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Gene targeting was used to create mice with a null mutation of the gene encoding the common beta subunit (beta C) of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 3 (IL-3; multi-CSF), and interleukin 5 (IL-5) receptor complexes (beta C-/- mice). High-affinity binding of GM-CSF was abolished in beta C-/- bone marrow cells, while cells from heterozygous animals (beta C+/- mice) showed an intermediate number of high-affinity receptors. Binding of IL-3 was unaffected, confirming that the IL-3-specific beta chain remained intact. Eosinophil numbers in peripheral blood and bone marrow of beta C-/- animals were reduced, while other hematological parameters were normal. In clonal cultures of beta C-/- bone marrow cells, even high concentrations of GM-CSF and IL-5 failed to stimulate colony formation, but the cells exhibited normal quantitative responsiveness to stimulation by IL-3 and other growth factors. beta C-/- mice exhibited normal development and survived to young adult life, although they developed pulmonary peribronchovascular lymphoid infiltrates and areas resembling alveolar proteinosis. There was no detectable difference in the systemic clearance and distribution of GM-CSF between beta C-/- and wild-type littermates. The data establish that beta C is normally limiting for high-affinity binding of GM-CSF and demonstrate that systemic clearance of GM-CSF is not mediated via such high-affinity receptor complexes.


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Cholesterol is a major component of atherosclerotic plaques. Cholesterol accumulation within the arterial intima and atherosclerotic plaques is determined by the difference of cellular cholesterol synthesis and/or influx from apo B-containing lipoproteins and cholesterol efflux. In humans, apo A-I Milano infusion has led to rapid regression of atherosclerosis in coronary arteries. We hypothesised that a multifunctional plasma delipidation process (PDP) would lead to rapid regression of experimental atherosclerosis and probably impact on adipose tissue lipids. In hyperlipidemic animals, the plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid were, respectively, 6-, 157-, and 18-fold higher than control animals, which consequently resulted in atherosclerosis. PDP consisted of delipidation of plasma with a mixture of butanol-diisopropyl ether (DIPE). PDP removed considerably more lipid from the hyperlipidemic animals than in normolipidemic animals. PDP treatment of hyperlipidemic animals markedly reduced intensity of lipid staining materials in the arterial wall and led to dramatic reduction of lipid in the adipose tissue. Five PDP treatments increased apolipoprotein A1 concentrations in all animals. Biochemical and hematological parameters were unaffected during PDP treatment. These results show that five PDP treatments led to marked reduction in avian atherosclerosis and removal of lipid from adipose tissue. PDP is a highly effective method for rapid regression of atherosclerosis.


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Due to anthropogenic activities, toxic metals still represent a threat for various marine organisms. Metallothionein (MT) and cadmium concentration in gills, liver, and kidney tissues and cadmium partitioning in soluble (cytosol) and insoluble fractions of mentioned tissues of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) were determined following exposure to sub-lethal levels of waterborne cadmium (Cd) (50, 400 and 1000 μg L-1) after 1, 2, 4 and 14 days. The increases of MT from background levels in comparison to controls were 4.6-, 3-, and 2.8-fold for kidney, liver, and gills, respectively after 14 days. The matallothionein concentration in liver was in the range of 56.89-168.44 μgL-1 and for kidney and gills, 39.78-189.30 and 28.15-91.20 μgL-1, respectively. The results showed that MT level change in the kidney is time and concentration dependent. Also, cortisol measurement revealed elevation at the day 1 of exposure and that followed by MT increase in the liver. Cd concentrations in the cytosol of experimental tissues were measured and the results indicated that Cd levels in the cytosol of liver, kidney, and gills increased 240.71-, 32.05-, and 40.16-fold, respectively 14 days after exposure to 1000 μgL-1 Cd. The accumulation of Cd in cytosol of tissues is in the order of liver > gills > kidney. Spearman correlation coefficients showed the MT content in kidney is correlated with Cd concentration, the value of which is more than in liver and gills. Thus, kidney can be considered as a tissue indicator in Acipenser persicus for waterborne Cd contamination. Also, tissue metal accumulations (gills, liver, kidney and muscle) in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) were compared following exposure to sublethal levels of waterborne Cd (50, 400 and 1000 μg L-1) after periods of 1, 2, 4 and 14 days. Meanwhile, the trends of Cd concentration increase in different tissues during the exposure periods and concentrations were modelled as equations. The obtained results indicate that at the end of 4 and 14 days of exposure, total tissue cadmium concentration followed the pattern: liver> gill> kidney> muscle. Calculation of bioconcentration factor (BCF) after 14 days exposure showed that at low and high concentrations, highest BCFs were found in kidney and liver, respectively. According to the results, the accumulation capacity of muscle was the lowest at all exposure concentrations. The hematological parameters including osmolarity, total protein, cortisol and glucose of plasma were measured, too. Total protein of plasma was in the range of 416.90-1068.10 mg dl-1 plasma.Total protein decreased not significantly (P≥0.05) after exposure to Cd. Cortisol increased after 1 day exposure that followed by significant (P≤0.05) elevation of glucose. The range of cortisol was very vast and it was determined between 0.03 to 16.21 ng mL-1. The content of plasma osmolarity was in the range of 282.33-294.20 mOsmol L-1.Osmolarity of treated fish plasma showed no significant decrease (P≥0.05). Total protein in gills, liver, and kidney showed that at high concentrations of metal, protein content decreased significantly (P≤0.05) in the liver after 4 and 14 days exposure. Thus, total protein of liver and glucose of plasma can be used as general biomarkers of exposure to Cd. Also, the metallothionein and cadmium were measured in gills, kidney and liver of 8 wild Persian sturgeon caught in coast of Guilan Province. According to the results, the concentration of metallothionein was in the range of 45.87-154.66 microgram per liter with the maximum and minimum concentrations in liver and gills, respectively. The trend of cadmium concentration in cytosol of tissues was: liver> kidney> gills. The results of Spearman correlation test showed that there was a significant positive correlation between metallothionein and cadmium in cytosol of liver (r2= 0.850, p≤ 0.01). In the kidney, the correlation between cadmium and metallothionein was significantly positive (r2= 0.731, p≥ 0.05). But there was not such significant correlation in the gills (p≥ 0.05).


