699 resultados para HIV (Disease) -- Social aspects -- Thailand


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Body image refers to an individual's internal representation ofhis/her outer self (Cash, 1994; Thompson, Heinberg, Altabe, & Tantleff-Dunn, 1999). It is a multidimensional construct which includes an individual's attitudes towards hislher own physical characteristics (Bane & McAuley, 1998; Cash, 1994; Cash, 2004; Davison & McCabe, 2005; Muth & Cash, 1997; Sabiston, Crocker, & Munroe-Chandler, 2005). Social comparison is the process of thinking about the self in relation to others in order to determine if one's opinions and abilities are adequate and to assess one's social status (Festinger, 1954; Wood, 1996). Research investigating the role of social comparisons on body image has provided some information on the types and nature of the comparisons that are made. The act of making social comparisons may have a negative impact on body image (van den Berg et ai., 2007). Although exercise may improve body image, the impact of social comparisons in exercise settings may be less positive, and there may be differences in the social comparison tendencies between non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. The present study examined the nature of social comparisons that female collegeaged non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers made with respect to their bodies, and the relationship of these social comparisons to body image attitudes. Specifically, the frequency and direction of comparisons on specific tal-gets and body dimensions were examined in both non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Finally, the relationship between body-image attitudes and the frequency and direction with which body-related social comparisons were made for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers were examined. One hundred and fifty-two participants completed the study (n = 70 non or ill infrequent exercisers; n = 82 exercisers). Participants completed measures of social physique anxiety (SPA), body dissatisfaction, body esteem, body image cognitions, leisure time physical activity, and social comparisons. Results suggested that both groups (non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers) generally made social comparisons and most frequently made comparisons with same-sex friends, and least frequently with same-sex parents. Also, both groups made more appearance-related comparisons than non-appearance-related comparisons. Further, both groups made more negative comparisons with almost all targets. However, non or infrequent exercisers generally made more negative comparisons on all body dimensions, while exercisers made negative comparisons only on weight and body shape dimensions. MANOV As were conducted to examine if any differences on social comparisons between the two groups existed. Results of the MANOVAs indicated that frequency of comparisons with targets, the frequency of comparisons on body dimensions, and direction of comparisons with targets did not differ based on exercise status. However, the direction of comparison of specific body dimensions revealed a significant (F (7, 144) = 3.26,p < .05; 1]2 = .132) difference based on exercise status. Follow-up ANOVAs showed significant differences on five variables: physical attractiveness (F (1, 150) = 6.33,p < .05; 1]2 = .041); fitness (F(l, 150) = 11.89,p < .05; 1]2 = .073); co-ordination (F(I, 150) = 5.61,p < .05; 1]2 = .036); strength (F(I, dO) = 12.83,p < .05; 1]2 = .079); muscle mass or tone (F(l, 150) = 17.34,p < .05; 1]2 = 1.04), with exercisers making more positive comparisons than non or infrequent exercisers. The results from the regression analyses for non or infrequent exercisers showed appearance orientation was a significant predictor of the frequency of social comparisons N (B = .429, SEB = .154, /3 = .312,p < .01). Also, trait body image measures accounted for significant variance in the direction of social comparisons (F(9, 57) = 13.43,p < .001, R2adj = .68). Specifically, SPA (B = -.583, SEB = .186, /3 = -.446,p < .01) and body esteem-weight concerns (B = .522, SEB = .207, /3 = .432,p < .01) were significant predictors of the direction of comparisons. For exercisers, regressions revealed that specific trait measures of body image significantly predicted the frequency of comparisons (F(9, 71) = 8.67,p < .001, R2adj = .463). Specifically, SPA (B = .508, SEB = .147, /3 = .497,p < .01) and appearance orientation (B = .457, SEB = .134, /3 = .335,p < .01) were significant predictors of the frequency of social comparisons. Lastly, for exercisers, the results for the regression of body image measures on the direction of social comparisons were also significant (F(9, 70) = 14.65,p < .001, R2adj = .609) with body dissatisfaction (B = .368, SEB = .143, /3 = .362,p < .05), appearan.ce orientation (B = .256, SEB = .123, /3 = .175,p < .05), and fitness orientation (B = .423, SEB = .194, /3 = .266,p < .05) significant predictors of the direction of social comparison. The results indicated that young women made frequent social comparisons regardless of exercise status. However, exercisers m,a de more positive comparisons on all the body dimensions than non or infrequent exercisers. Also, certain trait body image measures may be good predictors of one's body comp~son tendencies. However, the measures which predict comparison tendencies may be different for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Future research should examine the effects of social comparisons in different populations (i.e., males, the obese, older adults, etc.). Implications for practice and research were discussed.


