940 resultados para Food additive product


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Campylobacter jejuni is an important zoonotic foodborne pathogen causing acute gastroenteritis in humans. Chickens are often colonized at very high numbers by C. jejuni, up to 109 CFU per gram of caecal content, with no detrimental effects on their health. Farm control strategies are being developed to lower the C. jejuni contamination of chicken food products in an effort to reduce human campylobacteriosis incidence. It is believed that intestinal microbiome composition may affect gut colonization by such undesirable bacteria but, although the chicken microbiome is being increasingly characterized, information is lacking on the factors affecting its modulation, especially by foodborne pathogens. This study monitored the effects of C. jejuni chicken caecal colonization on the chicken microbiome in healthy chickens. It also evaluated the capacity of a feed additive to affect caecal bacterial populations and to lower C. jejuni colonization. From day-0, chickens received or not a microencapsulated feed additive and were inoculated or not with C. jejuni at 14 days of age. Fresh caecal content was harvested at 35 days of age. The caecal microbiome was characterized by real time quantitative PCR and Ion Torrent sequencing. We observed that the feed additive lowered C. jejuni caecal count by 0.7 log (p<0.05). Alpha-diversity of the caecal microbiome was not affected by C. jejuni colonization or by the feed additive. C. jejuni colonization modified the caecal beta-diversity while the feed additive did not. We observed that C. jejuni colonization was associated with an increase of Bifidobacterium and affected Clostridia and Mollicutes relative abundances. The feed additive was associated with a lower Streptococcus relative abundance. The caecal microbiome remained relatively unchanged despite high C. jejuni colonization. The feed additive was efficient in lowering C. jejuni colonization while not disturbing the caecal microbiome.


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In the backdrop of issues encountered by the marine product exports from Kerala in the traditional strongholds of the European Union and the United States, there is a need to target newer markets. The ASEAN India Trade in Goods Agreement (TIGA) though proposes to liberalize trade between India and the ASEAN member nations, fails to deliver greater market access for our marine products in the markets of the ASEAN nations. This can be attributed to factors such as the lower prevailing MFN base rate in the ASEAN nations, tariff reduction commitments reciprocated by them being lesser than India’s offers, inclusion of our prominent items of export in the restrictive lists of most of the ASEAN nations etc. Export forecast suggests that this is a market to be reckoned, which in turn stipulates the need to secure greater concessions and preferential treatment for our marine product exports in the ASEAN nations to capitalize on the gains that have been made


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Der Europäische Markt für ökologische Lebensmittel ist seit den 1990er Jahren stark gewachsen. Begünstigt wurde dies durch die Einführung der EU-Richtlinie 2092/91 zur Zertifizierung ökologischer Produkte und durch die Zahlung von Subventionen an umstellungswillige Landwirte. Diese Maßnahmen führten am Ende der 1990er Jahre für einige ökologische Produkte zu einem Überangebot auf europäischer Ebene. Die Verbrauchernachfrage stieg nicht in gleichem Maße wie das Angebot, und die Notwendigkeit für eine Verbesserung des Marktgleichgewichts wurde offensichtlich. Dieser Bedarf wurde im Jahr 2004 von der Europäischen Kommission im ersten „Europäischen Aktionsplan für ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel und den ökologischen Landbau“ formuliert. Als Voraussetzung für ein gleichmäßigeres Marktwachstum wird in diesem Aktionsplan die Schaffung eines transparenteren Marktes durch die Erhebung statistischer Daten über Produktion und Verbrauch ökologischer Produkte gefordert. Die Umsetzung dieses Aktionsplans ist jedoch bislang nicht befriedigend, da es auf EU-Ebene noch immer keine einheitliche Datenerfassung für den Öko-Sektor gibt. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, angemessene Methoden für die Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Analyse von Öko-Marktdaten zu finden. Geeignete Datenquellen werden identifiziert und es wird untersucht, wie die erhobenen Daten auf Plausibilität untersucht werden können. Hierzu wird ein umfangreicher Datensatz zum Öko-Markt analysiert, der im Rahmen des EU-Forschungsprojektes „Organic Marketing Initiatives and Rural Development” (OMIaRD) erhoben wurde und alle EU-15-Länder sowie Tschechien, Slowenien, Norwegen und die Schweiz abdeckt. Daten für folgende Öko-Produktgruppen werden untersucht: Getreide, Kartoffeln, Gemüse, Obst, Milch, Rindfleisch, Schaf- und Ziegenfleisch, Schweinefleisch, Geflügelfleisch und Eier. Ein zentraler Ansatz dieser Studie ist das Aufstellen von Öko-Versorgungsbilanzen, die einen zusammenfassenden Überblick von Angebot und Nachfrage der jeweiligen Produktgruppen liefern. Folgende Schlüsselvariablen werden untersucht: Öko-Produktion, Öko-Verkäufe, Öko-Verbrauch, Öko-Außenhandel, Öko-Erzeugerpreise und Öko-Verbraucherpreise. Zudem werden die Öko-Marktdaten in Relation zu den entsprechenden Zahlen für den Gesamtmarkt (öko plus konventionell) gesetzt, um die Bedeutung des Öko-Sektors auf Produkt- und Länderebene beurteilen zu können. Für die Datenerhebung werden Primär- und Sekundärforschung eingesetzt. Als Sekundärquellen werden Publikationen von Marktforschungsinstituten, Öko-Erzeugerverbänden und wissenschaftlichen Instituten ausgewertet. Empirische Daten zum Öko-Markt werden im Rahmen von umfangreichen Interviews mit Marktexperten in allen beteiligten Ländern erhoben. Die Daten werden mit Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen untersucht, und es werden Hypothesen über vermutete Zusammenhänge zwischen Schlüsselvariablen des Öko-Marktes getestet. Die Datenbasis dieser Studie bezieht sich auf ein einzelnes Jahr und stellt damit einen Schnappschuss der Öko-Marktsituation der EU dar. Um die Marktakteure in die Lage zu versetzen, zukünftige Markttrends voraussagen zu können, wird der Aufbau eines EU-weiten Öko-Marktdaten-Erfassungssystems gefordert. Hierzu wird eine harmonisierte Datenerfassung in allen EU-Ländern gemäß einheitlicher Standards benötigt. Die Zusammenstellung der Marktdaten für den Öko-Sektor sollte kompatibel sein mit den Methoden und Variablen der bereits existierenden Eurostat-Datenbank für den gesamten Agrarmarkt (öko plus konventionell). Eine jährlich aktualisierte Öko-Markt-Datenbank würde die Transparenz des Öko-Marktes erhöhen und die zukünftige Entwicklung des Öko-Sektors erleichtern. ---------------------------


