1000 resultados para Haupt, Paul, 1858-1926


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The phylogenetic relationships among members of the family Comamonadaceae and several unclassified strains were studied by direct sequencing of their PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, members of the family formed a coherent group. The closest relatives are species of the Rubrivivax sub-group: Leptothrix discophora, Ideonella dechloratans and Rubrivivax gelatinosus. The genus Hydrogenophaga formed two subclusters, as did the species of Acidovorax, whereas the five species of the genus [Aquaspirillum] were polyphyletic. Comamonas acidovorans was phylogenetically distant from the type species of Comamonas, Comamonas terrigena. On the basis of this work and previous studies, Comamonas acidovorans is removed from the genus Comamonas and renamed as Delftia acidovorans gen. nov., comb, nov. Descriptions of the new genus Delftia and of the type species Delftia acidovorans, for which the type strain is ATCC 15668(T), are presented.


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Benedenia Diesing, 1858, a genus of capsalid (benedeniine) monogeneans, is redefined. The generic diagnosis is amended to include: the path of tendons in the haptor from extrinsic muscles in the body; presence and form of the marginal valve; a penis occupying a penis canal with weakly muscular wall; a weakly muscular accessory gland reservoir proximal to the penis and enclosed by a proximal extension of the wall of the penis canal; male and female genital apertures usually common, rarely separate; vagina with pore usually close to the common genital pore but may open in mid body between the germarium and the common genital pore, or anterior to the common genital pore. A conservative approach is adopted and the generic diagnosis is clarified and broadened to accommodate species that display some variation in reproductive anatomy, especially of the female system. We argue against potential alternative actions such as defining Benedenia strictly to contain species with separate male and female genital apertures and against recognition of a separate genus, Tareenia Hussey, 1986, for species with a vaginal pore anterior to the common genital pore. Under our conception, Benedenia comprises 21 species: B. sciaenae (van Beneden, 1856) Odhner, 1905 (type species); B. acanthopagri (Hussey, 1986) comb. nov.; B. anticavaginata Byrnes, 1986; B. bodiani Yamaguti, 1968; B. elongata (Yamaguti, 1968) Egorova, 1997; B. epinepheli (Yamaguti, 1937) Meserve, 1938; B. hawaiiensis Yamaguti, 1968; B. hendorffi(von Linstow, 1889) Odhner, 1905; B. hoshinai Ogawa, 1984; B. innobilitata Burhnheim Gomes and Varela, 1973: B. jaliscana Bravo-Hollis, 1952; B. lolo Yamaguti, 1968; B. lutjani Whittington and Kearn, 1993: B. monticellii (Parona and Perugia, 1895) Johnston, 1929; B. ovata (Goto, 1894) Johnston. 1929: B. pompatica Burhnheim, Gomes and Varela, 1973; B. rohdei Whittington, Kearn and Beverley-Burton, 1994; B. scari Yamaguti, 1968; B. sekii (Yamaguti, 1937) Meserve, 1938; B, seriolae (Yamaguti, 1934) Meserve, 1938; and B. synagris Yamaguti, 1953. The type species, B. sciaenae, is redescribed based on new material from Australia. No types for this taxon were designated and we have assigned a series of voucher specimens. Tareenia acanthopagri Hussey, 1986 becomes B. acanthopagri (Hussey, 1986) comb. nov. and T. anticavaginata (Byrnes, 1986) Egorova, 1997 and T. lutjani (Whittington and Kearn, 1993) Egorova, 1997 are returned to Benedenia as B. anticavaginata and B. lutjani Benedenia akaisaki Iwata, 1990 is considered a synonym of B. ovata and B. kintoki Iwata, 1990 is considered a synonym of B. elongata. Two species, B, madai Ishii and Sawada, 1938 and B. pagrosomi Ishii and Sawada, 1938, are considered species inquirendae. Based on the redefinition of Benedenia, the diagnosis for the Benedeniinae is amended. Tareenia is synonymized with Benedenia but Menziesia Gibson, 1976 is recognized and its generic diagnosis amended to include: anterior attachment organs tending to form a 'hooded' appearance; prominent anterior gland cells between the pharynx and the anterior margin of the body: long penis, tapering proximally, occupying a penis canal with weakly muscular wall: penis canal and penis describe a sigmoid; accessory gland reservoir dorsal and alongside, or posterior and lateral to, proximal end of the penis and enclosed by a proximal extension of the wall of the penis canal. Under this conception. Menziesia comprises: M. noblei (Menzies. 1946) Gibson, 1976 (type species); M. malaboni (Velasquez. 1982) comb. nov.: M. merinthe (Yamaguti, 1968) Gibson. 1976: M. ovalis (Yamaguti, 1968) Gibson, 1976: and M. sebastodis (Yamaguti, 1934) comb, nov. A key to valid species of Benedenia and Menziesia is provided and a list is presented of published records of undescribed or unattributed species of Benedenia. Some protocols are suggested for preparation of benedeniine material to enhance future taxonomic studies and comparisons. The host-specificity and geographic distribution of species in these revised genera are discussed. The composition of the Capsalidae is discussed and some difficulties in defining and distinguishing between its different subfamilies are considered.


