529 resultados para Gravitation.


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We present a search for nonzero θ13 and deviations of sin2θ23 from 0.5 in the oscillations of atmospheric neutrino data from Super-Kamiokande I, II, and III. No distortions of the neutrino flux consistent with nonzero θ13 are found and both neutrino mass hierarchy hypotheses are in agreement with the data. The data are best fit at Δm2=2.1×10-3eV2, sin2θ13=0.0, and sin2θ23=0.5. In the normal (inverted) hierarchy θ13 and Δm2 are constrained at the one-dimensional 90% C.L. to sin2θ13<0.04(0.09) and 1.9(1.7)×10 -3<Δm2<2.6(2.7)×10-3eV2. The atmospheric mixing angle is within 0.407≤sin2θ23≤0.583 at 90% C.L. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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In the presence of a chemical potential, the physics of level crossings leads to singularities at zero temperature, even when the spatial volume is finite. These singularities are smoothed out at a finite temperature but leave behind nontrivial finite size effects which must be understood in order to extract thermodynamic quantities using Monte Carlo methods, particularly close to critical points. We illustrate some of these issues using the classical nonlinear O(2) sigma model with a coupling β and chemical potential μ on a 2+1-dimensional Euclidean lattice. In the conventional formulation this model suffers from a sign problem at nonzero chemical potential and hence cannot be studied with the Wolff cluster algorithm. However, when formulated in terms of the worldline of particles, the sign problem is absent, and the model can be studied efficiently with the "worm algorithm." Using this method we study the finite size effects that arise due to the chemical potential and develop an effective quantum mechanical approach to capture the effects. As a side result we obtain energy levels of up to four particles as a function of the box size and uncover a part of the phase diagram in the (β,μ) plane. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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We propose a new approach to the fermion sign problem in systems where there is a coupling U such that when it is infinite the fermions are paired into bosons, and there is no fermion permutation sign to worry about. We argue that as U becomes finite, fermions are liberated but are naturally confined to regions which we refer to as fermion bags. The fermion sign problem is then confined to these bags and may be solved using the determinantal trick. In the parameter regime where the fermion bags are small and their typical size does not grow with the system size, construction of Monte Carlo methods that are far more efficient than conventional algorithms should be possible. In the region where the fermion bags grow with system size, the fermion bag approach continues to provide an alternative approach to the problem but may lose its main advantage in terms of efficiency. The fermion bag approach also provides new insights and solutions to sign problems. A natural solution to the "silver blaze problem" also emerges. Using the three-dimensional massless lattice Thirring model as an example, we introduce the fermion bag approach and demonstrate some of these features. We compute the critical exponents at the quantum phase transition and find ν=0.87(2) and η=0.62(2). © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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The problem of constructing consistent parity-violating interactions for spin-3 gauge fields is considered in Minkowski space. Under the assumptions of locality, Poincaré invariance, and parity noninvariance, we classify all the nontrivial perturbative deformations of the Abelian gauge algebra. In space-time dimensions n=3 and n=5, deformations of the free theory are obtained which make the gauge algebra non-Abelian and give rise to nontrivial cubic vertices in the Lagrangian, at first order in the deformation parameter g. At second order in g, consistency conditions are obtained which the five-dimensional vertex obeys, but which rule out the n=3 candidate. Moreover, in the five-dimensional first-order deformation case, the gauge transformations are modified by a new term which involves the second de Wit-Freedman connection in a simple and suggestive way. © 2006 The American Physical Society.


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We study the mixing of the scalar glueball into the isosinglet mesons f0(1370), f0(1500), and f0(1710) to describe the two-body decays to pseudoscalars. We use an effective Hamiltonian and employ the two-angle mixing scheme for η and η′. In this framework, we analyze existing data and look forward to new data into η and η′ channels. For now, the f0(1710) has the largest glueball component and a sizable branching ratio into ηη′, testable at BESIII.


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This paper describes the first measurement of b-quark fragmentation fractions into bottom hadrons in Run II of the Tevatron Collider at Fermilab. The result is based on a 360pb-1 sample of data collected with the CDF II detector in pp̄ collisions at s=1.96TeV. Semileptonic decays of B̄0, B-, and B̄s0 mesons, as well as Λb0 baryons, are reconstructed. For an effective bottom hadron pT threshold of 7GeV/c, the fragmentation fractions are measured to be fu/fd=1.054±0.018(stat)-0.045+0.025(sys)±0. 058(B), fs/(fu+fd)=0.160±0.005(stat)-0.010+0.011(sys)-0.034+0.057(B), and fΛb/(fu+fd)=0.281±0.012(stat)-0.056+0.058(sys)-0.087+0.128(B), where the uncertainty B is due to uncertainties on measured branching ratios. The value of fs/(fu+fd) agrees within one standard deviation with previous CDF measurements and the world average of this quantity, which is dominated by LEP measurements. However, the ratio fΛb/(fu+fd) is approximately twice the value previously measured at LEP. The approximately 2σ discrepancy is examined in terms of kinematic differences between the two production environments. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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We show that a quantum scalar particle in the gravitational field of a massive body of radius R which slightly exceeds the Schwarzschild radius rs, possesses a dense spectrum of narrow resonances. Their lifetimes and density tend to infinity in the limit R?rs. We determine the cross section of the particle capture into these resonances and show that it is equal to the absorption cross section for a Schwarzschild black hole. Thus, a nonsingular static metric acquires black-hole properties before the actual formation of a black hole.


