967 resultados para Free-running laser


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PURPOSE Despite different existing methods, monitoring of free muscle transfer is still challenging. In the current study we evaluated our clinical setting regarding monitoring of such tissues, using a recent microcirculation-imaging camera (EasyLDI) as an additional tool for detection of perfusion incompetency. PATIENTS AND METHODS This study was performed on seven patients with soft tissue defect, who underwent reconstruction with free gracilis muscle. Beside standard monitoring protocol (clinical assessment, temperature strips, and surface Doppler), hourly EasyLDI monitoring was performed for 48 hours. Thereby a baseline value (raised flap but connected to its vascular bundle) and an ischaemia perfusion value (completely resected flap) were measured at the same point. RESULTS The mean age of the patients, mean baseline value, ischaemia value perfusion were 48.00 ± 13.42 years, 49.31 ± 17.33 arbitrary perfusion units (APU), 9.87 ± 4.22 APU, respectively. The LDI measured values in six free muscle transfers were compatible with hourly standard monitoring protocol, and normalized LDI values significantly increased during time (P < 0.001, r = 0.412). One of the flaps required a return to theatre 17 hours after the operation, where an unsalvageable flap loss was detected. All normalized LDI values of this flap were under the ischaemia perfusion level and the trend was significantly descending during time (P < 0.001, r = -0.870). CONCLUSION Due to the capability of early detection of perfusion incompetency, LDI may be recommended as an additional post-operative monitoring device for free muscle flaps, for early detection of suspected failing flaps and for validation of other methods.


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Matrix application continues to be a critical step in sample preparation for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). Imaging of small molecules such as drugs and metabolites is particularly problematic because the commonly used washing steps to remove salts are usually omitted as they may also remove the analyte, and analyte spreading is more likely with conventional wet matrix application methods. We have developed a method which uses the application of matrix as a dry, finely divided powder, here referred to as dry matrix application, for the imaging of drug compounds. This appears to offer a complementary method to wet matrix application for the MALDI-MSI of small molecules, with the alternative matrix application techniques producing different ion profiles, and allows the visualization of compounds not observed using wet matrix application methods. We demonstrate its value in imaging clozapine from rat kidney and 4-bromophenyl-1,4-diazabicyclo(3.2.2)nonane-4-carboxylic acid from rat brain. In addition, exposure of the dry matrix coated sample to a saturated moist atmosphere appears to enhance the visualization of a different set of molecules.


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Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a powerful tool in metabolomics and proteomics for the spatial localization and identification of pharmaceuticals, metabolites, lipids, peptides and proteins in biological tissues. However, sample preparation remains a crucial variable in obtaining the most accurate distributions. Common washing steps used to remove salts, and solvent-based matrix application, allow analyte spreading to occur. Solvent-free matrix applications can reduce this risk, but increase the possibility of ionisation bias due to matrix adhesion to tissue sections. We report here the use of matrix-free MSI using laser desorption ionisation performed on a 12 T Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometer. We used unprocessed tissue with no post-processing following thaw-mounting on matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation (MALDI) indium-tin oxide (ITO) target plates. The identification and distribution of a range of phospholipids in mouse brain and kidney sections are presented and compared with previously published MALDI time-of-flight (TOF) MSI distributions.


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The tail-free operation of an overdriven gain-switched distributed feedback (DFB) laser by spectral filtering was demonstrated. The filtering was realized using a mechanically tunable fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The unfiltered and filtered signals were traced by corresponding oscilloscope. The spectral filtering removed the nonlinearly chirped components resulting in the pulse shortening. The results showed unwanted relaxation in the overdriven DFB laser were supressed by using a steep-edge notch filter.


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A dry matrix application for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI) was used to profile the distribution of 4-bromophenyl-1,4-diazabicyclo(3.2.2)nonane-4-carboxylate, monohydrochloride (BDNC, SSR180711) in rat brain tissue sections. Matrix application involved applying layers of finely ground dry alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) to the surface of tissue sections thaw mounted onto MALDI targets. It was not possible to detect the drug when applying matrix in a standard aqueous-organic solvent solution. The drug was detected at higher concentrations in specific regions of the brain, particularly the white matter of the cerebellum. Pseudomultiple reaction monitoring imaging was used to validate that the observed distribution was the target compound. The semiquantitative data obtained from signal intensities in the imaging was confirmed by laser microdissection of specific regions of the brain directed by the imaging, followed by hydrophilic interaction chromatography in combination with a quantitative high-resolution mass spectrometry method. This study illustrates that a dry matrix coating is a valuable and complementary matrix application method for analysis of small polar drugs and metabolites that can be used for semiquantitative analysis.


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We describe a free space quantum cryptography system which is designed to allow continuous unattended key exchanges for periods of several days, and over ranges of a few kilometres. The system uses a four-laser faint-pulse transmission system running at a pulse rate of 10MHz to generate the required four alternative polarization states. The receiver module similarly automatically selects a measurement basis and performs polarization measurements with four avalanche photodiodes. The controlling software can implement the full key exchange including sifting, error correction, and privacy amplification required to generate a secure key.


