996 resultados para Goeben, August Karl Friedrich Christian von, 1816-1880.
No more published--NUC pre-1956.
Signatures Band I: pi[superscript 4], 1-26[superscript 8] 27[superscript 4] 28[superscript 6], 23 leaves of plates. Signatures Band II: pi[superscript 2]1-31[superscript 8] 32[superscript 6] 33[superscript 4](-334) 34[superscript 4], [superscript 2]1-[superscript 2]14[superscript 8] [superscript 2]15[superscript 2].
Mode of access: Internet.
Portrait of Dr. Otto Devrient mounted on verse of 2d frontispiece.
5. Bd., 3. Abt. Geschichte der Volksschule, besonders in Deutschland, von [F.] Sander. Das technische Schulwesen, von [G.] Holzmüller. Geschichte des Taubstummenbildungswesens, Geschichte der Kleinkinderschule und des Kingergartens, Geschichte der Blindenbildung, von J. Kopp. Verzeichnis der Namen. 1902.
The memoir was written between 1899 and 1918. Family history going back to the early 18th century. Recollection of the author's childhood in Hildesheim. Moritz was the youngest child of Joseph and Bena Guedemann. Early death of his father in 1847. Moritz attended the Jewish elementary school prior to the age of five. In 1843 he was enrolled in the episcopal "Josephinum Gymnasium", where he was the only Jewish student in the entire school. He had friendly relationships with students and teachers and was not confronted with antisemitism during his school years. Moritz Guedemann graduated in 1853 and enrolled in the newly established Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau. Description of teachers and colleagues in the seminary. Doctorate in 1858 and continuation of rabbinic studies. Occasional invitation to preach at the high holidays in Berlin, where Moritz got acquainted with the famous rabbi Dr. Michael Sachs. Position as a rabbi in Magdeburg in 1862. Small publications of studies in Jewish history. Engagement with Fanny Spiegel. In 1863 Moritz and Fanny Guedemann got married. Offer to succeed rabbi Michael Sachs in Berlin. Division and intrigues in the Jewish community and withdrawing from the position. Invitation to give a sermon in Vienna. In 1866 Moritz Guedemann was nominated to succeed rabbi Mannheimer at the Leopoldstadt synagogue in Vienna. Austro-Prussian war and defeat of Austria in Koeniggraetz. Initial difficulties and cultural differences. Criticism toward his orthodox conduct in the Vienna Jewish press ("Neuzeit"). Cultural life in Vienna. Welfare institutions and philanthropists. Difference within the Jewish community. Crash of the stock exchange and rise of antisemitism. Publication of sermons and studies in Jewish history. In 1891 Max Guedemann became chief rabbi of Vienna. Speeches against antisemitism and blood libel trials. He was awarded with the title "Ritter" of the Kaiser Franz Joseph order for these achievements. Death of his wife in
The international circulation and reception of the works of Friedrich Carl von Savigny (1779-1861) constitute one of the main features of the first globalization of legal thought. Reaching law professors and practitioners from Brazil to Japan, readings of Savigny’s books offer a promising perspective for understanding how legal cultures around the world coped with the challenges of modernity. By focusing empirically on the circulation of books and analytically on the adaptation of texts to local contexts, the approach forwarded here tries to capture the creative aspects of the diffusion of knowledge. For this purpose, it concentrates on Brazilian readers of Savigny in the 19th Century, especially on the celebrated lawyer Augusto Teixeira de Freitas (1816-1883). It argues that Savigny’s works provided a decisive argumentative framework for some of the main issues discussed in Brazilian jurisprudence of the time. Freitas’ work documents a productive reading of Savigny that shaped his views on both normative and methodological issues, from slavery to codification. By tracing Freitas’ selective appropriation of Savigny’s texts, the article concludes that he was able both to reproduce and to subvert Savigny’s conception of private law, whenever the local context and his personal convictions demanded him to.
Boberach: Das Ergebnis der Ermittlungen gegen 401 Teilnehmer am pfälzischen Aufstand, von denen 28 außer Verfolgung gesetzt wurden, enthält eine mit Zitaten belegte Darstellung der Ereignisse in den einzelnen Landesteilen; unter den Angeklagten sind Heinrich Didier, Karl Wilhelm Schmidt, Nikolaus Schmitt, Dr. Philipp Hepp, Peter Fries, August Culmann, Friedrich Schüler, Martini [sic!] (MdNV), Hans Alfred Erbe (MdNV), Schlöffel, Ferd. Fenner v. Fenneberg, Franz Zitz, Paquillier [sic!], Ludwig Blenker, Gottfried Kinkel, Johann [sic!] Kudlich, Franz Grün, Gustav Struve, Karl d'Ester, Friedrich Anneke [sic!], Friedrich v. Beust, Reinhard Schimmelpfennig, Franz Sznayda [sic!], August Willich, Ludwig Mieroslawsky, Victor Schily
für die Jugend bearbeitet von K.F.W. Wander
Vorbesitzer: Johann Friedrich Heinrich Schlosser
abgedruckt in: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch 61 (1980), S. 139
u.a.: Kapitel über die Sexualität; Naturwissenschaft; Kritik an Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz und Spinoza; Kritik Richard Wagners an den Grundsätzen der Musik Schopenhauers; Übersetzung von "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung" von Charles Dollfus in der Zeitschrift Revue Germanique; Studienarbeiten Kuno Fischers an der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" von Immanuel Kant; Aufsatz in der "Sächsischen Constitutionellen Zeitung"; veröffentlichter Goethe Brief an Schopenhauer in der Zeitschrift "Findlinge" von Hoffmann von Fallersleben in der Ausgabe von 7.9.1815 im Zusammenhang der Schrift "Über das Sehen und die Farben"; Rezeption Schopenhauers bei Heribert Rau; Roman "Sturm und Compass"; Abbestellung der Zeitschrift "Ficht'sches Journal"; Kritik an der Abhandlung zu Goethes Faust von David Asher;
u.a.: Rücksprache mit Professor Schubert; Nachlass Immanuel Kant; Kritik an Hegel in "Der Wille in der Natur";