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Previous research shows discrepant findings between youth leisure programming (before and after school programs, structured summer program, day camp, overnight camp), academic performance and other youth developmental outcomes. Studies underscores the importance of family, community and school social capital in educational success of youth, investigation of peer social capital in the leisure context and academic performance outcomes is limited. This study uses a sample of 10 and 11 year olds (N=1764) from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY) Cycle 6, to study the association between youth leisure programming, peer social capital and academic performance. Ordinal logistic regression models consistently showed a positive association between overnight camp and academic performance even after controlling for determinants of health, and measures of family, school and community social capital. Similarly, the measure of peer social capital was positively associated with academic performance. Most importantly, the interaction between overnight camp participation and peer social capital was significantly associated with academic performance. Study findings, highlight overnight camp opportunities and peer social


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Affiliation: Mark Daniel: Département de médecine sociale et préventive, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal et Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal


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Les six dimensions du concept d’espace social alimentaire ont été structurées pour faciliter l’analyse de l’aspect proprement social de l’acte alimentaire. Analysée à travers ce concept, une cuisine régionale révèle le vécu alimentaire des personnes qui la consomment. Car la promotion d’une cuisine régionale se base sur des produits emblématiques qui ne sont pas nécessairement consommés au quotidien. Dans le village provençal de Sault, village resté à peu près hors des sentiers du tourisme de masse, je m’intéresserai aux habitudes alimentaires de la population. Ces habitudes correspondent-elles à ce que nous a habitué la promotion culinaire et diététique de la cuisine provençale ? En abordant l’aspect proprement social de l’acte alimentaire des habitants de Sault, je verrai la particularité composite des habitudes de consommation alimentaire illustrée par une identité provençale, un discours micro-régional et des habitudes françaises.


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Aquest projecte analitza i avalua els impactes ambientals i socials que causarà en el marc del municipi de Vielha e Mijaran (Val d’Aran) la reobertura de les pistes d’esquí de la Tuca i el Resort que hi va associat, un cop el projecte “Tucarán Resort” sigui una realitat


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Anàlisi de la figura de l'educador/a social en processos de desenvolupament comunitari a partir d'experiències diverses a Catalunya


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El treball tracta d’ explicar quines són les conseqüències sobre la societat i el medi ambient dels països que reben els processos productius de les empreses tèxtils deslocalitzades. El treball es divideix en: una part teòrica, on es fa un breu recorregut per la història del tèxtil i una relació entre medi ambient -indústria tèxtil i multinacionals tèxtils-societat. I en una part pràctica, on s’ analitzen les deu empreses amb major índex de vendes de roba a Espanya i també es comfigura un índex d’ ètica d’ empresa en termes socials i ambientals. Aquest treball pretén ser una eina per a futurs treballs d’ educació per al consum, per tal que els consumidors puguin escollir uns o altres productes, tenint en compte variables que vagin més enllà del renom de la marca, el preu o els colors atraients dels envasos que els contenen


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Can human social cognitive processes and social motives be grasped by the methods of experimental economics? Experimental studies of strategic cognition and social preferences contribute to our understanding of the social aspects of economic decisions making. Yet, papers in this issue argue that the social aspects of decision-making introduce several difficulties for interpreting the results of economic experiments. In particular, the laboratory is itself a social context, and in many respects a rather distinctive one, which raises questions of external validity.


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Johne's disease in cattle is a contagious wasting disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Johne's infection is characterised by a long subclinical phase and can therefore go undetected for long periods of time during which substantial production losses can occur. The protracted nature of Johne's infection therefore presents a challenge for both veterinarians and farmers when discussing control options due to a paucity of information and limited test performance when screening for the disease. The objectives were to model Johne's control decisions in suckler beef cattle using a decision support approach, thus implying equal focus on ‘end user’ (veterinarian) participation whilst still focusing on the technical disease modelling aspects during the decision support model development. The model shows how Johne's disease is likely to affect a herd over time both in terms of physical and financial impacts. In addition, the model simulates the effect on production from two different Johne's control strategies; herd management measures and test and cull measures. The article also provides and discusses results from a sensitivity analysis to assess the effects on production from improving the currently available test performance. Output from running the model shows that a combination of management improvements to reduce routes of infection and testing and culling to remove infected and infectious animals is likely to be the least-cost control strategy.


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Background Indiscriminate social approach behaviour is a salient aspect of the Williams syndrome (WS) behavioural phenotype. The present study examines approach behaviour in preschoolers with WS and evaluates the role of the face in WS social approach behaviour. Method Ten preschoolers with WS (aged 3-6 years) and two groups of typically developing children, matched to the WS group on chronological or mental age, participated in an observed play session. The play session incorporated social and non-social components including two components that assessed approach behaviour towards strangers, one in which the stranger’s face could be seen and one in which the stranger’s face was covered. Results In response to the non-social aspects of the play session, the WS group behaved similarly to both control groups. In contrast, the preschoolers with WS were significantly more willing than either control group to engage with a stranger, even when the stranger’s face could not be seen. Conclusion The findings challenge the hypothesis that an unusual attraction to the face directly motivates social approach behaviour in individuals with WS.


