969 resultados para Fractional central difference
Terrestrial organic matter (OM) in pelagic sediments is discussed with regard to depositional processes and land-sea interactions in the modern and past glacial/interglacial Equatorial Atlantic. Special emphasis is placed on a critical evaluation of different analytical approaches (C/N, Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, stable carbon isotopes, palynology, organic petrology, and selected biomarkers) which are currently used for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of terrigenous organic carbon. If binary mixing equations are used to calculate terrestrial and marine proportions of organic carbon, we consider the definition of endmember values to be most critical since these values may be biased by a great number of independent controls. A combination of geochemical methods including optical studies (organic petrology and palynology) is therefore suggested to evaluate each individual proxy. Organic geochemical analyses performed on sediments from the modern and Late Quaternary Equatorial Atlantic evidence fluctuations in eolian supply of terrigenous OM related to changes in intensity of the trade winds. Quantification of this organic fraction leads to differing proportions depending on the approach applied, i.e. the organic carbon isotopic composition or maceral analyses. Modern distribution of terrigenous OM reveals a decrease in supply towards the basin contributing less than a fifth of the total OM in pelagic areas. Organic geochemical data indicate that sedimentation in the modern northeastern Brasil Basin is affected by lateral advection of reworked OM probably from southern source areas. Glacial/interglacial deposits from the pelagic Equatorial Atlantic (ODP Site 663), covering isotopic stages 12 and 11, reveal that deposition of terrigenous OM was higher under past glacial conditions, in correspondence to generally enhanced dust fluxes. Proportions of terrigenous OM, however, never exceed 50% of the total OM according to maceral analyses. Other estimates, recently proposed by Verardo and Ruddiman (1996), are considered to be too high probably for analytical reasons. Palynological records in the Equatorial Atlantic parallel dust records. Increased portions of grass pollen suggest the admixture of C4-plant material under modern and past glacial conditions. It is therefore assumed, as one possible interpetation, that C4-plant debris has an effect on sedimentary d13Corg and might explain differences between isotopic and microscopic quantitative estimates. Using the difference between these two records, we calculate that maximum supply of C4-material remains below 20% of the total OM for the deep modern and past glacial/interglacial Equatorial Atlantic.
En este estudio se ha realizado el diseño de un receptor de una central de Torre Central de energía solar para generación directa de vapor, mediante el uso de métodos numéricos, con un perfil de potencia incidente variable longitudinal y transversalmente. Para ello se ha dividido la geometría del receptor según el método de diferencias finitas, y se ha procedido a resolver las ecuaciones del balance de energía. Una vez resuelto el sistema de ecuaciones se dispone de la distribución de temperaturas en el receptor y se puede proceder a analizar los resultados así como a calcular otros datos de interés. ABSTRACT In this study it has been made a Central Receiver Solar Thermal Power Plant’s Receiver design for direct steam production, by using numerical methods, with a variable longitudinally and transversely income solar power profile. With this propose, the receiver’s geometry has been divided using the finite difference method, and the energy balance equations have been solved. Once the equations system has been solved, the receiver´s temperature distribution is known, and you can analyze the results as well as calculate other interesting data.
En el presente artículo se muestran las ventajas de la programación en paralelo resolviendo numéricamente la ecuación del calor en dos dimensiones a través del método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS. De las conclusiones de este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la importancia de la programación en paralelo para tratar problemas grandes, en los que se requiere un elevado número de cálculos, para los cuales la programación secuencial resulta impracticable por el elevado tiempo de ejecución. En la primera sección se describe brevemente los conceptos básicos de programación en paralelo. Seguidamente se resume el método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS aplicado a la ecuación parabólica del calor. Seguidamente se describe el problema de condiciones de contorno y valores iniciales específico al que se va a aplicar el método de diferencias finitas FTCS, proporcionando pseudocódigos de una implementación secuencial y dos implementaciones en paralelo. Finalmente tras la discusión de los resultados se presentan algunas conclusiones. In this paper the advantages of parallel computing are shown by solving the heat conduction equation in two dimensions with the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method. Two different levels of parallelization are consider and compared with traditional serial procedures. We show in this work the importance of parallel computing when dealing with large problems that are impractical or impossible to solve them with a serial computing procedure. In the first section a summary of parallel computing approach is presented. Subsequently, the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method for the heat conduction equation is outline, describing how the heat flow equation is derived in two dimensions and the particularities of the finite difference numerical technique considered. Then, a specific initial boundary value problem is solved by the FTCS finite difference method and serial and parallel pseudo codes are provided. Finally after results are discussed some conclusions are presented.
