656 resultados para Germanium Dendrites
In addition to functionally affected neuronal signaling pathways, altered axonal, dendritic, and synaptic morphology may contribute to hippocampal hyperexcitability in chronic mesial temporal lobe epilepsies (MTLE). The sclerotic hippocampus in Ammon's horn sclerosis (AHS)-associated MTLE, which shows segmental neuronal cell loss, axonal reorganization, and astrogliosis, would appear particularly susceptible to such changes. To characterize the cellular hippocampal pathology in MTLE, we have analyzed hilar neurons in surgical hippocampus specimens from patients with MTLE. Anatomically well-preserved hippocampal specimens from patients with AHS (n = 44) and from patients with focal temporal lesions (non-AHS; n = 20) were studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CFLSM) and electron microscopy (EM). Hippocampal samples from three tumor patients without chronic epilepsies and autopsy samples were used as controls. Using intracellular Lucifer Yellow injection and CFLSM, spiny pyramidal, multipolar, and mossy cells as well as non-spiny multipolar neurons have been identified as major hilar cell types in controls and lesion-associated MTLE specimens. In contrast, none of the hilar neurons from AHS specimens displayed a morphology reminiscent of mossy cells. In AHS, a major portion of the pyramidal and multipolar neurons showed extensive dendritic ramification and periodic nodular swellings of dendritic shafts. EM analysis confirmed the altered cellular morphology, with an accumulation of cytoskeletal filaments and increased numbers of mitochondria as the most prominent findings. To characterize cytoskeletal alterations in hilar neurons further, immunohistochemical reactions for neurofilament proteins (NFP), microtubule-associated proteins, and tau were performed. This analysis specifically identified large and atypical hilar neurons with an accumulation of low weight NFP. Our data demonstrate striking structural alterations in hilar neurons of patients with AHS compared with controls and non-sclerotic MTLE specimens. Such changes may develop during cellular reorganization in the epileptogenic hippocampus and are likely to contribute to the pathogenesis or maintenance of temporal lobe epilepsy.
During the last decade, evidence that release of chemical transmitters from astrocytes might modulate neuronal activity (the so-called "gliotransmission") occurs in situ has been extensively provided. Nevertheless, gliotransmission remains a highly debated topic because of the lack of direct morphological and functional evidence. Here we provided new information supporting gliotransmission, by i) deepen knowledge about specific properties of regulated secretion of glutamatergic SLMVs, and ii) investigating the involvement of astrocytes in the transmission of dopamine, a molecule whose interaction with astrocytes is likely to occur, but it's still not proven.¦VGLUT-expressing glutamatergic SLMVs have been previously identified both in situ and in vitro, but description of kinetics of release were still lacking. To elucidate this issue, we took advantage of fluorescent tools (styryl dyes and pHluorin) and adapted experimental paradigms and analysis methods previously developed to study exo-endocytosis and recycling of glutamatergic vesicles at synapses. Parallel use of EPIfluorescence and total internal reflection (TIRF) imaging allowed us to find that exo-endocytosis processes in astrocytes are extremely fast, with kinetics in the order of milliseconds, able to sustain and follow neuronal signalling at synapses. Also, exocytosis of SLMVs is under the control of fast, localized Ca2+ elevations in close proximity of SLMVs and endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) tubules, the intracellular calcium stores. Such complex organization supports the fast stimulus-secretion coupling we described; localized calcium elevations have been recently observed in astrocytes in situ, suggesting that these functional microdomains might be present in the intact tissue. In the second part of the work, we investigated whether astrocytes possess some of the benchmarks of brain dopaminergic cells. It's been known for years that astrocytes are able to metabolize monoamines by the enzymes MAO and COMT, but to date no clear information that glial cells are able to uptake and store monoamines have been provided. Here, we identified a whole apparatus for the storage, degradation and release of monoamines, at the ultrastructural level. Electron microscopy immunohistochemistry allowed us to visualize VMAT2- and dopamine-positive intracellular compartments within astrocytic processes, i.e. dense -core granules and cisterns. These organelles might be responsible for dopamine release and storage, respectively; interestingly, this intracellular distribution is reminiscent of VMAT2 expression in dendrites if neurons, where dopamine release is tonic and plays a role in the regulation of its a basal levels, suggesting that astrocytic VMAT2 is involved in the homeostasis of dopamine in healthy brains of adult mammals.