942 resultados para Fold and flip bifurcation curves


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Cette thèse traite de la résistance du VIH-1 aux antirétroviraux, en particulier de l'activité antivirale de plusieurs inhibiteurs non nucléosidiques de la transcriptase inverse (INNTI) ainsi que des inhibiteurs de protéase (IP). Nous avons exploré l’émergence et la spécificité des voies de mutations qui confèrent la résistance contre plusieurs nouveaux INNTI (étravirine (ETR) et rilpivirine (RPV)) (chapitres 2 et 3). En outre, le profil de résistance et le potentiel antirétroviral d'un nouvel IP, PL-100, est présenté dans les chapitres 4 et 5. Pour le premier projet, nous avons utilisé des sous-types B et non-B du VIH-1 pour sélectionner des virus résistants à ETR, et ainsi montré que ETR favorise l’émergence des mutations V90I, K101Q, E138K, V179D/E/F, Y181C, V189I, G190E, H221H/Y et M230L, et ce, en 18 semaines. Fait intéressant, E138K a été la première mutation à émerger dans la plupart des cas. Les clones viraux contenant E138K ont montré un faible niveau de résistance phénotypique à ETR (3,8 fois) et une diminution modeste de la capacité de réplication (2 fois) par rapport au virus de type sauvage. Nous avons également examiné les profils de résistance à ETR et RPV dans les virus contenant des mutations de résistance aux INNTI au début de la sélection. Dans le cas du virus de type sauvage et du virus contenant la mutation unique K103N, les premières mutations à apparaître en présence d’ETR ou de RPV ont été E138K ou E138G suivies d’autres mutations de résistance aux INNTI. À l’inverse, dans les mêmes conditions, le virus avec la mutation Y181C a évolué pour produire les mutations V179I/F ou A62V/A, mais pas E138K/G. L'ajout de mutations à la position 138 en présence de Y181C n'augmente pas les niveaux de résistance à ETR ou RPV. Nous avons également observé que la combinaison de Y181C et E138K peut conduire à un virus moins adapté par rapport au virus contenant uniquement Y181C. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous suggérons que les mutations Y181C et E138K peuvent être antagonistes. L’analyse de la résistance au PL-100 des virus de sous-type C et CRF01_AE dans les cellules en culture est décrite dans le chapitre 4. Le PL-100 sélectionne pour des mutations de résistance utilisant deux voies distinctes, l'une avec les mutations V82A et L90M et l'autre avec T80I, suivi de l’addition des mutations M46I/L, I54M, K55R, L76F, P81S et I85V. Une accumulation d'au moins trois mutations dans le rabat protéique et dans le site actif est requise dans chaque cas pour qu’un haut niveau de résistance soit atteint, ce qui démontre que le PL-100 dispose d'une barrière génétique élevée contre le développement de la résistance. Dans le chapitre 5, nous avons évalué le potentiel du PL-100 en tant qu’inhibiteur de protéase de deuxième génération. Les virus résistants au PL-100 émergent en 8-48 semaines alors qu’aucune mutation n’apparaît avec le darunavir (DRV) sur une période de 40 semaines. La modélisation moléculaire montre que la haute barrière génétique du DRV est due à de multiples interactions avec la protéase dont des liaison hydrogènes entre les groupes di-tétrahydrofuranne (THF) et les atomes d'oxygène des acides aminés A28, D29 et D30, tandis que la liaison de PL-100 est principalement basée sur des interactions polaires et hydrophobes délocalisées à travers ses groupes diphényle. Nos données suggèrent que les contacts de liaison hydrogène et le groupe di-THF dans le DRV, ainsi que le caractère hydrophobe du PL-100, contribuent à la liaison à la protéase ainsi qu’à la haute barrière génétique contre la résistance et que la refonte de la structure de PL-100 pour inclure un groupe di-THF pourrait améliorer l’activité antivirale et le profil de résistance.


