596 resultados para Harlan, Veit: Muuttolintu
Surface treatment of polymers by discharge plasmas has increasingly found industrial applications due to its capability of modifying uniformly the surface without changing the material bulk properties. This work deals with surface modification of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure. The treatments were conducted in air, nitrogen or argon plasma. The polymer surface was characterized by contact angle measurement, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results show that the plasma treatment introduces oxygen-and nitrogen-related polar groups on the polymer surface and promotes the surface roughening. Both plasma-induced surface modifications contribute to the enhancement of the polymer wettability.
Good afternoon, and thank you for inviting me to be here with you today. One of the things I'm enjoying most in my new position as University of Nebraska Vice President of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources is meeting the people who live in this state, in urban and rural areas, from Scottsbluff to Omaha, from Lincoln to Curtis, and at any number of towns - north, south, east, west - in between.
Thank you for inviting me to be here with you today. I've now completed four months as University of Nebraska Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and I welcome every opportunity that comes my way to meet and talk with Nebraska's residents. I'm particularly happy to be here with you; I appreciate your interest in agriculture, and Ed Woeppel tells me that many members of this group are very supportive of the Institute, and worked hard to create IANR in the '70s.
I’m delighted to be here with you, and look forward to visiting with as many of you as possible both today and in the future. I’ve just completed one year in my job as University of Nebraska Vice President of agriculture and natural resources and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and it has been a learning year for me. As I start this second year, I look forward to learning even more about Nebraska and its citizens, and one of the ways to best do this is to hear what you are thinking. I want to know what you consider Nebraska’s greatest needs, now and in the future. I want to know how you think the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources can help meet those needs. I seek ways all of us working together, can find efficient and effective solutions to Nebraska’s concerns, and I want to know your interests in our work – what you think we do well, what you think we could do better, what you think the needs of the future will be.
Good afternoon Senator Wehrbein and members of the Appropriations Committee. I am John Owens, and I am University of Nebraska Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. I am here to speak with you about the impact of further budget cuts to the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture - NCTA - at Curtis, Nebraska.
It is such a pleasure to honor innovation and accomplishment in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources today through this 2007 Omtvedt Innovation Award. This award is made possible because of the generosity of Leone and the late Neal Harlan, great friends of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Harlans had the vision and the foresight to realize the importance of recognizing and supporting outstanding and innovative work in the Institute. They honored Irv Omtvedt on his retirement as Vice Chancellor of the Institute with a generous gift of funds to support the Omtvedt Innovation Awards. These awards recognize areas of strength and promise within the Institute, as well as innovative research and programming by our faculty, staff, and students.
It is such a pleasure to be here at the Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory Open House. Not only are we celebrating the 25th anniversary of the contributions and successes of this expansive research and extension laboratory, we are also honoring one of our own faculty members today with this Omtvedt Innovation Award. This award is made possible because of the generosity of Leone and the late Neal Harlan, great friends of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
It is such a pleasure to honor innovation and strength in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources today through this 2006 Omtvedt Innovation Award. This award is made possible because of the generosity of Leone and the late Neal Harlan, great friends of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Harlans had the vision and the foresight to realize the importance of recognizing and supporting outstanding and innovative work in the Institute, and honored Irv Omtvedt on his retirement as Vice Chancellor of the Institute with a generous gift of funds to support the Omtvedt Innovation Awards. These awards recognize areas of strength and promise within the Institute, as well as innovative research and programming by our faculty, staff, and students.
Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to this 11th annual Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Forum and Trade Show. I'm John Owens, University of Nebraska Vice President and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. I'm delighted to be with you on this second day of a very fine and informative conference.
It is my very great pleasure to welcome each of you to this 16th Annual Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference here in Lincoln. I'm John Owens, University of Nebraska Vice President and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and I am so glad to be here with you this morning. As an entomologist, this conference certainly is one for which I have great affinity and much interest.
To compare the efficacy of pars plana vitrectomy (ppV) with intravitreal injection of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and gas versus ppV with subretinal injection of rtPA and intravitreal injection of gas.
Conventional time-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become an important tool for following dry or exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Fourier-domain three-dimensional (3D) OCT was recently introduced. This study tested the reproducibility of 3D-OCT retinal thickness measurements in patients with dry and exudative AMD.
The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency and severity of ocular involvement in paediatric patients with haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS).
The decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease in premenopausal women has been attributed, at least partially, to protective effects of estrogens. However, premenopausal women with diabetes mellitus are no longer selectively protected. High-glucose (HG) conditions have previously been shown to abolish the antimitogenic effects of 17β-estradiol (E(2)) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).