¦Durant cette dernière décennie, de nombreux résultats sur le relâchement des transmetteurs par les astrocytes pouvant modulé l'activité synaptique (gliotransmission) ont été fournis. Néanmoins, la gliotransmission reste un processus encore très débattu, notamment à cause de l'absence de preuves directes, morphologique et fonctionnelle démontrant ce phénomène. Nous présentons dans nos travaux de nombreux résultats confortant l'hypothèse de la gliotransmission, dont i) une étude approfondie sur les propriétés spatiales et temporelles de la sécrétion régulée du glutamate dans les astrocytes, et ii) une étude sur la participation des astrocytes dans la transmission de la dopamine, une neuromodulateur dont l'interaction avec les astrocytes est fortement probable, mais qui n'a encore jamais été prouvée. L'expression des petites vésicules (SLMVs - Synaptic Like Micro Vesicles) glutamatergiques exprimant les transporteurs vésiculaires du glutamate (VGLUTs) dans les astrocytes a déjà été prouvé tant in situ qu'in vitro. Afin de mettre en évidence les propriétés précises de la sécrétion de ces organelles, nous avons adapté à nos études des méthodes expérimentales conçues pour observer les processus de exocytose et endocytose dans les neurones. Les résolutions spatiale et temporelle obtenues, grâce a l'utilisation en parallèle de l'épi fluorescence et de la fluorescence a onde évanescente (TIRF), nous ont permis de montrer que la sécrétion régulée dans les astrocytes est un processus extrêmement rapide (de l'ordre de la milliseconde) et qu'elle est capable de soutenir et de suivre la transmission de signaux entre neurones. Nous avons également découvert que cette sécrétion a lieu dans des compartiments subcellulaires particuliers où nous observons la présence du reticulum endoplasmique (ER) ainsi que des augmentations rapides de calcium. Cette organisation spatiale complexe pourrait être la base morphologique du couplage rapide entre le stimulus et la sécrétion. Par ailleurs, plusieurs études récentes in vivo semblent confirmer l'existence de ces compartiments. Depuis des années nous savons que les astrocytes sont capables de métaboliser les monoamines par les enzymes MAO et COMT. Nous avons donc fourni de nouvelles preuves concernant la présence d'un appareil de stockage dans les astrocytes participant à la dégradation et la libération de monoamines au niveau ultrastructurelle. Grâce à la microscopie électronique, nous avons découvert la présence de compartiments intracellulaires exprimant VMAT2 dans les processus astrocytaires, sous forme de granules et des citernes. Ces organelles pourraient donc être responsables à la fois du relâchement et du stockage de la dopamine. De manière surprenante, cette distribution intracellulaire est similaire aux dendrites des neurones exprimant VMAT2, où la dopamine est libérée de façon tonique permettant d'agir sur la régulation de ses niveaux de base. Ces résultats, suggèrent une certaine participation des VMAT2 présents dans les astrocytes dans le processus d'homéostase de la dopamine dans le cerveau.¦A de nombreuses reprises, dans des émissions scientifiques ou dans des films, il est avancé que les hommes n'utilisent que 10% du potentiel de leur cerveau. Cette légende provient probablement du fait que les premiers chercheurs ayant décrit les cellules du cerveau entre le XIXème et le XXeme siècle, ont montré que les neurones, les cellules les plus connues et étudiées de cet organe, ne représentent seulement que 10% de la totalité des cellules composant du cerveau. Parmi les 90% restantes, les astrocytes sont sans doute les plus nombreuses. Jusqu'au début des années 90, les astrocytes ont été plutôt considérés peu plus que du tissu conjonctif, ayant comme rôles principaux de maintenir certaines propriétés physiques du cerveau et de fournir un support métabolique (énergie, environnement propre) aux neurones. Grace à la découverte que les astrocytes ont la capacité de relâcher des substances neuro-actives, notamment le glutamate, le rôle des astrocytes dans le fonctionnement cérébral a été récemment reconsidérée.¦Le rôle du glutamate provenant des astrocytes et son impact sur la fonctionnalité des neurones n'a pas encore été totalement élucidé, malgré les nombreuses publications démontrant l'importance de ce phénomène en relation avec différentes fonctions cérébrales. Afin de mieux comprendre comment les astrocytes sont impliqués dans la transmission cérébrale, nous avons étudié les propriétés spatio-temporelles de cette libération grâce à l'utilisation des plusieurs marqueurs fluorescents combinée avec différentes techniques d'imagerie cellulaires. Nous avons découvert que la libération du glutamate par les astrocytes (un processus maintenant appelé "gliotransmission") était très rapide et contrôlée par des augmentations locales de calcium. Nous avons relié ces phénomènes à des domaines fonctionnels subcellulaires morphologiquement adaptés pour ce type de transmission. Plus récemment, nous avons concentré nos études sur un autre transmetteur très important dans le fonctionnement du cerveau : la dopamine. Nos résultats morphologiques semblent indiquer que les astrocytes ont la capacité d'interagir avec ce transmetteur, mais d'une manière différente comparée au glutamate, notamment en terme de rapidité de transmission. Ces résultats suggèrent que le astrocytes ont la capacité de modifier leurs caractéristiques et de s'adapter à leur environnement par rapport aux types de transmetteur avec lequel ils doivent interagir.