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Fucan is a term used to denominate a family of sulfated polysaccharides rich in L-fucose. They are extracted mainly from the extracellular matrix of brown algae and echinoderms. The brown alga Spatoglossum schröederi (Dictyotaceae) has three heterofucans named A, B and C. Our research group have been extracted non anticoagulant heterofucan from S. schröederi which possess antithrombotic activity in vivo. However, their toxicity in vitro and in vivo has not yet been determined. For the results in toxicity in vitro, we observed that the fucan A at 20, 500 and 1000 μg/plate showed no mutagenic activity in Kado test (Microsuspension), when the bacterial strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102, with and without S9 were used. The comet assay showed that fucan A (from 20 to 1000 μg/mL) did not cause any genotoxic effect on CHO cells. There was no damage to the DNA of these cells, as evidenced by the tail length and tail moment, which were similar to that found for the negative control. The fucan A from S. schröederi was administered at 20 μg/g of rat (dose which it showed high antithrombotic activity) during two months. After that, the animals were killed and examined. The data showed that fucan A did not cause any change in biochemistry and hematological parameters, as well as, in the morphology and size of the rat s organs analyzed. In conclusion, this study indicates that fucan is a compound with potential pharmacological that has no toxicity


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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Introdução O zinco é um importante elemento traço que auxilia na capacidade antioxidante, além de participar da maturação biológica. Em atletas, a suplementação de zinco tem efeito positivo nos parâmetros hematológicos e pode melhorar o rendimento esportivo. Sua deficiência é comumente observada nesses grupo e pode estar associada à diminuição da força física assim como da massa corporal, além de ter efeito significativo no crescimento. Assim os objetivos do presente estudo foram: comparar os métodos de avaliação da maturidade biológica e suas relações com variáveis antropométricas e de rendimento físico de acordo com o estado de zinco em jovens jogadores de futebol; comparar diferentes métodos de avaliação da composição corporal em jovens jogadores de futebol esratificados de acordo com os níveis plasmáticos de zinco e investigar o efeito do zinco suplementar na maturação biológica, no crescimento, na composição corporal e na força muscular de jogadores de futebol púberes do sexo masculino. Materiais e métodos Foram avaliados em dois momentos 48 jovens do sexo masculino (13±1 anos, massa corporal de 48±10kg, estatura de 160±10cm e zinco plasmático de 12,1±2,2 μmol/L). Todos eram jogadores de futebol de um tradicional clube do Rio de Janeiro e foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Durante 12 semanas o grupo placebo (n=28) recebeu cápsulas de amido de milho e o grupo suplementado (n=20) recebeu cápsulas de gluconato de Zn (22mg/dia). O valor de 11,0 μmol/L foi considerado como ponto de corte para classificação dos jovens em normozincêmicos ou hipozincêmicos. No início da manhã, após jejum noturno, foram coletados sangue e urina para determinação da concentração de zinco. A massa corporal, alturas (do vértex, acromial, dactiloidal, iliocristal, trocantérica e sentado), composição corporal, força e maturidade esquelética (TW3) também foram determinadas por metodologias validadas. Resultados As comparações entre as categorias maturacionais definidas por cada método de avaliação mostraram que a idade óssea foi o único método que permitiu a identificação de diferenças entre as três categorias, em ao menos duas variáeis relacionadas ao rendimento (massa livre de gordura (MLG) e força na mão dominante (FMD) – p<0,0001). O método da pilosidade axilar foi capaz de discriminar apenas para a FMD (p<0,0001). Embora tenha fornecido quatro categorias maturacionais, o método por dosagem da testosterona não possibilitou a identificação de diferenças entre as categorias relativas a MLG, a FMD e as dobras cutâneas(DC). Quando observamos os métodos de avaliação da composição corporal não foram identificadas diferenças sigificativas entre os