320 resultados para Hellsten, Tommy
Determinou-se o crescimento e a extração de nutrientes pelos frutos das variedades, Haden, Sensation, Tommy-Atkins e Edward, colhidos em sete épocas distintas, de um pomar de nove anos situado sobre uma "terra roxa estruturada" em Piracicaba, SP. Os frutos foram lavados, pesados e analisados para macro e micronutrientes. O crescimento dos frutos nas variedades obedece a seguinte ordem decrescente: Edward, Haden, Tommy-Atkins e Sensation. O conteúdo total de nutrientes nas variedades foi em ordem decrescente: Haden , Tommy-Atkins, Edward e Sensation.
Lancelets ('amphioxus') are the modern survivors of an ancient chordate lineage, with a fossil record dating back to the Cambrian period. Here we describe the structure and gene content of the highly polymorphic approximately 520-megabase genome of the Florida lancelet Branchiostoma floridae, and analyse it in the context of chordate evolution. Whole-genome comparisons illuminate the murky relationships among the three chordate groups (tunicates, lancelets and vertebrates), and allow not only reconstruction of the gene complement of the last common chordate ancestor but also partial reconstruction of its genomic organization, as well as a description of two genome-wide duplications and subsequent reorganizations in the vertebrate lineage. These genome-scale events shaped the vertebrate genome and provided additional genetic variation for exploitation during vertebrate evolution.
Osa I: Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen KUOSCE-hanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on OSCE-menetelmän avulla hankkia tutkimuksellista tietoa Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen perustason sairaankuljetuksen yleisestä koulutustarpeesta sekä suunnitella ja kohdentaa täydennyskoulutus niille ensihoidon osaamisen alueille, joista löytyy eniten koulutustarvetta. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on kehittää hypoglykemiapotilaan ensihoidon osaamista arvioiva Osce-mittari sekä selvittää OSCE:n (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) soveltuvuutta ja käyttökelpoisuutta hypoglykemiapotilaan ensihoidon osaamisen arvioimisessa sairaalan ulkopuolisessa ensihoidossa. Tämän opinnäytetyön hypoglykemiapotilaan ensihoidon osaamista arvioiva OSCE-mittari perustuu tutkittuun kansainväliseen ja kotimaiseen tietoon sekä Suomessa käytössä oleviin sairaankuljetuksen toimintaohjeisiin. Mittarin luotettavuuden ja toimivuuden arvioimiseksi suoritettiin mittarin esitestaus Stadian valmistuvilla ensihoitajaopiskelijoilla (n = 14), ja testauksen tuloksia käytettiin apuna mittarin kehittämisessä edelleen luotettavammaksi. Testauksen tulosten mukaan OSCE-mittari on toimiva ja käyttökelpoinen tapa arvioida sairaankuljettajien osaamista hypoglykemiapotilaan tunnistamisessa ja hoitamisessa. Tulosten perusteella OSCE-mittari on rakenteeltaan looginen, ja sillä voidaan luotettavasti arvioida ensihoidon osaamista. OSCE-mittari on osoittautunut myös käyttäjäystävälliseksi, sillä sen käyttäminen osaamisen arviointiin simuloidun harjoitustilanteen aikana on vaivatonta. Jatkossa tätä arviointimenetelmää tullaan käyttämään laajemmassa mittakaavassa ainakin Keski-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitoksen henkilöstön testaamisessa, jolloin saadaan lisää tutkimuksellista tietoa myös mittarin toimivuudesta.
According to the Taylor principle a central bank should adjust the nominal interest rate by more than one-for-one in response to changes in current inflation. Most of the existing literature supports the view that by following this simple recommendation a central bank can avoid being a source of unnecessary fluctuations in economic activity. The present paper shows that this conclusion is not robust with respect to the modelling of capital accumulation. We use our insights to discuss the desirability of alternative interest rate rules. Our results suggest a reinterpretation of monetary policy under Volcker and Greenspan: The empirically plausible characterization of monetary policy can explain the stabilization of macroeconomic outcomes observed in the early eighties for the US economy. The Taylor principle in itself cannot.
Cape Verde, off the coast of Senegal in western Africa, is a volcanic archipelago where soil and water conservation techniques play an important role in the overall subsistence of half a million inhabitants. In fact, the step slopes in the more agricultural islands due to it's volcanic origin, together with semi-arid and arid environments (the country is located in the Sahelian region), characterized by a very irregular wet season, with high intensity rainfall events, make life tough. The hard conditions lead during the first half of the XX century to frequent cycles of drought with severe implications on the local populations, with impressive numbers of deaths by famine, and a decrease of the number of local inhabitants by more than halve in some islands. Maintain the soil in place and the water inside the soil was there after a mater of survival, and the CapeVerdians implemented over the last half century a number of soil and water conservation techniques that cover all the landscape. In this work, we monitored a number of slope soil and water conservation techniques, such as terraces, half moons, live barriers, etc, together with two cultural strategies, used to plant corn and beans on one side and peanuts on the other, with a semi-quantitative methodology, to evaluate their effectiveness. A discussion is given on the costs and effectiveness of the techniques to reduce overland flow production and therefore erosion, and to promote rainfall infiltration.
New-Keynesian (NK) models can only account for the dynamic effects of monetary policy shocks if it is assumed that aggregate capital accumulation is much smoother than it would be the case under frictionless firm-level investment, as discussed in Woodford (2003, Ch. 5). We find that lumpy investment, when combined with price stickiness and market power of firms,can rationalize this assumption. Our main result is in stark contrast with the conclusions obtained by Thomas (2002) in the context of a real business cycle (RBC) model. We use our model to explain the economic mechanism behind this difference in the predictions of RBC and NK theory.
According to the Taylor principle a central bank should adjust the nominal interest rate by more than one-for-one in response to changes in current inflation. Most of the existing literature supports the view that by following this simple recommendation a central bank can avoid being a source of unnecessary fluctuations in economic activity. The present paper shows that this conclusion is not robust with respect to the modelling of capital accumulation. We use our insights to discuss the desirability of alternative interest raterules. Our results suggest a reinterpretation of monetary policy under Volcker and Greenspan: The empirically plausible characterization of monetary policy can explain the stabilization of macroeconomic outcomes observed in the early eighties for the US economy. The Taylor principle in itself cannot.
The present paper makes progress in explaining the role of capital for inflation and output dynamics. We followWoodford (2003, Ch. 5) in assuming Calvo pricing combined with a convex capital adjustment cost at the firm level. Our main result is that capital accumulation affects inflation dynamics primarily through its impact on the marginal cost. This mechanism is much simpler than the one implied by the analysis in Woodford's text. The reason is that his analysis suffers from a conceptual mistake, as we show. The latter obscures the economic mechanism through which capital affects inflation and output dynamics in the Calvo model, as discussed in Woodford (2004).
We model firm-owned capital in a stochastic dynamic New-Keynesian generalequilibrium model à la Calvo. We find that this structure impliesequilibrium dynamics which are quantitatively di¤erent from the onesassociated with a benchmark case where households accumulate capital andrent it to firms. Our findings therefore stress the importance ofmodeling an investment decision at the firm level in addition to ameaningful price setting decision. Along the way we argue that the problemof modeling firm-owned capital with Calvo price-setting has not been solvedin a correct way in the previous literature.
Summary: Use of analgesics in cats : a literature study : [part] 1 : non-steroidal anti-iflammatory drugs
Summary: Use of analgesics in cats : a literature study : [part] 2 : opioids and a2-agonists