ABSTRACT : The whisker-to-barrel pathway of rodents is formed by a series of somatotopic projections from the mystacial whisker follicles to the layer IV of the primary somatosensory cortex such that each follicle corresponds to a cluster of cortical neurons called barrel. Barrels are present in layer IV but form part of functional columns that comprise the entire depth of the somatosensory cortex. Interestingly, the cortex of the barrelless mouse strain (BRL) is organized such a manner that thalamocortical afferents do not remodel their projections in layer IV and barrels fail to appear. Nevertheless, functionally, a columnar organization persists, indicating that functional columns are not only provided by thalamocortical projections and layer IV cells. Since in the visual cortex of cats, layer VI cells contribute to the response properties of layer IV neurons, we wonder whether layer VI pyramidal cells could contribute to the columnar organization of the primary somatosensory cortex of mice. To address -this question, we morphologically analyzed the distribution of intracortical axon collaterals of layer VI neurons after in-vivo juxtacellular injections of biocytin in the C2 barrel column. Injected hemispheres were tangentially serial cut and intracortical collaterals of individual layer VI neurons were reconstructed at the light microscopic level. The position of axonal boutons was recorded to evaluate the distribution of presumed synaptic contacts. In normal (NOR) mice, cluster analysis shows that layer VI pyramidal cells can be classified in four statistically different clusters of neurons. Moreover, we assume that two classes are formed by cortico-cortical neurons and two classes are formed by cortico-thalamic neurons. Looking at the direction of the main axon in the white matter, we noticed that its orientation correlates perfectly with the type of neuron: cortico-cortical neurons send main axon medially whereas cortico-thalamic neurons send main axon laterally. Performing the same study in the BRL strain, we showed that the BRL mutation affects layer VI pyramidal cells tangentially and radially: the effects of the mutation are illustrated by a significant decrease of the index of colurnnarization and a significant decrease of percentage of boutons in granular and supragranular layers comparing to NOR neurons. In spite of these differences, the same four classes of layer VI neurons have been found in BRL mice. Using a tangential analysis of the boutons distribution, we showed that putative synapses are distributed mainly in the C2 barrel column. This was observed for each layer, type of neuron, cluster or strain, indicating that layer VI pyramidal cells could participate to the functional columnar organization of the barrel cortex. To determine post-synaptic partners of layer VI neurons in layer IV, we conducted an ultrastructural analysis of layer VI-to-IV contacts. We showed that synapses principally occur on spines and spiny dendritic shafts, supposed to belong to excitatory neurons. We furthermore showed that pre-synaptic elements are significantly different between en passant and terminaux contacts, which support hypothesis that terminaux boutons should show longer duration of facilitation than en passant boutons. RÉSUMÉ : Le «whisker-to-barrel pathway» des rongeurs est caractérisé par une série de projections somatotopiques depuis les follicules des moustaches ('whiskers') jusqu'à la couche IV de l'aire somatosensorielle primaire, de telle façon que chaque follicule corresponde à un groupe de neurones corticaux appelés tonneaux (`barrels'). Les tonneaux sont seulement présents en couche IV mais font partie de colonnes fonctionnelles qui s'étendent sur toute la profondeur du cortex somatosensoriel. Chez les souris mutantes barrelless (BRL), le cortex somatosensoriel est organisé de façon telle que lés afférences thalamocorticales ne remodellent pas leurs projections en couche IV et que les tonneaux n'apparaissent pas. Fonctionnellement, pourtant, une organisation en colonnes persiste, ce qui indique que les colonnes fonctionnelles ne sont pas uniquement produites par les projections thalamocorticales et par les cellules de la couche IV. Puisque les cellules de la couche VI contribuent à influencer les réponses des cellules de la couche IV dans le cortex visuel du chat, nous nous sommes demandé si ces cellules ne pourraient pas aussi contribuer à l'organisation en colonnes du cortex somatosensoriel primaire de la souris. