984 resultados para Heat waves (Meteorology)


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Alfven waves have been invoked as an important mechanism of particle acceleration in stellar winds of cool stars. After their identification in the solar wind they started to be studied in winds of stars located in different regions of the FIR diagram. We discuss here some characteristics of these waves and we present a direct application in the acceleration of late-type stellar winds. (C) 2009 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The solutions of a renormalized BCS model are studied in two space dimensions for s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials. The gap parameter, the critical temperature T-c, the coherence length xi and the jump in specific heat at T-c as a function of the zero-temperature condensation energy exhibit universal scalings. In the weak-coupling limit, the present model yields a small xi and large T-c, appropriate for high-T-c cuprates. The specific heat, penetration depth and thermal conductivity as functions of temperature show universal scaling for p and d waves.


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The effect of including a van Hove singularity in the density of state of a renormalized BCS equation in s and d waves and its appropriateness in describing some properties of high-Tc cuprates in the weak-coupling region are studied in two space dimensions. The specific heat and knight shift as a function of temperature exhibit scaling below the critical temperature in d wave. We also study the jump in the specific heat at the critical temperature Tc in s and d waves, which can have values significantly higher than the standard BCS values and which increases with Tc, as experimentally observed in many d-wave high-Tc materials. The experimental results on the specific heat and knight shift of the Y-123 system are compared with the theoretical predictions.


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We show that a surface solitary wave governed by the Korteweg-de Vries equation can develop in a fluid acted upon by fluxes of heat and of a second diffusive element. This solitary wave appears as a manifestation of a hydrodynamical instability which sets in only when a certain relation involving the parameters of the system is satisfied.


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The solutions of a renormalized BCS equation are studied in three space dimensions in s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials in the weak to medium coupling region. In the weak-coupling limit, the present BCS model yields a small coherence length ξ and a large critical temperature, T c, appropriate for some high-T c materials. The BCS gap, T c, ξ and specific heat C s(T c) as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy are found to exhibit potential-independent universal scalings. The entropy, specific heat, spin susceptibility and penetration depth as a function of temperature exhibit universal scaling below T c in p and d waves.


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This study uses the global Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Jason-1 altimeters` time series to estimate the 13-yr trend in sea surface height anomaly. These trends are estimated at each grid point by two methods: one fits a straight line to the time series and the other is based on the difference between the average height between the two halves of the time series. In both cases the trend shows large regional variability, mostly where the intense western boundary currents turn. The authors hypothesize that the regional variability of the sea surface height trends leads to changes in the local geostrophic transport. This in turn affects the instability-related processes that generate mesoscale eddies and enhances the Rossby wave signals. This hypothesis is verified by estimates of the trend of the amplitude of the filtered sea surface height anomaly that contains the spectral bands associated with Rossby waves and mesoscale eddies. The authors found predominantly positive tendency in the amplitude of Rossby waves and eddies, which suggests that, on average, these events are becoming more energetic. In some regions, the variation in amplitude over 13 yr is comparable to the standard deviation of the data and is statistically significant according to both methods employed in this study. It is plausible that in this case, the energy is transferred from the mean currents to the waves and eddies through barotropic and baroclinic instability processes that are more pronounced in the western boundary current extension regions. If these heat storage patterns and trends are confirmed on longer time series, then it will be justified to argue that the warming trend of the last century provides the energy that amplifies both Rossby waves and mesoscale eddies.