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Introduction Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a serious disease which can be associated with various activity limitations and participation restrictions. The aim of this paper was to describe how HIV affects the functioning and health of people within different environmental contexts, particularly with regard to access to medication. Method Four cross-sectional studies, three in South Africa and one in Brazil, had applied the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a classification instrument to participants living with HIV. Each group was at a different stage of the disease. Only two groups had had continuing access to antiretroviral therapy. The existence of these descriptive sets enabled comparison of the disability experienced by people living with HIV at different stages of the disease and with differing access to antiretroviral therapy. Results Common problems experienced in all groups related to weight maintenance, with two-thirds of the sample reporting problems in this area. Mental functions presented the most problems in all groups, with sleep (50%, 92/185), energy and drive (45%, 83/185), and emotional functions (49%, 90/185) being the most affected. In those on long-term therapy, body image affected 93% (39/42) and was a major problem. The other groups reported pain as a problem, and those with limited access to treatment also reported mobility problems. Cardiopulmonary functions were affected in all groups. Conclusion Functional problems occurred in the areas of impairment and activity limitation in people at advanced stages of HIV, and more limitations occurred in the area of participation for those on antiretroviral treatment. The ICF provided a useful framework within which to describe the functioning of those with HIV and the impact of the environment. Given the wide spectrum of problems found, consideration could be given to a number of ICF core sets that are relevant to the different stages of HIV disease. (C) 2010 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Na fase da adolescência, o indivíduo experimenta os melhores índices de saúde, os quais podem ser mantidos e/ou melhorados, dependendo da percepção e valorização dos mesmos, influenciando na sua qualidade de vida. O estudo avaliou a opinião de adolescentes (n=493) da Fundação Mirim do Município de Araçatuba - SP, quanto à saúde geral e bucal, bem como sua percepção sobre elas, por meio questionário semiestruturado, durante o ano letivo de 2006, já que os mesmos possuem acesso à atenção à saúde bucal e palestras sobre saúde. Dentre os entrevistados 34,5% conceituaram a saúde como coisa ou algo que precisa(mos) cuidar; 26,6%, como bem-estar; 18,1%, como a própria existência; e 14,5%, como ausência de doença. em relação aos conceitos de saúde bucal, 68,4% definiram como higiene; 16,2%, como aparência; e 15,5%, como ausência de doenças bucais. A percepção desses jovens quanto a sua saúde em geral foi para 46,5%, ótima, e 44,1%, boa, enquanto que a da sua saúde bucal foi para 53,6%, boa, e 24%, ótima. Pode-se concluir que os adolescentes têm uma ideia tanto sobre saúde geral como saúde bucal, porém a classificação é menor no que tange à saúde bucal, pois envolve aspectos afetivos, estéticos e sociais. Ademais, percebe-se a necessidade de programas educativo-preventivos direcionados a esse grupo.


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The deep mycoses are uncommon infections, usually acquired from the inhalation or ingestion of fungal spores, sometimes from the soil in areas of endemicity, such as in the Americas and south-east Asia, or from decaying vegetable matter. They are also seen in immunocompromised persons and, increasingly, in HIV-infected persons. Respiratory involvement is frequent, with granuloma formation, and mucocutaneous involvement may be seen. Oral lesions of the deep mycoses are typically chronic but non-specific, though nodular or ulcerative appearances are common. Person-to-person transmission is rare. In HIV disease, the most common orofacial involvement of deep mycoses has been in histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, aspergillosis and zygomycosis. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by lesional biopsy although culture may also be valuable. Treatment is with amphotericin or an azole.


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The inherited haemoglobinopathies are a heterogeneous group of recessive disorders that include the thalassaemias and sickle cell disease. Nearly a thousand mutant alleles have now been characterized. The mutations are regionally specific and in most cases the geographical and ethnic distribution shave been determined providing the foundation for a program of control through screening, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis. The diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies requires care for the methodologies applied and the population group which will be evaluated. The information about the abnormal hemoglobin, the medical and psychological aspects and genetic counseling of the carriers and their families are goals of great importance for the success of preventive programs in this area. Aiming to evaluate the laboratory methods for hemoglobinopathy screening and their use in clinical laboratories, we have compared abnormal hemoglobins incidence in the different population groups: blood donors, anemia carriers, newborn and students. The laboratory methods applied involved eletrophoretic proceedings, cytological and biochemical analysis. Within the period from September 1999 through January 2000, we analyzed 524 individuals with varied types of abnormal hemoglobins. Among blood donors, we diagnosed two sickle cell carriers, which suggest the necessity for better care in the process of selection of blood donor candidates. The current interest in the medical and social aspects of sickle cell anemia has resulted in a great increase in methodology research leading to the development of sickle cell screening techniques.


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