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons analysé de façon morphologique la distribution intracorticale des collatéraux axonaux de neurones de la couche VI. Suite à des injections juxtacellulaires de biocytine in-vivo dans la colonne C2, les hémisphères cérébraux ont été tangentiellement coupés en série et les collatéraux intracorticaux des neurones de la couche VI ont été reconstruits en microscopie optique. La position des boutons axonaux a aussi été enregistrée pour évaluer la distribution des contacts synpptiques potentiels. Chez les souris NOR, une analyse multivariée montre que les cellules pyramidales de la couche VI sont distribuées en quatre classes. Deux de ces classes sont probablement formées de neurons cortico-corticaux, alors que les deux autres sont probablement formées de neurones corticothalamiques. En observant la direction de l'axone principal dans la matière blanche, nous avons noté que son orientation est parfaitement corrélée avec le type supposé de neurone : les neurones corticocorticaux envoient leurs axones principaux médiallement, alors que les neurons cortico-thalamiques envoient leurs axones principaux latéralement. En menant la même étude chez les souris BRL, nous avons montré que la mutation affecte les cellules pyramidales de la couche VI de façon tangentielle, mais aussi radiaire : les effets de 1a mutation se traduisent par une diminution significative de l'index de « columnarization » et de la connectivité en couches granulaire et supragranulaire. Malgré ces différences, les quatre mêmes classes de neurones ont été retrouvées. En utilisant une analyse tangentielle de la distribution des boutons, nous avons montré que les synapses potentielles sont distribuées principalement dans la colonne C2. Cette observation a été faite dans chaque couche, chaque type de neurones, chaque classe de neurones et chaque souche de souris, indicant que les cellules de la couche VI participent certainement à l'organisation en colonne du cortex somatosensoriel. Pour déterminer les partenaires post-synaptiques des cellules de la couche VI en couche IV, nous avons conduit une analyse ultrastructurelle de ces contacts. Nous avons montré que les synapses interviennent principalement sur les épines et sur les dendrites supposés appartenir à des cellules excitatrices. Nous avons aussi montré que les éléments pré-synaptiques de ces synapses sont significativement differents selon le type de bouton, en passant ou terminal, ce qui supporte l'hypothèse que les boutons terminaux seraient capables d'une plus longue facilitation.
Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are essential components necessary for the early growth process of axons and dendrites, and for the structural organization within cells. Both MAP2 and MAP5 are involved in these events, MAP2 occupying a role predominantly in dendrites, and MAP5 being involved in both axonal and dendritic growth. In the chick dorsal root ganglia, pseudo-unipolar sensory neurons have a T-shaped axon and are devoid of any dendrites. Therefore, they offer an ideal model to study the differential expression of MAPs during DRG development, specifically during axonal growth. In this study we have analyzed the expression and localization of MAP2 and MAP5 isoforms during chick dorsal root ganglia development in vivo, and in cell culture. In DRG, both MAPs appeared as early as E5. MAP2 consists of the 3 isoforms MAP2a, b and c. On blots, no MAP2a could be found at any stage. MAP2b increased between E6 and E10 and thereafter diminished slowly in concentration, while MAP2c was found between stages E6 and E10 in DRG. By immunocytochemistry, MAP2 isoforms were mainly located in the neuronal perikarya and in the proximal portion of axons, but could not be localized to distal axonal segments, nor in sciatic nerve at any developmental stage. On blots, MAP5 was present in two isoforms, MAP5a and MAP5b. The concentration of MAP5a was highest at E6 and then decreased to a low level at E18. In contrast, MAP5b increased between E6 and E10, and rapidly decreased after E14. Only MAP5a was present in sciatic nerve up to E14. Immunocytochemistry revealed that MAP5 was localized mainly in axons, although neuronal perikarya exhibited a faint immunostaining. Strong staining of axons was observed between E10 and E14, at a time coincidental to a period of intense axonal outgrowth. After E14 immunolabeling of MAP5 decreased abruptly. In DRG culture, MAP2 was found exclusively in the neuronal perikarya and the most proximal neurite segment. In contrast, MAP5 was detected in the neuronal cell bodies and all along their neurites. In conclusion, MAP2 seems involved in the early establishment of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies and the proximal axon segment of somatosensory neurons, while MAP5 is clearly related to axonal growth.
