475 resultados para Gastroesophageal reflux


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Objective: The present study aimed at evaluating the occurrence and recurrence of middle ear effusion and possible associated factors in the first two years of life of 190 newborns and infants, participants in the interdisciplinary prevention, detection, and intervention program at the Clínica de Educação para Saúde of Universidade do Sagrado Coração. Methods: Newborns and infants were monthly submitted to anamneses, otoscopy, behavioral hearing assessment using sound instruments and pure tones (pediatric audiometry) and tympanometry. Results: The results revealed that 68.4% of infants presented one or more episodes of middle ear effusion during their two first years, with more recurrence among males. Peak occurrence was between four and 12 months of age and, the earlier the first episode, the higher the probability of recurrence. Greatest incidence was during May and August. It was found that, of the variables investigated, the period of exclusive breastfeeding actuated as a protector factor. With respect of risk factors, it was observed that passive smoking, gastro-esophageal reflux and respiratory allergy were related with the recurrences of effusion. Conclusion: Findings revealed the importance of periodic auditory follow-up for infants during their first two years of life, considered to be the critical period of auditory system maturation, during which sensory deprivation can be responsible for damage to the development of speech, language and other auditory abilities. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introdução:A apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) é causada por episódios recorrentes de obstrução total ou parcial da via aérea superior com duração superior a 10 segundos durante o sono. Refluxo faringolaríngeo (RFL) é uma variante da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico que afeta a laringe e a faringe.Objetivos:Avaliar a influência da obesidade na relação entre RFL e AOS em pacientes com SAOS.Materiais e métodos:Estudo observacional transversal retrospectivo. Foram revisados protocolos de atendimento de pacientes com AOS que incluem questionários validados para RFL como Reflux Sympton Index (RSI) e Reflux Finding Score (RSI), nasolaringofibroscopia e polissonografia.Resultados:Cento e cinco pacientes foram divididos em grupo de obesos (39 pacientes) e não obesos (66 pacientes). Na avaliação das médias do RSI o grupo de não obesos foi semelhante entre pacientes com AOS leve (11,96) e moderada (11,43). No grupo de obesos a média do RSI foi de 6,7 em pacientes com AOS leve e de 11,53 em pacientes com AOS moderada a grave (p < 0,05).Discussão:O subgrupo de pacientes com AOS e RFL apresenta vários fatores que promovem a inflamação da via aérea superior. Pacientes com AOS devem ser pesquisados e tratados quanto a RFL, aumentando a qualidade de vida.Conclusão:O RFL e a AOS se correlacionam positivamente em pacientes obesos.


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Introduction: Bruxism has been defined as an oral parafunctional activity that includes clenching and/or grinding the teeth while asleep or awake. In addition to sleep bruxism (SB), various other orofacial movements sporadically occur during sleep. Occasional regurgitation and heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux (GER) are frequent in the general population. GER refers to the presence of symptoms that are secondary to the reflux of gastric content through the esophagus with or without signs of esophageal mucosal lesions. Dentists are often the first health care professionals to diagnose GER through observation of its oral manifestation. Objective: The aim of the present case reports was to discuss the diagnosis and clinical procedures followed in two patients with SB and GER, thereby contributing to the dissemination of knowledge about these two entities. We therefore recommend dentists to be alert to identifying the first signs of GER that appear in the oral cavity. Conclusion: At this point, we highlight the importance of treating the patient as a whole, in an endeavor to identify other sources of the problems that could contribute as factors aggravating these conditions.


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The Cornélia of Lange´s syndrome is a genetic anomaly, described and published by Cornelia Catharina of Lange in 1933, however, their aspects were described previously by Winfried Robert Clemens Brechmann in 1916, that’s why it is also known as Brachmann of Lange’s syndrome. The most frequent clinical characteristics include typical face dismorfia, variable degree of mental delay, anomalies of the hands and feet, multiple malformations, retardation of the pre and postnatal physical development and microcephaly variable intellectual compromising. Some facial characteristics are peculiar and they are mixed with the inherited lines of their own family, the united brows, the long lashes, the small nose, the round face, the fine lips and lightly inverted. As oral manifestations they present micrognathia, dental crowding, periodontal disease, delayed dental eruption, enamel hypoplasia, erosion of the enamel and dentine caused by stomach acids of the gastroesophageal reflux and atresia of the dental arches. The purpose of this paper is to present a clinical report of a boy bearer of this syndrome assisted at CAOE - FOA - UNESP, emphasizing the importance of multiprofessional team for the diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome.


