181 resultados para Guta-percha


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The purpose of this study was to observe the quality of seal of the glass ionomer cement, Ketac-Endo, after treatment of the root canal wall. The root canals of 140 extracted human teeth were prepared biomechanically. The root canals were treated with either EDTA or received an intracanal dressing of calcium hydroxide or camphorated paramonochlorphenol. The root canals were filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and the sealer Ketac-Endo, or zinc oxide-eugenol cement or Sealapex. The teeth were placed into a 2% methylene blue dye solution inside a flask, which was attached to a vacuum pump. Leakage was measured linearly. Sealapex exhibited significantly less leakage than Ketac-Endo or zinc oxide-eugenol cement (P<0.01). The use of EDTA and intermediary dressings reduced significantly (P<0.01) the leakage observed with the zinc oxide-eugenol sealer and Ketac-Endo.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate long-term pH changes in cavities prepared in root surface dentin of extracted teeth after obturation of the root canal with gutta-percha and a variety of sealers containing calcium hydroxide. After cleaning and shaping, root canals in 50 recently extracted, human single-rooted teeth were divided into five groups. Each of four groups was obturated with gutta-percha and either Sealapex, Sealer 26, Apexit, or CRCS, all of which contain calcium hydroxide. The remaining group served as the control and was not obturated with gutta-percha or sealer. Cavities were prepared in the facial surface of the roots in the cervical and middle regions. The pH was measured in these dentinal cavities at the initiation of the experiment, and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days after obturation. Results indicate that the pH at the surface of the root does not become alkaline when calcium hydroxide cements are used as root canal sealers. Regardless of the sealer used, the observed pattern of pH change was not different from that seen in the control group of roots that were not treated with sealer. It is concluded that calcium hydroxide-containing cements, although suitable for use as root canal sealants, do not produce an alkaline pH at the root surface. If such a pH change is related to treatment of root resorption, these sealants do not contribute to this treatment. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Teeth with induced chronic periradicular periodontitis in dogs were root canal treated. After the biomechanical preparation, using K files and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigant solution, all root canals were dressed with an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide, which was left in place for 7 days. After this time, the root canals were obturated with lateral condensation of cold gutta-percha with either a calcium hydroxide root canal filling material (Sealapex) or a zinc oxide-eugenol sealer (Fill Canal). After 270 days, histopathological analysis showed better apical and periapical repair in the teeth obturated with Sealapex (P < 0.05).


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This study was conducted to observe the reaction of apical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with gutta-percha and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or a glass ionomer (Ketac-Endo) as a sealer. The root canals were instrumented and filled by the lateral condensation technique with the sealers studied. Animals were killed 6 months later, and the specimens were removed and prepared for histological analysis. Results showed no inflammatory reaction of apical tissue and total closure of the apical foramen of all the teeth sealed with MTA. The teeth sealed with Ketac-Endo showed two cases of partial closure and different degrees of chronic inflammatory reaction. In conclusion, MTA exhibited better biological properties than Ketac-Endo. Copyright © 1999 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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Aim: The apical sealing ability of three different endodontic sealers was evaluated in extracted teeth using dye penetration. Methodology: The root canals of 99 extracted human maxillary central incisors were prepared sequentially 2 mm beyond the apical foramen with a size 55 Nitiflex file. The teeth were divided into three experimental groups and obturated by lateral condensation of cold gutta-percha and one of the following sealers: group 1, zinc oxide and eugenol sealer (Fill Canal); group 2, glass ionomer sealer (Ketac-Endo) and group 3, epoxy resin sealer (AH Plus). The teeth were covered with nail varnish to within 1 mm of the apical foramen and immersed in 2% methylene blue in a reduced pressure environment for 24h. After this period, the teeth were washed and cut longitudinally for apical leakage analysis. The values were obtained from the maximum depth of leakage as well as the average between the maximum and minimum values observed for each group. Results: Statistical evaluation of the results showed no significant difference in the leakage between Fill Canal and Ketac-Endo (P > 0.05). Leakage with AH Plus was significantly less (P < 0.01) than with the other sealers. Conclusions: All three sealers allowed some leakage to occur. Leakage with AH Plus was significantly different than with Fill Canal or Ketac-Endo.