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This paper presents the impact of integrating interventions like nutrition gardening, livestock rearing, product diversification and allied income generation activities in small and marginal coconut homesteads along with nutrition education in improving the food and nutritional security as well as the income of the family members. The activities were carried out through registered Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in three locations in Kerala, India during 2005-2008. Data was collected before and after the project periods through interviews using a pre-tested questionnaire containing statements indicating the adequacy, quality and diversity of food materials. Fifty respondents each were randomly selected from the three communities, thereby resulting in a total sample size of 150. The data was analysed using SPSS by adopting statistical tools like frequency, average, percentage analysis, t – test and regression. Participatory planning and implementation of diverse interventions notably intercropping and off-farm activities along with nutrition education brought out significant improvements in the food and nutritional security, in terms of frequency and quantity of consumption as well as diet diversity. At the end of the project, 96%of the members became completely food secure and 72% nutritionally secure. The overall consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk by both children and adults and egg by children recorded increase over the project period. Consumption of fish was more than the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) level during pre and post project periods. Project interventions like nutrition gardening could bring in surplus consumption of vegetables (35%) and fruits (10%) than RDI. In spite of the increased consumption of green leafy vegetables and milk and milk products over the project period, the levels of consumption were still below the RDI levels. CBO-wise analysis of the consumption patterns revealed the need for location-specific interventions matching to the needs and preferences of the communities.