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Seit gut zehn Jahren erlebt die Windenergienutzung in Deutschland einen in der Mitte der 80er Jahre nicht für möglich gehaltenen Aufschwung. Anlagenanzahl und installierte Leistung haben in diesem Zeitraum mit durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsraten von mehr als 30 Prozent zugenommen, die mittlere installierte Leistung pro neu errichteter Anlage stieg dabei um das Zehnfache und die technische Verfügbarkeit der Anlagen liegt mittlerweile bei über 98 Prozent. Mit größer werdenden Anlagen zeigt sich weiterhin ein klarer Trend zu Blattwinkel verstellbaren Konzepten, mit zunehmend drehzahlvariabler Betriebsweise. Vor dem von Vielen für die kommenden drei bis sechs Jahre prognostizierten Einstieg in die großtechnische Offshore- Windenergienutzung mit den damit verbundenen immensen technologischen und strukturellen Herausforderungen erscheint es sinnvoll, einen kritischen Blick zurückzuwerfen auf die 90er Jahre mit den ihnen zugrunde liegenden förderpolitischen Rahmenbedingungen. Dabei soll die Frage beantwortet werden, welchen konkreten Einfluss die staatlichen Forschungs- und Förderprogramme, besonders das "250 MW Wind"-Programm, auf die Entwicklung der Windenergienutzung hatten, das heißt, unter welchen Bedingungen sich bestimmte Techniklinien durchsetzten, wie der Einfluss eines geschützten Marktes durch gesetzlich garantierte Einspeisetarife auf diese Entwicklung zu bewerten ist und schließlich, welche Fehlentwicklungen möglicher Weise eingetreten sind. Dazu wird mit Hilfe von Lernkurven gezeigt, welche Kostenreduktionen insgesamt erzielt wurden, wie hoch die dazu notwendigen staatlichen Finanzmittel waren und welche Schlussfolgerungen daraus für die Zukunft abgeleitet werden können. Die Arbeit soll insgesamt dazu beitragen, die erreichten technischen Entwicklungsschritte vor dem Hintergrund der förderpolitischen Gegebenheiten besser zu verstehen, Chancen für gezielte Änderungen in der Förderpraxis zu ergreifen und Hinweise auf die Ausgestaltung von zukünftigen Forschungsprogrammen und Entwicklungsschwerpunkten im Bereich der Windenergie zu geben, um weitere Kostensenkungspotenziale auszuschöpfen. Dabei wird sich die zukünftige Schwerpunktsetzung in der programmatischen Ausrichtung der Forschung stärker auf die drei wichtigsten Anwendungsfelder für Windenergieanlagen konzentrieren müssen, die großtechnische Offshore- Anwendung, die netzgebundene, dezentrale Energieversorgung sowie auf Windenergieanlagen zur ländlichen Elektrifizierung in autonomen Versorgungssystemen für Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer.


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Ovarian follicle development is regulated through endocrine and local mechanisms. Increasing evidence indicates roles for transforming growth factor beta superfamily members, including inhibins and activins. We recently identified divergent expression of mRNAs encoding activin receptors (ActR) and inhibin co-receptor betaglycan in chicken follicles at different stages of maturation. Here, we compare the actions of LH and FSH (0, 1, 10, 100 ng/ml) on levels of mRNA for ActRI, ActRIIA, ActRIIB and betaglycan in chicken granulosa and theca cells (GC and TC) from preovulatory (F1) and prehierarchical (6-8 mm) follicles. The expression of mRNAs for LH-R and FSH-R and production of inhibin A, oestradiol and progesterone were also quantified. FSH decreased ActRIIB and ActRI mRNA levels in 6-8 mm GC, whereas LH increased the mRNA levels. Both LH and FSH enhanced ActRIIA (5- and 8.5-fold) and betaglycan mRNA expression (2- and 3.5-fold) in 6-8 mm GC. In 6-8 mm TC, LH and FSH both increased the betaglycan mRNA level (7- and 3.5-fold respectively) but did not affect ActRI, ActRIIA and ActRIIB transcript levels. In F1 GC, both LH and FSH stimulated ActRI (2- and 2.4-fold), ActRIIB (3.2- and 2.7-fold) and betaglycan (7- and 4-fold) mRNA levels, while ActRIIA mRNA was unaffected. In F1 TC, LH and FSH reduced ActRIIA (35-50%) and increased (4.5- and 7.6-fold) betaglycan mRNA, but had no effect on ActRI and ActRIIB transcript levels. Results support the hypothesis that expression of ActR and betaglycan are differentially regulated by gonadotrophins during follicle maturation in the hen. This may represent an important mechanism for fine-tuning follicle responsiveness to local and systemic activins and inhibins.


