997 resultados para Geographic Isolation


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Many protocols have been used for extraction of DNA from Thraustochytrids. These generally involve the use of CTAB, phenol/chloroform and ethanol. They also feature mechanical grinding, sonication, N2 freezing or bead beating. However, the resulting chemical and physical damage to extracted DNA reduces its quality. The methods are also unsuitable for large numbers of samples. Commercially-available DNA extraction kits give better quality and yields but are expensive. Therefore, an optimized DNA extraction protocol was developed which is suitable for Thraustochytrids to both minimise expensive and time-consuming steps prior to DNA extraction and also to improve the yield. The most effective method is a combination of single bead in TissueLyser (Qiagen) and Proteinase K. Results were conclusive: both the quality and the yield of extracted DNA were higher than with any other method giving an average yield of 8.5 µg/100 mg biomass.


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The isolation of islets by collagenase digestion can cause damage and impact the efficiency of islet engraftment and function. In this study, we assessed the basement membranes (BMs) of mouse pancreatic islets as a molecular biomarker for islet integrity, damage after isolation, and islet repair in vitro as well as in the absence or presence of an immune response after transplantation. Immunofluorescence staining of BM matrix proteins and the endothelial cell marker platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) was performed on pancreatic islets in situ, isolated islets, islets cultured for 4 days, and islet grafts at 3-10 days posttransplantation. Flow cytometry was used to investigate the expression of BM matrix proteins in isolated islet β-cells. The islet BM, consisting of collagen type IV and components of Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor laminin 111, laminin α2, nidogen-2, and perlecan in pancreatic islets in situ, was completely lost during islet isolation. It was not reestablished during culture for 4 days. Peri- and intraislet BM restoration was identified after islet isotransplantation and coincided with the migration pattern of PECAM-1(+) vascular endothelial cells (VECs). After islet allotransplantation, the restoration of VEC-derived peri-islet BMs was initiated but did not lead to the formation of the intraislet vasculature. Instead, an abnormally enlarged peri-islet vasculature developed, coinciding with islet allograft rejection. The islet BM is a sensitive biomarker of islet damage resulting from enzymatic isolation and of islet repair after transplantation. After transplantation, remodeling of both peri- and intraislet BMs restores β-cell-matrix attachment, a recognized requirement for β-cell survival, for isografts but not for allografts. Preventing isolation-induced islet BM damage would be expected to preserve the intrinsic barrier function of islet BMs, thereby influencing both the effector mechanisms required for allograft rejection and the antirejection strategies needed for allograft survival.


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Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are found in the blood of patients with cancer. Although these cells are rare, they can provide useful information for chemotherapy. However, isolation of these rare cells from blood is technically challenging because they are small in numbers. An integrated microfluidic chip, dubbed as CTC chip, was designed and fabricated for conducting tumor cell isolation. As CTCs usually show multidrug resistance (MDR), the effect of MDR inhibitors on chemotherapeutic drug accumulation in the isolated single tumor cell is measured. As a model of CTC isolation, human prostate tumor cells were mixed with mouse blood cells and the labelfree isolation of the tumor cells was conducted based on cell size difference. The major advantages of the CTC chip are the ability for fast cell isolation, followed by multiple rounds of single-cell measurements, suggesting a potential assay for detecting the drug responses based on the liquid biopsy of cancer patients.


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Twelve strains of Pseudomonas pseudomallei were isolated from the soil and water of a sheep paddock over a two-year period. The organism was recovered from the clay layer of the soil profile as well as from water that seeps into this layer during the "wet" season. Five isolates were obtained before the commencement of the "wet" season; environmental factors appear to play an important role in the survival of Ps. pseudomallei during the "dry" season. Lower isolation rates were recorded than those indicated by workers in southeast Asia and Iran.