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An Erbium-doped fibre ring laser hybrid mode-locked with single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) and nonlinear polarisation evolution (NPE) without an optical isolator has been investigated for various cavity conditions. Precise control of the state of polarisation (SOP) in the cavity ensures different losses for counter-propagating optical fields. As the result, the laser operates in quasi-unidirectional regime in both clockwise (CW) and counter-clockwise (CCW) directions with the emission strengths difference of the directions of 22 dB. Furthermore, by adjusting the net birefringence in the cavity, the laser can operate in a bidirectional generation. In this case, a laser pumped with 75 mW power at 980 nm generates almost identical 790 and 570 fs soliton pulses with an average power of 1.17 and 1.11 mW. The operation stability and pulse quality of the soliton pulses in both unidirectional regimes are highly competitive with those generated in conventional ring fibre lasers with isolator in the cavity. Demonstrated bidirectional laser operation can find vital applications in gyroscopes or precision rotation sensing technologies.


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Maintenance trains travel in convoy. In Australia, only the first train of the convoy pays attention to the track sig- nalization (the other convoy vehicles simply follow the preceding vehicle). Because of human errors, collisions can happen between the maintenance vehicles. Although an anti-collision system based on a laser distance meter is already in operation, the existing system has a limited range due to the curvature of the tracks. In this paper, we introduce an anti-collision system based on vision. The two main ideas are, (1) to warp the camera image into an image where the rails are parallel through a projective transform, and (2) to track the two rail curves simultaneously by evaluating small parallel segments. The performance of the system is demonstrated on an image dataset.


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Bottom emitting organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) can suffer from lower external quantum efficiencies (EQE) due to inefficient out-coupling of the generated light. Herein, it is demonstrated that the current efficiency and EQE of red, yellow, and blue fluorescent single layer polymer OLEDs is significantly enhanced when a MoOx(5 nm)/Ag(10 nm)/MoOx(40 nm) stack is used as the transparent anode in a top emitting OLED structure. A maximum current efficiency and EQE of 21.2 cd/A and 6.7%, respectively, was achieved for a yellow OLED, while a blue OLED achieved a maximum of 16.5 cd/A and 10.1%, respectively. The increase in light out-coupling from the top-emitting OLEDs led to increase in efficiency by a factor of up to 2.2 relative to the optimised bottom emitting devices, which is the best out-coupling reported using solution processed polymers in a simple architecture and a significant step forward for their use in large area lighting and displays.


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Lasers are very efficient in heating localized regions and hence they find a wide application in surface treatment processes. The surface of a material can be selectively modified to give superior wear and corrosion resistance. In laser surface-melting and welding problems, the high temperature gradient prevailing in the free surface induces a surface-tension gradient which is the dominant driving force for convection (known as thermo-capillary or Marangoni convection). It has been reported that the surface-tension driven convection plays a dominant role in determining the melt pool shape. In most of the earlier works on laser-melting and related problems, the finite difference method (FDM) has been used to solve the Navier Stokes equations [1]. Since the Reynolds number is quite high in these cases, upwinding has been used. Though upwinding gives physically realistic solutions even on a coarse grid, the results are inaccurate. McLay and Carey have solved the thermo-capillary flow in welding problems by an implicit finite element method [2]. They used the conventional Galerkin finite element method (FEM) which requires that the pressure be interpolated by one order lower than velocity (mixed interpolation). This restricts the choice of elements to certain higher order elements which need numerical integration for evaluation of element matrices. The implicit algorithm yields a system of nonlinear, unsymmetric equations which are not positive definite. Computations would be possible only with large mainframe computers.Sluzalec [3] has modeled the pulsed laser-melting problem by an explicit method (FEM). He has used the six-node triangular element with mixed interpolation. Since he has considered the buoyancy induced flow only, the velocity values are small. In the present work, an equal order explicit FEM is used to compute the thermo-capillary flow in the laser surface-melting problem. As this method permits equal order interpolation, there is no restriction in the choice of elements. Even linear elements such as the three-node triangular elements can be used. As the governing equations are solved in a sequential manner, the computer memory requirement is less. The finite element formulation is discussed in this paper along with typical numerical results.


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Polarization properties of Gaussian laser beams are analyzed in a manner consistent with the Maxwell equations, and expressions are developed for all components of the electric and magnetic field vectors in the beam. It is shown that the transverse nature of the free electromagnetic field demands a nonzero transverse cross-polarization component in addition to the well-known component of the field vectors along the beam axis. The strength of these components in relation to the strength of the principal polarization component is established. It is further shown that the integrated strengths of these components over a transverse plane are invariants of the propagation process. It is suggested that cross- polarization measurement using a null detector can serve as a new method for accurate determination of the center of Gaussian laser beams.


