164 resultados para Gilpin


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Tobacco advertising is often named as the culprit that causes children to start smoking (Lancaster & Lancaster, 2003). This belief can partly be attributed to the Index of Receptivity to Tobacco Industry Promotion (IRTIP) developed by Evans, Farkas, Gilpin, Berry, & Pierce (1995). IRTIP was later modified and used by Pierce, Choi, Gilpin, Farkas, & Berry (1998) in a longitudinal study that claimed to have found a causal link between advertising and adolescent cigarette trial. The model is advertised by the American National Cancer Institute (2004) as being able to measure the likelihood of an adolescent starting smoking. Because of Pierce’s causality claim and this endorsement, IRTIP has been widely adopted by tobacco-control researchers. Consequently, the results from IRTIP based surveys have played a central role in influencing tobacco control policy. Based on the logic that a model used to predict the chances of a non-smoker becoming a smoker should be able to distinguish between these two groups, discriminant analysis with dummy coded variables was used to validate IRTIP. The results show that while IRTIP classifies never-smokers well, it grossly misclassifies smokers. This leads to questions about the validity of the model and of studies using IRTIP.


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Este trabalho analisa as iniciativas brasileiras de integração energética com a Venezuela (petróleo), Bolívia (gás natural), Argentina e Paraguai (hidrelétricas). O período considerado corresponde a quinze anos (1988-2002). Embora a gênese dos Acordos, que permitiram esses processos de integração, seja anterior a esse período específico, interessa-nos compreender o que representa a integração energética nos marcos atuais da política externa brasileira para a América do Sul. A hipótese de trabalho, que orientou a pesquisa realizada, deriva da Teoria Realista da Economia Política Internacional, na versão proposta por Robert Gilpin (2001). Basicamente, esta hipótese estrutura-se na afirmação de que os países tomam decisões (sobre o nível de integração econômica com seus vizinhos) tendo em conta as considerações de poder político, tanto ou mais do que motivados pela busca de vantagens comparativas resultantes da especialização. O teste da presente hipótese foi realizado em duas etapas sucessivas: em primeiro lugar, foram analisadas a matriz energética brasileira e a racionalidade econômica dos Acordos de integração energética do ponto de vista das necessidades do desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro; em seguida foram analisados os processos de negociação dos Acordos propriamente ditos, contrastado-os e comparando-os com o discurso diplomático brasileiro sobre a nova liderança na América do Sul. A recuperação histórica da lógica subjacente de cada processo integrador permitiu verificar até que ponto os objetivos políticos de consolidação da liderança brasileira foram favorecidos, sendo possível concluir que esses três processos em questão foram úteis para o projeto de liderança do Brasil no âmbito sul-americano, tanto do ponto de vista econômico, quanto do político.


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Als "maßlose" Kopie ist die zwischen 1774 und 1784 errichtete, gigantische "Ruine" einer dorischen Säule im französischen Landschaftsgarten Désert de Retz eine Ausnahmeerscheinung im Kontext der Kunst- und Gartendiskurse ihrer Entstehungszeit. Komplettiert hätte der Säulestumpf, in dem sich ein mehrgeschossiges Gartenhaus befindet, eine Höhe von einhundertzwanzig Metern. Doch gerade aus der Inszenierung einer übergroßen klassischen Ordnung als bewohnte Ruine erschließt sich die Bedeutung dieses ungewöhnlichen Bauwerks. Die Garten des Désert de Retz zog nicht allein die Surrealisten um André Breton in ihren Bann, die sich 1960 vor seinem Eingang zu einem Gruppenfoto versammelten. Eine eigentümliche Querverbindung besteht auch zu einem der bekanntesten Entwürfe von Adolf Loos, der 1922 für den Chicago-Tribune-Tower-Wettbewerb einen Wolkenkratzer in Gestalt einer riesigen dorischen Säule einreichte.


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The ability of the cornea to transmit light while being mechanically resilient is directly attributable to the formation of an extracellular matrix containing orthogonal sheets of collagen fibrils. The detailed structure of the fibrils and how this structure underpins the mechanical properties and organization of the cornea is understood poorly. In this study, we used automated electron tomography to study the three-dimensional organization of molecules in corneal collagen fibrils. The reconstructions show that the collagen molecules in the 36-nm diameter collagen fibrils are organized into microfibrils (≈4-nm diameter) that are tilted by ≈15° to the fibril long axis in a right-handed helix. An unexpected finding was that the microfibrils exhibit a constant-tilt angle independent of radial position within the fibril. This feature suggests that microfibrils in concentric layers are not always parallel to each other and cannot retain the same neighbors between layers. Analysis of the lateral structure shows that the microfibrils exhibit regions of order and disorder within the 67-nm axial repeat of collagen fibrils. Furthermore, the microfibrils are ordered at three specific regions of the axial repeat of collagen fibrils that correspond to the N- and C-telopeptides and the d-band of the gap zone. The reconstructions also show macromolecules binding to the fibril surface at sites that correspond precisely to where the microfibrils are most orderly.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"An address to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania, by those freemen of the city of Philadelphia, who are now confined in the Mason's lodge ...": p. 86-115.


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A list of authors of the biographies (originally published in the New York times) may be found in Proc. of the Mass. hist. soc., 1876-1877 [v.15] p. 393.


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Includes indexes.


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Compiled by Henry D. Gilpin from Scot's introductions and notes to the editions of "his own works" published between 1827 and 1831. cf. Brit. Mus. Catalogue.


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The "Northern tour", Philadelphia, 1825, was the work of H.D. Gilpin.