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Protein fractions that bind retinol were isolated from the cytosol, nucleosol and chromatin of the oviduct magnum of laying hens. The proteins isolated from the three sources showed similar elution profiles on chromatography through Sephadex G-75 and G-50 columns, and comparable mobility during electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels. Their molecular weights were calculated to be around 14500. When oviducts from vitamin A-depleted and vitamin A-repleted immature chicks given oestrogen injections for 6 consecutive days were incubated with [3H]retinyl acetate, uptake of the radioactivity in the nuclei of the vitamin A-depleted tissue was severalfold higher than that in the nuclei from the vitamin A-repleted tissue.


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In a study towards elucidating the role of aromatases during puberty in female grey mullet, the cDNAs of the brain (muCyp19b) and ovarian (muCyp19a) aromatase were isolated by RT-PCR and their relative expression levels were determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The muCyp19a ORF of 1515 bp encoded 505 predicted amino acid residues, while that of muCyp19b was 1485 bp and encoded 495 predicted amino acid residues. The expression level of muCyp19b significantly increased in the brain as puberty advanced; however, its expression level in the pituitary increased only slightly with pubertal development. In the ovary, the muCyp19a expression level markedly increased as puberty progressed. The promoter regions of the two genes were also isolated and their functionality evaluated in vitro using luciferase as the reporter gene. The muCyp19a promoter sequence (650 bp) contained a consensus TATA box and putative transcription factor binding sites, including two half EREs, an SF-1, an AhR/Arnt, a PR and two GATA-3s. The muCyp19b promoter sequence (2500 bp) showed consensus TATA and CCAAT boxes and putative transcription binding sites, namely: a PR, an ERE, a half ERE, a SP-1, two GATA-binding factor, one half GATA-1, two C/EBPs, a GRE, a NFkappaB, three STATs, a PPAR/RXR, an Ahr/Arnt and a CRE. Basal activity of serially deleted promoter constructs transiently transfected into COS-7, [alpha]T3 and TE671 cells demonstrated the enhancing and silencing roles of the putative transcription factor binding sites. Quinpirole, a dopamine agonist, significantly reduced the promoter activity of muCyp19b in TE671. The results suggest tissue-specific regulation of the muCyp19 genes and a putative alternative promoter for muCyp19b.


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Farnesoic acid O-methyltransferase (FaMeT) is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of farnesoic acid (FA) to methyl farnesoate (MF) in the final step of MF synthesis. Multiple isoforms of putative FaMeT were isolated from six crustacean species belonging to the families Portunidae, Penaeidae, Scyllaridae and Parastacidae. The portunid crabs Portunus pelagicus and Scylla serrata code for three forms: short, intermediate and long. Two isoforms (short and long) were isolated from the penaeid prawns Penaeus monodon and Fenneropenaeus merguiensis. Two isoforms were also identified in the scyllarid Thenus orientalis and parastacid Cherax quadricarinatus. Putative FaMeT sequences were also amplified from the genomic DNA of P. pelagicus and compared to the putative FaMeT transcripts expressed. Each putative FaMeT cDNA isoform was represented in the genomic DNA, indicative of a multi-gene family. Various tissues from P. pelagicus were individually screened for putative FaMeT expression using PCR and fragment analysis. Each tissue type expressed all three isoforms of putative FaMeT irrespective of sex or moult stage. Protein domain analysis revealed the presence of a deduced casein kinase II phosphorylation site present only in the long isoform of putative FaMeT.