El proyecto tiene como objeto analizar desde el punto de vista técnico-económico las posibilidades para mejorar el factor de potencia en los consumos auxiliares de la Central térmica Litoral, perteneciente a Endesa Generación. Debido a un cambio normativo, las tarifas de acceso a las redes de transporte y distribución de energía eléctrica aplicarán ahora también a los consumos propios de las empresas productoras de electricidad dentro del ámbito de aplicación de las tarifas de acceso. Como la energía reactiva se facturará en función del factor de potencia se propone para su compensación la instalación de bancos de condensadores para mejorar el mismo y disminuir la penalización. Para el dimensionamiento de los bancos se han utilizado los consumos horarios de los años 2012 y 2013 de tres fronteras: grupos 1 y 2 de 400 kV y los transformadores auxiliares de arranque (OTAAs) de 6 kV , teniendo en cuenta las peculiaridades de una Central de Generación, ya que sólo serán objeto de estudio (a efecto de penalizaciones) las horas en las que el grupo está parado o arrancando. El resultado final muestra la diferencia en cuanto a los periodos de amortización de una instalación con generación y sin generación, siendo esta última más rentable económicamente. ABSTRACT The goal of this project is to analyse the possibilities to better the power factor in the auxiliary consumption of the Thermal Plant Litoral from an economic and technical viewpoint. Due to a normative changes, the access price rates for the transportation and distribution of electrical energy, will also apply now to the electricity productive companies own consumption within the scope of the access rate. Since reactive power is invoiced based on the potency factor, we propose the installation of capacitor banks to improve the aforementioned power factor as compensation so as to reduce sanctions. We have used the time profiles from 2012 and 2013 to dimension the banks, using 3 borders: Group 1 and 2 (400 kV) and the auxiliary starter transformers (OTAA's) of 6kV, taking into account the special characteristics of a Generation Plant , since we will only study the hours that the group was shut down or powering up (since these are what the penalties cover). The final result shows the difference in regards to repayment periods for both generating and nongenerating installation, being the aforesaid the most economically worthwile of the two
En un escenario de cambio en el ciclo sistémico de acumulación, la centralidad urbana adquiere un papel de espacio para la acumulación de capital económico y simbólico en torno al discurso de la excelencia y el prestigio derivado de la globalización. La producción de un espacio diferenciado y competitivo tiende a normalizar las formas de vida, contribuyendo a la aspiración coercitiva neoliberal. Tras dos décadas de máxima expansión del sistema de acumulación en Madrid, las inversiones realizadas en la Almendra Central han transformado el espacio de centralidad, facilitando la producción de un espacio excluyente en busca de ventajas para la atracción de capital. Surge así una competencia entre espacios para extender el sistema de acumulación, lo que lleva a referenciar la cotidianidad en el consumo, convertido en instrumento de referencia de la posición social. El análisis desde tres enfoques —la economía política, la forma urbana y la ideología— nos sugiere que la Almendra Central de Madrid, como construcción física y social, se ha convertido en la representación no solo del mundo de la mercancía, sino también del estatus del individuo en la globalización. ABSTRACT In the change of the systemic cycle of accumulation, urban centrality acquires a role as accumulation space for the economic and symbolic capital, around an excellence and prestige discourse, characteristic of globalisation. The production of one difference and competitive space suggests the normalization of ways of life. This contributes to the neoliberal aspiration of coercion. Before two decades of maximum expansion of accumulation cycle in Madrid, the investment in the “Almendra Central” has transform the centrality space, producing a distinguished space, searching for advantages in the attraction of capital. So it is necessary a competition between spaces inside the city to extend the accumulation system, and then, the everyday life is referenced in consumption as a social position reference. From three approaches —political economy, urban form and ideology— our analysis suggests that the “Almendra Central” in Madrid is now, not only the representation of world commodity, but also the social status in globalisation.
Homozygous deletions have been central to the discovery of several tumor-suppressor genes, but their finding has often been either serendipitous or the result of a directed search. A recently described technique [Lisitsyn, N., Lisitsyn, N. & Wigler, M. (1993) Science 259, 946-951] held out the potential to efficiently discover such events in an unbiased manner. Here we present the application of the representational difference analysis (RDA) to the study of cancer. We cloned two DNA fragments that identified a homozygous deletion in a human pancreatic adenocarcinoma, mapping to a 1-centimorgan region at chromosome 13q12.3 flanked by the markers D13S171 and D13S260. Interestingly, this lies within the 6-centimorgan region recently identified as the BRCA2 locus of heritable breast cancer susceptibility. This suggests that the same gene may be involved in multiple tumor types and that its function is that of a tumor suppressor rather than that of a dominant oncogene.
