931 resultados para Helimski, Eugene


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Helically twisted fibers can be produced by electrospinning liquid-crystalline cellulose solutions. Fiber topographies are studied by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (see figure) and polarized optical microscopy. The fibers have a nearly universal pitch-to-diameter ratio and comprise both right- and left-handed helices.


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We directly visualize the response of nematic liquid crystal drops of toroidal topology threaded in cellulosic fibers, suspended in air, to an AC electric field and at different temperatures over the N-I transition. This new liquid crystal system can exhibit non-trivial point defects, which can be energetically unstable against expanding into ring defects depending on the fiber constraining geometries. The director anchoring tangentially near the fiber surface and homeotropically at the air interface makes a hybrid shell distribution that in turn causes a ring disclination line around the main axis of the fiber at the center of the droplet. Upon application of an electric field, E, the disclination ring first expands and moves along the fiber main axis, followed by the appearance of a stable "spherical particle" object orbiting around the fiber at the center of the liquid crystal drop. The rotation speed of this particle was found to vary linearly with the applied voltage. This constrained liquid crystal geometry seems to meet the essential requirements in which soliton-like deformations can develop and exhibit stable orbiting in three dimensions upon application of an external electric field. On changing the temperature the system remains stable and allows the study of the defect evolution near the nematic-isotropic transition, showing qualitatively different behaviour on cooling and heating processes. The necklaces of such liquid crystal drops constitute excellent systems for the study of topological defects and their evolution and open new perspectives for application in microelectronics and photonics.


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Apresenta-se uma breve pesquisa sobre a origem e introdução na nomenclatura geológica portuguesa dos termos “Carbonífero” e “Carbónico”, para designar o respectivo Sistema/Período geológico. Conclui-se que o termo “Carbónico” terá possivelmente tido origem na designação em língua francesa “Système Carbonique”, resultante de proposta de Eugene Renevier (em 1874) para a criação de um super-sistema que englobasse o Devónico, o Carbonífero e o Pérmico. Foi Wenscelau de Lima que introduziu os termos “Carbonique” e “Carbónico” (em 1888) na literatura geológica publicada em Portugal. Anteriormente, outros geólogos portugueses já tinham utilizado correctamente as designações “Carboniferous” e Carbonífero. Sendo “Carboniferous” (Phillips & Conybeare, 1822) o termo original proposto para designar formalmente a unidade estratigráfica e adoptado pelo código estratigráfico internacional, o aportuguesamento natural será “Carbonífero”, tal como escreveram Pereira da Costa (1860-61), Bernardino Gomes (1865), Carlos Ribeiro e Nery Delgado (1867, 1876). Além disso, a designação “Carbónico” revela-se desajustada face às recomendações do código estratigráfico internacional.


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Dichaea is the largest genus of the subtribe Zygopetalinae and holds it's the highest species diversity in South America. Therefore, this study aims to describe a new species of Dichaea, which occurs in northern Brazil, Dichaea bragae Valsko, Krahl & Holanda. The new species was collected in the north of Manaus in an area of ombrophilous forest and flowered when cultivated. The epithet honors Dr. Pedro Ivo Soares Braga (in memoriam), orchidologist who conducted several studies in the Brazilian Amazon. This new species show a affinity with Dichaea tenuis C. Schweinf., however it is differentiated both vegetatively and on labellum morphology.


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Haloplasmataceae is a family within the order Haloplasmatales, which currently includes one single genus and species: Haloplasma contractile. This family has unusual phenotypic features the most noticeable being a unique morphology and cellular contractility cycle and a distinct phylogenetic position between the Firmicutes and the Tenericutes (Mollicutes). Members of the Haloplasmataceae have been isolated from the upper sediments of a deep-sea anoxic brine in the Red Sea, but cultivation-independent studies have found related sequences in a wide range of biotopes including other extreme environments, contaminated soils and marine sediments, as well as intestinal samples. The isolation and description of new representatives of this family might therefore result in significant changes to the current description.


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The family Salinisphaeraceae (Class Gammaproteobacteria, Order Salinisphaerales) comprises a single genus, Salinisphaera, and six species: S. shabanensis, S. hydrothermalis, S. dokdonensis, S. orenii, S. halophila, and S. japonica. All members of the family Salinisphaeraceae were isolated from marine/oceanic and high-salinity environments. These bacteria have coccoid or short rod morphologies and are halophilic or halotolerant. All known members of the family Salinisphaeraceae are heterotrophic, mesophilic aerobes, although S. hydrothermalis was shown to be a facultative chemolithoautotroph. Isolation and characterization of new members of the Salinisphaeraceae, as well as in-depth studies of the currently known species, will allow for a better understanding of this family.


