larger structural breakdown in the pastes, followed by lead-based solder paste and ICA. In a steady shear rate test, viscosity of ICA showed the best recovery with the steeper curve to its original viscosity after the removal of shear, which indicating that the dispersion quality in ICA is good because the high shear has little effect on the microstructure of ICA. In contrast, lead-based paste showed the poorest recovery which means this paste undergo larger structural breakdown and dispersion quality in this paste is poor because the microstructure of the paste is easily disrupted by high shear. The structural breakdown during the application of shear and the recovery after removal of shear is an important characteristic in the paste printing process. If the paste’s viscosity can drop low enough, it may contribute to the aperture filling and quick recovery may prevent slumping.


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The acorn barnacle Chthamalus montagui can present strong variation in shell morphology, ranging from flat conic to a highly bent form, caused by a substantial overgrowth of the rostrum plate. Shell shape distribution was investigated between January and May 2004 from geographical to microhabitat spatial scales along the western coast of Britain. Populations studied in the north (Scotland and Isle of Man) showed a higher degree of shell variation compared to those in the south (Wales and south-west England). In the north, C. montagui living at lower tidal levels and in proximity to the predatory dogwhelk, Nucella lapillus, were more bent in profile. Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine behavioural responses, and vulnerability of bent and conic barnacles to predation by N. lapillus. Dogwhelks did not attack one morphotype more than the other, but only 15 % of attacks on bent forms were successful compared to 75 % in conic forms. Dogwhelk effluent reduced the time spent feeding by C. montagui (11 %), but there was no significant difference between conic and bent forms. Examination of barnacle morphology indicated a trade-off in investment in shell structure and feeding appendages associated with being bent, but none with egg or somatic tissue mass. These results are consistent with C. montagui showing an induced defence comparable to that found in its congeners Chthamalus anisopoma and Chthamalus fissus on the Pacific coast of North America, but further work to demonstrate inducibility is required.


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This article examines whether a Modern World- Systems (MWS) perspective can provide an improved understanding of the processes of democratization in Africa (and other developing regions of the world) by conducting a comparative case study of South Africa and Zambia in the 1990s, examining the transitions to democracy and divergent processes of democratic consolidation in each country. Semiperipheral South Africa has, due to its more advantageous position in the world-system, been better equipped than peripheral Zambia to safeguard democracy against erosion and reversal. Th e central irony of the MWS is that the weakest states in the MWS can be pushed around by core powers and are more easily forced to democratize while at the same time they are least likely to possess the resources necessary for democratic consolidation. Semiperipheral states can maintain their independence vis-à-vis the core to a higher degree, but if the decision is made to undertake a democratic transition they are more likely to possess the resources necessary for successful consolidation. Th e MWS perspective allows for an improved understanding of the causal pathway of how position in the MWS translates into the ability to consolidate democracy than does approaches that emphasize domestic factors.


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Background: Hip protectors are protective pads designed to cover the greater trochanter and attenuate or disperse the force of a fall sufficiently to prevent a hip fracture. Promising results from randomised controlled trials in nursing homes have resulted in hip protectors being widely recommended in the health care literature and in national guidelines. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to identify characteristics of individual residents, and the organisational features of the homes in which they live, which may affect adherence to wearing hip protectors. Design: An observational, correlation study designed to identify factors related to adherence. Setting: Forty nursing and residential homes in the UK. Participants: 1346 residents of the homes who were not confined to bed and with no pressure sore on the hip. Methods: The introduction of an evidence-based policy to offer Safehips hip protectors to residents free of charge and with support from a nurse facilitator. Adherence to wearing the hip protectors was observed over 72 weeks. Results: Initial acceptance of the hip protectors was 37.2%. Continued adherence was 23.9% at 24 weeks; 23.2% at 48 weeks; and 19.9% at 72 weeks. Greater adherence was associated with the following individual resident characteristics: a greater degree of dependency (95% CI 1.39 - m3.78) and cognitive impairment (95% CI 1.01 - 2.98); being male rather than female (95% CI 1.06 - 2.48). Greater adherence was also associated with the following organisational characteristics of homes: fewer changes of senior manager during the study period (95% CI 1.01 - 8.51), and being resident in a home with a resident profile showing a greater proportion of residents with a higher degree of dependency (95% CI 1.04 - 1.27). There was wide a variation in the degree of success in implementation between homes (adherence of 0 - 100% at 24 weeks). Conclusions: Those implementing a policy of introducing hip protectors into nursing and residential homes should consider targeting residents with cognitive impairment. Such residents are at greater risk of hip fracture and appear to be more likely to continue wearing hip protectors. Those charged with implementing changes inpractice or policy should consider how the context for implementation can be optimised to increase the likelihood of success.


