907 resultados para Gross national product


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Objectives To characterize toric contact lens prescribing worldwide. Methods Up to 1,000 survey forms were sent to contact lens fitters in up to 39 countries between January and March every year for 5 consecutive years (2007–2011). Practitioners were asked to record data relating to the first 10 contact lens fits or refits performed after receiving the survey form. Only data for toric and spherical soft lens fits were analyzed. Survey data collected since 1996 were also analyzed for 7 nations to assess toric lens fitting trends since that time. Results Data were collected in relation to 21,150 toric fits (25%) and 62,150 spherical fits (75%). Toric prescribing ranged from 6% of lenses in Russia to 48% in Portugal. Compared with spherical fittings, toric fittings can be characterized as follows: older age (29.8 ± 11.4 years vs. 27.6 ± 10.8 years for spherical lenses); men are overrepresented (38% vs. 34%); greater proportion of new fits (39% vs. 32%); use of silicone hydrogel lenses (49% vs. 39%); and lower proportion of daily disposable lenses (14% vs. 28%). There has been a continuous increase in toric lens prescribing between 1996 and 2011. The proportion of toric lens fits was positively related to the gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita for year 2011 (r2 = 0.21; P=0.004). Conclusions At the present time, in the majority of countries surveyed, toric soft contact lens prescribing falls short of that required to correct clinically significant astigmatism (≥0.75 diopters) in all lens wearers.


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According to 2011 Australian Census figures, embedded creative employees (creative employees not working in the core Creative Industries) make up 2 per cent (or a total of 17 635) of manufacturing industry employees. The average for all industries is 1.6 per cent. In the 2011–2012 financial year the manufacturing industry formed 7.3 per cent of Australia’s gross domestic product (GDP), contributing approximately AU$106.5 billion to the economy (Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education 2013). Manufacturing is central to innovation, accounting for over one-quarter of all business expenditure in R&D in 2010–2011, representing around AU$4.8 billion invested in R&D (ibid.). Facing challenges such as sustainability concerns, ever-increasing offshore production and the global financial crisis, the Australian manufacturing industry needs to remain relevant and competitive to succeed. Innovation is one way to do this. Given the contribution of the manufacturing industry to the Australian economy, and the above-average portion of embedded creatives in manufacturing, it is important to consider what exactly embedded creatives add to the industry. This chapter, inspired by the Getting Creative in Healthcare report (Pagan, Higgs and Cunningham 2008), examines the contribution of embedded creatives to innovation in the manufacturing industry via case studies and supplemental data.


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This qualitative case study explored leaders' and faculty members' perspectives on the nature of academic leadership at the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) Colleges. The study revealed that academic leadership at the Colleges is a complex and emergent fusion of Western and Buddhist leadership. The research recommended a hybrid model intended to inform academic leadership development in Bhutanese higher education and contribute to the realisation of the Gross National Happiness philosophy. The model incorporates Buddhist-influenced leadership and other relevant leadership approaches and is expected to contribute to academic rigour through effective learning and research leadership.


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This research investigates Bhutan Civil Service Human Resource Management strategies, policies and practices, and their contribution to achieving the national goal of Gross National Happiness. The study finds that the HRM of the Bhutanese civil service is meeting its strategic objective of contributing to GNH. The civil service in Bhutan plays an important role in socio-economic development, influences private sector practices, strengthens good governance and provides continuity to the government. Participants in the study were government ministers and senior, highly experienced civil servants. A model of civil service HRM in Bhutan is developed.


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This study explored pre-service secondary science teachers’ perceptions of classroom emotional climate in the context of the Bhutanese macro-social policy of Gross National Happiness. Drawing upon sociological perspectives of human emotions and using Interaction Ritual Theory this study investigated how pre-service science teachers may be supported in their professional development. It was a multi-method study involving video and audio recordings of teaching episodes supported by interviews and the researcher’s diary. Students also registered their perceptions of the emotional climate of their classroom at 3-minute intervals using audience response technology. In this way, emotional events were identified for video analysis. The findings of this study highlighted that the activities pre-service teachers engaged in matter to them. Positive emotional climate was identified in activities involving students’ presentations using video clips and models, coteaching, and interactive whole class discussions. Decreases in emotional climate were identified during formal lectures and when unprepared presenters led presentations. Emotions such as frustration and disappointment characterized classes with negative emotional climate. The enabling conditions to sustain a positive emotional climate are identified. Implications for sustaining macro-social policy about Gross National Happiness are considered in light of the climate that develops in science teacher education classes.


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The study investigates the long-run and dynamic relationships between energy consumption and output in Australia using a multivariate cointegration and causality framework. Using both Engle-Granger and Johansen cointegration approaches, the study finds that energy consumption and real Gross Domestic Product are cointegrated. The Granger causality tests suggest bidirectional Granger causality between energy consumption and real GDP, and Granger endogeineity in the system. Since the energy sector largely contributes to carbon emissions in Australia, we suggest that direct measures to reduce carbon by putting constraints on the energy consumption would pose significant economic costs for the Australian economy.


