995 resultados para GERM-FREE MICE


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Germ cell development is a highly coordinated process driven, in part, by regulatory mechanisms that control gene expression. Not only transcription, but also translation, is under regulatory control to direct proper germ cell development. In this dissertation, I have focused on two regulators of germ cell development. One is the homeobox protein RHOX10, which has the potential to be both a transcriptional and translational regulator in mouse male germ cell development. The other is the RNA-binding protein, Hermes, which functions as a translational regulator in Xenopus laevis female germ cell development. ^ Rhox10 is a member of reproductive homeobox gene X-(linked (Rhox) gene cluster, of which expression is developmentally regulated in developing mouse testes. To identify the cell types and developmental stages in which Rhox10 might function, I characterized its temporal and spatial expression pattern in mouse embryonic, neonatal, and adult tissues. Among other things, this analysis revealed that both the level and the subcellular localization of RHOX10 are regulated during germ cell development. To understand the role of Rhox10 in germ cell development, I generated transgenic mice expressing an artificial microRNA (miRNA) targeting Rhox10. While this artificial miRNA robustly downregulated RHOX10 protein expression in vitro, it did not significantly reduce RHOX10 expression in vivo. So I next elected to knockdown RHOX10 levels in spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), which I found highly express both Rhox10 mRNA and RHOX10 protein. Using a recently developed in vitro culture system for SSCs combined with a short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) approach, I strongly depleted RHOX10 expression in SSCs. These RHOX10-depleted cells exhibited a defect in the ability to form stem cell clusters in vitro. Expression profiling analysis revealed many genes regulated by Rhox10, including many meiotic genes, which could be downstream of Rhox10 in a molecular pathway that controls SSC differentiation. ^ RNA recognition motif (RRM) containing protein, Hermes is localized in germ plasm, where dormant mRNAs are also located, of Xenopus oocytes, which implicates its role in translational regulator. To understand the function of Hermes in oocyte meiosis, I used a morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) based knockdown approach. Microinjection of Hermes MO into fully grown oocytes, which are arrested in meiotic prophase, caused acceleration of oocytes reentry into meiosis (i.e., maturation) upon progesterone induction. Using a candidate approach, I identified at least three targets of Hermes: Ringo/Spy, Xcat2, and Mos. Ringo/Spy and Mos are known to have functions in oocyte maturation, while Ringo/Spy, Xcat2 mRNA are localized in the germ plasm of oocytes, which drives germ cell specification after fertilization. This led me to propose that Hermes functions in both oocyte maturation and germ cell development through its ability to regulate 3 crucial target mRNAs. ^


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In this thesis a mouse model was used to examine the effect of pubertal estrogen inhibition and a phytoestrogen-free diet on the development of mammary glands. The study question was does treatment with aromatase inhibitor during puberty increase susceptibility to breast cancer among cohorts that consumed a diet free of phytoestrogens. The study design consisted of a cohort of mice treated with aromatase inhibitor, letrozole, during puberty and a vehicular group that was used as a control. Both groups were fed a diet free of phytoestrogens from the time of weaning until sacrifice during adulthood. The study aimed to assess mammary gland development in terms of breast cancer risk. The methods employed in this research included morphological and histological analysis of mammary glands, as well as estradiol, RNA and protein analysis. The main finding of the study was that mice exposed to aromatase inhibitor during puberty developed mammary glands with specific characteristics suggestive of vulnerability to oncogenesis such as increased lateral branching, increased number of glands, increase ductal hyperplasia, and diminished expression of TGFβ and p27 protein levels. The conclusions suggest that puberty is a critical period in which the mammary gland is susceptible to environmental threats that may result in deleterious epigenetic effects leading to an increased breast cancer risk in adulthood. This study has several public health implications; the most significant is that environmental threats during puberty may result in adverse mammary gland development and that phytoestrogen sources in the diet are necessary for normal maturation of the mammary glands.^


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Two B-type cyclins, B1 and B2, have been identified in mammals. Proliferating cells express both cyclins, which bind to and activate p34cdc2. To test whether the two B-type cyclins have distinct roles, we generated lines of transgenic mice, one lacking cyclin B1 and the other lacking cyclin B2. Cyclin B1 proved to be an essential gene; no homozygous B1-null pups were born. In contrast, nullizygous B2 mice developed normally and did not display any obvious abnormalities. Both male and female cyclin B2-null mice were fertile, which was unexpected in view of the high levels and distinct patterns of expression of cyclin B2 during spermatogenesis. We show that the expression of cyclin B1 overlaps the expression of cyclin B2 in the mature testis, but not vice versa. Cyclin B1 can be found both on intracellular membranes and free in the cytoplasm, in contrast to cyclin B2, which is membrane-associated. These observations suggest that cyclin B1 may compensate for the loss of cyclin B2 in the mutant mice, and implies that cyclin B1 is capable of targeting the p34cdc2 kinase to the essential substrates of cyclin B2.


