943 resultados para Franco-american relations
In the system La-Cr-O, there are three ternary oxides (LaCrO4, La2Cr3O12, and La2CrO6) that contain Cr in higher valence states (V or VI). On heating, LaCrO4 decomposes to LaCrO3, La2Cr3O12 to a mixture of LaCrO4 and Cr2O3, and La2CrO6 to LaCrO3 and La2O3 with loss of oxygen. The oxygen potentials corresponding to these decomposition reactions are determined as a function of temperature using solid-state cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. Measurements are made from 840K to the decomposition temperature of the ternary oxides in pure oxygen. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of the three ternary oxides are derived from the reversible electromotive force (EMF) of the three cells. The standard enthalpy of formation and standard entropy of the three ternary oxides at 298.15K are estimated. Subsolidus phase relations in the system La-Cr-O are computed from thermodynamic data and displayed as isothermal sections at several temperature intervals. The decomposition temperatures in air are 880 (+/- 3)K for La2Cr3O12, 936 (+/- 3)K for LaCrO4, and 1056 (+/- 4)K for La2CrO6.
Resumen: En el presente trabajo se analiza el aporte que un grupo de poetas, políticos e intelectuales argentinos en la revista Latinidad –creada por el impresor francés Mauricio Bouxin en 1920 y reeditada entre 1939 y 1947–, para dar cuenta de una posible apertura en la recepción de colaboraciones. Esto, en una variedad de sentidos: en cuanto a la nacionalidad y pertenencia de quienes escribían, su espectro ideológico y militancia, el posicionamiento en cuanto a la Segunda Guerra Mundial –tópico principal de la publicación– y, en cuanto a opiniones sobre política interna argentina. Plantearemos cómo la latinidad fue propuesta como un factor cohesionante, no sólo dentro de la propia comunidad francesa, sino en el contexto latinoamericano con el que pretendían estrechar lazos de identidad compartida, en el marco del conflicto bélico mundial.
Some 25 to 30 yr ago, when we as students were beginning our respective careers and were developing for the first time our awareness of marine mammals in the waters separating western North America from eastern Asia, we had visions of eventually bridging the communication gap which existed between our two countries at that time. Each of us was anxious to obtain information on the distribution, biology, and ecological relations of "our" seals and walruses on "the other side," beyond our respective political boundari~s where we were not permitted to go to study them. We were concerned that the resource management practices on the other side of the Bering and Chukchi Seas, implemented in isolation, on a purely unilateral basis, might endanger the species which we had come to know and were striving to conserve. At once apparent to both of us was the need for free exchange of biological information between our two countries and, ultimately, joint management of our shared resources. In a small way, we and others made some initial efforts to generate that exchange by personal correspondence and through vocal interchange at the annual meetings of the North Pacific Fur Seal Commission. By the enabling Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, reached between our two countries in 1972, our earlier visions at last came true. Since that time, within the framework of the Marine Mammal Project under Area V of that Agreement, we and our colleagues have forged a strong bond of professional accord and respect, in an atmosphere of free intercommunication and mutual understanding. The strength and utility of this arrangement from the beginning of our joint research are reflected in the reports contained in this, the first compendium of our work. The need for a series of such a compendia became apparent to us in 1976, and its implementation was agreed on by the regular meeting of the Project in La Jolla, Calif., in January 1977. Obviously, the preparation and publication of this first volume has been excessively delayed, in part by continuing political distrust between our governments but mainly by increasing demands placed on the time of the contributors. In this period of growing environmental concern in both countries, we and our colleagues have been totally immersed in other tasks and have experienced great difficulty in drawing together the works presented here. Much of the support for doing so was provided by the State of Alaska, through funding for Organized Research at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. For its ultimate completion in publishable form we wish to thank Helen Stockholm, Director of Publications, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, and her staff, especially Ruth Hand, and the numerous referees narned herein who gave willingly oftheir time to review each ofthe manuscripts critically and to provide a high measure of professionalism to the final product. (PDF file contains 110 pages.)
