270 resultados para GAM


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One of the objectives of this study is to perform classification of socio-demographic components for the level of city section in City of Lisbon. In order to accomplish suitable platform for the restaurant potentiality map, the socio-demographic components were selected to produce a map of spatial clusters in accordance to restaurant suitability. Consequently, the second objective is to obtain potentiality map in terms of underestimation and overestimation in number of restaurants. To the best of our knowledge there has not been found identical methodology for the estimation of restaurant potentiality. The results were achieved with combination of SOM (Self-Organized Map) which provides a segmentation map and GAM (Generalized Additive Model) with spatial component for restaurant potentiality. Final results indicate that the highest influence in restaurant potentiality is given to tourist sites, spatial autocorrelation in terms of neighboring restaurants (spatial component), and tax value, where lower importance is given to household with 1 or 2 members and employed population, respectively. In addition, an important conclusion is that the most attractive market sites have shown no change or moderate underestimation in terms of restaurants potentiality.


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Extreme conditions of coastal lagoons could directly modify the genetic patterns of species. The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of environmental conditions and small scale dispersal patterns on the phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI*) genetic variability of Cerastoderma glaucum from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. For this purpose, 284 cockles were collected around the perimeter of the lagoon. Vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to scan for PGI* polymorphisms, giving a total of seven alleles. The spatial genetic distribution of the PGI* variability, which seems to be marked by the main circulation in the lagoon, discriminates four hydrological basins. In the central basin, a gradient of allelic composition reflects the circulation forced by the dominant winds and the main channel communicated to the open sea. This result is well supported by the salinity GAM model that defines this gradient. The other three basins are defined by the distribution of fine sand in a more complex model that tries to explain the isolation of the three sites localized inside these basins. The southern, western and northern basins show the lowest degree of interconnection and are considered the most confined areas of the Mar Menor lagoon. This situation agrees with the confinement theory for benthic assemblages in the lagoon. The greater degree of differentiation seen in the Isla del Ciervo population is probably due to recent human intervention on the nearby Marchamalo channel, which has been drained in recent years thus altering the influence of the Mediterranean Sea on the southern basin.


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Coastal lagoons are semi-isolated ecosystems exposed to wide fluctuations of environmental conditions and showing habitat fragmentation. These features may play an important role in separating species into different populations, even at small spatial scales. In this study, we evaluate the concordance between mitochondrial (previous published data) and nuclear data analyzing the genetic variability of Pomatoschistus marmoratus in five localities, inside and outside the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain) using eight microsatellites. High genetic diversity and similar levels of allele richness were observed across all loci and localities, although significant genic and genotypic differentiation was found between populations inside and outside the lagoon. In contrast to the FST values obtained from previous mitochondrial DNA analyses (control region), the microsatellite data exhibited significant differentiation among samples inside the Mar Menor and between lagoonal and marine samples. This pattern was corroborated using Cavalli-Sforza genetic distances. The habitat fragmentation inside the coastal lagoon and among lagoon and marine localities could be acting as a barrier to gene flow and contributing to the observed genetic structure. Our results from generalized additive models point a significant link between extreme lagoonal environmental conditions (mainly maximum salinity) and P. marmoratus genetic composition. Thereby, these environmental features could be also acting on genetic structure of coastal lagoon populations of P. marmoratus favoring their genetic divergence. The mating strategy of P. marmoratus could be also influencing our results obtained from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Therefore, a special consideration must be done in the selection of the DNA markers depending on the reproductive strategy of the species.


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Intensification of permafrost disturbances such as active layer detachments (ALDs) and retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS) have been observed across the circumpolar Arctic. These features are indicators of unstable conditions stemming from recent climate warming and permafrost degradation. In order to understand the processes interacting to give rise to these features, a multidisciplinary approach is required; i.e., interactions between geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation and ground thermal conditions. The goal of this research is to detect and map permafrost disturbance, predict landscape controls over disturbance and determine approaches for monitoring disturbance, all with the goal of contributing to the mitigation of permafrost hazards. Permafrost disturbance inventories were created by applying semi-automatic change detection techniques to IKONOS satellite imagery collected at the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory (CBAWO). These methods provide a means to estimate the spatial distribution of permafrost disturbances for a given area for use as an input in susceptibility modelling. Permafrost disturbance susceptibility models were then developed using generalized additive and generalized linear models (GAM, GLM) fitted to disturbed and undisturbed locations and relevant GIS-derived predictor variables (slope, potential solar radiation, elevation). These models successfully delineated areas across the landscape that were susceptible to disturbances locally and regionally when transferred to an independent validation location. Permafrost disturbance susceptibility models are a first-order assessment of landscape susceptibility and are promising for designing land management strategies for remote permafrost regions. Additionally, geomorphic patterns associated with higher susceptibility provide important knowledge about processes associated with the initiation of disturbances. Permafrost degradation was analyzed at the CBAWO using differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR). Active-layer dynamics were interpreted using inter-seasonal and intra-seasonal displacement measurements and highlight the importance of hydroclimatic factors on active layer change. Collectively, these research approaches contribute to permafrost monitoring and the assessment of landscape-scale vulnerability in order to develop permafrost disturbance mitigation strategies.


