947 resultados para Graphic design Project


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Currently, a lot of visual information present in all media is form vehemently, for example, in print media and interfaces used for publicity in conjunction with informational design. This visual information has great influence in the life of human beings, since the vision of these individuals is the most used sense. Studies on visual identity have not explored this issue in a satisfactory manner, favoring thus the subject of this small development projects in the area. It is noted the need for analyzes to enable implementation principles of project, making them accessible to the comprehension of most individuals. This study aimed to propose an evaluation of visual identities, which were analyzed by means of visual concepts of usability, design methodologies and Gestalt. We contacted design firms specialized in visual identity projects, places where interviews were conducted to collect the brands allowed for analysis. The results point to a frequent demand for the employment of visual usability principles, design methodologies and Gestalt design in visual identities.


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Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC


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Graphic Design is a profession established with advent artistic vanguards of the twentieth century. As professional activity, it works with planning and projects which involve the visual solution of communication and information problems. Then, The Surface Design is the professional practice pledged with the elaboration of projects for coatings and application in products, giving attention to the production and materials in the processes. The relation between both Design areas is connected, at first, by the two-dimensional characteristic. In Brazil, academic study about Surface Design is in evolution and some universities works with this subject. Analyzing the concepts and characteristics concerning methodologies that comprehend both Graphic Design and Surface Design becomes a current and including subject. Therefore, it is necessary the conceptual unfolding and methodological in order to establish relations and contributions involved in the field of Graphic Design and apply them in Surface Design. Thus, the present study aimed to check concepts and particular functions of Graphic Design and to establish its relations and contributions for Surface Design. The results of this study can be used as teaching support and professional practice.


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The package inserts for drugs represent the main source of written information provided to patients, but the deficiency in the page layouts of informational texts (readability), the excess of information and use of techno-scientific language hamper the effectiveness of communication between the author (manufacturer) and player (patient) in addition to the physiological conditions of patients are often elderly. This article discusses these issues from theoretical predictions, and proposes solutions to the adequacy of information graphics package inserts of drugs and facilitating the identification of drug cards.


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This paper summarizes a research that has been developed from the concern about a company’s strategic planning, once regarding the product development process and its methodological guidelines. Our goal was to check if there is an ideal methodology, peculiar to the graphic design, which could be applied to a printed newspaper condition. And then, we could deduce, according to the design practices in newspapers, its relevance. We did not intend to create a specific graphic design methodology for daily newspapers, nor the analysis of methods, but we wanted to emphasize that the familiarization with acknowledged methods in the field of visual communication, during the process of professional formation, might ease good choices in the work practice on design. The understanding of the gradual introduction of graphic design on printed daily newspapers brings about, thus, not only their visual improvement, but also allows that this kind of journalism (which depends on a graphic interface in order to make their product come true) reconsider the newspaper as a whole.


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Currently, too much visual information present in all media is form vehemently, for example, in print media and interfaces used for publicity in conjunction with informational design. This visual information has great influence in the lives of human beings, since the vision of these individuals is the sense most used. Studies on visual identity have not explored this issue in a satisfactory manner, favoring thus the subject of this little development projects in the area. Note the need for analyzes to enable implementation principles of projective, making them accessible to the understanding of most individuals. This study aimed to propose an evaluation of visual identities, which were analyzed by means of visual concepts of usability, design methodologies and Gestalt. We contacted design firms specializing in visual identity projects, places where interviews were conducted to collect the marks allowed for analysis. The results point to a frequent demand the employment of visual usability principles, design methodologies and design in Gestalt visual identities.