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Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a multimeric enzyme, containing a catalytic subunit complexed with two regulatory subunits. The catalytic subunit PP2A C is encoded by two distinct and unlinked genes, termed Cα and Cβ. The specific function of these two catalytic subunits is unknown. To address the possible redundancy between PP2A and related phosphatases as well as between Cα and Cβ, the Cα subunit gene was deleted by homologous recombination. Homozygous null mutant mice are embryonically lethal, demonstrating that the Cα subunit gene is an essential gene. As PP2A exerts a range of cellular functions including cell cycle regulation and cell fate determination, we were surprised to find that these embryos develop normally until postimplantation, around embryonic day 5.5/6.0. While no Cα protein is expressed, we find comparable expression levels of PP2A C at a time when the embryo is degenerating. Despite a 97% amino acid identity, Cβ cannot completely compensate for the absence of Cα. Degenerated embryos can be recovered even at embryonic day 13.5, indicating that although embryonic tissue is still capable of proliferating, normal differentiation is significantly impaired. While the primary germ layers ectoderm and endoderm are formed, mesoderm is not formed in degenerating embryos.


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Genetic mapping of traits and mutations in mammals is dependent upon linkage analysis. The resolution achieved by this method is related to the number of offspring that can be scored and position of crossovers near a gene. Higher precision mapping is obtained by expanding the collection of progeny from an appropriate cross, which in turn increases the number of potentially informative recombinants. A more efficient approach would be to increase the frequency of recombination, rather than the number of progeny. The anticancer drug cisplatin, which causes DNA strand breakage and is highly recombinogenic in some model organisms, was tested for its ability to induce germ-line recombination in mice. Males were exposed to cisplatin and mated at various times thereafter to monitor the number of crossovers inherited by offspring. We observed a striking increase on all three chromosomes examined and established a regimen that nearly doubled crossover frequency. The timing of the response indicated that the crossovers were induced at the early pachytene stage of meiosis I. The ability to increase recombination should facilitate genetic mapping and positional cloning in mice.


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Human hematopoiesis originates in a population of stem cells with transplantable lympho-myeloid reconstituting potential, but a method for quantitating such cells has not been available. We now describe a simple assay that meets this need. It is based on the ability of sublethally irradiated immunodeficient nonobese diabetic–scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mice to be engrafted by intravenously injected human hematopoietic cells and uses limiting dilution analysis to measure the frequency of human cells that produce both CD34−CD19+ (B-lymphoid) and CD34+ (myeloid) colony-forming cell progeny in the marrow of such recipients 6 to 8 weeks post-transplant. Human cord blood (CB) contains ≈5 of these competitive repopulating units (CRU) per ml that have a similar distribution between the CD38− and CD38+ subsets of CD34+ CB cells as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) (4:1 vs. 2:1). Incubation of purified CD34+CD38− human CB cells in serum-free medium containing flt-3 ligand, Steel factor, interleukin 3, interleukin 6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for 5–8 days resulted in a 100-fold expansion of colony-forming cells, a 4-fold expansion of LTC-IC, and a 2-fold (but significant, P < 0.02) increase in CRU. The culture-derived CRU, like the original CB CRU, generated pluripotent, erythroid, granulopoietic, megakaryopoietic, and pre-B cell progeny upon transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. These findings demonstrate an equivalent phenotypic heterogeneity amongst human CB cells detectable as CRU and LTC-IC. In addition, their similarly modest response to stimulation by a combination of cytokines that extensively amplify LTC-IC from normal adult marrow underscores the importance of ontogeny-dependent changes in human hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and self-renewal.


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Members of the POU-homeodomain gene family encode transcriptional regulatory molecules that play important roles in terminal differentiation of many organ systems. Sperm-1 (Sprm-1) is a POU domain factor that is exclusively expressed in the differentiating male germ cell. We show here that the Sprm-1 protein is expressed in the haploid spermatid and that 129/Sv Sprm-1(−/−) mice are subfertile when compared with wild-type or heterozygous littermates yet exhibit normal testicular morphology and produce normal numbers of mobile spermatozoa. Our data suggest that the Sprm-1 protein plays a discrete regulatory function in the haploid spermatid, which is required for the optimal function, but not the terminal differentiation, of the male germ cell.