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La estimulación eléctrica medular (EEM), es una técnica mínimamente invasiva, segura, con pocos efectos secundarios y resultados favorables en patologías crónicas asociadas a dolor severo de difícil manejo, tal como es el caso del Síndrome Doloroso Regional Complejo (SDRC). La evidencia actual señala beneficios en esta patología particular, motivo por el cuál es de interés hacer una revisión actualizada sobre la EEM en SDRC.


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This article analyses the dynamics of accessing cathedral chapters with purity of blood statutes in the Iberian Peninsula, from a comparative perspective, and the interaction with the phenomenon of commodification of ecclesiastical benefices. This phenomenon created a Curial market that was open to any applicant with sufficient economic capacity, regardless of their ancestry. What was the result of the clash between the Iberian concept of purity and the commodified Roman reality?


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Montado decline has been reported since the end of the nineteenth century in southern Portugal and increased markedly during the 1980s. Consensual reports in the literature suggest that this decline is due to a number of factors, such as environmental constraints, forest diseases, inappropriate management, and socioeconomic issues. An assessment on the pattern of montado distribution was conducted to reveal how the extent of land management, environmental variables, and spatial factors contributed to montado area loss in southern Portugal from 1990 to 2006. A total of 14 independent variables, presumably related to montado loss, were grouped into three sets: environmental variables, land management variables, and spatial variables. From 1990 to 2006, approximately 90,054 ha disappeared in the montado area, with an estimated annual regression rate of 0.14 % year-1. Variation partitioning showed that the land management model accounted for the highest percentage of explained variance (51.8 %), followed by spatial factors (44.6 %) and environmental factors (35.5 %). These results indicate that most variance in the large-scale distribution of recent montado loss is due to land management, either alone or in combination with environmental and spatial factors. The full GAM model showed that different livestock grazing is one of the most important variables affecting montado loss. This suggests that optimum carrying capacity should decrease to 0.18–0.60 LU ha-1 for livestock grazing in montado under current ecological conditions in southern Portugal.


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This article seeks to justify why it is possible to speak about a culture of background investigations in Portugal, or even in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the 17th-18th centuries. It will emphasize three points: the huge number of people who made qualifications in Portugal and in the overseas Empire; how it created specialized knowledge and the need for specialized officers to deal with it; to demonstrate how the culture of qualification conditioned behaviors in different social groups.


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En  el  presente  artículo  se  desarrollan  los  aspectos principales  dentro  de  la propuesta  de  planificación  urbana  de  Costa  Rica  a  través  de  la  iniciativa  del  Plan Nacional  de  Desarrollo  Urbano  en  sus  diferentes  fases  de  trabajo.  Primeramente  se realiza  una  breve  descripción  de  los antecedentes  principales  de  las  fases  I  y  II  para luego describir lo que consistirá en la elaboración de un nuevo Plan GAM, denominado PRUGAM,  y  los  requisitos  necesarios para  su  implementación,  bajo  la  visión  del modelo  de  ciudad  generada  por  procesos  participat ivos.  Además,  se  realiza  una descripción  del  Plan  GAM  de  1982,  sus  alcances  y logros,  para  luego  realizar  una evaluación de los mismos.   Abstract:This article  shows  the main aspects  included  in  the Costarrican proposal of urban  planning  throw  the  different  phases  of  the  Nacional  Planning  of  Urban Development (PRUGAM). There is a description of the background of the project at its I and  II phases,  follow by what  is will be  the new Urban Plan call PRUGAM and  the requirements to implementation following a participative city model. Also a description of the 1982 Plan GAM, its achievements, and evaluation is done