grupos hipozincêmico e normozincêmico no percentagem de gordura(PG) nem na MLG obtidas através dos métodos da absortometria de dupla energia (DXA) (p=0,06076 e p=0,5638 respectivamente), das DC (p=0,6840 and 0,5087) e através da bioimpedância elétrica (BIA) (p=0,3475 and p=0,3475). Entre os diferentes métodos também não foi encontrada diferenças significativas (PG: p=0,1272 e p=0,3231 - MLG: p=0,9229 and p=0,8933 para os grupos hipozincêmico e normozincêmico, respectivamente). As correlações entre os métodos foram significativas (PG: r= 0,3414 a 0,9765 e p<0,0001 a 0,0133 - MLG: r=0,9533 a 0,9998 e p<0,0001). Fortes coeficientes de determinação foram obtidos nas regressões múltiplas dos valores do DXA com a equação de Slaughter na estimativa da PG (r=0,86; r2=0,928 e SEE=2,37%) e ainda maiores para MLG (r=0,98; r2=0,990 e SEE=1,18kg). Valores menores foram encontrados para as outras equações com DC e para BIA. Ao analisar os efeitos da suplementação de zinco sobre o crescimento, a maturação, a composição corporal e a força, observou-se que somente as alterações ocorridas nos indicadores de crescimento foram significativas (p=0,0312), sendo que todas as demais não foram significativas - idade óssea (p=0,1391), massa livre de gordura (p=0,0593), percentual de massa gorda (p=0,2212) e força na mão dominante (p=0,6569). Conclusões Observando diferentes métodos de avaliação da maturidade biológica e as categorias por eles definidas, o método da idade óssea (IO) mostrou ser melhor, visto que ele permitiu identificar diferenças entre as três categorias possíveis, nas variáveis MLG e FMD, ao contrário dos outros métodos. Para a avaliação da composição corporal, os métodos baseados nas DC foram melhores que BIA, quando DXA não estiver disponível. A comparação entre os métodos baseados nas DC mostrou que a melhor associação foi obtida com a equação de Slaughter, seguida pela equação de Lohman com a utilização da IO ao invés da idade cronológica. Os níveis de zinco plasmático parecem não serem influenciados pela composição corporal, o que certamente justifica mais estudos. Os resultados da análise dos efeitos da suplementação de zinco no crescimento, na maturação, na composição corporal e na força, nos levam a concluir que o crescimento teve alteração positiva significativa e que os valores das demais variáveis estudadas (maturação, composição corporal e força muscular) não sofreram alterações significativas relacionadas à suplementação de zinco nos jovens jogadores de futebol do sexo masculino, na faixa etária dos 12 aos 14 anos.


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En la presente investigación se evaluó el efecto de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae adicionada a la dieta basal de terneros sobre la Condición Corporal (CC), Alzada, Ganancia Diaria de Peso (GDP), Parámetros Hematológicos y Metabólicos en terneros de reemplazo. Se realizó en la granja Nero de la Universidad de Cuenca con 18 terneros Holstein Friesian de 4 a 6 meses de edad, entre 100 a 200 kg/PV, criados en pastoreo, todos con las mismas condiciones de suplementación y manejo nutricional; divididos en dos grupos, un control T1 (n1=9) alimentados con dieta basal y un experimental T2 (n2=9) adicionado a la dieta 15 g/ternero/día de levadura. Se usó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar (DBA) y los resultados fueron analizados con el programa SPSS. El peso y alzada se registró semanalmente para evaluar su GDP (gramos) y talla (cm), respectivamente. La CC y los parámetros sanguíneos fueron realizados en 5 momentos. Los resultados de GDP y Alzada fueron analizados con las pruebas estadísticas de Shapiro – Wilk y Levene al 5%, al realizar el (ADEVA) no se encontró diferencias estadísticas. La variable CC presento diferencia significativa (p <0.05). Al analizar los parámetros hematológicos se encontró diferencia estadística en glucosa (p <0.05). En el análisis financiero, se apreció que el grupo control tiene un menor costo por Kg de peso producido 0,84 USD vs 0,96 USD del grupo experimental. En conclusión, se pone en manifiesto que el empleo de S. cerevisiae como aditivo nutricional de terneros de remplazo criados al pastoreo, puede constituir como una alternativa que incrementa los parámetros de salud expresados en glucosa y condición corporal


