950 resultados para Harper, Richard H. R.: The myth of paperless office


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The influence of bird droppings on the growth and fragmentation of five lichen species transplanted to slate and cement substrates was studied over a period of 15 months in South Gwynedd, Wales. The results suggested that at 15 months (1) thallus areas of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. were greater on both substrates with the addition of bird droppings with a greater increase on cement; (2) In Parmelia saxatilis (L.)Ach. And Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby)Laund., thallus areas were greatest on slate alone and least on cement with bird droppings; (3) in Physcia orbicularis (Neck.)Poetsch, thallus area was significantly reduced on cement alone compared with slate and cement treated with bird droppings; and (4) in Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr., thallus area was significantly greater on cement with bird droppings compared with slate and cement alone. These responses were attributable to the effect of the substrate and bird droppings on radial growth and the degree of fragmentation of the thalli. The results suggested that nutrient enrichment was more important than the substrate in determining the distribution of P. conspersa and Ph. orbicularis. However, the substrate and bird droppings were important in the remaining species, the data suggesting that P. saxatilis and P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa would prefer nutrient-poor, siliceous rocks and X. parietina calcareous, nutrient enriched rocks in South Gwynedd.


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The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) whether foliose lichen thalli could be transplanted from one substrate to another and (2) whether such transplants could be used to study the influence of the substrate on growth. Hence, six saxicolous lichens, with contrasting distributions on lime-rich and lime-poor substrates in South Gwynedd, Wales, were transplanted onto slate, granite, asbestos and cement. Fragments of the perimeters of thalli were glued to the different substrates using Bostic adhesive. Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. and Parmelia saxatilis (L.)Ach., fragments increased in area over 15 months on slate and granite but decreased in area or did not survive on asbestos and cement. Fragments of Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr. and Physcia tenella (Scop.)DC. em Bitt. did not survive on slate and granite while some fragments survived but grew poorly on asbestos and cement. Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby)Laund. fragments decreased in area on all substrates and especially on cement and asbestos while Physcia orbicularis (Neck.)Poetsch fragments increased in area on granite and cement, decreased on asbestos and did not change significantly on slate. The results suggested that the distribution of P. conspersa and P. saxatilis was determined primarily by physico-chemical properties of the substrate. By contrast, P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa may have responded to the transplant procedure while X. parietina, Ph. tenella and Ph. orbicularis may require nutrient enrichment to grow successfully on a substrate.


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Discrete, microscopic lesions are developed in the brain in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. These lesions may not be randomly distributed in the tissue but exhibit a spatial pattern, i.e., a departure from randomness towards regularlity or clustering. The spatial pattern of a lesion may reflect its development in relation to other brain lesions or to neuroanatomical structures. Hence, a study of spatial pattern may help to elucidate the pathogenesis of a lesion. A number of statistical methods can be used to study the spatial patterns of brain lesions. They range from simple tests of whether the distribution of a lesion departs from random to more complex methods which can detect clustering and the size, distribution and spacing of clusters. This paper reviews the uses and limitations of these methods as applied to neurodegenerative disorders, and in particular to senile plaque formation in Alzheimer's disease.


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The relationship between the daily deposition of soredia of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. and local climatic records was studied in the field during three periods at a site in Seattle, WA, U.S.A: (1) 11 August – 16 September 1986 (Study A); (2) 16 December – 11 January 1987 (Study B) and (3) 8 July 1988 – 30 January 1989 (Study C). The soredia were trapped on adhesive strips placed at various locations on a Prunus blireiana L. tree for 24 hr periods. A correlation matrix of the data from all three studies revealed a negative correlation between soredial deposition and relative humidity; and a positive correlation with rainfall and temperature. A multiple regression and forward stepwise regression analysis selected relative humidity as the most significant climatic variable, i.e. more soredia tended to be deposited when relative humidity was low. Analysis of individual studies by multiple regression revealed: (1) no significant relationships between soredial deposition and climate in Study A; (2) positive relationships with temperature and wind speed in Study B and (3) positive relationships with wind speed and rainfall in the summer/autumn months of Study C; in the winter months no relationships with climate were found because few soredia were deposited. The data suggest that in the field seasonal photoperiod differences combined with moderately high temperatures and high relative humidity may promote soredial formation and accumulation on thalli prior to soredia dispersal. In addition, low relative humidity may promote soredial release while wind and raindrops may be possible agents of dispersal.