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The aim was to determine whether follicle growth in cattle is accompanied by changes in levels of inhibin-A (inh-A), activin-A (act-A) and different Mr isofomus of follistatin (FS) in bovine follicular fluid (bFF), reflecting differential roles of these proteins during folliculogenesis. Follcles (n= 146) from 2-20 min diameter were dissected from ovaries of similar to 40 cattle. Immunoassays were used to measure total FS, act-A, inh-A, oestradiol (E) and progesterone (P) levels; immunoblotting was used to quanti, the relative abundance of different FS isoforms. Follicle growth from 2-6 mm was associated with a 6-fold increase in inh-A and 30-fold increase in act-A; FS remained uniformly high from 2-10 turn. From 6-2 min, inh-A remained high while act-A and FS fell 3-fold and 2-fold, respectively. Act-A/FS ratio increased 20-fold from 2-6 mm before falling slightly through to 20 mm. Act-A/inh-A ratio increased 6-fold from 2-6 nun before falling 2-fold from 6 to 17-20 mm. These findings imply a marked increase in relative activin 'tone' around the stage at which dominant follicle,;election occurs. When larger follicles (13-20 mm) were subdivided according to E/P ratio, those with high (> 5) E/P ratio had lower (2-fold; P < 0(.)001) levels of inh-A and act-A in comparison to follicles with low (< 5) E/P ratio, but there were no significant diffierences in FS, act-A/inh-A ratio or act-A/FS ratio. Thus follicle size, but not oestrogenic status, has a major influence on the intrafollicular balance between act-A and its opposing factors, inh-A and FS. Six FS isoforms were detected in bFF (apparent Mr: 65, 41, 37, 35, 33 and 31 kDa) averaging 6, 13, 24, 26 13 and 17% respectively of total FS. During growth from 2-20 mm the proportion of total FS represented by 605, 41 and 37 kDa isoforms increased similar to 2-fold while the proportion represented by the 33 and 31 kDa isoforms decreased by 3-fold and 1(.)6-fold, respectively. Treatment of bovine granulosa cells in vitro with FSH and IGF alone or in combination increased total FS secretion up to 12-fold but did not affect the relative abundance of the five different FS isoforms detected. While the functional significance of the intriguing shift in FS isoform abundance in bFF during follicle development remains to be established, we have shown that a marked increase in intrafollicular activin 'tone' accompanies bovine follicle growth from 3-6 min, corresponding to the stage at which the FSH-dependent follicle selection mechanism operates in this species.