As manifestações culturais e a cultura, em geral, têm adquirido relevância e protagonismo nas relações internacionais contemporâneas. Tal fenômeno possibilitou maior quantidade de pesquisas, teorias e trabalhos no campo das Relações Internacionais dedicadas a essa dimensão. Almeja-se com este trabalho contribuir com uma análise no plano das Relações Culturais Internacionais, enfocando o Ano do Brasil na França (2005) e o Ano da França no Brasil (2009). Através da análise destas duas temporadas culturais, analisa-se a densidade dessa profunda relação histórica entre Brasil e França, marcada pelos cálculos estratégicos de ambos os países. Esta pesquisa pretendeu mostrar que as temporadas culturais tornaram-se um dos modelos de diplomacia cultural adequados aos desafios da nova ordem global. Por isso, foi feito um estudo de caso sobre as temporadas franco-brasileiras de 2005 e 2009, através de pesquisa monográfica teórico-histórica; a qual demonstrou como as referidas temporadas culturais conciliam forças culturais em oposição na atualidade, ao mesmo tempo em que promoveram o intercâmbio cultural.
This report is a description of the organization, functions, and achievements of the IATTC. It has been prepared to provide, in a convenient format, answers to requests for information concerning the IATTC. It replaces similar, earlier reports (Carroz, 1965; IATTC Spec. Rep., 1 and 5), which are now largely outdated. In order to make each section of the report independent of the others, some aspects of the IATTC are described in more than one section. For example, work on the early life history of tunas financed by the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation of Japan is mentioned in the subsection entitled Finance, the subsection entitled Biology of tunas and billfishes, and the section entitled RELATIONS WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. Due to space constraints, however, it is not possible to describe the IATTC's activities in detail in this report. Additional information is available in publications of the IATTC, listed in Appendix 6, and in its web site, www.iattc.org. Many abbreviations are used in this report. The names of the organizations or the terms are written out the first time they are used, and, for convenience, they are also listed in the Glossary.
A presente dissertação se propõe a contribuir para as análises dos processos ligados à implementação das leis 10639/03 e 11645/08. Questionamo-nos acerca dos desdobramentos do imperativo das leis nos livros didáticos de história, sobretudo, no uso do conceito de colonizador no processo de explicação da relação entre diferentes povos e culturas nas coleções da disciplina história. Como estão descritas essas relações? Há mudanças institucionalizadas pelo PNLD ou pelas leis: que descrições de significados culturais, políticos os sujeitos implicados nos eventos de ocupação do território americano são apresentados nos manuais de ensino de história? Buscamos entender quais as relações de colonialidade do saber se estabelecem na sistematização dos conteúdos de história, tendo em vista que os atos de colonização envolvem dinâmicas que se chocam com as premissas hierárquicas simplificadas nos processos de ensino de história na escola de acordo com as descrições dos livros didáticos. As maneiras pelas quais o colonizador é rotulado como conquistador, supervalorizando a dimensão europeia do processo e subvalorizando os referenciais da cultura local representados nos povos pré-colombianos são problematizadas nessa dissertação sob duas perspectivas: (1) a superficialização das relações hierárquicas nos processos de colonização, dessa forma, inscrita no feixe de possibilidades que corrobora com as estratégias de perpetuação das simplificações das funções dos atores sociais no período colonial descritas nos manuais didáticos de história; (2) ou como reação prática ou simplista, como estratégia que modifica a realidade histórica social ao sabor das conveniências políticas, suas relações de poder e desenvolvimento de políticas públicas. A pesquisa fundamentou-se na análise de uma coleção de livro didático de história para o ensino médio (1 ao 3 anos) mais usadas efetivamente nas escolas públicas do município de Cabo Frio, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa delimita dois eixos, o primeiro, por meio da análise do histórico das legislações 10639/03 e 11645/08, leis nas quais são baseadas as regulamentações sobre o ensino étnico-racial e grande parte das discussões sobre ações afirmativas no Brasil; um segundo, no qual se estabeleceu investigação aos sentidos atribuídos ao que se define como colonizador e a percepção de quais são as descrições classificadas como colonialidade do saber histórico nos livros didáticos. Tal discussão sobre o colonizador pode contribuir na reflexão crítica sobre a institucionalização do saber histórico escolar do livro didático e de normalização nacional como os PNLDs, quanto às disputas de poder que ocorrem entre os atores políticos no processo de justificativa histórica das políticas públicas como as ações afirmativas.