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In South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K., the calcicole lichen Xanthoria parietina occurs not only on alkaline substrates at inland sites but also on siliceous rock at coastal martimie sites while the calcifuge species Parmelia saxatilis occurs only at inland sites and on slate rocks. Samples of maritime and inland slate did not differ significantly in their calcium or magnesium content. Thalli of X. parietina on pieces of slate did not survive when transplanted from maritime rocks to a site inland. Thalli of maritime X. parietina and P. saxatilis on slate were then transplanted to a site inland and were treated at intervals during 1 year either with calcium carbonate applied as a thick paste or a 0.25 mM solution of calcium chloride. Treatment of X. parietina with calcium carbonate enabled the thalli to survive and grow. However, addition of calcium carbonate to P. saxatilis resulted in low growth rates and fragmentation of the centres of the thalli. The calcium chloride solution had no statistically significant effects on the growth of either species. In addition, thalli of both species were treated with calcium or magnesium carbonates or wetted with an alkaline buffer at intervals over 12-14 months. Thalli of X. parietina survived and grew rapidly when treated with either carbonate but the growth of the buffer-treated thalli gradually declined over the experimental period. Thalli of P. saxatilis fragmented and disappeared after 8-10 months after treatment with either carbonate but normal growth occurred in the buffer treatment. Xanthoria parietina may occur on siliceous maritime rocks at the site because of the presence of calcium or magnesium in sea spray combined with the spray’s alkaline pH. By contrast, P. saxatilis may be confined to siliceous rocks inland because the thalli grow poorly in the presence of calcium and magnesium.


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Bird droppings were applied over 1 year as a thick paste and as a suspension in deionized water to five species of lichens with different distributions on and off bird perching stones. The paste and suspension increased the radial growth of Parmelia conspersa while the paste increased the growth of Xanthoria parietina and reduced the growth and caused loss of colour in Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa. There were no statistically significant effects of paste or suspension on the growth of Physcia grisea or Parmelia saxatilis. In P. conspersa and X. parietina the growth responses were similar through the year but in P. glabratula the inhibitory effect of the paste was significant after 8 months growth. Application of a suspension of uric acid over 1 year had no statistically significant effects on the growth of P. conspersa, P. glabratula or X. parietina and was unlikely to be responsible for the effects of bird droppings on growth. The growth responses of the five species agreed well with their distributions in the field.


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Thalli of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa on a vertical slate rock surafce in South Gwynedd were signifiacntly larger at the top of the face than at the bottom. The radial growth rates of the thalli measured over 1 year were not correlated with height on the face or with variation in thallus diameter down the face. These results suggest that the lichen thalli may be older at the top than at the bottom are are consistent with the hypothesis that the lichen colonized the top of the face first and then gradually spread downwards.


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Three lichen species were wetted in the field with distilled water, rainwater or water which had run off a rock surafce, during July 1974 to February 1975. The radial growth rate of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa was not influenced by the wetting treatments. The radial growth rate of P. conspersa with the distilled water was greater than the control, rainwater and runoff treatments. The radial growth rate of Physcia orbicularis was lower with rainwater and runoff treatmentss than the control and distilled water treatment. These results may be explained by the effect of wetting on the carbon balance of the lichens and by the influence of water chemistry.


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Thalli of four saxicolous lichens on slate rock fragments were transplanted from rock surafces to horizontal boards and then to south-east-facing and north-west-facing rock surfaces. The radial growth rate of Physcia orbicularis and Parmelia conspersa thalli declined after transplatation to north-west-facing rock surfaces and was unchanged after transplantation to south-east-facing rock surfaces cmpared with growth rates on the boards. The radial growth rate of P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa thalli declined after transplantation to south-east-facing rock surfaces and was unchanged after transplantation to north-west-facing rock surfaces compared with grwoth rate on the boards. The radial growth rate of P. saxatilis thalli was similar on the horizontal boards, south-east-facing and north-west-facing rock surfaces. These results are dsicussed in relation to the aspect distribution of the four lichens in South Gwynedd, Wales.


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Three lichen species were wetted with distilled water at different frequencies during August 1973 to July 1974. The radial growth rates of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa and Physcia orbicularis thalli declined with increased wetting while the radial growth rate of Parmelia conspersa thalli increased with wetting frequency until ten experimental wettings per month but at fifteen wettings per month fell to a value near to the control. In the summer months, wetting resulted in a decline in the radial growth of P. glabratula ssp fuliginosa compared with the control but had little influence on the growth of P. conspersa and Physcia orbicularis. In the winter months, wetting had no significant influence on the radial growth of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa, while the radial growth of P. conspersa increased and Physcia orbicularis declined compared with controls. These results are interpreted physiologically and in relation to the aspect distribution of the three lichens on rock surfaces.