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The objective was to investigate the potential role of the oocyte in modulating proliferation and basal, FSH-induced and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-induced secretion of inhibin A (inh A), activin A (act A), follistatin (FS), estradiol (E-2), and progesterone (P-4) by mural bovine granulosa cells. Cells from 4- to 6-mm follicles were cultured in serum-free medium containing insulin and androstenedione, and the effects of ovine FSH and IGF analogue (LR3-IGF-1) were tested alone and in the presence of denuded bovine oocytes (2, 8, or 20 per well). Medium was changed every 48 h, cultures were terminated after 144 h, and viable cell number was determined. Results are based on combined data from four independent cultures and are presented for the last time period only when responses were maximal. Both FSH and IGF increased (P < 0.001) secretion of inh A, act A, FS, E-2, and P-4 and raised cell number. In the absence of FSH or IGF, coculture with oocytes had no effect on any of the measured hormones, although cell number was increased up to 1.8-fold (P < 0.0001). Addition of oocytes to FSH-stimulated cells dose-dependently suppressed (P < 0.0001) inh A (6-fold maximum suppression), act A (5.5-fold), FS (3.6-fold), E-2 (4.6-fold), and P-4 (2.4-fold), with suppression increasing with FSH dose. Likewise, oocytes suppressed (P < 0.001) IGF-induced secretion of inh A, act A, FS, and E-2 (P < 0.05) but enhanced IGF-induced P-4 secretion (1.7-fold; P < 0.05). Given the similarity of these oocyte-mediated actions to those we observed previously following epidermal growth factor (EGF) treatment, we used immunocytochemistry to determine whether bovine oocytes express EGF or transforming growth factor (TGF) alpha. Intense staining with TGFalpha antibody (but not with EGF antibody) was detected in oocytes both before and after coculture. Experiments involving addition of TGFalpha to granulosa cells confirmed that the peptide mimicked the effects of oocytes on cell proliferation and on FSH- and IGF-induced hormone secretion. These experiments indicate that bovine oocytes secrete a factor(s) capable of modulating granulosa cell proliferation and responsiveness to FSH and IGF in terms of steroidogenesis and production of inhibin-related peptides, bovine oocytes express TGFalpha but not EGF, and TGFalpha is a prime candidate for mediating the actions of oocytes on bovine granulosa cells.


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The rheological properties of dough and gluten are important for end-use quality of flour but there is a lack of knowledge of the relationships between fundamental and empirical tests and how they relate to flour composition and gluten quality. Dough and gluten from six breadmaking wheat qualities were subjected to a range of rheological tests. Fundamental (small-deformation) rheological characterizations (dynamic oscillatory shear and creep recovery) were performed on gluten to avoid the nonlinear influence of the starch component, whereas large deformation tests were conducted on both dough and gluten. A number of variables from the various curves were considered and subjected to a principal component analysis (PCA) to get an overview of relationships between the various variables. The first component represented variability in protein quality, associated with elasticity and tenacity in large deformation (large positive loadings for resistance to extension and initial slope of dough and gluten extension curves recorded by the SMS/Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig, and the tenacity and strain hardening index of dough measured by the Dobraszczyk/Roberts dough inflation system), the elastic character of the hydrated gluten proteins (large positive loading for elastic modulus [G'], large negative loadings for tan delta and steady state compliance [J(e)(0)]), the presence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) 5+10 vs. 2+12, and a size distribution of glutenin polymers shifted toward the high-end range. The second principal component was associated with flour protein content. Certain rheological data were influenced by protein content in addition to protein quality (area under dough extension curves and dough inflation curves [W]). The approach made it possible to bridge the gap between fundamental rheological properties, empirical measurements of physical properties, protein composition, and size distribution. The interpretation of this study gave indications of the molecular basis for differences in breadmaking performance.


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Epidemiological studies have shown that ingestion of isoflavone-rich soy products is associated with a reduced risk for the development of breast cancer. In the present study, we investigated the hypothesis that genistein modulates the expression of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in human breast cells, thus conferring protection towards genotoxic carcinogens which are GST substrates. Our approach was to use human mammary cell lines MCF-10A and MCF-7 as models for non-neoplastic and neoplastic epithelial breast cells, respectively. MCF-10A cells expressed hGSTA1/2, hGSTA4-4, hGSTM1-1 and hGSTP1-1 proteins, but not hGSTM2-2. In contrast, MCF-7 cells only marginally expressed hGSTA1/2, hGSTA4-4 and hGSTM1-1. Concordant to the protein expression, the hGSTA4 and hGSTP1 mRNA expression was higher in the non-neoplastic cell line. Exposure to genistein significantly increased hGSTP1 mRNA (2.3-fold), hGSTP1-1 protein levels (3.1-fold), GST catalytic activity (4.7-fold) and intracellular glutathione concentrations (1.4-fold) in MCF-10A cells, whereas no effects were observed on GST expression or glutathione concentrations in MCF-7 cells. Preincubation of MCF-10A cells with genistein decreased the extent of DNA damage by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (150 mu M) and benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (50 mu M), compounds readily detoxified by hGSTA4-4 and hGSTP1-1. In conclusion, genistein pretreatment protects non-neoplastic mammary cells from certain carcinogens that are detoxified by GSTs, suggesting that dietary-mediated induction of GSTs may be a mechanism contributing to prevention against genotoxic injury in the aetiology of breast cancer.