O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar o viés coletivo da autobiografia ficcional de Face of an angel, da escritora estadunidense e de origem mexicana Denise Chávez. Desse modo, o trabalho pretende discutir a sociedade chicana descrita sob a ótica da narradora/protagonista, Soveida Dosamantes, investigando desde o processo histórico de que é resultado, passando pela iniquidade entre os papéis desempenhados por homens e mulheres até chegar ao discurso autorreferencial com que a narradora/protagonista representa o ambiente cultural em que se insere. Antes da narrativa propriamente dita, há a árvore genealógica da narradora/protagonista, assinalando que o que vai se descortinar ao longo da leitura é uma saga de família. Assim, Soveida Dosamantes utiliza a sua ambiência doméstica, bem como a comunidade da fictícia cidade de Água Oscura, sua cidade natal, como recorte de uma estrutura social maior. Fazendo uso do discurso autobiográfico, a narradora/protagonista criada por Denise Chávez expõe as mazelas de uma comunidade que, em virtude ser produto do colonialismo e do neocolonialismo, perdeu sua identidade cultural. Em Face of an angel, através do relato em primeira pessoa de sua narradora/protagonista, a autora Denise Chávez reproduz o universo em que nasceu e cresceu. Cedendo a Soveida Dosamantes componentes autobiográficos como complicadas relações familiares, personagens femininas nativas que funcionam como sentinelas de práticas ancestrais que o domínio europeu apagou, personagens masculinos que mascaram sua fragilidade por trás de uma força e de um poder aparentes, Chávez representa em Face of an Angel o microcosmos de uma comunidade que vem, aos poucos, subvertendo o discurso oficial e conquistando o seu terreno no panorama político e social estadunidense
The main research question of this thesis is how do grand strategies form. Grand strategy is defined as a state's coherent and consistent pattern of behavior over a long period of time in search of an overarching goal. The political science literature usually explains the formation of grand strategies by using a planning (or design) model. In this dissertation, I use primary sources, interviews with former government officials, and historical scholarship to show that the formation of grand strategy is better understood using a model of emergent learning imported from the business world. My two case studies examine the formation of American grand strategy during the Cold War and the post-Cold War eras. The dissertation concludes that in both these strategic eras the dominating grand strategies were formed primarily by emergent learning rather than flowing from advanced designs.