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Background Twin and family studies have shown that genetic effects explain a relatively high amount of the phenotypic variation in blood pressure. However, many studies have not been able to replicate findings of association between specific polymorphisms and diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Methods In a structural equation-modelling framework the authors investigated longitudinal changes in repeated measures of blood pressures in a sample of 298 like-sexed twin pairs from the population-based Swedish Twin Registry. Also examined was the association between blood pressure and polymorphisms in the angiotensin-I converting enzyme and the angiotensin 11 receptor type 1 with the 'Fulker' test Both linkage and association were tested simultaneously revealing whether the polymorphism is a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) or in linkage disequilibrium with the QTL. Results Genetic influences explained up to 46% of the phenotypic variance in diastolic and 63% of the phenotypic variance in systolic blood pressure. Genetic influences were stable over time and contributed up to 78% of the phenotypic correlation in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Non-shared environmental effects were characterised by time specific influences and little transmission from one time point to the next. There was no significant linkage and association between the polymorphisms and blood pressure. Conclusions There is a considerable genetic stability in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure for a 6-year period of time in adult life. Non-shared environmental influences have a small long-term effect Although associations with the polymorphisms could not be replicated, results should be interpreted with caution due to power considerations. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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Orientador: Fernando Pereira Marques


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A leitura da obra de Paul Auster, desde os primeiros poemas e ensaios até à mais recente ficção, revela uma constante reflexão metalinguística e metaficcional sobre o trabalho da escrita. Auster equaciona o problema da escrita enquanto acto, permitindo ao leitor acompanhar e participar desse processo de construção. A narrativa e a linguagem intelectualizam-se, tornam-se conscientes, o que possibilita uma aproximação privilegiada ao ensino da tradução de textos literários através da própria literatura. The Invention of Solitude é como uma arte poética inspirada na experiência efectiva do sujeito, enquanto escritor e tradutor. Podemos considerá-lo um romance-manifesto em duas partes (Portrait of an Invisible Man e The Book of Memory), com especial incidência na exploração analítica da cena da escrita, utilizando a personagem-escritor e suas vivências como cobaia neste processo de auto e heteroconhecimento. A partir da análise aplicada de The Invention of Solitude, este artigo irá remeter também para os ensaios de Ernest Gellner sobre Wittgenstein em Language and Solitude, entre outros escritores que se debruçaram igualmente sobre questões ligadas à tradução literária, como Dryden, Goethe, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Ortega y Gasset e Octávio Paz.


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In the work of Paul Auster (Newark, 1947 - ), we find two main themes: the sense of loss and existential drift and the loneliness of the individual fully committed to the work of writing, as if he had been confined to the book that commands his life. However, this second theme is clearly the dominant one because the character's space of solitude may include its own wandering, because this wandering is also often performed inside the four walls of a room, just like it is narrated inside the space of the page and the book. Both in his poetry, essays and fiction, Auster seems to face the work of writing as an actual physical effort of effective construction, as if the words that are aligned in the poem-text were stones to place in a row when building a wall or some other structure in stone.


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Tese de Doutoramento, História (História Contemporânea), 29 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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A growth trial with Senegalese Sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858) juveniles fed with diets containing increasing replacement levels of fishmeal by mixtures of plant protein sources was conducted over 12 weeks. Total fat contents of muscle, liver, viscera, skin, fins and head tissues were determined, as well as fatty acid profiles of muscle and liver (GC-FID analysis). Liver was the preferential local for fat deposition (5.5–10.8% of fat) followed by fins (3.4–6.7% fat). Increasing levels of plant protein in the diets seems to be related to increased levels of total lipids in the liver. Sole muscle is lean (2.4–4.0% fat), with total lipids being similar among treatments. Liver fatty acid profile varied significantly among treatments. Plant protein diets induced increased levels of C16:1 and C18:2 n -6 and a decrease in ARA and EPA levels. Muscle fatty acid profile also evidenced increasing levels of C18:2 n 6, while ARA and DHA remained similar among treatments. Substitution of fishmeal by plant protein is hence possible without major differences on the lipid content and fatty acid profile of the main edible portion of the fish – the muscle.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro


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Descreve-se a instalação e manutenção inicial de uma colônia de An. darlingi, no município de Araraquara, SP, como parte do programa de pesquisas em malária da Superintendência de Controle de Endemias - SUCEN. Participando-se de experiência semelhante descrita por CORRÊA na década de 70, apresenta as modificações sugeridas por outros autores e pela experiência de seis meses de funcionamento. A perspectiva c dc desenvolvimento de uma colônia com simplificações de técnicas e equipamentos. São dadas informações sobre alimentação de larvas e alados, duração dos estádios larvais, mortalidade e acasalamento.