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Obesity and overweight are linked with a cluster of metabolic and vascular disorders that have been termed the metabolic syndrome. Although there is not yet a universally-accepted set of diagnostic criteria, most expert groups agree that the syndrome is characterised by impaired insulin sensitivity and hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia (elevated blood triacyglycerols with depressed HDL-cholesterol), abdominal obesity and hypertension. Based on existing published criteria estimates suggest that the syndrome affects a substantial percentage of the middle-aged and elderly populations of most European countries (10-20%) and confers increased risk of type 2 diabetes (2-8(.)8-fold) and CVD (1(.)5-6-fold), as well as having a marked effect on morbidity. Although the pathophysiology is incompletely understood, insulin resistance and abdominal obesity are central to subsequent abnormalities in circulating glucose and lipoproteins, and vascular function that lead to type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and CVD. The link between metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and CVD, as well as inability to reverse the present rising rates of obesity, will lead to economically-unsustainable costs of health care in the next 10-20 years. Preventative strategies for metabolic syndrome are required to slow rates of progression and to reduce dependence on costly medical management. A notable development is recent evidence that shows that diet and exercise are more effective than drug treatment in preventing the development of type-2 diabetes in high-risk individuals. The LIPGENE project will investigate dietary fat quality as a strategy for the prevention of metabolic syndrome and identify food chain approaches that can support consumer attempts to alter their dietary patterns.


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The effect of increased dietary intakes of alpha-linolenic acid (ALNA) or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for 2 months upon plasma lipid composition and capacity for conversion of ALNA to longer-chain metabolites was investigated in healthy men (52 (SD 12) years). After a 4-week baseline period when the subjects substituted a control spread, a test meal containing [U-C-13]ALNA (700 mg) was consumed to measure conversion to EPA, docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and DHA over 48 h. Subjects were then randomised to one of three groups for 8 weeks before repeating the tracer study: (1) continued on same intake (control, n 5); (2) increased ALNA intake (10 g/d, n 4); (3) increased EPA+DHA intake (1.5 g/d, n 5). At baseline, apparent fractional conversion of labelled ALNA was: EPA 2.80, DPA 1.20 and DRA 0.04%. After 8 weeks on the control diet, plasma lipid composition and [C-13]ALNA conversion remained unchanged compared with baseline. The high-ALNA diet resulted in raised plasma triacylglycerol-EPA and -DPA concentrations and phosphatidylcholine-EPA concentration, whilst [C-13]ALNA conversion was similar to baseline. The high-(EPA+DHA) diet raised plasma phosphatidylcholine-EPA and -DHA concentrations, decreased [C-13]ALNA conversion to EPA (2-fold) and DPA (4-fold), whilst [C-13]ALNA conversion to DHA was unchanged. The dietary interventions did not alter partitioning of ALNA towards beta-oxidation. The present results indicate ALNA conversion was down-regulated by increased product (EPA+DHA) availability, but was not up-regulated by increased substrate (ALNA) consumption. This suggests regulation of ALNA conversion may limit the influence of variations in dietary n-3 fatty acid intake on plasma lipid compositions.