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The packaging often presents faults that difficult the communication between product and consumer. The aim of this research is to study the interaction between a group of elderly people with five food packagings, that being illinterpreted, can bring them health problems. The results of this study evidence the importance of ergonomics in graphic design for food packaging.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una interfaz MIDI, basada en técnicas de procesamiento digital de la imagen, capaz de controlar diversos parámetros de un software de audio mediante información gestual: el movimiento de las manos. La imagen es capturada por una cámara Kinect comercial y los datos obtenidos por ésta son procesados en tiempo real. La finalidad es convertir la posición de varios puntos de control de nuestro cuerpo en información de control musical MIDI. La interfaz ha sido desarrollada en el lenguaje y entorno de programación Processing, el cual está basado en Java, es de libre distribución y de fácil utilización. El software de audio seleccionado es Ableton Live, versión 8.2.2, elegido porque es útil tanto para la composición musical como para la música en directo, y esto último es la principal utilidad que se le pretende dar a la interfaz. El desarrollo del proyecto se divide en dos bloques principales: el primero, diseño gráfico del controlador, y el segundo, la gestión de la información musical. En el primer apartado se justifica el diseño del controlador, formado por botones virtuales: se explica el funcionamiento y, brevemente, la función de cada botón. Este último tema es tratado en profundidad en el Anexo II: Manual de usuario. En el segundo bloque se explica el camino que realiza la información MIDI desde el procesador gestual hasta el sintetizador musical. Este camino empieza en Processing, desde donde se mandan los mensajes que más tarde son interpretados por el secuenciador seleccionado, Ableton Live. Una vez terminada la explicación con detalle del desarrollo del proyecto se exponen las conclusiones del autor acerca del desarrollo del proyecto, donde se encuentran los pros y los contras a tener en cuenta para poder sacar el máximo provecho en el uso del controlador . En este mismo bloque de la memoria se exponen posibles líneas futuras a desarrollar. Se facilita también un presupuesto, desglosado en costes materiales y de personal. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is the development of a MIDI interface based on image digital processing techniques, able to control several parameters of an audio software using gestural information, the movement of the hands. The image is captured by a commercial Kinect camera and the data obtained by it are processed in real time. The purpose is to convert the position of various points of our body into MIDI musical control information. The interface has been developed in the Processing programming language and environment which is based on Java, freely available and easy to used. The audio software selected is Ableton Live, version 8.2.2, chosen because it is useful for both music composition and live music, and the latter is the interface main intended utility. The project development is divided into two main blocks: the controller graphic design, and the information management. The first section justifies the controller design, consisting of virtual buttons: it is explained the operation and, briefly, the function of each button. This latter topic is covered in detail in Annex II: user manual. In the second section it is explained the way that the MIDI information makes from the gestural processor to the musical synthesizer. It begins in Processing, from where the messages, that are later interpreted by the selected sequencer, Ableton Live, are sent. Once finished the detailed explanation of the project development, the author conclusions are presented, among which are found the pros and cons to take into account in order to take full advantage in the controller use. In this same block are explained the possible future aspects to develop. It is also provided a budget, broken down into material and personal costs.


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EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) lies in a set of software tools and applications which provide a software infrastructure for building distributed data acquisition and control systems. Currently there is an increase in use of such systems in large Physics experiments like ITER, ESS, and FREIA. In these experiments, advanced data acquisition systems using FPGA-based technology like FlexRIO are more frequently been used. The particular case of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), the instrumentation and control system is supported by CCS (CODAC Core System), based on RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) operating system, and by the plant design specifications in which every CCS element is defined either hardware, firmware or software. In this degree final project the methodology proposed in Implementation of Intelligent Data Acquisition Systems for Fusion Experiments using EPICS and FlexRIO Technology Sanz et al. [1] is used. The final objective is to provide a document describing the fulfilled process and the source code of the data acquisition system accomplished. The use of the proposed methodology leads to have two diferent stages. The first one consists of the hardware modelling with graphic design tools like LabVIEWFPGA which later will be implemented in the FlexRIO device. In the next stage the design cycle is completed creating an EPICS controller that manages the device using a generic device support layer named NDS (Nominal Device Support). This layer integrates the data acquisition system developed into CCS (Control, data access and communication Core System) as an EPICS interface to the system. The use of FlexRIO technology drives the use of LabVIEW and LabVIEW FPGA respectively. RESUMEN. EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) es un conjunto de herramientas software utilizadas para el desarrollo e implementación de sistemas de adquisición de datos y control distribuidos. Cada vez es más utilizado para entornos de experimentación física a gran escala como ITER, ESS y FREIA entre otros. En estos experimentos se están empezando a utilizar sistemas de adquisición de datos avanzados que usan tecnología basada en FPGA como FlexRIO. En el caso particular de ITER, el sistema de instrumentación y control adoptado se basa en el uso de la herramienta CCS (CODAC Core System) basado en el sistema operativo RHEL (Red Hat) y en las especificaciones del diseño del sistema de planta, en la cual define todos los elementos integrantes del CCS, tanto software como firmware y hardware. En este proyecto utiliza la metodología propuesta para la implementación de sistemas de adquisición de datos inteligente basada en EPICS y FlexRIO. Se desea generar una serie de ejemplos que cubran dicho ciclo de diseño completo y que serían propuestos como casos de uso de dichas tecnologías. Se proporcionará un documento en el que se describa el trabajo realizado así como el código fuente del sistema de adquisición. La metodología adoptada consta de dos etapas diferenciadas. En la primera de ellas se modela el hardware y se sintetiza en el dispositivo FlexRIO utilizando LabVIEW FPGA. Posteriormente se completa el ciclo de diseño creando un controlador EPICS que maneja cada dispositivo creado utilizando una capa software genérica de manejo de dispositivos que se denomina NDS (Nominal Device Support). Esta capa integra la solución en CCS realizando la interfaz con la capa EPICS del sistema. El uso de la tecnología FlexRIO conlleva el uso del lenguaje de programación y descripción hardware LabVIEW y LabVIEW FPGA respectivamente.