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A rã-touro americana (Rana catesbeiana) recentemente denominada Lithobates catesbeianus é cria da com propósito comercial em várias regiões do Brasil. Situações estressantes tais como problemas de manejo, criação inadequada e alterações ambientais com consequente redução da imunidade são comuns em produções intensivas. A avaliação destas situações de estresse permite-nos detectar estes probemas e diminuir as injurias causadas pelo confinamento. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi utilizar os marcadores biológicos de cortisol, glicemia e dados hematológicos para avaliar a resposta de girinos de rã-touro submetidos aos mecanismos estressores de captura e hipóxia. Os animais foram distribuídosem três tratamentos: estresse por captura individual com puçá; estresse por captura em massa com puçá e estresse por captura por escoamento. Os resultados obtidos demostraram não haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os parametros avaliados quando comparou-se os grupos com e sem exposição ao ar (normoxia e hipoxia). Com base nestes resultados pode-se concluir que os estímulos estressores avaliados não foram adequados para alterar os valores plasmáticos dos marcadores biológicos testados. Para o cortisol, isto ocorreu provavelmente em virtude da ação sinérgica deste hormônio e a tiroxina, que induz a metamorfose nestes animais.


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Na aquicultura são utilizados análises da ativação e incremento da migração de macrófagos, com intuito de verificar a capacidade imunológica inespecífica dos peixes frente a um desafio. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o tempo de migração de monócitos/macrófagos para a cavidade peritoneal em matrinxã, Brycon amazonicus, por meio da técnica de inoculação de leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae, e verificar as possíveis alterações dos parâmetros hematológicos após o estímulo. Foram utilizados 30 matrinxãs com peso médio de 101,55 ± 24,50 g e comprimento médio de 19,75 ± 1,72 cm. Os tempos de inoculação utilizados foram 2, 4, 8 e 12 horas, sendo utilizados 6 animais por tempo. Após os períodos de incubação (2, 4, 8 e 12 horas), os exemplares foram anestesiados e alíquotas de sangue foram coletadas por punção do vaso caudal, para a análise: número total de células, contagem diferencial e total dos leucócitos e contagem total de trombócitos, hematócrito, taxa de hemoglobina e índices hematimétricos (VCM, HCM e CHCM). Os resultados mostram que a capacidade fagocítica do macrófago não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os tempos experimentais. Com relação ao índice fagocítico, o tempo de 2 horas representa o tempo em que os macrófagos fagocitaram maior número de leveduras com diferenças significativas em relação aos outros tempos experimentais, indicando que este tempo (2 horas) de incubação foi suficiente para a migração e ativação máxima dos macrófagos da cavidade peritoneal, da espécie estudada. Os valores do número de eritrócitos apresentaram diferenças entre os tempos de incubação. Entretanto, os valores dos outros parâmetros hematológicos não apresentaram diferenças significativas.