Abstract : GABA, the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, and its receptors play an important role in modulating neuronal activity in the central nervous system and are implicated in many neurological disorders. In this study, GABAA and GABAB receptor subunit expression was visualized by immunohistochemistry in human auditory areas TC (= primary auditory area), TB, and TA. Both hemispheres from nine neurologically normal subjects and from four patients with subacute or chronic stroke were included. In normal brains, GABAA receptor subunit (α1, α2, & β2/3) labeling produced neuropil staining throughout all cortical layers as well as labeling fibers and neurons in layer VI for all auditory areas. Densitometry profiles displayed differences in GABAA subunit expression between primary and non-primary areas. In contrast to the neuropil labeling of GABAA subunits, GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunit immunoreactivity was revealed on neuronal somata and proximal dendritic shafts of pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons in layers II-III, more strongly on supra- than in infragranular layers. No differences were observed between auditory areas. In stroke cases, we observed a downregulation of the GABAA receptor α2 subunit in granular and infragranular layers, while the other GABAA and the two GABAB receptor subunits remained unchanged. Our results demonstrate a strong presence of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the human auditory cortex, suggesting a crucial role of GABA in shaping auditory responses in the primary and non-primary auditory areas. The differential laminar and area expression of GABAA subunits that we have found in the auditory areas and which is partially different from that in other cortical areas speaks in favor of a fine turning of GABA-ergic transmission in these different compartments. In contrast, GABAB expression displayed laminar, but not areal differences; its basic pattern was also very similar to that of other cortical areas, suggesting a more uniform role within the cerebral cortex. In subacute and chronic stroke, the selective GABAA α2 subunit downregulation is likely to influence postlesional plasticity and susceptibility to medication. The absence of changes in the GABAB receptors suggests different regulation than in other pathological conditions, such as epilepsy, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, in which a downregulation has been reported. Résumé : GABA, le principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur, et ses récepteurs jouent un rôle important en tant que modulateur de l'activité neuronale dans le système nerveux central et sont impliqués dans de nombreux désordres neurologiques. Dans cette étude, l'expression des sous-unités des récepteur GABAA et GABAB a été visualisée par immunohistochimie dans les aires auditives du cortex humains: le TC (= aire auditif primaire), le TB, et le TA. Les deux hémisphères de neuf sujets considérés normaux du point de vue neurologique et de quatre patients ayant subis un accident cérébro-vasculaire et se trouvant dans la phase subaiguë ou chronique étaient inclues. Dans les cerveaux normaux, les immunohistochimies contre les sous-unités α1, α2, & β2/3 du récepteur GABAA ont marqué le neuropil dans toutes les couches corticales ainsi que les fibres et les neurones de la couche VI dans toutes les aires auditives. Le profile densitométrique montre des différences dans l'expression des sous-unités du récepteur GABAA entre les aires primaires et non-primaires. Contrairement au marquage de neuropil par les sous-unités du recepteur GABAA, 1'immunoréactivité des sous-unités GABAB1 et GABAB2 a été révélée sur les corps cellulaires neuronaux et les dendrites proximaux des neurones pyramidaux et non-pyramidaux dans les couches II-III et est plus dense dans les couches supragranulaires que dans les couches infragranulaires. Aucune différence n'a été observée entre les aires auditives. Dans des cas lésionnels, nous avons observé une diminution de la sous-unité α2 du récepteur GABAA dans les couches granulaires et infragranulaires, alors que le marquage des autres sous-unités du récepteur GABAA et des deux sous-unités de récepteur GABAB reste inchangé. Nos résultats démontrent une présence forte des récepteurs GABAA et GABAB dans le cortex auditif humain, suggérant un rôle crucial du neurotransmetteur GABA dans la formation de la réponse auditive dans les aires auditives primaires et non-primaires. L'expression différentielle des sous-unités de GABAA entre les couches corticales et entre les aires auditives et qui est partiellement différente de celle observée dans d'autres aires corticales préconise une modulation fine de la transmission GABA-ergic en ces différents compartiments. En revanche, l'expression de GABAB a montré des différences laminaires, mais non régionales ; son motif d'expression de base est également très semblable à celui d'autres aires corticales, suggérant un rôle plus uniforme dans le cortex cérébral. Dans les phases subaiguë et chronique des accidents cérébro-vasculaires, la diminution sélective de la sous-unité α2 du recepteur GABAA est susceptible d'influencer la plasticité et la susceptibilité postlésionnelle au médicament. L'absence de changement pour les récepteurs GABAB suggère que le récepteur est régulé différemment après un accident cerebro-vasculaire par rapport à d'autres conditions pathologiques, telles que l'épilepsie, la schizophrénie ou le désordre bipolaire, dans lesquels une diminution de ces sous-unités a été rapportée.