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The radial growth of samples of thalli of Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa were measured in situ on a south-facing and a northwest-facing rock surface each month from August 1973 to July 1974. In the periods August to October 1973 and March to July 1974 the radial growth of thalli in the northwest population was greater than in the south population. In the period November 1973 to February 1974 the radial growth of thalli in the south population was greater than in the northwest population. A physiological basis for the differences in seasonal growth in the two populations was suggested. The mean annual radial growth rate (in units of mm/year) was not significantly different in the two populations. However, the variability in radial growth rate between thalli was signifiacntly larger in the northwest than in the south population. These results may be explained by genetic difference between the populations and environmental differences between the rock surfaces.


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One of the objectives of the molecular biological study of glaucoma is to establish how the disease develops as a result of the production of aberrant gene products. Many of the genes associated with glaucoma code for proteins which are likely to be directly or indirectly involved in the development and/or function of cells within the trabecular meshwork. The identification of specific defects in these genes is likely to lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in PCG and glaucoma in general and to the development of alternative therapies to surgery. The CYP1B1 gene in particular, which is a linked to congenital glaucoma, and is expressed in the trabecular meshwork, codes for a member of the cytochrome P450 group of proteins. These iron binding proteins constitute a family of enzymes involved in the processes of xenobiotic metabolism, growth, and development. The discovery of the CYP1B1 gene in PCG emphases the importance of abnormalities in the molecular structure of proteins expressed in cells of the trabecular network as a cause of PCG. The identification of specific genetic defects leads to the possibility of more widespread screening for PCG especially in affected families and hence, the possibility of the identification of asymptomatic carriers of the disease. Early identification of 'at risk' parents may then enable earlier detection of PCG and intervention in the infant.


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We have investigated the effect of ageing on the visual system using the relatively new technique of magentoencephalography (MEG). This technique measures the magnetic signals produced by the visual system using a SQUID magnetometer. The magnetic visual evoked field (VEF) was measured over the occipital cortex to pattern and flash stimuli in 86 normal subjects aged 15 - 86 years. Factors that influenced subject defocussing or defixating the stimulus or selective attention were controlled as far as possible. The latency of the major positive component to the pattern reversal stimulus (P100M) increased with age particularly after the age of 55 years while the amplitude of the P100M decreased over the life span. The latency of the major flash component (P2M) increased much more slowly with age, while its amplitude decreased in only a proportion of elderly subjects. Changes in the P100M with age may reflect senile changes in the eye and optic nerve, e.g. senile miosis or degenerative changes in the retina. The P2M may be more susceptible to senile changes in the retina. The data suggest that the spatial frequency channels deteriorate more rapidly with age than the luminance channels and that MEG may be an effective method of studying ageing in the visual system.


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The irnidazotetrazinones are a novel group of anti tumour agents which have demonstrated good activity against a range of murine tumours and human xenografts. They possess a structure activity relationship similar to the anti tumour triazenes, with the chloroethyl (mitozolomide) and methyl (temozolomide) analogues being active antitumour agents, whilst the ethyl (CCRG 82019) and higher homologues are inactive. This thesiS attempts to elucidate the biological mechanisms responsible for the strict structure-activity relationship observed amongst the imidazotetrazinones. Mitozolomide is the only agent chemically capable of cross-linking DNA , which has been suggested to be responsible fo r the cytotoxicity of this group of agents. Only mitozolomide and ternozolornide Exhibit a marked ditferential toxicity towards the 0 -alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase deficient GM892A (Mer-) cell line rather than the proficient Raji cell line (Mer+). The rate of uptake of imidazotetrazinones into cells is similar for all three agents in both cell lines, and does not explain the differing sensitivities to these agents. The effect of drug treatment on the incorporation of precursors into macromolecules, and their pool sizes, was examined. Temozolomide administration was found to alter de novo protein synthesis in both GM892A and Raji cells. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that temozolomide and CCRG 82019 block cells in late S/G2/M phase of the cell cycle , similar to that observed with mitozolomide. The extent of reaction of all three drugs with isolated macromolecules and cellular macromolecules was determined, and differences found, with cellular repair processes influencing the number of alkyl lesions remaining bound to macromolecules. The specific bases formed in calf thymus DNA after treatment with either temozolornide and CCRG 82019 was measured, and it was found that the types and relative amounts of lesions formed, differed, as well as the total level of alkylation. Whereas DNA extracted from imidazotetrazinone treated cells is not affected in its ability to support RNA polymerase activity, an effect is observed on the ability to extract DNA polymerase from drug treated cells. This may suggest that the alkylated DNA must be in intact chromatin for the lesion to manifest its effects. Temozolomide and methyl methanesulphonate do got appear to act with a synergistic mode of action. The 0 -position of guanine is suspected to be a critical site for the action of these types of drugs.