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The radioprotective effect of Polyalthia longifolia was studied in mice. P. longifolia treatment showed improvement in mice survival compared to 100% mortality in the irradiated mice. Significant increases in hemoglobin concentration, and red blood cell, white blood cell and platelet counts were observed in the animals pretreated with leaf extract. Pre-irradiation administration of P. longifolia leaf extract also increased the CFU counts of the spleen colony and increased the relative spleen size. A dose-dependent decrease in lipid peroxidation levels was observed in the animals pretreated with P. longifolia. However, although the animals pretreated with P. longifolia exhibited a significant increase in superoxide dismutase and catalase activity, the values remained below normal in both liver and the intestine. Pre-irradiation administration of P. longifolia also resulted in the regeneration of the mucosal crypts and villi of the intestine. Moreover, pretreatment with P. longifolia leaf extract also showed restoration of the normal liver cell structure and a significant reduction in the elevated levels of ALT, AST and bilirubin. These results suggested the radioprotective ability of P. longifolia leaf extract, which is significant for future investigation for human applications in developing efficient, economically viable, non-toxic natural and clinically acceptable novel radioprotectors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Seasonal sampling from 40 immature Caspian salmon were performed in summer, autumn, winter and spring. The maximum ranges of RBC counts, Hct, Hb, WBC count and clotting times were observed in spring, summer, spring, spring and winter, respectively. The minimum amounts of these factors were counted in summer, winter, winter, winter and winter, respectively. Blood Samples were taken from healthy smolt, immature and adult Caspian salmon in spawning time. Hematological determinations and biochemical serum analysis were performed in 101 fish in the three samples. The ranges of hematological values for sample mean were counted. Red blood cell counts were 866600 mm3 and 1259400 mm3 in smolt and adult respectively. Hematocrit was 48.39% in smolt and 44.29% in adult. Hemoglobin was 8.85 gr/dl in smolt and 10.91 gr/dl in adult. White blood cell count was 8781.58 mm3 in smolt and 5217.55 mm3 in adult and mean were differential of WBC, Lymphocyte 90.57%in smolt and73.22% in adult. Neutrophil was 5.12% in smolt and 16.92% in adult, Monocyte were 1.27% in smolt and 4.24% in adult, Clotting time was 282.34 Seconds in smolt and 291.47 seconds in adult MCV, MCH and MCHC also meagered in smolt and adult. Biochemical parameter in immature and mature Caspian salmon meagered .Glucose concentration was 2.97 mmol.l- in immature and 1.99 mmol.l- in mature .Cholesterol concentration was 4.26 mmol.l- in immature and 7.06 mmol.l- in mature. Triglyceride amount was 2.35 mmol.l- in immature and 2.47 mmol.l- in mature and Calcium was 2.47 in immature and 2.61 mmol.l- in mature. An in situ study was made on erythrocytic isoantigens and hetero-antigen and their corresponding iso-and hetero-antibodies of sera by means of hemoagglutination tests on the blood sample, of 450 immature and 50 mature Caspian salmon. The absence of erythrocyte iso-antigens and hetero-antigen and their corresponding iso-and hetero-antibodies were shown by the experimental. It could be indicated an intra-specific variation and differences in species for kelardasht hatchery.


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Alterations in hematological indices such as decreases in blood cell counts (RBC), hematocrit (Ht) and hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations are key symptoms of anemia. However, few experiments were conducted to examine changes in hematological indices of fish exposed to microcystins that are believed to be fatal to circulatory systems of vertebrates. An acute toxicological experiment was designed to study hematological changes of crucian carp injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with extracted microcystins at two doses, 50 and 200 mu g MC-LReqkg(-1) body weight. After being i.p. injected with microcystins, the fish exhibited behavioral abnormity. There were significant decreases in RBC in the high-dose group, and in Ht and Hb concentrations in both dose groups, while erythrocte sedimentation rate (ESR) significantly increased, indicating the appearance of normocytic anemia. There were no prominent changes in the three red cell indices, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH,), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Increases in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (CR) in both dose groups suggest the occurrence of kidney impairment. Alteration in blood indices was reversible at the low dose group. Conclusively, anemia induced by kidney impairment was a key factor to cause abnormity of swimming behaviors and high mortality of crucian carp. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Copper sulfate is widely used in aquaculture. Exposure to this compound can be harmful to fish, resulting in oxidative metabolism alterations and gill tissue damage. Pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, (wt = 43.4 +/- A 3.35 g) were distributed in experimental tanks (n = 10; 180 l) and exposed for 48 h to control (without copper addition), 0.4Cu (0.4 mg l(-1)), 0CupH (without copper addition, pH = 5.0) and 0.4CupH (0.4 mg l(-1), pH = 5.0). In liver and red muscle, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) was responsive to the increases in the aquatic copper. The plasmatic intermediary metabolites and hematological variables in the fish of group 0.4Cu were similar to those of the control group. Conversely, the exposure to 0.4CupH caused an increase in the plasmatic lactate, number of red blood cells (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb). Plasmatic copper concentration [Cu(p)] increased in group 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH, which is higher in group 0.4CupH, suggests an effect of water pH on the absorbed copper. Exposure to 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH resulted in a reduction in the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity and an increase in metallothionein (MT) in the gills. Exposure to 0CupH caused a decrease in glucose and pyruvate concentrations and an increase in RBC, Hb, and the branchial Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. These responses suggest that the fish triggered mechanisms to revert the blood acidosis, save energy and increase the oxygen uptake. MT was an effective biomarker, responding to copper in different pHs and dissolved oxygen. Combined-factors caused more significant disturbance in the biomarkers than single-factors.