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In the thesis we consider inference for cointegration in vector autoregressive (VAR) models. The thesis consists of an introduction and four papers. The first paper proposes a new test for cointegration in VAR models that is directly based on the eigenvalues of the least squares (LS) estimate of the autoregressive matrix. In the second paper we compare a small sample correction for the likelihood ratio (LR) test of cointegrating rank and the bootstrap. The simulation experiments show that the bootstrap works very well in practice and dominates the correction factor. The tests are applied to international stock prices data, and the .nite sample performance of the tests are investigated by simulating the data. The third paper studies the demand for money in Sweden 1970—2000 using the I(2) model. In the fourth paper we re-examine the evidence of cointegration between international stock prices. The paper shows that some of the previous empirical results can be explained by the small-sample bias and size distortion of Johansen’s LR tests for cointegration. In all papers we work with two data sets. The first data set is a Swedish money demand data set with observations on the money stock, the consumer price index, gross domestic product (GDP), the short-term interest rate and the long-term interest rate. The data are quarterly and the sample period is 1970(1)—2000(1). The second data set consists of month-end stock market index observations for Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States from 1980(1) to 1997(2). Both data sets are typical of the sample sizes encountered in economic data, and the applications illustrate the usefulness of the models and tests discussed in the thesis.


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Tradeoffs are examined between mitigating black carbon (BC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) for limiting peak global mean warming, using the following set of methods. A two-box climate model is used to simulate temperatures of the atmosphere and ocean for different rates of mitigation. Mitigation rates for BC and CO2 are characterized by respective timescales for e-folding reduction in emissions intensity of gross global product. There are respective emissions models that force the box model. Lastly there is a simple economics model, with cost of mitigation varying inversely with emission intensity. Constant mitigation timescale corresponds to mitigation at a constant annual rate, for example an e-folding timescale of 40 years corresponds to 2.5% reduction each year. Discounted present cost depends only on respective mitigation timescale and respective mitigation cost at present levels of emission intensity. Least-cost mitigation is posed as choosing respective e-folding timescales, to minimize total mitigation cost under a temperature constraint (e.g. within 2 degrees C above preindustrial). Peak warming is more sensitive to mitigation timescale for CO2 than for BC. Therefore rapid mitigation of CO2 emission intensity is essential to limiting peak warming, but simultaneous mitigation of BC can reduce total mitigation expenditure. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Os royalties de petróleo têm ganhado notoriedade nos últimos anos pelo crescimento das atividades petrolíferas no país, as mudanças nas leis, preços do petróleo e transferência e aplicação de recursos nos Municípios para seu desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Esta pesquisa busca identificar mudanças em indicadores socioeconômicos em Municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro através de análise temporal de variáveis que indiquem uma relação da evolução socioeconômica dos Municípios com os royalties de petróleo. Para testar esta hipótese, foi feita uma análise de agrupamento dos Municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro utilizando as variáveis IDH (Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano), PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) e população, sendo todas as variáveis apresentando valores do ano 2000. Com a determinação do número de grupos, foram escolhidos dois Municípios de cada grupo sob a condição de maior arrecadador de royalties e não arrecadador de royalties e analisados entre os anos 2003 e 2006 para verificar a possível mudança de indicadores socioeconômicos neste período e possível relação desta mudança com royalties de petróleo.


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[EU ] [Lan honetan 2005 eta 2008 urteetarako Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko 251 udalerrietan Kuznetsen hipotesia betetzen den ala ez aztertu da, Barne Produktu Gordinaren eta etxe-hondakinen arteko erlazioan zentratuz. Udalmap datu basea eta gretl programa ekonometrikoa erabili dira.]


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O objetivo específico da presente dissertação é estimar a elasticidade-PIB do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física (IRPF) e Imposto Renda Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ) no Brasil entre 1986 e 2012. A pesquisa também incorpora em seus objetivos uma análise técnica a respeito da tributação e seus impactos sobre o sistema econômico, tanto a nível microeconômico e macroeconômico, além de abordar o IRPF e IRPJ em seu aspecto econômico e jurídico. No tratamento metodológico são utilizados modelos de Vetor de Correção de erros (VEC) para estimar as elasticidades-PIB do IRPF e IRPJ. Os resultados apontam uma elasticidade-PIB, tanto para IRPF quanto IRPJ, acima da unidade, na maioria dos modelos estimados, e existem períodos determinados que impactam consideravelmente sobre à arrecadação desses tributos.


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Two approaches are used to estimate the economic impact of domestic wild shrimp, Penaeus sp., fishing in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. A 2002 survey of commercial shrimp fishermen in the Parish yields information on sales and operating costs, and results are used to estimate a 1-yr sales effect in the Parish of $36.7 to $128.1 million due to shrimp fishing. In addition, 2001 shrimp ticket sales data ($49.9 million) are input into a REMI (Regional Economic Models, Inc.) model built for the 4-parish bayou region of Louisiana. The REMI model forecasts a year 1 reduction in gross regional product (GRP) of $45.9 million in the 4-parish area if the shrimp fishing industry were to disappear in Terrebonne Parish, and an 8-yr cumulative negative impact on GRP in the bayou region of $191.3 million. Study limitations and suggestions for future research are included.