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Organic aerogels were synthesized by sol–gel polymerization of resorcinol (R) with formaldehyde (F) catalyzed by sodium carbonate (C) followed by vacuum drying. The influence of the resorcinol/sodium carbonate ratio (R/C) on the porous structure of the resultant aerogels was investigated. The nitrogen adsorption–desorption measurements show that the aerogels possess a well developed porous structure and mesoporosity was found to increase with increasing the R/C ratio. Carbon aerogels were obtained by carbonization of RF aerogels. The carbonization temperature impacts the microstructure of the aerogels by pore transformations during carbonization probably due to the formation of micropores and shrinkage of the gel structure. The results showed that a temperature of 1073 Kis more effective in the development of the pore structure of the gel. Activated carbon aerogels were obtained from the CO2 activation of carbon aerogels. Activation results in an increase in the number of both micropores and mesopores, indicative of pore creation in the structure of the carbon. Activation at higher temperatures results in a higher degree of burn off and increases the pore volume and the surface area remarkably without change of the basic porous structure, pore size, and pore size distribution.


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We describe a fluidity and conductivity study as a function of composition in N-methylpyrrolidine-acetic acid mixtures. The simple 1 : 1 acid-base mixture appears to form an ionic liquid, but its degree of ionicity is quite low and such liquids are better thought of as poorly dissociated mixtures of acid and base. The composition consisting of 3 moles acetic acid and 1 mole N-methylpyrrolidine is shown to form the highest ionicity mixture in this binary due to the presence of oligomeric anionic species [(AcO)(x)Hx-1](-) stabilised by hydrogen bonds. These oligomeric species, being weaker bases than the acetate anion, shift the proton transfer equilibrium towards formation of ionic species, thus generating a higher degree of ionicity than is present at the 1 : 1 composition. A Walden plot analysis, thermogravimetric behaviour and proton NMR data, as well as ab initio calculations of the oligomeric species, all support this conclusion.


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Neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) are often cited as classic examples of trapline-foragers with potentially extensive foraging ranges. If long-distance movements are habitual, rare plants in widely scattered locations may benefit from euglossine pollination services. Here we report the first successful use of micro radio telemetry to track the movement of an insect pollinator in a complex and forested environment. Our results indicate that individual male orchid bees (Exaerete frontalis) habitually use large rainforest areas (at least 42-115 ha) on a daily basis. Aerial telemetry located individuals up to 5 km away from their core areas, and bees were often stationary, for variable periods, between flights to successive localities. These data suggest a higher degree of site fidelity than what may be expected in a free living male bee, and has implications for our understanding of biological activity patterns and the evolution of forest pollinators.


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Analysis of non-traditional Variable Stiffness (VS) laminates, obtained by steering the fiber orientation as a spatial function of location, have shown to improve buckling load carrying capacity of flat rectangular panels under axial compressive loads. In some cases the buckling load of simply supported panels doubled compared to the best conventional laminate with straight fibers. Two distinct cases of stiffness variation, one due to fiber orientation variation in the direction of the loading, and the other one perpendicular to the loading direction, were identified as possible contributors to the buckling load improvements. In the first case, the increase was attributed to the favorable distribution of the transverse in-plane stresses over the panel platform. In the second case, a higher degree of improvement was obtained due to the re-distribution of the applied in-plane loads. Experimental results, however, showed substantially higher levels of buckling load improvements compared with theoretical predictions. The additional improvement was determined to be due to residual stresses introduced during curing of the laminates. The present paper provides a simplified thermomechanical analysis of residual stress state of variable stiffness laminates. Systematic parametric analyses of both cases of fiber orientation variations show that, indeed much higher buckling loads could result from the residual stresses present in such laminates.


