972 resultados para HOLDERLIN, FEDERICO
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The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze the works of Federico García Lorca within the mystic context that dominates their very genesis. The problematic definition of mysticism was explored lest it be confused with traditional mysticism, which implies union with the divine. The historiography of literature speaks of the Mystic Genre, yet it does not address the mystic mode of artistic creation due to its inability to adhere to rational measure. This mode of conception was explored through Lorca's poetic discourse: ‘Lorquian mysticism’ is the result of the poet's cultivation of an innate spiritual potential enhanced by external influences and technical mastery. ^ There is visible influence of Fray Luis of León in Lorca's early Libro de poemas and El maleficio de la mariposa, as well as of Saint John of the Cross in the later Diván del Tamarit, Sonetos de amor and Yerma. However, definitive echoes of poets from the Sufi and other Eastern mystic traditions were also illustrated in these late works. A persistent longing to elide the physical condition, the greatest obstacle of the transcendental quest, is the essence of Lorca's poetic voice. ^ The object of this analysis was Lorca's language, which reaches levels removed from conventional thought. His dazzling metaphors and his particular use of symbols and of paradox compare equitably with those of great mystic poets. Like them, Lorca was faced with the same limitations of language to describe an ineffable experience; he embraced what Octavio Paz describes as ‘sacred language’: there is a linguistic frugality as well as an ambiguity in Lorca's poetic art that result from his realization of supercognitive states. Yet such an interpretation is rejected by the rationalist approach, invoking the age-old debate between faith and reason and signaling the application of psychoanalytical theory. This limited approach was disputed on the basis of reader-response theory. Lorca was truly an eclectic and a modification of the conventional reader's preestablished horizon of expectations is essential in order to seal the gaps in his late works. This innovative perspective placed Lorca within the framework of a new mysticism in the modern world. ^
The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that sexual repression is a recurring theme throughout a selection of works by Federico García Lorca. The introductory chapter focuses on the sexual theories of Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault in setting the foundation for an analysis of sexually frustrated characters. In chapter two, an analysis of Lorca's rural trilogy reveals how marginalized female characters struggle to preserve societal customs that subjugate them to the patriarchal hegemony by limiting their free will and their sexual freedom. The subsequent chapter elaborates on the theme of repression in poems where the oppressed voice expresses and denounces the intolerance and persecution of those who condemn homosexuality through metaphors of darkness, impurity, and barren love. Chapter four analyzes two avant-garde plays where the underlying message is that of a society that hampers the expression of homosexual love by silencing desire and forcing individuals to mask their identities. The conclusion demonstrates once more the effects of society on sexual freedom, as well as explaining that the recurrence of repressed women is not a pretext in portraying the homosexual saga, but a pre-text in presenting them as an equally marginalized group.
Contrary Voices examines composer Hanns Eisler’s settings of nineteenth-century poetry under changing political pressures from 1925 to 1962. The poets’ ideologically fraught reception histories, both under Nazism and in East Germany, led Eisler to intervene in this reception and voice dissent by radically fragmenting the texts. His musical settings both absorb and disturb the charisma of nineteenth-century sound materials, through formal parody, dissonance, and interruption. Eisler’s montage-like work foregrounds the difficult position of a modernist artist speaking both to and against political demands placed on art. Often the very charisma the composer seeks to expose for its power to sway the body politic exerts a force of its own. At the same time, his text-settings resist ideological rigidity in their polyphonic play. A dialogic approach to musical adaptation shows that, as Eisler seeks to resignify Heine’s problematic status in the Weimar Republic, Hölderlin’s appropriation under Nazism, and Goethe’s status as a nationalist symbol in the nascent German Democratic Republic, his music invests these poetic voices with surprising fragility and multivalence. It also destabilizes received gender tropes, in the masculine vulnerability of Eisler’s Heine choruses from 1925 and in the androgynous voices of his 1940s Hölderlin exile songs and later Goethe settings. Cross-reading the texts after hearing such musical treatment illuminates faultlines and complexities less obvious in text-only analysis. Ultimately Eisler’s music translates canonical material into a form as paradoxically faithful as it is violently fragmented.
La casa de Bernarda Alba, obra de teatro de Federico García Lorca, fue llevada al cine por Mario Camus en 1987, en un momento en que la Ley Miró favorece un cine literario que huye del entretenimiento fácil. En este artículo tratamos de hacer un análisis de las diferencias y similitudes entre la película y la obra de teatro, además de mostrar el momento que vive el cine español en los años 80 del siglo XX.