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Background: Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) has been shown to increase diaphragm thickness. We evaluated the effect of IMT on mid-respiratory pressure (MRP) in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and compared the results with a sham group. Methods: Twenty consecutive patients (progressive loading group) and 9 controls (sham group) were included. All patients had end expiratory pressure (EEP) between 5 and 10 mmHg, underwent esophageal manometry and pulmonary function tests before and after 8 weeks of training, and used a threshold IMT twice daily. The threshold IMT was set at 30% of the maximal inspiratory pressure for the progressive loading group; while, the threshold for sham-treated patients was set at 7 cmH(2)O for the whole period. Results: There was an increase in MRP in 15 (75%) patients in the progressive loading group, with an average gain of 46.6% (p<0.01), and in six (66%) patients in the sham group with a mean increase of 26.2% (p<0.01). However, there was no significant difference between the groups (p = 0.507). The EEP also increased compared with measurements before training (p<0.01), but it did not differ between groups (p = 0.727). Conclusion: IMT increased LES pressure in patients with GERD, in both the treatment and sham groups, after an eight-week program. Although there was no statistically significant difference between groups, suggesting the pressure increase in LES occurs regardless of the resistance load of the threshold IMT. These findings need to be confirmed in further studies with a larger sample. Registration number: 0922/09. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To document the existence of a relationship between apnea of prematurity (AOP) and gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in preterm infants. Setting: One Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Patients: Twenty-six preterm infants (gestational age<32 weeks) with recurrent apneas. Intervention: Simultaneous and synchronized recording of polysomnography and pH-impedance monitoring (pH-MII). Polysomnography detects and characterizes apneas, by recording of breathing movement, nasal airflow, electrocardiogram, pulse oximeter saturation. pH-MII is the state-of-theart methodology for GER detection in preterm newborns. Main outcome measures: Relationship between AOP and GER, which were considered temporally related if both started within 30 seconds of each other. Results: One-hundred-fifty-four apneas out of 1136 were temporally related to GER. The frequency of apnea during the one-minute time around the onset of GER was significantly higher than the one detected in the GER-free period (p=0.03). Furthermore, the frequency of apnea in the 30 seconds after GER (GER-triggered apneas) was greater than that detected in the 30 seconds before (p=0.01). A great inter-individual variability was documented in the proportion of GERtriggered apneas. A strong correlation between total number of apneas and the difference between apneas detected 30 seconds after and before GER was found (p=0.034). Conclusions: Our data show that a variable rate of apneas can be triggered by GER in very preterm infant. Further studies are needed to recognise clinical features which identify those patients who are more susceptible to GER-triggered apneas.