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In this thesis, the kinetics of several alkyl, halogenated alkyl, and alkenyl free radical reactions with NO2, O2, Cl2, and HCl reactants were studied over a wide temperature range in time resolved conditions. Laser photolysis photoionisation mass spectrometer coupled to a flow reactor was the experimental method employed and this thesis present the first measurements performed with the experimental system constructed. During this thesis a great amount of work was devoted to the designing, building, testing, and improving the experimental apparatus. Carbon-centred free radicals were generated by the pulsed 193 or 248 nm photolysis of suitable precursors along the tubular reactor. The kinetics was studied under pseudo-first-order conditions using either He or N2 buffer gas. The temperature and pressure ranges employed were between 190 and 500 K, and 0.5 45 torr, respectively. The possible role of heterogeneous wall reactions was investigated employing reactor tubes with different sizes, i.e. to significantly vary the surface to volume ratio. In this thesis, significant new contributions to the kinetics of carbon-centred free radical reactions with nitrogen dioxide were obtained. Altogether eight substituted alkyl (CH2Cl, CHCl2, CCl3, CH2I, CH2Br, CHBr2, CHBrCl, and CHBrCH3) and two alkenyl (C2H3, C3H3) free radical reactions with NO2 were investigated as a function of temperature. The bimolecular rate coefficients of all these reactions were observed to possess negative temperature dependencies, while pressure dependencies were not noticed for any of these reactions. Halogen substitution was observed to moderately reduce the reactivity of substituted alkyl radicals in the reaction with NO2, while the resonance stabilisation of the alkenyl radical lowers its reactivity with respect to NO2 only slightly. Two reactions relevant to atmospheric chemistry, CH2Br + O2 and CH2I + O2, were also investigated. It was noticed that while CH2Br + O2 reaction shows pronounced pressure dependence, characteristic of peroxy radical formation, no such dependence was observed for the CH2I + O2 reaction. Observed primary products of the CH2I + O2 reaction were the I-atom and the IO radical. Kinetics of CH3 + HCl, CD3 + HCl, CH3 + DCl, and CD3 + DCl reactions were also studied. While all these reactions possess positive activation energies, in contrast to the other systems investigated in this thesis, the CH3 + HCl and CD3 + HCl reactions show a non-linear temperature dependency on the Arrhenius plot. The reactivity of substituted methyl radicals toward NO2 was observed to increase with decreasing electron affinity of the radical. The same trend was observed for the reactions of substituted methyl radicals with Cl2. It is proposed that interactions of frontier orbitals are responsible to these observations and Frontier Orbital Theory could be used to explain the observed reactivity trends of these highly exothermic reactions having reactant-like transition states.


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In benzene solution, C60 and C70 interact weakly in the ground state with amines having favourable oxidation potentials. Picosecond time-resolved absorption measurements show that on photoexcilation, the weak complexes undergo charge separation to produce ion pairs which in turn undergo fast geminate recombination either to produce the triplet state of the fullerenes or give back the ground slate of the complex, depending on the oxidation potential of the amine. Free-ion yield is generally negligible.


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We have demonstrated the synthesis of light-sensitive polyelectrolyte capsules (PECs) by utilizing a novel polyol reduction method and investigated its applicability as photosensitive drug delivery vehicle. The nanostructured capsules were prepared via layer by layer (LbL) assembly of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAN) and dextran sulfate (DS) on silica particles followed by in-situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles (NPs). Capsules without silver NPs were permeable to low molecular weight (A(w), 479 g/mol) rhodamine but impermeable to higher molecular weight fluorescence labeled dextran (FITC-dextran). However, capsules synthesized with silver NPs showed porous morphology and were permeable to higher molecular weight (M(w) 70 kDa) FITC-dextran also. These capsules were loaded with FITC-dextran using thermal encapsulation method by exploiting temperature induced shrinking of the capsules. During heat treatment the porous morphology of the capsules transformed into smooth pore free structure which prevents the movement of dextran into bulk during the loading process. When these loaded capsules are exposed to laser pulses, the capsule wall ruptured, resulting in the release of the loaded drug/dye. The rupture of the capsules was dependent on particle size, laser pulse energy and exposure time. The release was linear with time when pulse energy of 400 mu J was used and burst release was observed when pulse energy increased to 600 mu J.


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Barium zirconium titanate [Ba(Zr0.05Ti0.95)O3, BZT] thin films were prepared by pulsed laser ablation technique and dc leakage current conduction behavior was extensively studied. The dc leakage behavior study is essential, as it leads to degradation of the data storage devices. The current-voltage (I-V) of the thin films showed an Ohmic behavior for the electric field strength lower than 7.5 MV/m. Nonlinearity in the current density-voltage (J-V) behavior has been observed at an electric field above 7.5 MV/m. Different conduction mechanisms have been thought to be responsible for the overall I-V characteristics of BZT thin films. The J-V behavior of BZT thin films was found to follow Lampert’s theory of space charge limited conduction similar to what is observed in an insulator with charge trapping moiety. The Ohmic and trap filled limited regions have been explicitly observed in the J-V curves, where the saturation prevailed after a voltage of 6.5 V referring the onset of a trap-free square region. Two different activation energy values of 1.155 and 0.325 eV corresponding to two different regions have been observed in the Arrhenius plot, which was attributed to two different types of trap levels present in the film, namely, deep and shallow traps.