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Changes in the oceanic heat storage (HS) can reveal important evidences of climate variability related to ocean heat fluxes. Specifically, long-term variations in HS are a powerful indicator of climate change as HS represents the balance between the net surface energy flux and the poleward heat transported by the ocean currents. HS is estimated from sea surface height anomaly measured from the altimeters TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason 1 from 1993 to 2006. To characterize and validate the altimeter-based HS in the Atlantic, we used the data from the Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) array. Correlations and rms differences are used as statistical figures of merit to compare the HS estimates. The correlations range from 0.50 to 0.87 in the buoys located at the equator and at the southern part of the array. In that region the rms differences range between 0.40 and 0.51 x 10(9) Jm(-2). These results are encouraging and indicate that the altimeter has the precision necessary to capture the interannual trends in HS in the Atlantic. Albeit relatively small, salinity changes can also have an effect on the sea surface height anomaly. To account for this effect, NCEP/GODAS reanalysis data are used to estimate the haline contraction. To understand which dynamical processes are involved in the HS variability, the total signal is decomposed into nonpropagating basin-scale and seasonal (HS(l)) planetary waves, mesoscale eddies, and small-scale residual components. In general, HS(l) is the dominant signal in the tropical region. Results show a warming trend of HS(l) in the past 13 years almost all over the Atlantic basin with the most prominent slopes found at high latitudes. Positive interannual trends are found in the halosteric component at high latitudes of the South Atlantic and near the Labrador Sea. This could be an indication that the salinity anomaly increased in the upper layers during this period. The dynamics of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre could also be subject to low-frequency changes caused by a trend in the halosteric component on each side of the South Atlantic Current.