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Historically, shifts to reduced and no-tillage management for production of crops were fostered by needs to decrease soil erosion and loss of organic matter, reduce fuel and labour costs and conserve soil water, as compared with conventional fallow tillage management. Recent interest in maintaining soil quality has been stimulated by a renewed awareness of the importance of soil condition to both the sustainability of agricultural production systems and environmental quality (Doran and Parkin, 1996). The aim of this project was to determine the impact on the physical, chemical and microbiological status of the soil of conventional and reduced tillage. It has been suggested that the reduced soil disturbance associated with the tine cultivator improves soil structure, increases nutrient content in the top 10cm of soil, increases microbial activity and improves physical characteristics. From this study it was determined that the environmental benefits linked to reduced tillage in literature, did not develop in the first two years of this programmes implementation. The results of this study determined that soil nutrients did not increase in concentration in the top 10 cm of soil under reduced cultivation. The only exception was exchangeable potassium. As potassium is not a mobile nutrient its movement is dependent on soil disturbance, therefore under reduced cultivation its concentration was allowed to accumulate in the upper horizon of the soil profile. Microbial activity was greater in the conventionally tilled treatments, as determined by total aerobic bacterial numbers. This could be due to the increased rates of soil aeration in this treatment. Numbers of aerobic bacteria were greater in the conventional tillage treatments at both incubation temperatures of 22 and 32° C. The physical characteristics of the soil determined, indicate that below the depth of soil cultivation, cone penetration resistance increases. Therefore the reduced cultivation treatments would be more prone to soil compaction, higher in the soil profile.


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Recent studies have shown that septic tank systems are a major source of groundwater pollution. Many public health workers feel that the most cri^cal aspect of the use of septic tanks as a means of sewage disposal is the contamination of private water wells with attendant human health hazards. In this study the movement and attenuation of septic tank effluents in a range of soil/overburden types and hydrogeological situations was investigated. The suitability of a number of chemical and biological tracer materials to monitor the movement of septic tank effluent constituents to groundwater sources was also examined. The investigation was divided into three separate but inteiTelated sections. In the first section of the study the movement of septic tank effluent from two soil treatment systems was investigated by direct measurements of soil nutrient concentrations and enteric bacterial numbers in the soil beneath and downgradient of the test systems. Two sites with different soil types and hydrogeological characteristics were used. The results indicated that the attenuation of the effluent in both of the treatment systems was incomplete. Migration of nitrate, ammonium, phosphate and fecal bacteria to a depth of 50 cm beneath the inverts of the distribution tiles was demonstrated on all sampling occasions. The lateral migration of the pollutants was less pronounced, although on occasions high nutrients levels and fecal bacterial numbers were detected at a lateral distance of 4.0 m downgradient of the test systems. There was evidence that the degree and extent of effluent migration was increased after periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall when the attenuating properties of the treatment systems were reduced as a result of saturation of the soil. The second part of the study examined the contamination of groundwaters downgradient of septic tank soil treatment systems. Three test sites were used in the investigation. The sites were chosen because of differences in the thicknesses and nature of the unsaturated zone available for effluent attenuation at each of the locations. A series of groundwater monitoring boreholes were installed downgradient of the test systems at each of the sites and these were sampled regularly to assess the efficiency of the overburden material in reducing the polluting potential of the wastewater. Effluent attenuation in the septic tank treatment systems was shown to be incomplete, resulting in chemical and microbiological contamination of the groundwaters downgradient of the systems. The nature and severity of groundwater contamination was dependent on the composition and thickness of the unsaturated zone and the extent of weathering in the underlying saturated bedrock. The movement of septic tank effluent through soil/overburdens to groundwater sources was investigated by adding a range of chemical and biological tracer materials to the three septic tank systems used in section two of the study. The results demonstrated that a single tracer type cannot be used to accurately monitor the movement of all effluent constituents through soils to groundwater. The combined use of lithium bromide and endospores of Bacillus globigii was found to give an accurate indication of the movement of both the chemical and biological effluent constituents.


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The crustacean fishery is important to the socio economics of rural and island communities around Ireland; with brown crab (Cancer pagurus) and European lobster (.Homarus gammarus) being the most valuable shellfish species. Brown crab and lobster are marketed live with the majority being exported from Ireland to southern Europe. Post capture processes used in Ireland are very subjective but promote fresh, live products. Common practices used in the crustacean fishery include nicking of brown crab and long term storage of lobster. This study showed that nicking resulted in elevated mean lactate levels of 17.90% (StDev ± 1.74) and elevated mean glucose levels of 120.55 % (StDev ± 0.26) with mean circulating bacteria levels 9 times greater in nicked crab. Nicking resulted in 96.3% increase in tissue necrosis and a subsequent reduction in product quality. These factors possibly compromise the host’s defense system, which may ultimately reduce the animal’s ability to cope with additional stressors caused by post-harvest processes. Long term storage allows lobster to be stored until the market is less saturated and prices are higher. This investigation found that some lobsters contracted bacterial biofilms as a result of long term storage. Bacteria isolated from biofilms were identified as Arcobacter and Campylobacterales with identity and alignment scores of 80% andd 88% respectively.


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