Este trabajo estudia el heterónimo Federico Sánchez desde la doble perspectiva de la identidad narrativa y su construcción autobiográfica. En este sentido se aborda una dimensión biográfico-histórica, asimilable al nombre de guerra de Jorge Semprún en la clandestinidad; una segunda, como autor, expresada a través del seudónimo con el que firmó una parte de su obra; y en tercer lugar, una dimensión literaria asociada a la creación de un personaje a partir de distintos pactos de lectura. El estudio se centra en la presencia del heterónimo en dos segmentos bien delimitados de su corpus. Por un lado en buena parte de la escritura de Jorge Semprún anterior a Le grand voyage (1963), donde se incluyen tanto su escritura con seudónimo como dos obras de teatro poco conocidas, la inédita Soledad (1947) y la clandestina ¡Libertad para los 34 de Barcelona! (1953), relacionadas de distinto modo con el espacio autobiográfico de Federico Sánchez. Por otro lado se estudia la presencia del heterónimo en las obras que reconstruyen autobiográficamente a Federico Sánchez, principalmente Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez (1977), las dos que junto a ésta hemos agrupado bajo la denominación “ciclo de Federico Sánchez”: Federico Sánchez se despide de ustedes (1993) y Veinte años y un día (2003), y otros ejemplos extraídos de la obra de Jorge Semprún. El estudio de la identidad narrativa parte de un panorama crítico del segmento de la obra temprana del escritor relacionada con el heterónimo. A continuación se aborda un estudio sistemático de la identidad narrativa de Federico Sánchez en estas obras a partir de la hipótesis de que ésta se construye a partir de un dialogo con la identidad narrativa colectiva del movimiento comunista, y muy particularmente el español. En este contexto se atiende también a la función que Jorge Semprún ocupa en el colectivo como portavoz autorizado del relato en tres etapas: la presentación de su candidatura a tal función representada por Soledad (1947); la hipercorrección de esta última obra, rectificando errores tras su presentación a las instancias culturales y políticas del PCE en ¡Libertad para los 34 de Barcelona! (1953); y por último su consolidación como intelectual orgánico que coincide con la adopción del seudónimo y la consiguiente diversificación y especialización de su discurso, representado por sus artículos. Paralelamente al estudio de la identidad narrativa individual de Federico Sánchez se investiga su lectura y reescritura de la identidad narrativa colectiva del movimiento comunista, donde priman los elementos nacionales sobre los universales. La última parte del trabajo aborda el proyecto autobiográfico sempruniano articulado a partir de la figura de Federico Sánchez. El corpus elegido se corresponde ahora con el ciclo de Federico Sánchez, y en particular sus memorias políticas Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez (1977). El estudio se organiza a partir de una primera aproximación literaria, donde se analizan los diferentes pactos de lectura, en particular la función del heterónimo, entre otros aspectos como la recuperación de estrategias narrativas de su obra temprana, desde la vida en condicional a la puesta en cuestión del relato del otro, pasando por la parodia personal. No obstante el interés principal de esta parte del trabajo se concentra sobre las particularidades del espacio autobiográfico sugerido por Jorge Semprún en esta obra y la indefinición del eje retrospectivo de su escritura autobiográfica. Este trabajo demuestra cómo Semprún, a la hora de reconstruir la identidad narrativa individual de Federico Sánchez, subraya los rasgos universales de la identidad idem de la vie bonne del comunista. Por otro lado, la puesta en primer plano de esta proyección identitaria sirve para relativizar u obviar su papel como dirigente de primer orden en el seno del PCE, su labor como intelectual orgánico y algunos episodios de su biografía política. Al mismo tiempo, en esta reescritura identitaria tejida en torno al heterónimo, se desarrollan, rehabilitan o aparecen otros modelos identitarios diferentes al comunista. A partir de éstos Semprún, y Federico Sánchez en particular, se configuran narrativamente en diferentes grados: desde el paradigma del intelectual dreyfusard, hasta la progresiva e irónica reivindicación de su origen burgués y aristocrático, pasando por la críptica pero recurrente alusión a su origen judío. La identidad narrativa colectiva del movimiento comunista representada en su proyecto autobiográfico recorre aquí una serie de transformaciones al producirse un solapamiento de distintos niveles de análisis y una indefinición del eje retrospectivo que se ponen al servicio del objetivo retórico de una crítica general del PCE y en general de la tradición kominterniana. En conclusión, la reconstrucción de Federico Sánchez de Jorge Semprún a partir de su escritura autobiográfica y novelesca no coincide con la literatura asociada a este heterónimo como autor, abriéndose así un nuevo campo de investigación de contraste documental que compromete la veracidad de su proyecto autobiográfico.
The main objective of this investigation is the retrieval of the study of possible Surrealism in Federico García Lorcás poetic work, a poet who enjoyed in his time prestige and international fame for decades, and still does. Numerous articles in magazines and newspapers of his time speak of his writings, literary activities and stand as a testimony of how well-regarded he was during his lifetime and even after his tragic murder death at the hands of fascists right after the outbreak of the Spanish civil war back in July 1936. Nevertheless, and for diverse reasons, literary ,social, as well as the extent of the studies, researches and abundant biographies about him, the study of Surrealism in all his works, such as in his playwrights for instance, has not been sufficiently expanded, and has been overlooked by the extensive bibliographies written about him. We have limited the investigation to his poetic works only. The extensive bibliographies written about him, is a fact that hindered and held back our efforts, as we had to resort to resources from different libraries, such as the Faculty of Philology of the UCM General Library, the Faculty of Information Science, the Student Residence, as well as the National Library. In addition to the analysis and commentary of his works, not to mention that current publications on him, various literary magazines and articles from the poet’s time have been consulted as well...