314 resultados para Flavour


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Beer brewing is an intricate process encompassing mixing and further elaboration of four essential raw materials, including barley malt, brewing water, hops and yeast. Particularly hops determine to a great extent typical beer qualities such as bitter taste, hoppy flavour, and foam stability. Conversely, hop-derived bitter acids account for an offending lightstruck flavour, which is formed on exposure of beer to light. These various processes are presented in detail, while due emphasis is placed on state-of-the-art hop technology, which provides brewers with efficient means to control bitterness, foam, and light-stability thereby allowing for the production of beers with consistent quality.


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This article presents a brief historical outline of cheese manufacture. Chemical, biochemical and microbiological aspects are presented: the main constituents of curd, the reactions involved in the development of flavour, and the role of micro-organisms and enzymes in the fermentation and maturation processes. A brief description of the characteristics of some cheeses is also given.


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Ralstonia solanacearum is a soil-borne bacterium causing the widespread disease known as bacterial wilt. Ralstonia solanacearum is also the causal agent of Moko disease of banana and brown rot of potato. Since the last R. solanacearum pathogen profile was published 10 years ago, studies concerning this plant pathogen have taken a genomic and post-genomic direction. This was pioneered by the first sequenced and annotated genome for a major plant bacterial pathogen and followed by many more genomes in subsequent years. All molecular features studied now have a genomic flavour. In the future, this will help in connecting the classical field of pathology and diversity studies with the gene content of specific strains. In this review, we summarize the recent research on this bacterial pathogen, including strain classification, host range, pathogenicity determinants, regulation of virulence genes, type III effector repertoire, effector-triggered immunity, plant signalling in response to R. solanacearum, as well as a review of different new pathosystems.


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In this work, the volatile chromatographic profiles of roasted Arabica coffees, previously analyzed for their sensorial attributes, were explored by principal component analysis. The volatile extraction technique used was the solid phase microextraction. The correlation optimized warping algorithm was used to align the gas chromatographic profiles. Fifty four compounds were found to be related to the sensorial attributes investigated. The volatiles pyrrole, 1-methyl-pyrrole, cyclopentanone, dihydro-2-methyl-3-furanone, furfural, 2-ethyl-5-methyl-pyrazine, 2-etenyl-n-methyl-pyrazine, 5-methyl-2-propionyl-furan compounds were important for the differentiation of coffee beverage according to the flavour, cleanliness and overall quality. Two figures of merit, sensitivity and specificity (or selectivity), were used to interpret the sensory attributes studied.


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A healthy and balanced diet can reduce health problems, such as overweight and metabolic syndrome. In general, people have a considerably good knowledge of what constitutes a healthy diet and how they could achieve it with their food choices. Besides, people argue that health is among their top five food choice motives. Nevertheless, the prevalence of overweight is increasing and other food choice motives, such as taste, seem to conflict with the health. Liking for food does not necessarily determine acceptance alone, thus several non-sensory factors, such as brand, country of origin and nutrition claim, can also influence. Moreover, consumers are individuals in how they prioritize sensory and nonsensory factors of foods, but e.g. increasing age, female gender and health concern have been connected to a more health-oriented dietary behaviour. To sum up, identifying different factors that can increase the liking and consumption of healthy food is essential in order to develop more attractive healthful food products. Adding vitamins, minerals, fibre or other ingredients to a food product can be used to enrich the nutritional quality of the products. However, this may be difficult in practice as regards the sensory quality and pleasantness of the foods. Generally, consumers are not willing to compromise on taste in food. On the other hand, consumers are very heterogeneous in their likings, and their personal values and attitudes may interact with preferences for specific sensory characteristics. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of intrinsic product characteristics on sensory properties and hedonic responses; to determine the impact of few non-sensory factors; and to examine the interaction between sensory and non-sensory factors with consumers’ demographics, values and attitudes in liking of healthy model foods. The results showed that product composition influenced sensory quality and had an effect on hedonic responses. Adding flaxseed to bakery products showed a significant improvement in the nutritional quality without negative effects on sensory properties. On the other hand, the fortification of wellness beverages with vitamins and minerals may impart off-flavours. In general, sweetness of yoghurts, freshness of wellness beverages and low intensity of rye bread flavour appealed to consumers. Information about the domestic origin of yoghurts and claiming a specific function for wellness beverages enhanced liking. However, consumers who were more concerned about their health and considered natural content as an important food choice motive, rated sourer and less sweet yoghurts and wellness beverages as more pleasant. In addition, interest in health increased the consumption of rye breads and other whole grain breads among adolescents. The results showed that the optimal product quality in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic factors differs between individual consumers, and personal values and food choice motives can be connected to preferences for specific sensory characteristics of foods. This indicates that each food product needs to be considered in relation to its specific market niche, and to which segment of consumer will respond most positively to its characteristics.