Following a former immunohistochemical study in the rat brain [Arluison, M., Quignon, M., Nguyen, P., Thorens, B., Leloup, C., Penicaud, L. Distribution and anatomical localization of the glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) in the adult rat brain. I. Immunohistochemical study. J. Chem. Neuroanat., in press], we have analyzed the ultrastructural localization of GLUT2 in representative and/or critical areas of the forebrain and hindbrain. In agreement with previous results, we observe few oligodendrocyte and astrocyte cell bodies discretely labeled for GLUT2 in large myelinated fibre bundles and most brain areas examined, whereas the reactive glial processes are more numerous and often localized in the vicinity of nerve terminals and/or dendrites or dendritic spines forming synaptic contacts. Only some of them appear closely bound to unlabeled nerve cell bodies and dendrites. Furthermore, the nerve cell bodies prominently immunostained for GLUT2 are scarce in the brain nuclei examined, whereas the labeled dendrites and dendritic spines are relatively numerous and frequently engaged in synaptic junctions. In conformity with the observation of GLUT2-immunoreactive rings at the periphery of numerous nerve cell bodies in various brain areas (see previous paper), we report here that some neuronal perikarya of the dorsal endopiriform nucleus/perirhinal cortex exhibit some patches of immunostaining just below the plasma membrane. However, the presence of many GLUT2-immunoreactive nerve terminals and/or astrocyte processes, some of them being occasionally attached to nerve cell bodies and dendrites, could also explain the pericellular labeling observed. The results here reported support the idea that GLUT2 may be expressed by some cerebral neurones possibly involved in glucose sensing, as previously discussed. However, it is also possible that this transporter participate in the regulation of neurotransmitter release and, perhaps, in the release of glucose by glial cells.
Differential phosphorylation of some proteins of the neuronal cytoskeleton during brain development.
The cytoskeleton is important for neuronal morphogenesis. During the postnatal development of cat brain, the molecular composition of the neuronal cytoskeleton changes with maturation. Several of its proteins change in their rate of expression, in their degree of phosphorylation, in their subcellular distribution, or in their biochemical properties. It is proposed that phosphorylation is an essential mechanism to regulate the plasticity of the early, juvenile-type cytoskeleton. Among such proteins are several microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), such as MAP5a, MAP2c or the juvenile tau proteins. Phosphorylation may also act on neurofilaments, postulated to be involved in the adult-type stabilization of axons. These observations imply that phosphorylation may affect cytoskeleton function in axons and dendrites at various developmental stages. Yet, the mechanisms of phosphorylation and its regulation cascades are largely unknown. In view of the topic of this issue on CD15, the potential role of matrix molecules being involved in the modulation of phosphorylation activity and of cytoskeletal properties is addressed.
Neurofilament (NF) proteins consist of three subunits of different molecular weights defined as NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L. They are typical structures of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Their immunocytochemical distribution during postnatal development of cat cerebellum was studied with several monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against phosphorylated or unmodified sites. Expression and distribution of the triplet neurofilament proteins changed with maturation. Afferent mossy and climbing fibers in the medullary layer contained NF-M and NF-L already at birth, whereas NF-H appeared later. Within the first three postnatal weeks, all three subunits appeared in mossy and climbing fibers in the internal granular and molecular layers and in the axons of Purkinje cells. Axons of local circuit neurons such as basket cells expressed these proteins at the end of the first month, whereas parallel fibers expressed them last, at the beginning of the third postnatal month. Differential localization was especially observed for NF-H. Depending on phosphorylation, NF-H proteins were found in different axon types in climbing, mossy, and basket fibers or additionally in parallel fibers. A nonphosphorylated NF-H subunit was exclusively located in some Purkinje cells at early developmental stages and in some smaller interneurons later. A novel finding is the presence of a phosphorylation site in the NF-H subunit that is localized in dendrites of Purkinje cells but not in axons. Expression and phosphorylation of the NF-H subunit, especially, is cell-type specific and possibly involved in the adult-type stabilization of the axonal and dendritic cytoskeleton.