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Phase 1: To validate Near-Infrared Reflectance Analysis (NIRA) as a fast, reliable and suitable method for routine evaluation of human milk’s nitrogen and fat content. Phase 2: To determine whether fat content, protein content and osmolality of HM before and after fortification may affect gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in symptomatic preterm infants. Patients and Methods: Phase 1: 124 samples of expressed human milk (55 from preterm mothers and 69 from term mothers) were used to validate NIRA against traditional methods (Gerber method for fat and Kjeldhal method for nitrogen). Phase 2: GER was evaluated in 17 symptomatic preterm newborns fed naïve and fortified HM by combined pH/intraluminal-impedance monitoring (pH-MII). HM fat and protein content was analysed by a Near-Infrared-Reflectance-Analysis (NIRA). HM osmolality was tested before and after fortification. GER indexes measured before and after fortification were compared, and were also related with HM fat and protein content and osmolality before and after fortification. Results: Phase 1: · A strong agreement was found between traditional methods’ and NIRA’s results (expressed as g/100 g of milk), both for fat and nitrogen content in term (mean fat content: NIRA=2.76; Gerber=2.76; mean nitrogen content: NIRA=1.88; Kjeldhal =1.92) and preterm (mean fat content: NIRA=3.56; Kjeldhal=3.52; mean nitrogen content: NIRA=1.91; Kjeldhal =1.89) mother’s milk. · Nitrogen content of the milk samples, measured by NIRA, ranged from 1.18 to 2.71 g/100 g of milk in preterm milk and from 1.48 to 2.47 in term milk; fat content ranged from 1.27 to 6.23 g/100 g of milk in preterm milk and from 1.01 to 6.01 g/100 g of milk in term milk. Phase 2: · An inverse correlation was found between naïve HM protein content and acid reflux index (RIpH: p=0.041, rho=-0.501). · After fortification, osmolality often exceeded the values recommended for infant feeds; furthermore, a statistically significant (p<.05) increase in non acid reflux indexes was observed. Conclusions: NIRA can be used as a fast, reliable and suitable tool for routine monitoring of macronutrient content of human milk. Protein content of naïve HM may influence acid GER in preterm infants. A standard fortification of HM may worsen non acid GER indexes and, due to the extreme variability in HM composition, may overcome both recommended protein intake and HM osmolality. Thus, an individualized fortification, based on the analysis of the composition of naïve HM, could optimize both nutrient intake and feeding tolerance.


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Ein pathologischer Gastrooesophagealer Reflux (GÖR) tritt häufig bei Kindern mitBehinderung und nach einer Operation am Oesophagus auf wie zum Beispiel nach Korrektureiner Oesophagusatresie. Bei diesen Kindern ist eine medikamentöse Therapie überwiegendzum Scheitern verurteilt und eine Therapie wie die der Antirefluxoperation wird notwendig.In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die 100 Kinder beschrieben, die mit derVerdachtsdiagnose GÖR in den Jahren 1983 bis 1998 vorgestellt wurden. 68 Kinderbenötigten eine Antirefluxoperation. Schwerpunktmäßig werden neurologisch behinderteKinder (85%), bei denen erwartungsgemäß häufig ein GÖR vorliegt, untersucht. Mitbesonderem Interesse werden dabei das Vorliegen und Zusammentreffen mehrerer GÖRprädisponierenderErkrankungen (Behinderung und Zustand nach Korrektur einerOesophagusatresie) untersucht, um Hinweise für eine mögliche Differenzierung prae- undpostoperativer Bilder des GÖR und seine Komplikationen zu gewinnen.Weiterhin werden Aussagen gewonnen bezüglich des Alters der Kinder zum Zeitpunkt desAuftretens der Symptome und zum Zeitpunkt der Operation. Diese werden ebenso wie dieZeiträume zwischen dem Auftreten der Symptome und der Diagnosenstellung, bzw. demOperationszeitpunkt mit den Aussagen in der Literatur verglichen.Ferner wird überprüft, ob sich für die einzelnen Personengruppen (Kinder mit cerebralen undmotorischen Retardierungen (85%), Kinder mit angeborener Oesophagusatresie (4%), Kindermit beiderlei GÖR-prädisponierender Erkrankungen (3%) und Kinder ohne prädisponierendeErkrankungen (8%)) differenzierte Aussagen finden.A pathological gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is often found in handicapped children andafter surgical treatment at the esophagus e. g. after correction of esophagusatresia. Here,medical treatment is often ineffective and an antireflux plasty is needed.In this study 100 children are examined, who had the suspected diagnosis of GER in the years1983 – 1998. 68 children needed a surgical treatment. The majority form the neurologicalhandicapped children (85%), who are predisposed to GER as expected.A special interest of the study is on the existence and coincidence of several GERpredisposingdiseases (disability and esophagusatresia), in order to get an indication forpossible differentiations of pre- and postoperative symptoms and complications of GER.Furthermore evidence is obtained on the age of the children, when the symptoms appearedfirst and when the operation took place. These data and the period of time between theappearence of symptoms and the time of diagnosis and operation are compared with theinformation given in the literature.Moreover the different evidences between the four groups (children with cerebral andmotorial retardation (85%), children with congenital esophagusatresia (4%), children withboth (3%) and children without GER-predisposing diseases (8%)) are analysed.