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Eighty-four root canals of premolars from six dogs were left open for 7 days, and then sealed and followed for 45 days until periradicular periodontitis developed. The root canals were then treated endodontically using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigating solution. After instrumentation, all root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide-based antibacterial dressing (Calen PMCC or Calasept) that was left in place for 30 days. After this period the root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and a root canal sealer (Sealapex or AH Plus)-group I: Calen PMCC + Sealapex; group II: Calasept + Sealapex; group III: Calen PMCC + AH Plus; and group IV: Calasept + AH Plus. Periapical radiographs of the teeth were made after root canal filling and after 90, 180, 270, and 360 days. Radiographic images were digitalized by scanning, and the Mocha program was used to measure the periapical lesions. Analysis showed that the lesions of groups I to III were statistically similar reduction in size, whereas group IV had a smaller reduction in lesion size (p < 0.05). Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Endodontists.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical and periapical repair after root canal treatment of dogs' teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesion using different root canal sealers. After periapical lesion induction, forty-four root canals of 3 dogs were submitted to biomechanical preparation using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as an irrigating solution. A calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen PMCC) was applied for 15 days and the root canals were filled using the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Sealapex, AH Plus or Sealer Plus for sealing. After 180 days, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the obtained histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for optical microscopic analysis of the apical and periapical repair. The groups filled with Sealapex and AH Plus had better histological repair (p < 0.05) than the group filled with Sealer Plus, that had unsatisfactory results.


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Aim: the aim of this study is to assess and locate the Foramen of Huschke. Study design: anatomical. Material and Method: using contrast material like gutta-percha and barium sulfate, through extraoral radiographs, such as panoramic, submental vertex and corrected saggital linear Temporal Mandibular Joint tomograms in four skulls where we clinically checked the existence of foramen of Huschke. Results: The results proved that the foramen of Huschke can be observed in skulls submitted to contrast using radiographic techniques.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the apical leakage of retrograde cavities filled with Portland Cement (Concrebrás S/A-MG-Brazil), ProRoot MTA™ (Dentsply International, Johnson City, TN, USA) and Sealapex (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California, USA) with addition of zinc oxide (Odahcam Herpo Produtos Dentários Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil). Forty-two extracted single-rooted human teeth were decoronated and used for this study. The root canals were instrumented at 1.0mm short of the apical foramen using the step-back technique to an apical ISO size 60. The roots were obturated with gutta-percha points and sealer Sealapex (Kerr Corporation-USA) and then 3mm of each root apex was sectioned at a 90° angle. Ultrasonic retrograde preparation was performed with a diamond tip to 3mm depth and the roots were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the filling material: G1-Portland, G2-ProRoot MTA, G3- Sealapex zinc oxide-added cement. The root surfaces were covered with nail varnish up to 2mm from the apical foramen, immersed in simulated tissue fluid for 30 days, and then immersed in 0.2% Rhodamine B solution for 24 hours for evaluation of marginal leakage. The results showed mean leakage of 0.75, 0.35 and 0.35 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; however, Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that there was no statistically significant difference among the results (p>0.05).


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of coronal leakage on the healing of dogs' periapical tissues after root canal filling, post space preparation and protection or not with a temporary sealer plug. Forty root canals of dogs' teeth were instrumented and filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Endomethasone or CRCS sealers. After post space preparation, the remaining filling material was protected or not with a plug of temporary Coltosol sealer and exposed to the oral environment for 90 days. Thereafter, the animals were sacrificed and the specimens were removed and prepared for histomorphological and histobacteriological analysis. The findings revealed 35% of microbial leakage in the groups without plugs and 15% of leakage in the groups with plugs. Statistical analysis showed that the use of a Coltosol plug improved significantly the histomorphological results regardless of the type of root canal sealer (p=0.05) and that CRCS and Endomethasone sealers showed similar results (p>0.05).