Brain spectrin is one of the major cytoskeletal proteins associated with the plasma membrane. In many tissues this protein occurs in a variety of isoforms, for which at least three have been described in the brain: i) brain spectrin 240/235 is localized in neurons most prominently in axons and is present early during brain development. ii) Brain spectrin 240/235E is immunologicaly related to erythrocyte spectrin and restricted to somato-dendritic regions in neurons and to glia. It appears late in brain development. iii) A third form, brain spectrin 240/ 235A, is found exclusively in astrocytes. In this study we have investigated the appearance and distribution of brain spectrins 240/235 and 240/235E during embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia development in vivo and in vitro. This system provides a unique model due to the lack of dendrites on developing sensory neurons. Both isoforms first appeared at embryonic day 6. Brain spectrin 240/235 increased transiently around embryonic day 10 and 14, and was first expressed in ventrolateral neurons. It was localized abundantly in perikarya and their axons. This somato-axonal distribution pattern found in situ was also observed in vitro. In contrast, brain spectrin 240/235E only slightly increased between E6 and E15 and remained unchanged thereafter. It was localized mainly in small neurons of the mediodorsal area, where it was found as punctate staining in the cytoplasm, forming first a nuclear cap and in subsequent stages becoming distributed evenly throughout cytoplasm. This brain spectrin isoform was absent from axons, both in situ and in vitro. In conclusion, this study suggests i) that brain spectrin 240/235 may contribute towards the outgrowth, elongation and possibly maintenance of axonal processes, ii) that brain spcctrin 240/235E could be involved in the stablization of the cytoarchilecture of cell bodies in a sclected population of ganglion cells, and iii) that isoform expression of brain spectrin 240/235E in DRG cells may depend on environmental factors.
During the postnatal development of cat visual cortex and corpus callosum the molecular composition of tau proteins varied with age. In both structures, they changed between postnatal days 19 and 39 from a set of two juvenile forms to a set of at least two adult variants with higher molecular weights. During the first postnatal week, tau proteins were detectable with TAU-1 antibody in axons of corpus callosum and visual cortex, and in some perikarya and dendrites in the visual cortex. At later ages, tau proteins were located exclusively within axons in all cortical layers and in the corpus callosum. Dephosphorylation of postnatal day 11 cortical tissue by alkaline phosphatase strongly increased tau protein immunoreactivity on Western blots and in numerous perikarya and dendrites in all cortical layers, in sections, suggesting that some tau forms had been unmasked. During postnatal development the intensity of this phosphate-dependent somatodendritic staining decreased, but remained in a few neurons in cortical layers II and III. On blots, the immunoreactivity of adult tau to TAU-1 was only marginally increased by dephosphorylation. Other tau antibodies (TAU-2, B19 and BR133) recognized two juvenile and two adult cat tau proteins on blots, and localized tau in axons or perikarya and dendrites in tissue untreated with alkaline phosphatase. Tau proteins in mature tissue were soluble and not associated with detergent-resistant structures. Furthermore, dephosphorylation by alkaline phosphatase resulted in the appearance of more tau proteins in soluble fractions. Therefore tau proteins seem to alter their degree of phosphorylation during development. This could affect microtubule stability as well as influence axonal and dendritic differentiation.
Neurofilaments are typical structures of the neuronal cytoskeleton and participate in the formation and stabilization of the axonal and dendritic architecture. In this study, we have characterized a murine monoclonal antibody, FNP7, that is directed against the medium-sized neurofilament subunit NF-M. This antibody identifies a subset of neurons in the cerebral cortex of various species including human and in organotypic cultures of rat cortex. In the neocortex of all species examined, the antibody labels pyramidal cells in layers III, V, and VI, with a distinctive laminar distribution between architectonic boundaries. In comparison with other antibodies directed against NF-M, the FNP7 antibody identifies on blots two forms of NF-M that appear relatively late during development, at the time when dynamic growth of processes changes to the stabilization of the formed processes. Dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase unmasks the site, making it detectable for the FNP7 antibody. The late appearance suggests that the site is present during early development in phosphorylated form and with increasing maturation becomes dephosphorylated, mainly in dendrites. This event may relate to changes in cytoskeleton stability in a late phase of dendritic maturation. Furthermore, mainly corticofugal projections and only few callosal axons are stained, suggesting a differential phosphorylation in a subset of axons. The antibody provides a useful marker to study subsets of pyramidal cells in vivo, in vitro, and under experimental conditions.