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We show that a spin-1/2 particle in the gravitational field of a massive body of radius R which slightly exceeds the Schwarzschild radius rs, possesses a dense spectrum of narrow resonances. Their lifetimes and density tend to infinity in the limit R → rs. We determine the cross section of the particle capture into these resonances and show that it is equal to the spin-1/2 absorption cross section for a Schwarzschild black hole. Thus black-hole properties may emerge in a non-singular static metric prior to the formation of a black hole.


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Birefringence is one of the fascinating properties of the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics (QED) in strong electromagnetic fields. The scattering of linearly polarized incident probe photons into a perpendicularly polarized mode provides a distinct signature of the optical activity of the quantum vacuum and thus offers an excellent opportunity for a precision test of nonlinear QED. Precision tests require accurate predictions and thus a theoretical framework that is capable of taking the detailed experimental geometry into account. We derive analytical solutions for vacuum birefringence which include the spatio-temporal field structure of a strong optical pump laser field and an x-ray probe. We show that the angular distribution of the scattered photons depends strongly on the interaction geometry and find that scattering of the perpendicularly polarized scattered photons out of the cone of the incident probe x-ray beam is the key to making the phenomenon experimentally accessible with the current generation of FEL/high-field laser facilities.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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A internet está a tornar-se cada vez mais um meio importante na comunicação de ciência, permitindo a criação de novas atividades de envolvimento do público (AEPs). Instituições científicas, grupos de investigação e até cientistas recorrem à internet para comunicar com o público. Cientistas membros do grupo Gravitation in Técnico (GRIT), do Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofísica, Instituto Superior Técnico, criaram o website “Gravitão” como meio de difusão de diversos tipos de AEPs para o público, em particular para os jovens. O objetivo principal do estágio curricular foi a criação, em conjunto com os membros do GRIT, de conteúdos para o “Gravitão”. Foram também desenvolvidas outras AEPs, incluindo press releases. Durante o estágio procurou-se ainda analisar a visão dos membros do GRIT sobre as AEPs e sobre a comunicação de ciência, com o objetivo de facilitar o envolvimento dos cientistas nestas atividades. A análise dos dados recolhidos permitiu conhecer melhor a visão destes cientistas e identificar os fatores que influenciam a sua motivação para a participação em AEPs. Este estudo permite apresentar estratégias para o desenvolvimento do website “Gravitão” e de outras AEPs no futuro.


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La matière sombre est un mystère dans le domaine de l’astrophysique depuis déjà plusieurs années. De nombreuses observations montrent que jusqu’à 85 % de la masse gravitationnelle totale de l’univers serait composée de cette matière de nature inconnue. Une théorie expliquant cette masse manquante considérerait les WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), particules stables, non chargées, prédites par des extensions du modèle standard, comme candidats. Le projet PICASSO (Projet d’Identification des CAndidats Supersymétriques à la matière Sombre) est une expérience qui tente de détecter directement le WIMP. Le projet utilise des détecteurs à gouttelettes de fréon (C4F10) surchauffées. La collision entre un WIMP et le noyau de fluor crée un recul nucléaire qui cause à son tour une transition de phase de la gouttelette liquide à une bulle gazeuse. Le bruit de ce phénomène est alors capté par des senseurs piézoélectriques montés sur les parois des détecteurs. Le WIMP n’est cependant pas la seule particule pouvant causer une telle transition de phase. D’autres particules environnantes peuvent former des bulles, telles les particules alpha où même des rayons gamma . Le système d’acquisition de données (DAQ) est aussi en proie à du bruit électronique qui peut être enregistré, ainsi que sensible à du bruit acoustique extérieur au détecteur. Finalement, des fractures dans le polymère qui tient les gouttelettes en place peut également causer des transitions de phase spontanées. Il faut donc minimiser l’impact de tous ces différents bruit de fond. La pureté du matériel utilisé dans la fabrication des détecteurs devient alors très importante. On fait aussi appel à des méthodes qui impliquent l’utilisation de variables de discrimination développées dans le but d’améliorer les limites d’exclusion de détection du WIMP.


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Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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This article is concerned with the numerical simulation of flows at low Mach numbers which are subject to the gravitational force and strong heat sources. As a specific example for such flows, a fire event in a car tunnel will be considered in detail. The low Mach flow is treated with a preconditioning technique allowing the computation of unsteady flows, while the source terms for gravitation and heat are incorporated via operator splitting. It is shown that a first order discretization in space is not able to compute the buoyancy forces properly on reasonable grids. The feasibility of the method is demonstrated on several test cases.