219 resultados para Haavio, Katarina


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Combined dynamic and static light scattering (DLS, SLS) and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) were used to investigate extruded cationic vesicles of dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride and bromide (DODAX, X being Cl- or Br-). In salt-free dispersions the mean hydrodynamic diameter, D-h, and the weight average molecular weight, M-w, are larger for DODAB than for DODAC vesicles, and both D-h and M-w increase with the diameter (phi) of the extrusion filter. NaCl (NaBr) decreases (increases) the DODAB (DODAC) vesicle size, reflecting the general trend of DODAB to assemble as larger vesicles than DODAC. The polydispersity index is lower than 0.25, indicating the dispersions are rather polydisperse. Cryo-TEM micrographs show that the smaller vesicles are spherical while the larger ones are oblong or faceted, and the vesicle samples are fairly polydisperse in size and morphology. They also indicate that the vesicle size increases with phi and DODAB assembles as larger vesicles than DODAC. Lens-shaped vesicles were observed in the extruded preparations. Both light scattering and cryo-TEM indicate that the vesicle size is larger or smaller than phi when phi is smaller or larger than the optimal phi* approximate to 200 nm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neospora caninum, bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and bovine herpes virus 1 (BHV-1) are worldwide spread pathogens associated with reproductive problems in cattle. The present work aimed to observe the infection pattern of these three pathogens in two dairy herds with distinct reproductive managements from Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The herds were not vaccinated against either N. caninum, BVDV or BHV-1. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for presence of specific antibodies, and N. caninum IgG avidity was measured in N. caninum positive samples. In herd 1, 34 out of 174 sampled cows (20%) had antibodies to N. caninum and the seropositivity of BVDV and BHV-1 were 62% and 86%, respectively. Of 69 sampled cows in herd 2. 7 (10%) had antibodies to N. caninum, and 49% and 39% were seropositive to BVDV and BHV-1, respectively. The IgG avidity profiles indicated that N. caninum had been present in both herds for some years and that herd 1 had an ongoing horizontal spread of the parasite. The results indicate that the studied reproductive pathogens were present in the herds and partly may have contributed to their reproductive problems.


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Incluye bibliografía


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É possível que organismos apresentem uma capacidade relacional básica. Sendo assim, relações de equivalência seriam geradas por contingências de reforçamento. Resultados inconsistentes obtidos em testes de formação de classes de equivalência seriam devido ao desenvolvimento de procedimentos experimentais insuficientes no sentido de gerar o desempenho planejado. Tomando como base a hipótese de que não apenas os estímulos antecedentes, mas também as respostas e estímulos reforçadores, se específicos para cada classe, tornam-se membros das mesmas, o presente trabalho avaliou o desempenho de um macaco-prego (Cebus apella), com história pré-experimental de discriminações condicionais de identidade e arbitrárias e uso de comparações vazias (máscaras), em testes de simetria BA após treino de discriminações condicionais com reforçamento específico, pelotas de alimento de sabor diferente para cada discriminação. Durante o treino foi usado o procedimento de máscara para garantir relações de controle coerentes com as planejadas. Após o treino, foi realizado o teste de simetria com reforçamento específico, cujos resultados foram inconsistentes com a formação de classes. É possível que o sujeito necessitasse de mais sessões de treino com reforçadores específicos e/ou que as similaridades entre os estímulos reforçadores de cada classe tenha gerado uma generalização entre eles, o que os tornaria não reforçadores específicos, mas sim, reforçadores comuns.


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Review paper and Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting of the Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics Society (HNODS) on March 14th 2009 at University College London.


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The complete surgical removal of disease is a desirable outcome particularly in oncology. Unfortunately much disease is microscopic and difficult to detect causing a liability to recurrence and worsened overall prognosis with attendant costs in terms of morbidity and mortality. It is hoped that by advances in optical diagnostic technology we could better define our surgical margin and so increase the rate of truly negative margins on the one hand and on the other hand to take out only the necessary amount of tissue and leave more unaffected non-diseased areas so preserving function of vital structures. The task has not been easy but progress is being made as exemplified by the presentations at the 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics Society (HNODS) in San Francisco in January 2010. We review the salient advances in the field and propose further directions of investigation.


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While histopathology of excised tissue remains the gold standard for diagnosis, several new, non-invasive diagnostic techniques are being developed. They rely on physical and biochemical changes that precede and mirror malignant change within tissue. The basic principle involves simple optical techniques of tissue interrogation. Their accuracy, expressed as sensitivity and specificity, are reported in a number of studies suggests that they have a potential for cost effective, real-time, in situ diagnosis.