MAP1a is a microtubule-associated protein with an apparent molecular weight of 360 kDa that is found in the axonal and dendritic processes of neurons. Two monoclonal anti-MAP1a antibodies anti-A and anti-BW6, revealed different epitope distributions in the adult mouse cerebellum. Anti-A stained Purkinje and granule cells uniformly throughout the cerebellum. In contrast, anti-BW6 selectively stained the dendriites of a subset of Purkinje cells, revealing parasagittal bands of immunoreactivity in the molecular layer. The compartmentation of the BW6 epitope was compared to the Purkine cells as revealed by immunostaining with anti-zebrin II, a well known antigen expressed selectively by bands of Purkinje cells. The anti-BW6 staining pattern was complementary to the zebrin II bands, the zebrin II- Purkinjke cells having BW6+ dendrites. These results demonstrate that MAP1a is present in two forms in the mouse cerebellum, one of which is segregated into parasagittal bands. This may indicate a unique MAP1a isoform or may reflect differences in the metabolic states of Purkinje cell classes, and regional differences in their functions.
The mucosal epithelia of the digestive tract acts as a selective barrier, permeable to ions, small molecules and macromolecules. These epithelial cells aid the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. They contribute to the protection against pathogens and undergo continuous cell renewal which facilitates the elimination of damaged cells. Both innate and adaptive defence mechanisms protect the gastrointestinal-mucosal surfaces against pathogens. Interaction of microorganisms with epithelial cells triggers a host response by activating specific transcription factors which control the expression of chemokines and cytokines. This host response is characterized by the recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils at the site of infection. Disruption of epithelial signalling pathways that recruit migratory immune cells results in a chronic inflammatory response. The adaptive defence mechanism relies on the collaboration of epithelial cells (resident sampling system) with antigen-presenting and lymphoid cells (migratory sampling system); in order to obtain samples of foreign antigen, these samples must be transported across the barriers without affecting the integrity of the barrier. These sampling systems are regulated by both environmental and host factors. Fates of the antigen may differ depending on the way in which they cross the epithelial barrier, i.e. via interaction with motile dendritic cells or epithelial M cells in the follicle-associated epithelium.
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis results in the continuous formation of new neurons and is a process of brain plasticity involved in learning and memory. Although inducible-reversible transgenic mouse models are increasingly being used to investigate adult neurogenesis, transgene control requires the administration of an activator, doxycycline (Dox), with unknown effects on adult neurogenesis. Here, we tested the effect of Dox administration on adult neurogenesis in vivo. We found that 4 weeks of Dox treatment at doses commonly used for gene expression control, resulted in increased neurogenesis. Furthermore, the dendrites of new neurons displayed increased spine density. Concomitantly, Iba1-expressing microglia was reduced by Dox treatment. These results indicate that Dox treatment may interfere with parameters of relevance for the use of inducible transgenic mice in studies of adult neurogenesis or brain inflammation.
Microtubule-associated protein 1b, previously also referred to as microtubule-associated protein 5 or microtubule-associated protein 1x, is a major component of the juvenile cytoskeleton, and is essential during the early differentiation of neurons. It is required for axonal growth and its function is influenced by phosphorylation. The distribution of microtubule-associated protein 1b in kitten cerebellum and cortex during postnatal development was studied with two monoclonal antibodies. Hybridoma clone AA6 detected a non-phosphorylated site, while clone 125 detected a site phosphorylated by casein-kinase II. On blots, both monoclonal antibodies stained the same two proteins of similar molecular weights, also referred to as microtubule-associated protein 5a and 5b. Antibody 125 detected a phosphorylated epitope on both microtubule-associated protein 1b forms; dephosphorylation by alkaline phosphatase abolished the immunological detection. During development of cat cortex and cerebellum, AA6 stained the perikarya and dendrites of neurons during their early differentiation, and especially labelled newly generated axons. The staining decreased during development, and axonal staining was reduced in adult tissue. In contrast to previous reports which demonstrated that antibodies against phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein 1b label exclusively axons, antibody 125 also localized microtubule-associated protein 1b in cell bodies and dendrites, even in adulthood. Some nuclear staining was observed, indicating that a phosphorylated form of microtubule-associated protein 1b may participate in nuclear function. These results demonstrate that microtubule-associated protein 1b is subject to CK2-type phosphorylation throughout neuronal maturation and suggest that phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein 1b may participate in juvenile and mature-type microtubule functions throughout development.