878 resultados para Gemstone Team MEGA
Objective: Integration of the radiotherapy technologist "know-how" in the Gamma Knife treatment processMaterials and Methods: Gamma Knife (GK) treatments started in July 2010 at the GK Center in C.H.U.V. with the Leksell Gamma KnifeR Perfexion?(Elekta AB, Sweden). The multidisciplinary GK team involves neurosurgeons, radio-oncologists, physicists, neuroradiologists, nurses and technologists, aiming at a full integration for optimal patient management.Results: Between July and December 2010, 60 patients have been treated. Required stereotactic imaging involves IRM, CT scan (and angiography for AVM). All the steps in the treatment process (Leksell coordinate frame fixation, imaging, planning, treatment) are supervised by the members of the multidisciplinary team. In our experience, radiotherapy technologist (RTT) have acquired an important role in the multidisciplinary team communication and integration. Specifically, the RTT are responsible of: supervision of the image acquisition, performing the Gamma Knife unit control tests, patient setup, and patient surveillance during treatment.Conclusion: RTT have a fundamental role in the communication within the team, between the team and the patient and also to assure the patient security. Our experience shows that it is possible and required to involve RTT in all steps of the GK treatment process, to guarantee the best GK treatment possible.
Pursuant to House File 451 the Single Point of Entry Long-Term Living Resources System Team, involving several state agencies as well as interested associations, submitted a report to the legislature on recommendations to establish a single point of entry system.
Performance-related pay within public organizations is continuing to spread. Although it can help to strengthen an entrepreneurial spirit in civil servants, its implementation is marred by technical, financial, managerial and cultural problems. This article identifies an added problem, namely the contradiction that exists between a managerial discourse that emphasizes the team and collective performance, on the one hand, and the use of appraisal and reward tools that are above all individual, on the other. Based on an empirical survey carried out within Swiss public organizations, the analysis shows that the team is currently rarely taken into account and singles out the principal routes towards an integrated system for the management and rewarding of civil servants.
Despite a trend of decreasing teen fatalities due to motor vehicle crashes over the past decade, they remain the leading cause of adolescent fatalities in Iowa. The purpose of this study was to create detailed case studies of each fatal motor vehicle crash involving a driver under the age of 20 that occurred in Iowa in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Data for each crash were gathered from media sources, law enforcement agencies, and the Iowa Department of Transportation. The driving records of the teens, which included their licensure history, prior traffic citations, and prior crashes, were also acquired. In addition, data about the charges filed against a teen as a result of being involved in a fatal crash were obtained. A total of 126 crashes involving 131 teen drivers that resulted in 143 fatalities were analyzed. Many findings for fatal crashes involving teen drivers in Iowa are consistent with national trends, including the overrepresentation of male drivers, crash involvement that increases with age, crash involvement per vehicle miles traveled that decreases with age, and prevalence of single-vehicle road departure crashes. Relative to national statistics, teen fatalities from crashes in Iowa are more likely to occur from midnight to 6am and from 9am to noon. Crash type varied by driver age and county population level. Teen drivers contributed to the fatal crashes at a rate of 74%; contribution of the teen driver was unknown for 11% of crashes. Speed was a factor for about 25% of the crashes for which a teen driver was at fault. The same was also true of alcohol/drug impairment. Only 20% of the rear-seat occupants of the teen drivers’ vehicles wore seat belts compared to 60% use for the front-seat occupants. Analysis of the teens’ driving records prior to the fatal crash suggests at-fault crashes and speeding violations are associated with contributing to the fatal crash.
Mission: To lessen the adverse mental health effects of trauma for victims, survivors, and responders of traumatic events, whether natural or man-made.
This document states the qualities that is desired for team members that would be on the disaster behavioral health response teams. Produced by the Iowa Department of Human Services.
This report is a culmination of the Location Referencing System (LRS) team. The team was charged with defining a system that coordinates the collection storage, and access to location referencing information by developing an LRS to be used throughout the Iowa DOT.
Considering teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS) this study deals with changes in team effectiveness over time in a specific context: professional basketball. The sample comprised 23 basketball teams whose outcomes were analysed over a 12-year period according to two objective measures. The results reveal that all the teams showed chaotic dynamics, one of the key characteristics of CAS. A relationship was also found between teams showing low-dimensional chaotic dynamics and better outcomes, supporting the idea of healthy variability in organizational behaviour. The stability of the squad was likewise found to influence team outcomes, although it was not associated with the chaotic dynamics in team effectiveness. It is concluded that studying teams as CAS enables fluctuations in team effectiveness to be explained, and that the techniques derived from nonlinear dynamical systems, developed specifically for the study of CAS, are useful for this purpose.