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This aim of this study was to investigate the biocompatibility of two experimental acetazolamide (AZ)-based pastes in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. Both pastes contained AZ as the main component in similar concentration. The vehicle in experimental paste 1 was saline, while experimental paste 2 was prepared with propylene glycol. Sixty polyethylene tubes were sealed at one end with gutta-percha (GP), which served as a control. Half of the tubes were flled with paste 1 and half with paste 2. The tubes were implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of 15 rats, being 4 tubes for each animal. The animals were killed 7, 15 and 45 days after surgery and the specimens were processed in laboratory. The histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and were analyzed by light microscopy. Scores were assigned to level of infammatory process: 1- none; 2- mild; 3- moderate; 4- severe. The data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis test (p≤0.05). Paste 1 produced an infammatory process at 7 days. However, the intensity of this infammation decreased with time and was nearly absent at 45 days. No statistically signifcant difference (p>0.05) was observed between the control (GP) and paste 1. However, paste 2 produced infammatory response at all study periods and differed signifcantly (p<0.05) from the control. In conclusion, in the present study, the experimental AZ-based paste 1 was considered as biocompatible as the control matrial (GP), while experimental paste 2 was irritating to rat subcutaneous tissue.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the apical leakage of roots filled by three different gutta-percha techniques: lateral condensation, Tagger's hybrid and E&Q Master. Forty-two extracted single-rooted teeth were used. The coronal part of each tooth was removed and the root received biomechanical preparation using a 60-K file. The roots were randomly divided into three groups according to the technique of filling the root canal: Group I, lateral condensation; Group II, Tagger's hybrid; Group III, E&Q Master. The roots were submitted to dye leakage test with Rhodamine B for 7 days, using vacuum during the initial 30 min. The teeth were sectioned longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. Statistical analysis indicated that lateral condensation and E&Q Master techniques showed lower leakage than Tagger's technique (P = 0.0016). However, statistically no difference was found between lateral condensation and E&Q Master system techniques.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of manual and rotary instrumentation techniques for removing root fillings after different storage times. Twenty-four canals from palatal roots of human maxillary molars were instrumented and filled with gutta-percha and zinc-oxide eugenol-based sealer (Endofill), and were stored in saline for 6 years. Non-aged control specimens were treated in the same manner and stored for 1 week. All canals were retreated using hand files or ProTaper Universal NiTi rotary system. Radiographs were taken to determine the amount of remaining material in the canals. The roots were vertically split, the halves were examined with a clinical microscope and the obtained images were digitized. The images were evaluated with AutoCAD software and the percentage of residual material was calculated. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the manual and rotary techniques for filling material removal regardless the ageing effect on endodontic sealers. When only the age of the filling material was analyzed microscopically, non-aged fillings that remained on the middle third of the canals presented a higher percentage of material remaining (p<0.05) compared to the aged sealers and to the other thirds of the roots. The apical third showed a higher percentage of residual filling material in both radiographic and microscopic analysis when compared to the other root thirds. In conclusion, all canals presented residual filling material after endodontic retreatment procedures. Microscopic analysis was more effective than radiographs for detection of residual filling material.


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The aim of this paper was to compare the dentin-pulp complex response to cavity preparation in human teeth using ultrasonic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond tip and high-speed diamond bur. Class V buccal cavities were randomly prepared in 40 premolars from 14 patients aged 11 to 15 years. The cutting time was recorded and the cavities had the axial walls protected with gutta-percha and were filled with glass ionomer cement. The teeth were extracted at intervals of 0, 5, 10 and 20 days, and were decalcified, sectioned and stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin, Masson's Trichrome and Brown & Brenn techniques. The inflammatory response and cell disorganization were blindly evaluated by two examiners. The remaining dentin thickness (RDT) was measured by a linear scale using computer software. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference (P≤0.05) among the cavities prepared with either type of instrument, with mean RDT of 1132.50 mm. Cutting time and the pulp-dentin complex responses were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P≤0.05). The ultrasonic CVD diamond tip took 5 times longer to prepare the cavities and there were no typical inflammatory pulp responses in cavities prepared with either type of cutting instrument, only mild to moderate cell disorganization was present. Even taking longer to cut the dental substrate, the ultrasonic CVD diamond tip produced similar pulp response compared to the conventional high-speed diamond bur.


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Aim: This in vitro study evaluated the effect of calcium hydroxide on pH changes of the external medium after intracoronal bleaching. Materials and methods: A total of 50 extracted human premolars were prepared and filled with gutta-percha and endodontic sealer. The teeth were randomly divided into five groups according to the bleaching agents employed: (a) Sterile cotton pellet with distilled water (control group); (b) sodium perborate and distilled water; (c) sodium perborate and 10% carbamide peroxide; (d) sodium perborate and 35% hydrogen peroxide; (e) 35% hydrogen peroxide. The teeth were stored in vials containing distilled water and the pH values of the medium surrounding the teeth were analyzed. After 7-day storage, the bleaching agent was removed and replaced by calcium hydroxide, and the distilled water was changed, in which the teeth were kept stored for further 14 days. Measurement of pH of the external medium (distilled water) was performed 7 days after insertion of the bleaching agents, immediately, 7 and 14 days after insertion of the calcium hydroxide. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by the two-way ANOVA and Tukey,s test. Results: There were pH changes of the external medium at 7-day period after bleaching procedures. These results confirmed the diffusion of bleaching agents to the external medium. Conclusion: Calcium hydroxide increased the external medium pH and was effective for pH alkalinization after intracoronal bleaching. Clinical significance: Intracoronal bleaching of endodontically treated teeth may cause cervical root resorption. A possible explanation for this process is the passage of bleaching agents to the periodontal tissues yielding an inflammatory process. In an attempt to keep the neutrality of the periodontal pH, the calcium hydroxide has been recommended.Results of this study showed that this material should be always used after intracoronal bleaching.