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Medling vid brott är relativt nytt i Sverige. Internationell forskning inom området har bedrivits i ca 20 år men svensk forskning inom området är begränsad. Från och med januari 2008 blir alla Sveriges kommuner skyldiga att erbjuda medling vid brott i fall då gärningspersonen är under 21 år. Medling vid brott har sitt ursprung i filosofin om reparativ rättvisa, men har som fenomen främst utvecklats utan direkt teoretisk förankring. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att skildra tre gärningspersoners erfarenheter av medling vid brott, samt att beskriva de filosofier och teorier som stödjer medling vid brott och presentera de lagar som reglerar metoden. En enkät formulerades för att ta reda på om ungdomar mellan 13-18 år kände till medling vid brott. För att få reda på gärningspersonernas erfarenheter av medling vid brott användes semi-strukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, med frågeställningar om varför intervjupersonerna ställde upp, hur medlingsmötet upplevdes och hur de kände innan samt efter medlingen. För att hitta lämpliga intervjupersoner kontaktades medlingsverksamheter runt om i Sverige vilket resulterade i sammanlagt tre intervjuer. Analysen av intervjuerna gjordes utifrån tidigare forskning inom området samt utifrån teorierna om reintegrative shaming och empowerment. Vårt val av teorin om reintegrative shaming grundades utifrån att vi under studiens gång uppmärksammade att denna teori hade hög relevans för ämnet. Valet av teorin om empowerment gjordes efter att vi läst in oss på teorin om restorative justice, då vi fann att delar i denna filosofi kunde sammankopplas med tankegångar inom teorin om empowerment. Resultatet av enkätundersökningen visade att av 169 tillfrågade hade 46 st hört talas om medling tidigare. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att alla tre intervjupersonerna fått en annan syn på brottsoffret och brottet efter deltagandet i medlingen och upplevde medlingsmötet som positivt.


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Ungdomars aggression kan få negativa konsekvenser både för dem själva och för omgivningen genom olika former av destruktivt och störande beteende. Det behöver inte vara våld och hot utan även mobbing, snatteri och skolk. Hur ska vi inom socialt arbete på bästa sätt bemöta utagerande, aggressiva ungdomar? Aggression Replacement Training (ART) är en evidensbaserad metod inspirerad av Kognitiv Beteendeterapi (KBT), vilken används i arbete med ungdomar som påvisar ett utagerande beteende. ART består av tre komponenter; interpersonell färdighetsträning, ilskekontrollträning och moralisk färdighetsträning. Sammantaget innefattar dessa tanke, känsla och handling vilket är kärnan inom KBT. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ungdomar som genomgått ART har upplevt metoden samt att få ett vidare perspektiv på upplevelser av ART- programmet genom intervjuer med ungdomarnas ART- instruktörer. Tillvägagångssättet bestod av en genomgång av tidigare forskning samt relevanta teorier gällande ART. Vidare tillämpades halvstrukturerade intervjuer vilka analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys och meningstolkning. Resultatet visade på positiva upplevelser hos både ungdomar och deras ART- instruktörer. Praktiska övningar såsom hemuppgifter och rollspel var något som visade sig vara bra. ART- instruktörerna upplevde metoden som enkel och lättförståelig. Ungdomarna hade förändrats i sitt sätt att hantera ilska, bland annat genom att de tagit till sig lämpliga tekniker i samband med ilskekontrollträningen samt lärt sig nya sociala färdigheter genom den interpersonella färdighetsträningen. De tycktes även ha utvecklat ett mer moget och moraliskt tankesätt. Programmet verkade ha inneburit en vändpunkt för intervjupersonerna i och med att det hade skett en märkbar förändring i deras beteende efter att ha genomgått ART. Nyckelbegreppen visade sig vara lugn och kommunikation.