BACKGROUND/AIM: With the evolving boundaries of sports science and greater understanding of the driving factors in the human performance physiology, one of the limiting factors has now become the technology. The growing scientific interest on the practical application of hypoxic training for intermittent activities such as team and racket sports legitimises the development of innovative technologies serving athletes in a sport-specific setting. METHODS: Description of a new mobile inflatable simulated hypoxic equipment. RESULTS: The system comprises two inflatable units-that is, a tunnel and a rectangular design, each with a 215 m(3) volume and a hypoxic trailer generating over 3000 Lpm of hypoxic air with FiO₂ between 0.21 and 0.10 (a simulated altitude up to 5100 m). The inflatable units offer a 45 m running lane (width=1.8 m and height=2.5 m) as well as a 8 m × 10 m dome tent. FiO₂ is stable within a range of 0.1% in normal conditions inside the tunnel. The air supplied is very dry-typically 10-15% relative humidity. CONCLUSIONS: This mobile inflatable simulated hypoxic equipment is a promising technological advance within sport sciences. It offers an opportunity for team-sport players to train under hypoxic conditions, both for repeating sprints (tunnel configuration) or small-side games (rectangular configuration).
Glutamine has multiple roles in brain metabolism and its concentration can be altered in various pathological conditions. An accurate knowledge of its concentration is therefore highly desirable to monitor and study several brain disorders in vivo. However, in recent years, several MRS studies have reported conflicting glutamine concentrations in the human brain. A recent hypothesis for explaining these discrepancies is that a short T2 component of the glutamine signal may impact on its quantification at long echo times. The present study therefore aimed to investigate the impact of acquisition parameters on the quantified glutamine concentration using two different acquisition techniques, SPECIAL at ultra-short echo time and MEGA-SPECIAL at moderate echo time. For this purpose, MEGA-SPECIAL was optimized for the first time for glutamine detection. Based on the very good agreement of the glutamine concentration obtained between the two measurements, it was concluded that no impact of a short T2 component of the glutamine signal was detected.
This project included a literature review and summary that focused on subjects related to team building, team/committee member motivational strategies, and tools for effective and efficient committee meetings. It also completed an online survey of multidisciplinary safety team (MDST) members that focused on methods to increase meeting attendance and the identification of factors that make MDSTs successful. The survey had a response rate of about 15 percent. Finally, three small MDST focus groups were held and the participants discussed information similar to that investigated by the online survey. The results of these three activities were similar and complementary. In general, the outcomes of all three tasks show that a well-designed agenda that has items relevant to the meeting attendees is very important. In addition, the literature, online survey, and focus group results identified other characteristics that define a good team or MDST. Some of these characteristics included effective and consistent leadership, members that are allowed to provide input and have an impact, members that are vested in the activities of the group, and a match between the interests of the members and the focus/mission/purpose of the meetings/group. Meetings that are scheduled well in advance of the meeting date, include time for networking, local safety activity discussions, hands-on activities/tasks, and/or some type of educational or informational presentation or activity also appeared to be the most desirable. Lastly, it was shown that MDSTs can thrive and be successful through various means, but the ability to focus on a specific safety issue when the group is first organized was suggested as a benefit that could be of assistance for long-term sustainability.
Este trabajo pretende investigar como Brasil, un país que en los últimos años ha crecido a nivel económico, social y cultural, está planificando, en el ámbito del Turismo, la organización de un mega evento deportivo: El Mundial de Futbol FIFA 2014
Considering teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS) this study deals with changes in team effectiveness over time in a specific context: professional basketball. The sample comprised 23 basketball teams whose outcomes were analysed over a 12-year period according to two objective measures. The results reveal that all the teams showed chaotic dynamics, one of the key characteristics of CAS. A relationship was also found between teams showing low-dimensional chaotic dynamics and better outcomes, supporting the idea of healthy variability in organizational behaviour. The stability of the squad was likewise found to influence team outcomes, although it was not associated with the chaotic dynamics in team effectiveness. It is concluded that studying teams as CAS enables fluctuations in team effectiveness to be explained, and that the techniques derived from nonlinear dynamical systems, developed specifically for the study of CAS, are useful for this purpose.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar tres métodos para identificar mega‑ambientes, para optimizar el uso del potencial genético de los cultivares de arroz, durante el proceso de selección, y para hacer recomendaciones sobre siembras comerciales en Panamá. Los datos experimentales fueron obtenidos de los ensayos de productividad de cultivares precoces realizados entre 2006 y 2008. Para lograr la estratificación de los ambientes y definir los mega‑ambientes, se utilizaron los métodos del genotipo vencedor mediante el modelo AMMI1, el modelo biplot GGE y el de conglomerado por el método de Ward, complementado con el biplot GGE. Los tres métodos utilizados identificaron dos mega‑ambientes, donde los cultivares sobresalientes fueron Fedearroz 473 e Idiap 145‑05. Hubo una coincidencia de 100% en el agrupamiento del conglomerado x el biplot GGE, mientras que entre conglomerado x AMMI1 y biplot GGE x AMMI1 fue de 95,2%. El genotipo más estable, en ambos mega‑ambientes, fue el cultivar Idiap 145‑05, lo que indica capacidad de adaptación amplia y específica. La capacidad adaptativa de los genotipos superiores y no las condiciones agroclimáticas de las localidades evaluadas fue responsable de la definición de los mega‑ambientes.