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Mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1; EC are responsible for a proportion of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) through acquisition of an as-yet-unidentified toxic property or properties. Two proposed possibilities are that toxicity may arise from imperfectly folded mutant SOD1 catalyzing the nitration of tyrosines [Beckman, J. S., Carson, M., Smith, C. D. & Koppenol, W. H. (1993) Nature (London) 364, 584] through use of peroxynitrite or from peroxidation arising from elevated production of hydroxyl radicals through use of hydrogen peroxide as a substrate [Wiedau-Pazos, M., Goto, J. J., Rabizadeh, S., Gralla, E. D., Roe, J. A., Valentine, J. S. & Bredesen, D. E. (1996) Science 271, 515–518]. To test these possibilities, levels of nitrotyrosine and markers for hydroxyl radical formation were measured in two lines of transgenic mice that develop progressive motor neuron disease from expressing human familial ALS-linked SOD1 mutation G37R. Relative to normal mice or mice expressing high levels of wild-type human SOD1, 3-nitrotyrosine levels were elevated by 2- to 3-fold in spinal cords coincident with the earliest pathological abnormalities and remained elevated in spinal cord throughout progression of disease. However, no increases in protein-bound nitrotyrosine were found during any stage of SOD1-mutant-mediated disease in mice or at end stage of sporadic or SOD1-mediated familial human ALS. When salicylate trapping of hydroxyl radicals and measurement of levels of malondialdehyde were used, there was no evidence throughout disease progression in mice for enhanced production of hydroxyl radicals or lipid peroxidation, respectively. The presence of elevated nitrotyrosine levels beginning at the earliest stages of cellular pathology and continuing throughout progression of disease demonstrates that tyrosine nitration is one in vivo aberrant property of this ALS-linked SOD1 mutant.


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DNA damage generated by oxidant byproducts of cellular metabolism has been proposed as a key factor in cancer and aging. Oxygen free radicals cause predominantly base damage in DNA, and the most frequent mutagenic base lesion is 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG). This altered base can pair with A as well as C residues, leading to a greatly increased frequency of spontaneous G·C→T·A transversion mutations in repair-deficient bacterial and yeast cells. Eukaryotic cells use a specific DNA glycosylase, the product of the OGG1 gene, to excise 8-oxoG from DNA. To assess the role of the mammalian enzyme in repair of DNA damage and prevention of carcinogenesis, we have generated homozygous ogg1−/− null mice. These animals are viable but accumulate abnormal levels of 8-oxoG in their genomes. Despite this increase in potentially miscoding DNA lesions, OGG1-deficient mice exhibit only a moderately, but significantly, elevated spontaneous mutation rate in nonproliferative tissues, do not develop malignancies, and show no marked pathological changes. Extracts of ogg1 null mouse tissues cannot excise the damaged base, but there is significant slow removal in vivo from proliferating cells. These findings suggest that in the absence of the DNA glycosylase, and in apparent contrast to bacterial and yeast cells, an alternative repair pathway functions to minimize the effects of an increased load of 8-oxoG in the genome and maintain a low endogenous mutation frequency.


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It has previously been reported that 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA), deaminated adenine (hypoxanthine, Hx), and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), but not 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC), are released from DNA in vitro by the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG). To assess the potential contribution of APNG to the repair of each of these mutagenic lesions in vivo, we have used cell-free extracts of tissues from APNG-null mutant mice and wild-type controls. The ability of these extracts to cleave defined oligomers containing a single modified base was determined. The results showed that both testes and liver cells of these knockout mice completely lacked activity toward oligonucleotides containing ɛA and Hx, but retained wild-type levels of activity for ɛC and 8-oxoG. These findings indicate that (i) the previously identified ɛA-DNA glycosylase and Hx-DNA glycosylase activities are functions of APNG; (ii) the two structurally closely related mutagenic adducts ɛA and ɛC are repaired by separate gene products; and (iii) APNG does not contribute detectably to the repair of 8-oxoG.


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We investigated the relative free energies of hapten binding to the germ line and mature forms of the 48G7 antibody Fab fragments by applying a continuum model to structures sampled from molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent. Reasonable absolute and very good relative free energies were obtained. As a result of nine somatic mutations that do not contact the hapten, the affinity-matured antibody binds the hapten >104 tighter than the germ line antibody. Energetic analysis reveals that van der Waals interactions and nonpolar contributions to solvation are similar and drive the formations of both the germ line and mature antibody–hapten complexes. Affinity maturation of the 48G7 antibody therefore appears to occur through reorganization of the combining site geometry in a manner that optimizes the balance of gaining favorable electrostatic interactions with the hapten and losing those with solvent during the binding process. As reflected by lower rms fluctuations in the antibody–hapten complex, the mature complex undergoes more restricted fluctuations than the germ line complex. The dramatically increased affinity of the 48G7 antibody over its germ line precursor is thus made possible by electrostatic optimization.