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Insects are useful models for the study of innate immune reactions and development. The distinction between recognition mechanisms preceding the breakdown of apoptotic cells during metamorphosis, and the breakdown of cells in response to infections, is unclear. Hemolin, a Lepidopteran member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is a candidate molecule in self/nonself recognition. This thesis investigates hemolin function and hemolin gene regulation at a molecular level. We investigated the binding and cell adhesion properties of hemolin from H. cecropia and demonstrated that the proteins could homodimerize in presence of calcium. Moreover, a higher molecular weight membrane form of hemolin was present on hemocytes. These results, taken together with an earlier finding that soluble hemolin inhibits hemocyte adhesion, indicated that the secreted hemolin could modulate hemocyte aggregation in a competitive manner in the blood. In addition, hemolin was expressed in different tissues and at different developmental stages. Since hemolin is expressed both during development and during the immune response, its different regulatory factors must act in concert. We found that the third intron contains an enhancer, through which Dif, C/EBP and HMGI synergistically activate a reporter construct in vitro. We concluded that the enhancer is used during infection, since the κB-site is crucial for an immune response. Interestingly, we also found that the active form of the steroid hormone, ecdysone, induces the hemolin gene transcription in vivo, and in addition, acts synergistically during bacterial infection. Preliminary in vivo results indicate a secondary effect of ecdysone and the importance of hormone receptor elements in the upstream promoter region of hemolin. To explore the use of Drosophila as a genetic tool for understanding hemolin function and regulation, we sought to isolate the functional homologue in this species. A fly cDNA library in yeast was screened using H. cecropia hemolin as bait. The screen was not successful. However, it did lead to the discovery of a Drosophila protein with true binding specificity for hemolin. Subsequent characterization revealed a new, highly conserved gene, which we named yippee. Yippee is distantly related to zinc finger proteins and represents a novel family of proteins present in numerous eukaryotes, including fungi, plants and humans. Notably, when the Drosophila genome sequence was revealed, no hemolin orthologue could be detected. Finally, an extensive Drosophila genome chip analysis was initiated. The goal was to investigate the Drosophila immune response, and, in contrast to earlier studies of artificially injected flies, to examine a set of natural microbes, orally and externally applied. In parallel experiments viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites were compared to unchallenged controls. We obtained a unique set of genes that were up-regulated in the response to the parasite Octosporea muscadomesticae and to the fungus Beauveria bassiana. We expect both down-regulated and up-regulated genes to serve as a source for the discovery of new effector molecules, in particular those that are active against parasites and fungi.


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Antisocial and violent behaviour have been associated with both structural and functional brain abnormalities in the frontal and the temporal lobes. The aim of the present study was to assess cortical thickness in offenders undergoing forensic psychiatric assessments, one group with psychopathy (PSY, n=7) and one group with autism spectrum disorder (ASD, n=7) compared to each other as well as to a reference group consisting of healthy non-criminal subjects (RG, n=12). A second aim was to assess correlation between scores on a psychopathy checklist (PCL-SV) and cortical thickness. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and surface-based cortical segmentation were used to calculate cortical thickness. Analyses used both regions of interest and statistical maps. When the two groups of offenders were compared, there were no differences in cortical thickness, but the PSY group had thinner cortex in the temporal lobes and in the whole right hemisphere compared to RG. There were no differences in cortical thickness between the ASD group and RG. Across subjects there was a negative correlation between PCL-SV scores and cortical thickness in the temporal lobes and the whole right hemisphere. The findings indicate that thinner cortex in the temporal lobes is present in psychopathic offenders and that these regions are important for the expression of psychopathy. However, whether thinner temporal cortex is a cause or a consequence of the antisocial behaviour is still unknown.


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Background Drugs of plant origin such as Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis or Hypericum perforatum have been frequently used to promote wound healing. While their effect on wound healing using preparations at pharmacological concentrations was supported by several in vitro and clinical studies, investigations of herbal homeopathic remedies on wound healing process are rare. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a commercial low potency homeopathic remedy Similasan® Arnica plus Spray on wound closure in a controlled, blind trial in vitro. Methods We investigated the effect of an ethanolic preparation composed of equal parts of Arnica montana 4x, Calendula officinalis 4x, Hypericum perforatum 4x and Symphytum officinale 6x (0712–2), its succussed hydroalcoholic solvent (0712–1) and unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) on NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Cell viability was determined by WST-1 assay, cell growth using BrdU uptake, cell migration by chemotaxis assay and wound closure by CytoSelect ™Wound Healing Assay Kit which generated a defined “wound field”. All assays were performed in three independent controlled experiments. Results None of the three substances affected cell viability and none showed a stimulating effect on cell proliferation. Preparation (0712–2) exerted a stimulating effect on fibroblast migration (31.9%) vs 14.7% with succussed solvent (0712–1) at 1:100 dilutions (p < 0.001). Unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) had no influence on cell migration (6.3%; p > 0.05). Preparation (0712–2) at a dilution of 1:100 promoted in vitro wound closure by 59.5% and differed significantly (p < 0.001) from succussed solvent (0712–1), which caused 22.1% wound closure. Conclusion Results of this study showed that the low potency homeopathic remedy (0712–2) exerted in vitro wound closure potential in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This effect resulted from stimulation of fibroblasts motility rather than of their mitosis.