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While the origins of consonance and dissonance in terms of acoustics, psychoacoustics and physiology have been debated for centuries, their plausible effects on movement synchronization have largely been ignored. The present study aims to address this by investigating whether, and if so how, consonant/dissonant pitch intervals affect the spatiotemporal properties of regular reciprocal aiming movements. We compared movements synchronized either to consonant or to dissonant sounds, and showed that they were differently influenced by the degree of consonance of the sound presented. Interestingly, the difference was present after the sound stimulus was removed. In this case, the performance measured after consonant sound exposure was found to be more stable and accurate, with a higher percentage of information/movement coupling (tau-coupling) and a higher degree of movement circularity when compared to performance measured after the exposure to dissonant sounds. We infer that the neural resonance representing consonant tones leads to finer perception/action coupling which in turn may help explain the prevailing preference for these types of tones.


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To design a system of gonioscopy that will allow greater interobserver reliability and more clearly defined screening cutoffs for angle closure than current systems while being simple to teach and technologically appropriate for use in rural Asia, where the prevalence of angle-closure glaucoma is highest.


Clinic-based validation and interobserver reliability trial.


Study 1: 21 patients 18 years of age and older recruited from a university-based specialty glaucoma clinic; study 2: 32 patients 18 years of age and older recruited from the same clinic.


In study 1, all participants underwent conventional gonioscopy by an experienced observer (GLS) using the Spaeth system and in the same eye also underwent Scheimpflug photography, ultrasonographic measurement of anterior chamber depth and axial length, automatic refraction, and biometric gonioscopy with measurement of the distance from iris insertion to Schwalbe's line using a reticule based in the slit-lamp ocular. In study 2, all participants underwent both conventional gonioscopy and biometric gonioscopy by an experienced gonioscopist (NGC) and a medical student with no previous training in gonioscopy (JK).


Study 1: The association between biometric gonioscopy and conventional gonioscopy, Scheimpflug photography, and other factors known to correlate with the configuration of the angle. Study 2: Interobserver agreement using biometric gonioscopy compared to that obtained with conventional gonioscopy.


In study 1, there was an independent, monotonic, statistically significant relationship between biometric gonioscopy and both Spaeth angle (P = 0.001, t test) and Spaeth insertion (P = 0.008, t test) grades. Biometric gonioscopy correctly identified six of six patients with occludable angles according to Spaeth criteria. Biometric gonioscopic grade was also significantly associated with the anterior chamber angle as measured by Scheimpflug photography (P = 0.005, t test). In study 2, the intraclass correlation coefficient between graders for biometric gonioscopy (0.97) was higher than for Spaeth angle grade (0.72) or Spaeth insertion grade (0.84).


Biometric gonioscopy correlates well with other measures of the anterior chamber angle, shows a higher degree of interobserver reliability than conventional gonioscopy, and can readily be learned by an inexperienced observer.