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En este artículo se presenta el análisis metodológico del mercado y el inventario de las tierras necesarias para el proceso de conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana en la Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica.El crecimiento de las ciudades demanda nuevas tierras para su expansión y localización del crecimiento de la población y la concentración metropolitana de las actividades económicas y sociales.Al realizarse la transformación de la tierra agrícola a urbana cambia la naturaleza de uso, su contenido económico y los derechos de propiedad.Nos interesa presentar en este tratamiento teórico-metodológico: primero; los objetivos de la investigación, el planteamiento del problema y la delimitación de a tierra urbanizable de la región metropolitana de Costa Rica , segundo; los procesos y factores que intervienen en la conversión de tierra agrícola a tierra urbana; las características del mercado, el contenido económico, el contenido jurídico y los derechos de propiedad de la tierra potencialmente urbana; tercero, los instrumentos de gestión urbana de la tierra y cuarto; el análisis regional y subregional de la tierra urbanizable.Conviene entender que esta tierra de futura urbanización está en transición y que sus formas de uso y propiedad están determinadas por esta característica transicional.Abstract:This article discusses the methodology analysis of the land market and evaluation necessary lo convert agriculture land to urban Iand in the Big Metropolitan Área of Costa Rica.The grow of the cities requires new geographical space in order to expand and locate the new population and Ihe urban concentration of the economical and social activities.In the way the agricuLture Iand transforms to urban space, the nature of the use, thee economic content and the land tenure change.It is important to present in this article about the methodological teorical approach; first the objective of the research, the problem definition of urban land in the region of Costa Rican Metropolitan Área. Secondly, the process and factors that acts in the conversion from the agriculture land to urban land; the characteristics of market, legal and economic aspects and land tenure of the potential space to convert to urban land. Thirdly, the tool of the land urban is planning. Finally, the regional and subregional of the land with the properties to develop urban facilities.The land that in the future will be urbanice is in transition and their forms of use and land tenure determined by this condition.


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La crisis de gobcrnabilidad de los recursos hídricos es clara y evidente en Costa Rica. Estos recursos están en proceso de deterioro y peligrosamente amenazados. En tan solo cinco décadas se pasó de la riqueza y abundancia de agua, a la vulnerabilidad y escasez de ésta. Un conjunto de realidades ha originado la mencionada crisis: la ausencia de políticas hídricas integrales, claras y estables, un marco legal desactualizado. estático y de mínimo cumplimiento, que ha permitido el uso ineficiente y la contaminación de los cuerpos de agua y desde luego la cultura dominante de poca o ninguna valoración del agua como recurso vital para el desarrollo presente y futuro de todas las especies que poblamos el país.La Agenda Ambiental del Agua en Costa Rica ha sido elaborada mediante un proceso parlicipativo. donde diversos actores sociales en diferentes regiones —Limón, Liberia y la Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM)— priorizaron los 10 principales problemas y sus potenciales soluciones:1) La educación formal e informal es muy débil respecto a como alcanzar el uso eficiente e inteligente de los recursos hrdricos. Igualmente, es débil para revertir el patrón de manejo de vertidos sin responsabilidad social.2) La excesiva centralización de las decisiones. Muy poca participación ciudadana tanto en la estructura organizativa como en la toma de decisiones.3) La inoperancia del marco institucional y legal —desconocimiento por parte de la sociedad civil de los procesos de denuncia y otros; la tramitología de denuncia es demasiado lenta e ineficiente, razón por la cual los denunciantes se cansan y desaniman—.4) La deficiente y casi nula valoración económica del agua, que tome en cuenta el manejo integral de las cuencas y la búsqueda de la permanencia del recurso en el futuro.5) La ausencia de planes hídricos de cuencas donde el plan regulador sea un componente básico.6) La desigual calidad del agua para los costarricenses según operador del servicio y región geográfica.7) La contaminación de aguas superficiales y subterráneas.8) La ausencia de conocimiento, socialización, sistematización y movilización en relación con el manejo del agua. Es necesario el aumento de las capacidades tanto técnicas y científicas como de cambio de cultura y conocimiento popular.9) Falta de información básica y mecanismos claros para poder utilizarla.10) La información existente en la actualidad se encuentra dispersa en diferentes orgarnza ciones y en algunos investigadores, lo que impide su uso efectivo.La Agenda Ambiental del Agua en Costa Rica aproxima los costos para la solución de los problemas apuntados anteriormente. Se necesita invertir alrededor de US$J .500 millones para abordar la gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos en el país.Abstract: The crisis of governance of thc watcr resources is clear and evideni in Costa Rica. These resources are in proccss oídeterioration anddangerously threatened. In only five decades it passed of che wealth and water abundance, to che vulnerability and shortagc of thc same one. A set of realities has originated dic mentioned crisis; dic abscncc of an integral, clear and siable water policy, a legal framework out of date. static one and of minimal fulfillmeni. which has allowed che inefficicrn use and ihe pollution ofihe water bodies. And certainly. hc dominecring culture of small ci no valuation to the water as vital resource for thc prcscnt and future dcvclopment of alI dic species. thai we populate che country.The Environmental Agenda of the Water in Costa Rica has bccn claborated by means of a participatory proccss. which includes several social actors in diverse regions —Limon. Liberia and Great Metropolitan Area (GAM) These actors prioritized lO principal problems related to water resources and thcir potential solutions:1) The formal and informal education is very weak with regard to since as reaches the efficient and intelligeni use of thc water resources. Equally. dic boss of managing is weak for revert of spilt without social responsibilicy.2) The excessive centralization of che decisions with very little civil parlicipation. both in the organizational siructure and in the decision making process.3) The un.workability of ihe institutional and legal framewoik —ignorance cii che pan of civil society of che proces.ses of denunciation and others the denunciation niechanism is ioo slow and inefticieni, a reason for which dic cbtmants get tired and discouragc—.4) Thedeficientone and almosi voideconomic valuationofthe waier. which bears in mmd the integral managing of the basin and dic scarc h of dic permancncy of dic resource to future.5) Thc absence of water plans of basin where dic regulatory plan is a basic component.6) The unequal quality of the water for dic Costa Ricans according tooperacor of dic service and geographica] region.7) The pollution of superficial and underground waters.8) The absence of knowledgc. socializ.arion, systematizing and mobilization in relation co the waier managing. Thc increase of dic capacities is necessary so much tcchnical and scicntific like of change of culture and popular knowledge.9) Lack of basic information and clear mechanisms to be able to use it.10) Thc cxisting information aL preseni is dispersed in different organizations and in sorne investigators, which prevents ihe effective use of the same one.The Environmental Agenda of the Water in Costa Rica brings the costs near for the solution of the pointed problems previously. Costa Rica needs to invest about US$1.500 million Lo approach ihe integrated managcment of the water resources in the country.