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Low energy electron diffraction (LEED) structure determinations have been performed for the p(2 x 2) structures of pure oxygen and oxygen co-adsorbed with CO on Ni{111}. Optimisation of the non-geometric parameters led to very good agreement between experimental and theoretical IV-curves and hence to a high accuracy in the structural parameters. In agreement with earlier work atomic oxygen is found to adsorb on fee sites in both structures. In the co-adsorbed phase CO occupies atop sites. The positions of the substrate atoms are almost identical, within 0.02 Angstrom, in both structures, implying that the interaction with oxygen dominates the arrangement of Ni atoms at the surface.


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Nonstructural protein 3 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus includes a "SARS-unique domain" (SUD) consisting of three globular domains separated by short linker peptide segments. This work reports NMR structure determinations of the C-terminal domain (SUD-C) and a two-domain construct (SUD-MC) containing the middle domain (SUD-M) and the C-terminal domain, and NMR data on the conformational states of the N-terminal domain (SUD-N) and the SUD-NM two-domain construct. Both SUD-N and SUD-NM are monomeric and globular in solution; in SUD-NM, there is high mobility in the two-residue interdomain linking sequence, with no preferred relative orientation of the two domains. SUD-C adopts a frataxin like fold and has structural similarity to DNA-binding domains of DNA-modifying enzymes. The structures of both SUD-M (previously determined) and SUD-C (from the present study) are maintained in SUD-MC, where the two domains are flexibly linked. Gel-shift experiments showed that both SUD-C and SUD-MC bind to single-stranded RNA and recognize purine bases more strongly than pyrimidine bases, whereby SUD-MC binds to a more restricted set of purine-containing RNA sequences than SUD-M. NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments with observations of (15)N-labeled proteins further resulted in delineation of RNA binding sites (i.e., in SUD-M, a positively charged surface area with a pronounced cavity, and in SUD-C, several residues of an anti-parallel beta-sheet). Overall, the present data provide evidence for molecular mechanisms involving the concerted actions of SUD-M and SUD-C, which result in specific RNA binding that might be unique to the SUD and, thus, to the SARS coronavirus.


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Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent cancer types in Western societies and predominately occurs in the elderly male. The strong age-related increase of prostate cancer is associated with a progressive accumulation of oxidative DNA damage which is presumably supported by a decline of the cellular antioxidative defence during ageing. Risk of developing prostate cancer is much lower in many Asian countries where soy food is an integral part of diet. Therefore, isoflavones from soy were suggested to have chemopreventive activities in prostate cells. Here, we have investigated the hypothesis that the soy-isoflavone genistein could protect DNA of LAPC-4 prostate cells from oxidative stress-related damage by enhancing the expression of antioxidative genes and proteins. A 24 h preincubation with genistein (1-30 microM) protected cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage, as determined by the comet assay. Analysis of two cDNA macroarrays, each containing 96 genes of biotransformation and stress response, revealed a modulated expression of 3 genes at 1 microM and of 19 genes at 10 microM genistein. Real-time PCR confirmed the induction of three genes encoding products with antioxidant activities, namely glutathione reductase (2.7-fold), microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1 (1.9-fold) and metallothionein 1X (6.3-fold), at 1-30 microM genistein. 17Beta-estradiol, in contrast, decreased the expression of metallothionein 1X at 0.3 microM (2.0-fold), possibly pointing to an estrogen receptor-mediated regulation of this gene. Immunocytochemical staining revealed an induction of metallothionein proteins at 30 microM genistein, while their intracellular localization was unaffected. Metallothioneins were previously found to protect cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage. Hence, our findings indicate that genistein protects prostate cells from oxidative stress-related DNA damage presumably by inducing the expression of antioxidative products, such as metallothioneins. Genistein, therefore, might counteract the age-related decline of important antioxidative defence systems which in turn maintain DNA integrity.