The various contributions to this book have documented how NAFTA-inspired firm strategies are changing the geography of apparel production in North America. The authors show in myriad ways how companies at different positions along the apparel commodity chain are responding to the new institutional and regulatory environment that NAFTA creates. By making it easier for U.S. companies to take advantage of Mexico as a nearby low-cost site for export-oriented apparel production, NAFTA is deepening the regional division of labor within North America, and this process has consequences for firms and workers in each of the signatory countries. In the introduction to this book we alluded to the obvious implications of shifting investment and trade patterns in the North American apparel industry for employment in the different countries. In this concluding chapter we focus on Mexico in the NAFTA era, specifically the extent to which Mexico's role in the North American economy facilitates or inhibits its economic development. W e begin with a discussion of the contemporary debate about Mexico's development, which turns on the question of how to assess the implications of Mexico's rapid and pro-found process of economic reform. Second, we focus on the textile and apparel industries as sectors that have been significantly affected by changes in regulatory environments at both the global and regional levels. Third, we examine the evidence regarding Mexico's NAFTA-era export dynamism, and in particular we emphasize the importance of interfirm networks, both for making sense of Mexico's meteoric rise among apparel exporters and for evaluating the implications of this dynamism for development. Fourth, we turn to a consideration of the national political-economic environment that shapes developmental outcomes for all Mexicans. Although regional disparities within Mexico are profound, aspects of government policy, such as management of the national currency, and characteristics of the institutional environment, such as industrial relations, have nationwide effects, and critics of NAFTA charge that these factors are contributing to a process of economic and social polarization that is ever more evident (Morales 1999; Dussel Peters 2000). Finally, we suggest that the mixed consequences of Mexico's NAFTA-era growth can be taken as emblematic of the contradictions that the process of globalization poses for economic and social development. The anti-sweatshop campaign in North America is one example of transnational or crossborder movements that are emerging to address the negative consequences of this process. In bringing attention to the problem of sweatshop production in North America, activists are developing strategies that rely on a network logic that is not dissimilar to the approaches reflected in the various chapters of this book. © 2009 by Temple University Press. All rights reserved.
This article examines the role of contemporary art in a post-9/11 context through The American Effect exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York in 2003. This exhibition displayed a range of artworks from around the world that specifically engaged with, commented upon and interrogated the USA's pre-eminent position as a global superpower. In the politically charged climate after 9/11, the exhibition offered itself as a critical voice amid the more obvious patriotic clamour: it was one of the places where Americans could ask (and answer) the question, `Why do they hate us so much?' Although The American Effect claimed to be a space of dissent, it ultimately failed to question, let alone challenge, US global hegemony. Instead, the exhibition articulated a benevolent patriotism that forced artwork from other nations into supplicating and abject positions, and it obscured the complex discursive networks that connect artists, curators, critics, audiences and art museums.
11 September heralded and provided a pretext for a more aggressive but increasingly contradictory American hegemony. Some of the consequences are contrary to the United States' own interests. Its new doctrine of 'preemptive strike' against other sovereign states encourages similarly belligerent behaviour by other governments, and yet more terrorism by nonstate actors, the very threats which were to be eradicated by a re-asserted US hegemony. This essay focuses on three partly overlapping themes: different strategies towards allies - multilateral and unilateral; different forms of power - civil and military; and different ideologies of globalisation - neoliberal and neo-conservative. It argues that while US policy may oscillate between such poles, it often combines the different elements. The overall strategy of the Bush administration is best characterised as unilateral multilateralism. The main issue for US hegemonists is the ways in which their hegemony might best be exercised, maintained and strengthened vis à vis allies and rivals. But for a safer, more democratic world, the choice does not lie between one faction of US hegemonists and another: we need other alternatives such as cosmopolitan democracy and a genuine internationalist movement which would give it some much-needed substance.
There is abundant empirical evidence on the negative relationship between welfare effort and poverty. However, poverty indicators traditionally used have been representative of the monetary approach, excluding its multidimensional reality from the analysis. Using three regression techniques for the period 1990-2010 and controlling for demographic and cyclical factors, this paper examines the relationship between social spending per capita —as the indicator of welfare effort— and poverty in up to 21 countries of the region. The proportion of the population with an income below its national basic basket of goods and services (PM1) and the proportion of population with an income below 50% of the median income per capita (PM2) were the two poverty indicators considered from the monetarist approach to measure poverty. From the capability approach the proportion of the population with food inadequacy (PC1) and the proportion of the population without access to improved water sources or sanitation facilities (PC2) were used. The fi ndings confi rm that social spending is actually useful to explain changes in poverty (PM1, PC1 and PC2), as there is a high negative and signifi cant correlation between the variables before and after controlling for demographic and cyclical factors. In two regression techniques, social spending per capita did not show a negative relationship with the PM2. Countries with greater welfare effort for the period 1990-2010 were not necessarily those with the lowest level of poverty. Ultimately social spending per capita was more useful to explain changes in poverty from the capability approach.