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Los sistemas naturales tienen un valor único e irrepetible en sí mismos, ya que son los hábitats de la fora y la fauna autóctonos, asimismo, los espacios libres o las zonas verdes en paisajes agropecua-rios o urbanos actúan como equilibradores de las disfunciones ecológicas que la actividad humana introduce. El modelo de crecimiento urbano implementado en las últimas décadas en la Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica (GAM), carece de sensibilidad y responsabilidad ecológica y ambien-tal, así lo demuestran los resultados del estudio de caso de un pequeño territorio localizado dentro de la GAM, la microcuenca del río Pirro. De acuerdo con los resultados de la Evaluación Ecológica Rápida (EER), los ecosistemas urbanos presentes en el área de estudio se encuentran entre degra-dados y severamente degradados; desaparición completa del bosque natural ripario, así como del bosque húmedo y muy húmedo premontano, niveles severos de contaminación de  la calidad del agua superfcial, reducción en la biodiversidad de la fauna (aves, anfbios y reptiles) y alteraciones de la dinámica fuvial del río. Se requiere de estudios más profundos y de mayor temporalidad que permitan evaluar la resiliencia del ecosistema y las posibilidades de una recuperación a mediano y largo plazo. Es necesario además, un cambio en el modelo de desarrollo urbano tradicional, de tal manera que la planifcación territorial incorpore la variable ambiental en el ordenamiento, así como una cultura ambiental de responsabilidad con los ecosistemas naturales.


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Proyecto de Actualización Cartográfica de usos de la Tierra a escala 1:10.000 GAM de Costa Rica. Elaboración de Cartografía digital y Ortofotos.


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Proyecto de Actualización Cartográfica de usos de la Tierra a escala 1:10.000 GAM de Costa Rica. Elaboración de Cartografía digital y Ortofotos.


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Proyecto de Actualización Cartográfica de usos de la Tierra a escala 1:10.000 GAM de Costa Rica. Elaboración de Cartografía digital y Ortofotos.