Os acessos venosos são indispensáveis para assistência do paciente em situação crítica. O cateter venoso central (CVC) é um acesso que viabiliza a terapêutica dessa clientela, mas o seu uso pode levar à infecções. Estas infecções ocasionam maior permanência hospitalar, elevam os custos totais das instituições e aumentam a morbidade e a mortalidade do paciente. O uso de curativos como cobertura do sítio de saída do CVC é eficaz na prevenção das infecções relacionadas a estes cateteres, em particular, o uso de curativos impregnados com antissépticos como o curativo gel de clorexidina. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a efetividade do curativo gel de clorexidina com a do filme transparente de poliuretano na prevenção da colonização do cateter venoso central em pacientes adultos críticos. Trata-se de estudo experimental, do tipo ensaio clínico randomizado, com tratamentos em paralelo, prospectivo e monocêntrico, realizado de acordo com as recomendações do Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT). O estudo foi realizado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e na Unidade Coronariana de um hospital de ensino do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 102 indivíduos hospitalizados nestes locais, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo intervenção, no qual o tipo de cobertura utilizada foi o curativo de gel de clorexidina e grupo controle, que utilizou como cobertura o filme transparente de poliuretano. O desfecho primário mensurado foi a colonização do cateter e os desfechos secundários foram a infecção clínica do sítio de saída, a infecção microbiológica do sítio de saída e a infecção da corrente sanguínea relacionada ao cateter. Para a coleta de dados foi elaborado um instrumento, e este validado quanto ao seu conteúdo e forma por 13 enfermeiros pertencentes aos locais do estudo. Estes profissionais foram treinados para a realização dos curativos e coleta das pontas dos cateteres centrais, swabs dos sítios de saída e hemoculturas. Análises descritivas foram usadas para todas as variáveis do estudo. O teste Exato de Fisher foi utilizado para comparar as proporções de cada desfecho nos grupos de intervenção e controle, e a regressão logística para explorar se a colonização no CVC poderia ser associada com o tempo de uso do cateter e com o Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) dos pacientes do estudo. De acordo com os resultados não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre a colonização nos dois grupos (p valor = 1.00), para a infecção microbiológica do sítio de saída (p valor = 0.08), para a infecção clínica do sítio de saída (p valor = 0.77) e para as infecções da corrente sanguínea relacionadas ao cateter (p valor = 1,00). Conclui-se que o presente estudo pode contribuir para que as unidades de saúde tenham subsídios para realizar a escolha do tipo de curativo baseado em suas necessidades institucionais e no desenvolvimento de protocolos relacionados à medidas de inserção e manutenção do cateter, bem como medidas educativas permanentes
A key constraint in attempts to reconstruct the patterns and rates of the ocean's thermohaline circulation during the last glacial period is the difference between the 14C to C ratio in surface and deep water. While imperfect, it is our best index of past deep-sea ventilation rates. In this paper we review published ventilation rate estimates based on the measured radiocarbon age difference between coexisting benthic and planktic foraminifera from glacial-age Pacific sediments. We also present new results from a series of eastern equatorial Pacific sediment cores. The conclusion is that the scatter in these results is so large that the apparent 14C age of glacial deep Pacific water could lie anywhere between double and half today's. Further, it is not clear what is responsible for the wide scatter in the radiocarbon results.
Central nervous system performance is disrupted by pain and by the threat of pain. It is not known whether disruption caused by the threat of pain is dependent on the likelihood of pain occurring. We hypothesised that when a painful stimulus is possible but unpredictable central nervous system performance is reduced, but when the pain is predictable and unavoidable it is not. Sixteen healthy subjects performed a reaction time task during predictable and unpredictable conditions (100% and 50% probability of pain, respectively). Group data showed increased reaction time with the threat of pain by 50 ms (95% Cl 16 to 83 ms) for the predictable condition and 46 ms (95% CI 12 to 80 ms) for the unpredictable condition (p < 0.01 for both), but there was no difference between predictable and unpredictable conditions (p = 0.41). However, individual data showed that there was a differential effect in 75% of subjects (p < 0.05 for all) and that there was a greater effect of predictable pain for some subjects and a greater effect of unpredictable pain for others. Reaction time was related to reported anxiety (r = 0.49, p = 0.02 for both conditions). The predictability of a painful stimulus may have a differential effect on central nervous system performance within individuals, but anxiety about the impending pain appears to be important in determining this effect.