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Organic food is increasingly available in the conventional food retail, where organic products are offered alongside with various other types of products and compete mainly with conventional and the so-called conventional-plus products. The latter are conventional products displaying particular quality attributes on the product packaging, such as ‘no artificial additives’, or ‘from animal welfare husbandry’. Often, these quality attributes also apply to organic products. Occasional organic consumers might prefer such conventional-plus alternatives that are perceived to be ‘between’ organic and conventional products. The overall objective of this PhD thesis was to provide information about the segment of occasional organic consumers. In particular, the thesis focussed on consumer perceptions and attitudes towards the quality of, and preferences for, organic, conventional and conventional-plus products in two countries: Germany and Switzerland. To achieve these objectives, qualitative and quantitative consumer research was combined in order to explore occasional organic consumers’ perceptions and attitudes as well as to observe their preferences and buying behaviour regarding different types of food products: organic, conventional and conventional-plus products. The qualitative research showed that, depending on single criteria, organic production was both positively as well as negatively assessed by consumers. Consumer perception of organic food was found to be highly selective and primarily focussed on the final stage of the particular production process. A major problem is that consumers are still mostly unfamiliar with factors associated with organic production, have a lack of confidence, and often confuse organic with conventional products. Besides this, consumer expectations of organic products are different from the expectations of conventional products. The quantitative research revealed that attitudes strongly determine consumers’ preferences for organic, conventional and conventional-plus products. Consumer attitudes tended to differ more between organic and conventional choices rather than conventional-plus and conventional choices. Furthermore, occasional organic consumers are heterogeneous in their preferences. They can be grouped into two segments: the consumers in one segment were less price sensitive and preferred organic products. The consumers in the other segment were more price sensitive and rather preferred conventional-plus or conventional products. To conclude, given the selective and subjective nature of consumer perception and the strong focus of consumer perception on the final stage of the food production process, specific additional values of organic farming should be communicated in clear and catchy messages. At the same time, these messages should be particularly focussed on the final stage of organic food production. The communication of specific added values in relation with organic products to improve the perceived price-performance-ratio is important since conventional-plus products represent an interesting alternative particularly for price sensitive occasional organic consumers. Besides this, it is important to strengthen affirmative consumer attitudes towards organic production. Therefore, policy support should emphasise on long-term communication campaigns and education programmes to increase the consumer awareness and knowledge of organic food and farming. Since consumers expect that organic food is regionally or at least domestically produced while they less accept organic imports, policy support of domestic and regional producers is a crucial measure to fill the current gap between the increasing consumer demand of organic food and the stagnation of the domestic and regional organic food supply.


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In East Africa, Uganda is one of the major producers of organic pineapples for export. These pineapples are mainly produced in central Uganda and have to meet stringent quality standards before they can be allowed on international markets. These quality standards may put considerable strain on farmers and may not be wholly representative of their quality interpretation. The aim of this paper is therefore, to determine the Ugandan organic pineapple farmers’ quality perception, the activities they carry out in order to attain that quality and challenges (production, postharvest & marketing) faced on the same. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were carried out among 28 organic pineapple farmers in Kayunga district, central Uganda. Findings suggest that quality of organic pineapples is mainly perceived in terms of product attributes particularly appearance followed by food security provision. Certification plays a minor role in what farmers describe as organic quality. High production input costs (labour and coffee husks) coupled with a stagnant premium are some of the major challenges faced by farmers in attaining organic quality. The paper argues that currently there are concealed negative food security effects embroiled in these pineapple schemes. It is recommended that the National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda (NOGAMU) works with all relevant stakeholders to have the farmer premium price raised and an official organic policy enacted.


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This article intends to show the relationships between quality practices and the process of organizational learning. When we look at the literature about programs of continuous improvement we see that theoreticians consider that the process of organizational learning is a superior stage in the quality culture adopted by companies. To investigate this possibility, we put together a series of indicators taken from classic authors who have written about organizational learning. Adopting a multiple methodology, we applied these indicators to two plants belonging to the Nestlé food product company which have introduced continuous improvement programs over the last two years.


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Creación y desarrollo de un restaurante móvil "Food Truck Roller Toaster" el cual produce y comercializa Sándwiches y Ensaladas Gourmet bajo el concepto de lo Tostado. Durante la Tesis se tratan temas de desarrollo de marca, diseño de producto, estudios de mercado, entre otros.


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The objectives of the study were (a) to examine which information and design elements on dairy product packages operate as cues in consumer evaluations of product healthfulness, and (b) to measure the degree to which consumers voluntarily attend to these elements during product choice. Visual attention was measured by means of eye-tracking. Task (free viewing, product healthfulness evaluation, and purchase likelihood evaluation) and product (five different yoghurt products) were varied in a mixed within-between subjects design. The free viewing condition served as a baseline against which increases or decreases in attention during product healthfulness evaluation and purchase likelihood evaluation were assessed. The analysis revealed that the only element operating as a health cue during product healthfulness evaluation was the nutrition label. The information cues used during purchase likelihood evaluation were the name of the product category and the nutrition label. Taken together, the results suggest that the only information element that consumers consistently utilize as a health cue is the nutrition label and that only a limited amount of attention is devoted to read nutrition labels during purchase likelihood evaluations. The study also revealed that the probability that a consumer will read the nutrition label during the purchase decision process is associated with gender, body mass index and health motivation.


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The interest in animal welfare and welfare-friendly food products has been increasing in Europe over the last 10 years. The media, highlighting traditional farming methods and food scares such as those related to salmonella, bovine spongiform encephalopathy/variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (BSE) and avian influenza, have brought the methods of animal farming to public attention. Concerns about farm animal welfare are reflected in the increase in the number of vegetarians and vegans and an increase in consumers wishing to purchase food which is more animal welfare-friendly. This paper considers consumers’ attitudes to animal welfare and to marketing practices, such as product labelling, welfare grading systems and food assurance marks using comparative data collected in a survey of around 1500 consumers in each of Great Britain, Italy and Sweden as part of the EU-funded Welfare Quality research project. The findings suggest a need for the provision of improved consumer information on the welfare provenance of food using appropriate product labelling and other methods.