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Background: Cultivated peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is the fourth most important oilseed crop in the world, grown mainly in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate climates. Due to its origin through a single and recent polyploidization event, followed by successive selection during breeding efforts, cultivated groundnut has a limited genetic background. In such species, microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are very informative and useful for breeding applications. The low level of polymorphism in cultivated germplasm, however, warrants a need of larger number of polymorphic microsatellite markers for cultivated groundnut. Results: A microsatellite- enriched library was constructed from the genotype TMV2. Sequencing of 720 putative SSR-positive clones from a total of 3,072 provided 490 SSRs. 71.2% of these SSRs were perfect type, 13.1% were imperfect and 15.7% were compound. Among these SSRs, the GT/CA repeat motifs were the most common (37.6%) followed by GA/CT repeat motifs (25.9%). The primer pairs could be designed for a total of 170 SSRs and were optimized initially on two genotypes. 104 (61.2%) primer pairs yielded scorable amplicon and 46 (44.2%) primers showed polymorphism among 32 cultivated groundnut genotypes. The polymorphic SSR markers detected 2 to 5 alleles with an average of 2.44 per locus. The polymorphic information content (PIC) value for these markers varied from 0.12 to 0.75 with an average of 0.46. Based on 112 alleles obtained by 46 markers, a phenogram was constructed to understand the relationships among the 32 genotypes. Majority of the genotypes representing subspecies hypogaea were grouped together in one cluster, while the genotypes belonging to subspecies fastigiata were grouped mainly under two clusters. Conclusion. Newly developed set of 104 markers extends the repertoire of SSR markers for cultivated groundnut. These markers showed a good level of PIC value in cultivated germplasm and therefore would be very useful for germplasm analysis, linkage mapping, diversity studies and phylogenetic relationships in cultivated groundnut as well as related Arachis species.


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Abstract is not available.


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Isolating, purifying, and identifying proteins in complex biological matrices is often difficult, time consuming, and unreliable. Herein we describe a rapid screening technique for proteins in biological matrices that combines selective protein isolation with direct surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) detection. Magnetic core gold nanoparticles were synthesised, characterised, and subsequently functionalized with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO)-specific antibody. The functionalized nanoparticles were used to capture rHuEPO from horse blood plasma within 15 minutes. The selective binding between the protein and the functionalized nanoparticles was monitored by SERS. The purified protein was then released from the nanoparticles’ surface and directly spectroscopically identified on a commercial nanopillar SERS substrate. ELISA independently confirmed the SERS identification and quantified the released rHuEPO. Finally, the direct SERS detection of the extracted protein was successfully demonstrated for in-field screening by a handheld Raman spectrometer within 1 minute sample measurement time.


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Aims: To identify dominant bacteria in grain (barley)-fed cattle for isolation and future use to increase the efficiency of starch utilization in these cattle. Methods and Results: Total DNA was extracted from samples of the rumen contents from eight steers fed a barley diet for 9 and 14 days. Bacterial profiles were obtained using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the PCR-amplified V2/V3 region of the 16S rRNA genes from total bacterial DNA. Apparently dominant bands were excised and cloned, and the clone insert sequence was determined. One of the most common and dominant bacteria present was identified as Ruminococcus bromii. This species was subsequently isolated using traditional culture-based techniques and its dominance in the grain-fed cattle was confirmed using a real-time Taq nuclease assay (TNA) designed for this purpose. In some animals, the population of R. bromii reached densities above 1010R. bromii cell equivalents per ml or approximately 10% of the total bacterial population. Conclusions: Ruminococcus bromii is a dominant bacterial population in the rumen of cattle fed a barley-based diet. Significance and Impact of the Study: Ruminococcus bromii YE282 may be useful as a probiotic inoculant to increase the efficiency of starch utilization in barley-fed cattle. The combination of DGGE and real-time TNA has been an effective process for identifying and targeting for isolation, dominant bacteria in a complex ecosystem.


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The o-quinone of DOPA, an important intermediate implicated in many biological processes, has been found to react with methionine. The product has been isolated and studied, and tentative structure has been assigned.