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No presente trabalho desenvolveram-se estudos visando a valorização do coberto vegetal da Ilha de Porto Santo, através de duas metodologias de investigação complementares: a) preservação e reintrodução na Ilha de uma espécie endémica e em risco do Arquipélago da Madeira (Olea maderensis) e de uma espécie naturalizada (Olea europaea ssp. europaea var. sylvestris), recorrendo para o efeito a técnicas de biotecnologia (micropropagação); b) análise da percepção da comunidade local e visitante sobre o fenómeno da desertificação e a valorização do coberto vegetal bem como a sua aceitação relativamente à aplicação de técnicas de biotecnologia (para micropropagar e reintroduzir espécies de oliveira na Ilha) para minimização do processo de desertificação. A dissertação estrutura-se em quatro partes principais. A Parte I caracteriza a Ilha de Porto Santo em termos geográficos, geológicos, climáticos, sócio-economicos e do uso do solo. Enquadra, ainda, o problema da desertificação, através da caracterização/evolução do coberto vegetal ao longo dos anos. Finalmente apresentam-se os objectivos gerais deste estudo. A Parte II centra-se no desenvolvimento de metodologias no âmbito da biotecnologia vegetal para propagação de espécies de O. maderensis e O. europaea ssp. europaea var. sylvestris. em larga escala. Esta parte está dividida em seis capítulos. O Capítulo II.1 aborda a distribuição geográfica das espécies de oliveira e faz uma revisão bibliográfica dos aspectos mais importantes da micropropagação de oliveira (O. europaea L.), principalmente através da micropropagação por estimulação de gomos axilares. No final deste capítulo apresentam-se os objectivos específicos desta investigação. No Capítulo II.2 faz-se a caracterização genética de genótipos de O. maderensis do Arquipélago da Madeira através da análise da ploidia e do conteúdo em DNA por citometria de fluxo (FCM) e através da detecção de polimorfismos por análise de microssatélites (SSR). Nesta análise usaram-se ainda outros genótipos, nomeadamente: O. europaea ssp. europaea var. sylvestris, O. cerasiformes e O. europaea ssp. europaea var. europaea. Este estudo contribuiu para uma melhor caracterização desta espécie e permitiu a detecção de um nível de ploidia novo no género Olea (tetraploidia). O Capítulo II.3 descreve a optimização das condições de cultura in vitro (e.g. desinfecção, meio de cultura e enraizamento) para propagar e preservar a O. maderensis. Avalia-se ainda a “performance” dos rebentos in vitro (taxas de crescimento, avaliação da aparência das folhas e estudos fisiológicos), de modo a confirmar a optimização das condições de propagação. Neste capítulo define-se um meio novo (OMG) para propagação desta espécie endémica. O Capítulo II.4 descreve dois protocolos de micropropagação e aclimatização de ambas as espécies (O. maderensis e O. europaea ssp. europaea var. sylvestris) e a qualidade das plantas (“true-to-type”) é avaliada através da possível ocorrência de variabilidade genética através de FCM (ploidia) e SSRs. O Capítulo II.5 descreve um protocolo eficiente de aclimatização ao campo de O. maderensis e avalia a “performance” das plantas micropropagadas no campo através da análise de parâmetros fisiológicos durante o processo. O Capítulo II.6 apresenta os estudos em curso relativamente às plantas de O. maderensis em aclimatização no campo, bem como a introdução de plantas micropropagadas num outro local da Ilha com um maior grau de degradação dos solos. Estas estratégias estão a ser aplicadas juntamente com a DRFRAM, no âmbito de programas de florestação em curso. Finalmente é realçada a necessidade de estudos semelhantes com outras espécies nativas. Na Parte III, são apresentados os estudos sobre a percepção da comunidade local relativamente à valorização do coberto vegetal para a minimização dos processos de degradação dos solos/desertificação. A introdução faz o enquadramento teórico sobre o fenómeno da desertificação, particularmente na Ilha de Porto Santo e sobre a percepção social da desertificação. São ainda apresentados os objectivos específicos desta investigação. A metodologia adoptada recorreu à aplicação de inquéritos por questionário à população residente e aos visitantes da Ilha de Porto Santo e ainda a realização de inquéritos por entrevista a algumas entidades e especialistas. Estes estudos permitiram verificar que existe uma nítida consciência da situação de risco da ilha, das medidas tomadas e a tomar e da premência da resolução do problema. Face ao recurso de estratégias alternativas envolvendo biotecnologia, e apesar de existir algum desconhecimento, concluiu-se ainda que a população manifesta aceitação, desde que essas estratégias valorizem o coberto vegetal e, assim, ajudem a combater a degradação biofísica dos solos. Finalmente são apresentadas as conclusões e algumas recomendações. Na Parte IV apresentam-se as conclusões gerais e perspectivas futuras, onde o potencial ambiental destas oliveiras bravas micropropagadas é destacado, bem como é considerado o alargamento da aplicação destas estratégias a outras espécies indígenas em risco, nesta Ilha (e noutros locais). São ainda resumidas as principais visões da população e das entidades e dos especialistas que poderão contribuir para apoiar a elaboração de medidas de mitigação e prevenção no combate ao processo de degradação dos solos/desertificação em curso.