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Planetary waves are key to large-scale dynamical adjustment in the global ocean as they transfer energy from the east to the west side of oceanic basins; they connect the forcing in the ocean interior with the variability at its boundaries: and they change the local heat content, thus coupling oceanic, atmospheric, and biological processes. Planetary waves, mostly of the first baroclinic mode, are observed as distinctive patterns in global time series of sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and heat storage. The goal of this study is to compare and validate large-scale SSHA signals from coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate (MIROC) with TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter observations. The last decade of the models` time series is selected for comparison with the altimeter data. The wave patterns are separated from the meso- and large-scale SSHA signals by digital filters calibrated to select the same spectral bands in both model and altimeter data. The band-wise comparison allows for an assessment of the model skill to simulate the dynamical components of the observed wave field. Comparisons regarding both the seasonal cycle and the Rossby wave Held differ significantly among basins. When carried within the same basin, differences can occur between equal latitudes in opposite hemispheres. Furthermore, at some latitudes the MIROC reproduces biannual, annual and semiannual planetary waves with phase speeds and average amplitudes similar to those observed by the altimeter, but with significant differences in phase. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Der Begriff "Bannerwolke" bezeichnet ein eindrucksvolles Phänomen aus dem Bereich der Gebirgsmeteorologie. Bannerwolken können gelegentlich im Hochgebirge im Bereich steiler Bergspitzen oder langgezogener Bergrücken, wie z.B. dem Matterhorn in den Schweizer Alpen oder dem Zugspitzgrat in den Bayrischen Alpen beobachtet werden. Der Begriff bezeichnet eine Banner- oder Fahnen-ähnliche Wolkenstruktur, welche an der windabgewandten Seite des Berges befestigt zu sein scheint, während die windzugewandte Seite vollkommen wolkenfrei ist. Bannerwolken fanden bislang, trotz ihres relativ häufigen Auftretens in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur kaum Beachtung. Entsprechend wenig ist über ihren Entstehungsmechanismus und insbesondere die relative Bedeutung dynamischer gegenüber thermodynamischer Prozesse bekannt. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wurden bislang 3 unterschiedliche Mechanismen postuliert, um die Entstehung von Bannerwolken zu erklären. Demnach entstehen Bannerwolken durch (a) den Bernoulli-Effekt, insbesondere durch die lokale adiabatische Kühlung hervorgerufen durch eine Druckabnahme entlang quasi-horizontal verlaufender, auf der windzugewandten Seite startender Trajektorien, (b) durch isobare Mischung bodennaher kälterer Luft mit wärmerer Luft aus höheren Schichten, oder (c) durch erzwungene Hebung im aufsteigenden Ast eines Leerotors. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein besseres physikalisches Verständnis für das Phänomen der Bannerwolke zu entwickeln. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf dem dominierenden Entstehungsmechanismus, der relativen Bedeutung dynamischer und thermodynamischer Prozesse, sowie der Frage nach geeigneten meteorologischen Bedingungen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein neues Grobstruktursimulations (LES)-Modell entwickelt, welches geeignet ist turbulente, feuchte Strömungen in komplexem Terrain zu untersuchen. Das Modell baut auf einem bereits existierenden mesoskaligen (RANS) Modell auf. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das neue Modell ausführlich gegen numerische Referenzlösungen und Windkanal-Daten verglichen. Die wesentlichen Ergebnisse werden diskutiert, um die Anwendbarkeit des Modells auf die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Fragestellung zu überprüfen und zu verdeutlichen. Die Strömung über eine idealisierte pyramidenförmige Bergspitze wurde für Froude-Zahlen Fr >> 1 sowohl auf Labor- als auch atmosphärischer Skala mit und ohne Berücksichtigung der Feuchtephysik untersucht. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass Bannerwolken ein primär dynamisches Phänomen darstellen. Sie entstehen im Lee steiler Bergspitzen durch dynamisch erzwungene Hebung. Die Simulationen bestätigen somit die Leerotor-Theorie. Aufgrund des stark asymmetrischen, Hindernis-induzierten Strömungsfeldes können Bannerwolken sogar im Falle horizontal homogener Anfangsbedingungen hinsichtlich Feuchte und Temperatur entstehen. Dies führte zu der neuen Erkenntnis, dass zusätzliche leeseitige Feuchtequellen, unterschiedliche Luftmassen in Luv und Lee, oder Strahlungseffekte keine notwendige Voraussetzung für die Entstehung einer Bannerwolke darstellen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Bannerwolkenbildung steigt mit zunehmender Höhe und Steilheit des pyramidenförmigen Hindernisses und ist in erster Näherung unabhängig von dessen Orientierung zur Anströmung. Simulationen mit und ohne Berücksichtigung der Feuchtephysik machen deutlich, dass thermodynamische Prozesse (insbes. die Umsetzung latenter Wärme) für die Dynamik prototypischer (nicht-konvektiver) Bannerwolken zweitrangig ist. Die Verstärkung des aufsteigenden Astes im Lee und die resultierende Wolkenbildung, hervorgerufen durch die Freisetzung latenter Wärme, sind nahezu vernachlässigbar. Die Feuchtephysik induziert jedoch eine Dipol-ähnliche Struktur im Vertikalprofil der Brunt-Väisälä Frequenz, was zu einem moderaten Anstieg der leeseitigen Turbulenz führt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Gebirgswellen kein entscheidendes Ingredienz darstellen, um die Dynamik von Bannerwolken zu verstehen. Durch eine Verstärkung der Absinkbewegung im Lee, haben Gebirgswellen lediglich die Tendenz die horizontale Ausdehnung von Bannerwolken zu reduzieren. Bezüglich geeigneter meteorologischer Bedingungen zeigen die Simulationen, dass unter horizontal homogenen Anfangsbedingungen die äquivalentpotentielle Temperatur in der Anströmung mit der Höhe abnehmen muss. Es werden 3 notwendige und hinreichende Kriterien, basierend auf dynamischen und thermodynamischen Variablen vorgestellt, welche einen weiteren Einblick in geeignete meteorologische Bedingungen geben.


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A novel compression scheme is proposed, in which hollow targets with specifically curved structures initially filled with uniform matter, are driven by converging shock waves. The self-similar dynamics is analyzed for converging and diverging shock waves. The shock-compressed densities and pressures are much higher than those achieved using spherical shocks due to the geometric accumulation. Dynamic behavior is demonstrated using two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. The linear stability analysis for the spherical geometry reveals a new dispersion relation with cut-off mode numbers as a function of the specific heat ratio, above which eigenmode perturbations are smeared out in the converging phase.


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The one-dimensional self-similar motion of an initially cold, half-space plasma of electron density n,produced by the (anomalous) absorption of a laser pulse of irradiation

heat conduction and ion-electron energy exchange, involves three dimensionless numbers: e = nc/n0 assumed small, Z, (ion charge number), and a parameter a€~4'3, a qualitative discussion of how plasma behavior changes with a, is given.


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Reprint, Michigan engineer, 1904, p. 229-245.