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We tested the effect of chronic leptin treatment on fasting-induced torpor in leptin-deficient A-ZIP/F-1 and ob/ob mice. A-ZIP/F-1 mice have virtually no white adipose tissue and low leptin levels, whereas ob/ob mice have an abundance of fat but no leptin. These two models allowed us to examine the roles of adipose tissue and leptin in the regulation of entry into torpor. Torpor is a short-term hibernation-like state that allows conservation of metabolic fuels. We first characterized the A-ZIP/F-1 animals, which have a 10-fold reduction in total body triglyceride stores. Upon fasting, A-ZIP/F-1 mice develop a lower metabolic rate and decreased plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels, with no increase in free fatty acids or β-hydroxybutyrate. Unlike control mice, by 24 hr of fasting, they have nearly exhausted their triglycerides and are catabolizing protein. To conserve energy supplies during fasting, A-ZIP/F-1 (but not control) mice entered deep torpor, with a minimum core body temperature of 24°C, 2°C above ambient. In ob/ob mice, fasting-induced torpor was completely reversed by leptin treatment. In contrast, neither leptin nor thyroid hormone prevented torpor in A-ZIP/F-1 mice. These data suggest that there are at least two signals for entry into torpor in mice, a low leptin level and another signal that is independent of leptin and thyroid hormone levels. Studying rodent torpor provides insight into human torpor-like states such as near drowning in cold water and induced hypothermia for surgery.


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The mutagenic effect of low linear energy transfer ionizing radiation is reduced for a given dose as the dose rate (DR) is reduced to a low level, a phenomenon known as the direct DR effect. Our reanalysis of published data shows that for both somatic and germ-line mutations there is an opposite, inverse DR effect, with reduction from low to very low DR, the overall dependence of induced mutations being parabolically related to DR, with a minimum in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 cGy/min (rule 1). This general pattern can be attributed to an optimal induction of error-free DNA repair in a DR region of minimal mutability (MMDR region). The diminished activation of repair at very low DRs may reflect a low ratio of induced (“signal”) to spontaneous background DNA damage (“noise”). Because two common DNA lesions, 8-oxoguanine and thymine glycol, were already known to activate repair in irradiated mammalian cells, we estimated how their rates of production are altered upon radiation exposure in the MMDR region. For these and other abundant lesions (abasic sites and single-strand breaks), the DNA damage rate increment in the MMDR region is in the range of 10% to 100% (rule 2). These estimates suggest a genetically programmed optimatization of response to radiation in the MMDR region.


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Retroviral elements are found in abundance throughout the human genome but only rarely have alterations of endogenous genes by retroviral insertions been described. Herein we report that a human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) type C is inserted in the human growth factor gene pleiotrophin (PTN) between the 5′ untranslated and the coding region. This insert in the human genome expands the region relative to the murine gene. Studies with promoter-reporter constructs show that the HERV insert in the human PTN gene generates an additional promoter with trophoblast-specific activity. Due to this promoter function, fusion transcripts between HERV and the open reading frame of PTN (HERV-PTN) were detected in all normal human trophoblast cell cultures as early as 9 weeks after gestation (n = 7) and in all term placenta tissues (n = 5) but not in other normal adult tissues. Furthermore, only trophoblast-derived choriocarcinoma cell lines expressed HERV-PTN mRNA whereas tumor cell lines derived from the embryoblast (teratocarcinoma) or from other lineages failed to do so. We investigated the significance of HERV-PTN mRNA in a choriocarcinoma model by targeting this transcript with ribozymes and found that the depletion of HERV-PTN mRNA prevents human choriocarcinoma growth, invasion, and angiogenesis in mice. This suggests that the tissue-specific expression of PTN due to the HERV insertion in the human genome supports the highly aggressive growth of human choriocarcinoma and possibly of the human trophoblast.


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Apolipoprotein (apo) A-II is the second most abundant apolipoprotein in high density lipoprotein (HDL). To study its role in lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis susceptibility, apo A-II knockout mice were created. Homozygous knockout mice had 67% and 52% reductions in HDL cholesterol levels in the fasted and fed states, respectively, and HDL particle size was reduced. Metabolic turnover studies revealed the HDL decrease to be due to both decreased HDL cholesterol ester and apo A-I transport rate and increased HDL cholesterol ester and apo A-I fractional catabolic rate. The apo A-II deficiency trait was bred onto the atherosclerosis-prone apo E-deficient background, which resulted in a surprising 66% decrease in cholesterol levels due primarily to decreased atherogenic lipoprotein remnant particles. Metabolic turnover studies indicated increased remnant clearance in the absence of apo A-II. Finally, apo A-II deficiency was associated with lower free fatty acid, glucose, and insulin levels, suggesting an insulin hypersensitivity state. In summary, apo A-II plays a complex role in lipoprotein metabolism, with some antiatherogenic properties such as the maintenance of a stable HDL pool, and other proatherogenic properties such as decreasing clearance of atherogenic lipoprotein remnants and promotion of insulin resistance.