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An FAO/IAEA Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP) on “Resolution of Cryptic Species Complexes of Tephritid Pests to Overcome Constraints to SIT Application and International Trade” was conducted from 2010 to 2015. As captured in the CRP title, the objective was to undertake targeted research into the systematics and diagnostics of taxonomically challenging fruit fly groups of economic importance. The scientific output was the accurate alignment of biological species with taxonomic names; which led to the applied outcome of assisting FAO and IAEA Member States in overcoming technical constraints to the application of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) against pest fruit flies and the facilitation of international agricultural trade. Close to 50 researchers from over 20 countries participated in the CRP, using coordinated, multidisciplinary research to address, within an integrative taxonomic framework, cryptic species complexes of major tephritid pests. The following progress was made for the four complexes selected and studied: Anastrepha fraterculus complex – Eight morphotypes and their geographic and ecological distributions in Latin America were defined. The morphotypes can be considered as distinct biological species on the basis of differences in karyotype, sexual incompatibility, post-mating isolation, cuticular hydrocarbon, pheromone, and molecular analyses. Discriminative taxonomic tools using linear and geometric morphometrics of both adult and larval morphology were developed for this complex. Bactrocera dorsalis complex – Based on genetic, cytogenetic, pheromonal, morphometric, and behavioural data, which showed no or only minor variation between the Asian/African pest fruit flies Bactrocera dorsalis, B. papayae, B. philippinensis and B. invadens, the latter three species were synonymized with B. dorsalis. Of the five target pest taxa studied, only B. dorsalis and B. carambolae remain as scientifically valid names. Molecular and pheromone markers are now available to distinguish B. dorsalis from B. carambolae. Ceratitis FAR Complex (C. fasciventris, C. anonae, C. rosa) – Morphology, morphometry, genetic, genomic, pheromone, cuticular hydrocarbon, ecology, behaviour, and developmental physiology data provide evidence for the existence of five different entities within this fruit fly complex from the African region. These are currently recognised as Ceratitis anonae, C. fasciventris (F1 and F2), C. rosa and a new species related to C. rosa (R2). The biological limits within C. fasciventris (i.e. F1 and F2) are not fully resolved. Microsatellites markers and morphological identification tools for the adult males of the five different FAR entities were developed based on male leg structures. Zeugodacus cucurbitae (formerly Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae) – Genetic variability was studied among melon fly populations throughout its geographic range in Africa and the Asia/Pacific region and found to be limited. Cross-mating studies indicated no incompatibility or sexual isolation. Host preference and genetic studies showed no evidence for the existence of host races. It was concluded that the melon fly does not represent a cryptic species complex, neither with regard to geographic distribution nor to host range. Nevertheless, the higher taxonomic classification under which this species had been placed, by the time the CRP was started, was found to be paraphyletic; as a result the subgenus Zeugodacus was elevated to genus level.


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Eighteen temperature-sensitive mutants of mycobacteriophage I3 have been isolated and partially characterized. All the mutants were defective in vegetative replication. Based on temperature shift experiments with the temperature sensitive mutants, the thermosensitive phase of the phage development period has been characterized for each mutant. The genes have been mapped by recombination analysis. The early, continuous and middle genes seem to cluster on the genetic map


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Large numbers of Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are required for clinical relevant doses to treat a number of diseases. To economically manufacture these MSCs, an automated bioreactor system will be required. Herein we describe the development of a scalable closed-system, packed bed bioreactor suitable for large-scale MSCs expansion. The packed bed was formed from fused polystyrene pellets that were air plasma treated to endow them with a surface chemistry similar to traditional tissue culture plastic. The packed bed was encased within a gas permeable shell to decouple the medium nutrient supply and gas exchange. This enabled a significant reduction in medium flow rates, thus reducing shear and even facilitating single pass medium exchange. The system was optimised in a small-scale bioreactor format (160 cm2) with murine-derived green fluorescent protein-expressing MSCs, and then scaled-up to a 2800 cm2 format. We demonstrated that placental derived MSCs could be isolated directly within the bioreactor and subsequently expanded. Our results demonstrate that the closed system large-scale packed bed bioreactor is an effective and scalable tool for large-scale isolation and expansion of MSCs.