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The completion of the Single European Market was expected to create a large market that would enable firms to capture economies of scale that would in turn result in lower prices to European consumers. These benefits are only likely to be realised if consumers in the various countries of the EU wish to consume the same products and respond to similar marketing strategies (with respect to promotion, distribution etc). This study examines, through a model of yoghurt consumption, whether cultural differences continue to determine food-related behaviour in the EU. The model is derived from the marketing literature and views the consumption decision as the outcome of a multi-stage process in which yoghurt knowledge, attitudes to different yoghurt attributes (such as bio-bifidus, low-fat, organic) and overall attitude towards yoghurt as a product all feed into the frequency with which yoghurt is consumed at breakfast, as a snack and as a dessert. The model uses data collected from a consumer survey in I I European countries and is estimated using probit and ordinal probit methods. The results suggest that important cultural differences continue to determine food-related behaviour in the I I countries of the study. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estimation of whole-grain (WG) food intake in epidemiological and nutritional studies is normally based on general diet FFQ, which are not designed to specifically capture WG intake. To estimate WG cereal intake, we developed a forty-three-item FFQ focused on cereal product intake over the past month. We validated this questionnaire against a 3-d-weighed food record (3DWFR) in thirty-one subjects living in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (nineteen female and twelve male). Subjects completed the FFQ on day 1 (FFQ1), the 3DWFR between days 2 and 13 and the FFQ again on day 14 (FFQ2). The subjects provided a fasting blood sample within 1 week of FFQ2. Total cereal intake, total WG intake, intake of individual cereals, intake of different groups of cereal products and alkylresorcinol (AR) intake were calculated from both FFQ and the 3DWFR. Plasma AR, possible biomarkers for WG wheat and rye intake were also analysed. The total WG intake for the 3DWFR, FFQ1, FFQ2 was 26 (sd 22), 28 (sd 25) and 21 (sd 16) g/d, respectively. Mean plasma AR concentration was 55.8 (sd 26.8) nmol/l. FFQ1, FFQ2 and plasma AR were correlated with the 3DWFR (r 0.72, 0.81 and 0.57, respectively). Adjustment for age, sex, BMI and total energy intake did not affect the results. This FFQ appears to give a rapid and adequate estimate of WG cereal intake in free-living subjects.


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The antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory properties of extracts of mango seed kernel (Mangifera indica L.), which is normally discarded when the fruit is processed, were studied. Extracts contained phenolic components by a high antioxidant activity, which was assessed in homogeneous solution by the 2,2-diphenyt-1-picrylhydrazyl radical and 2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothialozinesulfonic acid) radical cation-scavenging assays and in an emulsion with the ferric thiocyanate test. The extracts also possessed tyrosinase inhibitory activity. Drying conditions and extraction solvent were varied, and optimum conditions for preparation of mango seed kernel extract were found to be sun-drying with ethanol extraction at room temperature. Refluxing in acidified ethanol gave an increase in yield and the obtained extract had the highest content of total phenolics, and also was the most effective antioxidant with the highest radical-scavenging, metal-chelating and tyrosinase inhibitory activity. The extracts did not cause acute irritation of rabbit skins. Our study for the first time reveals the high total phenol content, radical-scavenging, metal-chelating and tyrosinase inhibitory activities of the extract from mango seed kernel. This extract may be suitable for use in food, cosmetic, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have examined the gut bacterial metabolism of pomegranate by-product (POMx) and major pomegranate polyphenols, punicalagins, using pH-controlled, stirred, batch culture fermentation systems reflective of the distal region of the human large intestine. Incubation of POMx or punicalagins with faecal bacteria resulted in formation of the dibenzopyranone-type urolithins. The time course profile confirmed the tetrahydroxylated urolithin D as the first product of microbial transformation, followed by compounds with decreasing number of phenolic hydroxy groups: the trihydroxy analogue urolithin C and dihydroxylated urolithin A. POMx exposure enhanced the growth of total bacteria, Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp., without influencing the Clostridium coccoides–Eubacterium rectale group and the C. histolyticum group. In addition, POMx increased concentrations of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) viz. acetate, propionate and butyrate in the fermentation medium. Punicalagins did not affect the growth of bacteria or production of SCFA. The results suggest that POMx oligomers, composed of gallic acid, ellagic acid and glucose units, may account for the enhanced growth of probiotic bacteria.