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La malattia da reflusso gastroesofageo (GERD) si divide in due categorie: malattia non erosiva (NERD) ed erosiva (ERD). Questi due fenotipi di GERD mostrano caratteristiche patofisiologiche e cliniche differenti. NERD è la forma più comune. Anche se ERD e NERD sono difficili da distinguere a livello clinico, la forma NERD possiede caratteristiche fisiologiche, patofisiologiche, anatomiche, e istologiche uniche. La replicazione cellulare dello strato basale si pensa sia una delle cause implicate nella resistenza della mucosa e nella difesa strutturale dell’epitelio. Diversi studi hanno dimostrato che la proliferazione cellulare è ridotta nella mucosa esofagea esposta ad insulti acidi e peptici cronici, in pazienti GERD, in più uno studio recente ha dimostrato che il recettore per i cannabinoidi CB1 era implicato nella riparazione delle ferite nella mucosa del colon. Sulla base di questi dati abbiamo valutato la presenza del recettore CB1 in biopsie della mucosa esofagea, di pazienti ERD, NERD e di controlli sani, tramite analisi Western Blot, Immunoistochimica e Real-Time PCR, dimostrando per la prima volta la presenza di questo recettore nell’epitelio dell’esofago e una riduzione dei suoi livelli di espressione nei pazienti ERD, camparati con i NERD e con i controlli sani. Successivamente, per chiarire meglio i meccanismi molecolari che caratterizzano ERD e NERD, abbiamo effettuato un analisi proteomica con la tecnica shotgun, la quale ha evidenziato un patter proteico di 33 proteine differenzialmente espresse in pazienti NERD vs ERD, sette delle quali confermate in wester Blot, e quattro in immunoistochimica. Concludendo i nostri risultati hanno confermato che ERD e NERD sono due entità distinte a livello proteico, e hanno proposto dei candidati biomarker per la diagnosi differenziale di ERD e NERD.


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Given the function of the esophagus to transport orally ingested solids and liquids into the stomach there are several medications with adverse effect on esophageal structures and function. Various pharmacologic agents can induce esophageal injury, promote gastroesophageal reflux by decreasing lower esophageal sphincter tone or affect esophageal perception and motility. The risks of bisphosphonates, doxycycline, ferrous sulfate, ascorbic acid, aspirin/NSAIDs and chemotherapeutic agents to induce esophageal lesions have been documented in case reports and short series. In addition to direct mucosal injury, many commonly used medications including nitroglycerins, anticholinergics, beta-adrenergic agonists, aminophyllines, and benzodiazepines promote/facilitate gastroesophageal reflux by reducing lower esophageal sphincter pressure. Additional evidence accumulates on the adverse effects of various medications on esophageal motility and perception. The treatment of medication-induced esophageal lesions includes (1) identifying and discontinuing the causative medication, (2) promoting healing of esophageal injury by decreasing esophageal acid exposure or coating already existing esophageal lesions, (3) eventual use of protective compounds.


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Epidemiologic, endoscopic, and pathophysiologic studies document the relationship between obesity and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Increased body mass index and accumulation of visceral fat are associated with a two- to threefold increased risk of developing reflux symptoms and esophageal lesions. Given this association, many studies were designed to evaluate the outcome of reflux symptoms following conventional and surgical treatment of obesity. Among bariatric procedures, gastric sleeve and banded gastroplasty were shown to have no effect or even worsen reflux symptoms in the postoperative setting. Gastric banding improves reflux symptoms and findings (endoscopic and pH-measured distal esophageal acid exposure) in many patients, but is associated with de novo reflux symptoms or lesions in a considerable proportion of patients. To date, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the most effective bariatric procedure that consistently leads to weight reduction and improvement of GERD symptoms in patients undergoing direct gastric bypass and among those converted from restrictive bariatric procedures to gastric bypass.