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Este trabalho avalia o comportamento dos multiplicadores fiscais no Brasil entre 1999-2012. Para tanto, utiliza a metodologia desenvolvida por Sims, Waggoner e Zha (2008), que é um procedimento Bayesiano de estimação no qual os parâmetros do modelo mudam com alterações no estado da economia e os estados (regimes) seguem um processo de mudança de regime markoviano. Ou seja, foi estimado um modelo VAR Estrutural Bayesiano com mudança de regimes Markoviana (Markov Switching Structural Bayesian Vector Autoregression - MS-SBVAR). A base de dados é composta pelo consumo da administração pública, pela formação bruta de capital fixo da administração pública, pela carga tributária líquida e pelo Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), das três esferas do governo (federal, estadual, incluindo o Distrito Federal, e municipal). O software MATLAB/Dynare foi utilizado na estimação dos modelos e os resultados sugerem a ocorrência de 2 ou 3 regimes nos dois modelos que melhor se ajustaram aos dados. Os multiplicadores estimados apresentaram os sinais esperados e os diferentes tipos de multiplicadores fiscais calculados apresentaram valores maiores para a resposta do PIB a choques na formação bruta de capital fixo da administração pública que são eficazes, uma vez que possuem valores maiores do que um e impacto de longo prazo no PIB - quando comparado aos choques no consumo da administração pública, que possuem pouca persistência e são ineficazes (menores do que um), além de uma resposta negativa e persistente do PIB a choques na carga tributária líquida. Os resultados obtidos não indicam, ainda, multiplicadores fiscais maiores em regimes com maior variância nos resíduos do modelo.


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A asma é considerada um problema de saúde pública mundial. É necessário expandir o conhecimento sobre seus custos associados em diferentes regiões. O principal objetivo foi estimar os custos do tratamento da asma em uma população de asmáticos com diferentes níveis de gravidade, sob tratamento ambulatorial especializado. Os objetivos secundários foram analisar as características clínicas e sócio-econômicas da população e o custo incremental da associação com a rinite e infecções respiratórias (IR). Asmáticos ≥ 6 anos de idade com asma persistente foram incluídos consecutivamente de março de 2011 a setembro de 2012. Todos realizaram visitas clínicas de rotina com intervalos de 3-4 meses e 2 entrevistas com intervalos de 6 meses para coleta dados. Variáveis clínicas e dados primários sobre os custos da asma, rinite e infecções respiratórias (IR) foram coletados diretamente dos pacientes ou responsáveis (< 18 anos), sob uma perspectiva da sociedade. Os custos em reais foram convertidos em dólares usando a paridade do poder de compra em 2012 (US$ 1,00 = R$ 1,71). Cento e oito pacientes completaram o estudo, sendo 73,8% mulheres. A maioria (75,0%) reside no município do RJ, sendo que 60,1% destes moram longe da unidade de saúde. Rinite crônica estava presente em 83,3%, e mais da metade tinha sobrepeso ou obesidade, nos quais a prevalência de asma grave foi maior (p = 0,001). Metade ou mais dos trabalhadores e estudantes faltaram as suas atividades em decorrência da asma. A renda familiar mensal (RFM) média foi de US$ 915,90 (DP=879,12). O custo médio estimado da asma/rinite/IR foi de US$ 1.276,72 por paciente-ano (DP=764,14) e o custo médio específico da asma foi de US$ 1.140,94 (DP=760,87). Asmáticos obesos, graves ou não controlados tiveram maiores custos em comparação aos não obesos, moderados/leves e controlados (p <0,05 em todas as comparações). A população estudada tem nível sócio-econômico médio/baixo, alta prevalência de rinite crônica e de sobrepeso/obesidade. Maior peso e menor RFM foram mais frequentes entre os graves e não controlados, respectivamente. Asmáticos obesos, graves ou não controlados tiveram maiores custos. O custo incremental da rinite e IR foi de 12%. O custo médio da asma foi equivalente à metade do relatado na União Européia e nos Estados Unidos da América, e foi maior do que a média na região Ásia-Pacífico. Num cenário ideal, onde todos os asmáticos brasileiros recebessem tratamento no Sistema Único de Saúde de acordo com a Iniciativa Global para Asma, o custo total da asma seria equivalente a 3,4-4,5% e 0,4-0,6% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) da saúde e do PIB brasileiro, respectivamente. Estratégias de saúde pública com programas estruturados que facilitem o melhor controle da asma e estimulem a redução de peso poderão contribuir para reduzir os custos da doença, o que poderia tornar a oferta de tratamento medicamentoso gratuito para todos os asmáticos persistentes no SUS uma meta alcançável. Recomendamos estender este estudo de custo da asma para diferentes regiões do país.


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A critical examination of diglam namzha and the production of "tradition".