Questions of identity have become increasingly central to the study of foreign policy and security, particularly in constructivist debates. But very few of the resulting insights have been applied to the Korean situation, where discussions about security and inter-Korean relations remain dominated by strategic and geopolitical issues. The main task of this article is to address this shortcoming by examining the experience of North Korean defectors in South Korea and the precedent of German unification. Both of these domains of inquiry reveal that identity differences between North and South persist far beyond the ideological and political structures that created them in the first place. Born out of death, fear, and longing for revenge, these identity patterns lie at the heart of Korea's security dilemmas. Unless taken seriously by scholars and decision makers, the respective tensions between identity and difference will continue to cause major political problems. (Key words: Inter-Korean relations, North Korean defectors, German unification)
The lack of standardized tests of central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) in South Africa (SA) led to the formation of a SA CAPD Taskforce, and the interim development of a "low linguistically loaded" CAPD test protocol using test recordings from the 'Tonal and Speech Materials for Auditory Perceptual Assessment Disc 2.0'. This study inferentially compared the performance of 16 SA English first, and 16 SA English second, language adult speakers on this test protocol, and descriptively compared their performances to previously published American normative data. Comparisons between the SA English first and second language speakers showed a poorer right ear performance (p < .05) by the second language speakers on the two-pair dichotic digits test only. Equivalent performances (p < .05) were observed on the left ear performance on the two pair dichotic digits test, and the frequency patterns test, the duration patterns test, the low-pass filtered speech test, the 45% time compressed speech test, the speech masking level difference test, and the consonant vowel consonant (CVC) binaural fusion test. Comparisons between the SA English and the American normative data showed many large differences (up to 37.1% with respect to predicted pass criteria as calculated by mean-2SD cutoffs), with the SA English speakers performing both better and worse depending on the test involved. As a result, the American normative data was not considered appropriate for immediate use as normative data in SA. Instead, the preliminary data provided in this study was recommended as interim normative data for both SA English first and second language adult speakers, until larger scale SA normative data can be obtained.
Exercise brachial blood pressure ( BP) predicts mortality, but because of wave reflection, central ( ascending aortic) pressure differs from brachial pressure. Exercise central BP may be clinically important, and a noninvasive means to derive it would be useful. The purpose of this study was to test the validity of a noninvasive technique to derive exercise central BP. Ascending aortic pressure waveforms were recorded using a micromanometer-tipped 6F Millar catheter in 30 patients (56 +/- 9 years; 21 men) undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography. Simultaneous recordings of the derived central pressure waveform were acquired using servocontrolled radial tonometry at rest and during supine cycling. Pulse wave analysis of the direct and derived pressure signals was performed offline (SphygmoCor 7.01). From rest to exercise, mean arterial pressure and heart rate were increased by 20 +/- 10 mm Hg and 15 +/- 7 bpm, respectively, and central systolic BP ranged from 77 to 229 mm Hg. There was good agreement and high correlation between invasive and noninvasive techniques with a mean difference (+/- SD) for central systolic BP of -1.3 +/- 3.2 mm Hg at rest and -4.7 +/- 3.3 mm Hg at peak exercise ( for both r=0.995; P < 0.001). Conversely, systolic BP was significantly higher peripherally than centrally at rest (155 +/- 33 versus 138 +/- 32mm Hg; mean difference, -16.3 +/- 9.4mm Hg) and during exercise (180 +/- 34 versus 164 +/- 33 mm Hg; mean difference, -15.5 +/- 10.4 mm Hg; for both P < 0.001). True myocardial afterload is not reliably estimated by peripheral systolic BP. Radial tonometry and pulse wave analysis is an accurate technique for the noninvasive determination of central BP at rest and during exercise.
MSC 2010: 26A33
The peripheral giant cell lesion ( PG CL ) and the central giant cell lesion ( CGC L) are lesions histologically similar affecting the head and neck region . The study aimed to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of markers GLUT - 1 , GLUT - 3 and M - CSF in a series of cases of PGCL and CGCL , in trying to understand the different biological behavior of these pathologies . The sample consisted of 20 tissue specimens of PGCL 20 central lesion of not aggressive giant cell ( CLNAGC) and 20 central lesi on of aggressive giant cell ( CLAGC), coming from the Pathology Unit of Oral Pathology of the Department of Dentistry of UFRN . W as performed the s emi - quantitative and qualitative analysis of immunohistochemical expression of the markers in giant cells and m ononuclear cells . In relation to the GLUT - 1, it was found a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the number of mononuclear cells immunomarked between the PGCL and the CLNAGC and between the PGCL and CLAGC . Regarding the intensity of staining w as also observed a statistically significant difference both at the mononuclear cells as in giant cells between PL and CLNAGC and between PGCL and CLAGC , at the giant cells there was also a statistically significant difference between the CLNAGC and CLAGC . In relation to GLUT - 3 , was found a statistically significant difference between PGCL and CLAGC and between CLAGC and CLNAGC in amount of mononuclear cells immunomarked . Regarding the intensity of labeling for such protein was found a statistically signifi cant difference at the giant cells between PL and CLAGC . To the M - CSF was observed only a statistically significant difference in the intensity of labeling at the mononuclear cells between PGCL and CLNAGC and between PGCL and CLAGC . Based on these results, we can conclude the participation of GLUT - 1, GLUT - 3 and M - CSF in the pathogenesis of the lesions studied. The bigger immunostaining of these proteins in mononuclear cells show that these cells perform a higher metabolic activity and osteoclastogenic, espe cially in CLAGC . It was found that the mononuclear cells were more related to the pathogenesis of the studied lesions than properly the giant s cell s.