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Accurate estimates of how soil water stress affects plant transpiration are crucial for reliable land surface model (LSM) predictions. Current LSMs generally use a water stress factor, β, dependent on soil moisture content, θ, that ranges linearly between β = 1 for unstressed vegetation and β = 0 when wilting point is reached. This paper explores the feasibility of replacing the current approach with equations that use soil water potential as their independent variable, or with a set of equations that involve hydraulic and chemical signaling, thereby ensuring feedbacks between the entire soil–root–xylem–leaf system. A comparison with the original linear θ-based water stress parameterization, and with its improved curvi-linear version, was conducted. Assessment of model suitability was focused on their ability to simulate the correct (as derived from experimental data) curve shape of relative transpiration versus fraction of transpirable soil water. We used model sensitivity analyses under progressive soil drying conditions, employing two commonly used approaches to calculate water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves. Furthermore, for each of these hydraulic parameterizations we used two different parameter sets, for 3 soil texture types; a total of 12 soil hydraulic permutations. Results showed that the resulting transpiration reduction functions (TRFs) varied considerably among the models. The fact that soil hydraulic conductivity played a major role in the model that involved hydraulic and chemical signaling led to unrealistic values of β, and hence TRF, for many soil hydraulic parameter sets. However, this model is much better equipped to simulate the behavior of different plant species. Based on these findings, we only recommend implementation of this approach into LSMs if great care with choice of soil hydraulic parameters is taken


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The physiological activator of protein kinase C (PKC), diacylglycerol, is formed by hydrolysis of phosphoinositides (PI) by phospholipase C (PLC) or phosphatidylcholine by phospholipase D (PLD). We have measured activation of these phospholipases by endothelin-1 (ET-1), bradykinin (BK), or phenylephrine (PE) in ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat. The stimulation of PI hydrolysis after 10 min by 0.1 microM ET-1 (about 12-fold) was much greater than for BK or PE (each about four-fold), and did not correlate with translocation of nPKC delta or nPKC epsilon (Clerk A. Bogoyevitch MA. Andersson MB. Sugden PH, 1994. J Biol Chem 269: 32848-32857: Clerk A, Gillespie-Brown J, Fuller SJ, Sugden PH, 1996. Biochem J 317: 109-118). However, ET-1 and BK stimulated a similar rapid increase in [3H]InsP, formation (< 30 s), which was much greater than that seen with PE. This early phase correlated with PKC translocation. Acute or chronic exposure to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) or treatment with Ro-31-8220 showed that the stimulation of PI hydrolysis by PE, but not ET-1 or BK, was inhibited by activation of PKC. Furthermore, ET-1 and BK heterologously desensitized the stimulation of PI hydrolysis by PE, ET-1 or BK homologously uncoupled their own receptors from [3H]InsP3 formation, but there was no evidence of heterologous desensitization with these two agonists. Anomalously, chronic exposure to TPA increased the stimulation of PI hydrolysis by BK, but this probably resulted from an increase in BK receptor density. PLD was also rapidly activated by TPA. ET-1, BK or PE. Experiments with Ro-31-8220 showed that the stimulation of PLD by ET-1 and BK was mediated through activation of PKC. We discuss the characteristics of the activation of PI hydrolysis and PLD by ET-1, BK, and PE with respect to the translocation of PKC.


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Adenosine and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) have been separately implicated in cardiac ischaemic preconditioning. We investigated the activation of MAPK subfamilies by adenosine in perfused rat hearts. p38-MAPK was rapidly phosphorylated and activated (10-fold activation, maximal at 5 min) by 10 mM adenosine, as was the p38-MAPK substrate, MAPKAPK2 (4.5-fold). SAPKs/JNKs were activated (5-fold) and ERKs were phosphorylated (both maximal at 5 min). The concentration dependences of activation of p38-MAPK and ERKs were biphasic with a 'high affinity' component (maximal at 10-100 microM adenosine) and a 'low affinity' component that had not saturated at 10 mM. SAPKs/JNKs were activated only by 10 mM adenosine. These results are consistent with MAPK involvement in adenosine-mediated ischaemic preconditioning.