The ediacaran plutonic activity related to the Brasilian/Pan-African orogeny is one of the most important geological features in the Borborema Province, represented along its extension by numerous batholiths, stocks, and dikes.The object of this study, the Serra Rajada Granitic Pluton (SRGP), located in the central portion of the Piranhas-Seridó River Domain is an example of this activity. This pluton has been the subject of cartographic, petrographic, geochronological and lithogeochemical studies and its rocks were characterized by two facies. First, the granitic facies were described as monzogranites consisting of K-feldspar, plagioclase (oligoclase - An23-24%), quartz and biotite (main mafic) and opaque minerals such as titanite, allanite, apatite, and zircon as accessories. Alteration minerals are chlorite, white mica and carbonate. Second, the dioritic facies consist of rocks formed by quartz diorite containing plagioclase (dominant mineral phase), quartz and K-feldspar. Biotite and amphibole are the dominant mafic minerals; and titanite, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite are the accessories. However, previous geological mapping work in the region also identified the presence of other lithostratigraphic units. These were described as gneisses and migmatites with undifferentiated amphibolite lenses related to the Caicó Complex (Paleoproterozoic) and metasedimentary rocks of the Seridó Group (Neoproterozoic) composed of paragneiss with calc-silicate lenses, muscovite quartzite and biotite schist (respectively, the Jucurutu formations, Equador and Seridó), the host rocks for the SRGP rocks. Leucomicrogranite and pegmatite dikes have also been identified, both related to the end of the Ediacaran magmatism and colluvial- eluvial and alluvial deposits related to Neogene and Quaternary, respectively. Lithogeochemical data on the SRGP granite facies, highlighted quite evolved rocks (SiO2 69% to 75%), rich in alkalis (Na2O+K2O ≥ 8.0%), depleted of MgO (≤ 0.45%), CaO (≤ 1.42%) and TiO2 (≤ 0.36%) and moderate levels of Fe2O3t (2.16 to 3.53%). They display transitional nature between metaluminous and peraluminous (predominance of the latter) with sub-alkaline/monzonitic (High K calcium-alkali) affinity. Harker diagrams show negative correlations for Fe2O3t, MgO, and CaO, indicating mafic and plagioclase fractionation. REE spectrum shows enrichment of LREE relative to heavy REE (LaN/YbN = 23.70 to 10.13), with negative anomaly in the Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.70 to 0.23), suggesting fractionation or accumulation in the feldspars source (plagioclase). Data integration allows to correlate the SRGP rocks with those described as Calcium-Alkaline Suite of equigranular High K. The crystallization conditions of the SRGP rocks were determined from the integration of petrographic and lithogeochemical data. These data indicated intermediate to high conditions of ƒO2 (mineral paragenesis titanite + magnetite + quartz), parent magma saturated in H2O (early biotite crystallization), tardi-magmatic processes of fluids rich in ƒCO2, H2O and O2 causing part of the mineral assembly to change (plagioclase carbonation and saussuritization, biotite chloritization and opaques Sphenitization). Thermobarometrical conditions were estimated based on geochemical parameters (Zr and P2O5) and CIPW normative minerals, with results showing the liquidus minimum temperature of about800°C and the solidus temperature of approximately 700°C. The final/minimum crystallization pressure are suggested to be between 3 and 5 Kbar. The presence of zoned minerals (plagioclase and allanite) associated with lithogeochemical data in bi-log diagrams for Rb vs. Ba and Rb vs. Sr suggest the role of fractional crystallization as the dominant process in the magmatic evolution of SRGP. U-Pb Geochronological and Sm-Nd isotope studies indicated, respectively, the crystallization age of biotite monzogranite as 557 ± 13 Ma, with TDM model age of 2.36 Ga, and εNd value of -20.10 to the crystallization age, allowing to infer paleoproterozoic crustal source for the magma.