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This work addresses the use of chiral gas chromatography in resolving optically active stereoisomers and racemates found in fruit flavours. It presents the types of chiral selectors applied to terpene-derived metal coordination compounds, polysiloxane-linked α-amino acid and mixed chiral stationary phases, and focuses on derivatized cyclodextrins, the most popular chiral stationary phases presently used in chromatographic analysis. Knowledge about the techniques involved in chiral recognition and enantiomer identification in the fruit flavour field is given along with examples from the latest studies.


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Astringency is traditionally thought to be induced by plant tannins in foods. Because of this current research concerning the mechanism of astringency is focused on tannin‐protein interactions and thus on precipitation, which may be perceived by mechanoreceptors. However, astringency is elicited by a wide range of different phenolic compounds, as well as, some non‐phenolic compounds in various foods. Many ellagitannins or smaller compounds that contribute to astringent properties do not interact with salivary proteins and may be directly perceived through some receptors. Generally, the higher degree of polymerization of proanthocyanidins can be associated with more intense astringency. However, the astringent properties of smaller phenolic compounds may not be directly predicted from the structure of a compound, although glycosylation has a significant role. The astringency of organic acids may be directly linked to the perception of sourness, and this increases along with decreasing pH. Astringency can be divided into different sub‐qualities, including even other qualities than traditional mouth‐drying, puckering or roughing sensations. Astringency is often accompanied by bitter or sour or both taste properties. The different sub‐qualities can be influenced by different astringent compounds. In general, the glycolysation of the phenolic compound results in more velvety and smooth mouthdrying astringency. Flavonol glycosides and other flavonoid compounds and ellagitannins contribute to this velvety mouthdrying astringency. Additionally, they often lack the bitter properties. Proanthocyanidins and phenolic acids elicit more puckering and roughing astringency with some additional bitter properties. Quercetin 3‐O‐rutinoside, along with other quercetin glycosides, is among the key astringent compounds in black tea and red currants. In foods, there are always various other additional attributes that are perceived at the same with astringency. Astringent compounds themselves may have other sensory characteristics, such as bitter or sour properties, or they may enhance or suppress other sensory properties. Components contributing to these other properties, such as sugars, may also have similar effects on astringent sensations. Food components eliciting sweetness or fattiness or some polymeric polysaccharides can be used to mask astringent subqualities. Astringency can generally be referred to as a negative contributor to the liking of various foods. On the other hand, perceptions of astringent properties can vary among individuals. Many genetic factors that influence perceptions of taste properties, such as variations in perceiving a bitter taste or variations in saliva, may also effect the perception of astringency. Individuals who are more sensitive to different sensations may notice the differences between astringent properties more clearly. This may not have effects on the overall perception of astringency. However, in many cases, the liking of astringent foods may need to be learned by repetitive exposure. Astringency is often among the key sensory properties forming the unique overall flavour of certain foods, and therefore it also influences whether or not a food is liked. In many cases, astringency may be an important sub‐property suppressed by other more abundant sensory properties, but it may still have a significant contribution to the overall flavour and thus consumer preferences. The results of the practical work of this thesis show that the astringent phenolic compounds are mostly located in the skin fractions of black currants, crowberries and bilberries (publications I–III). The skin fractions themselves are rather tasteless. However, the astringent phenolic compounds can be efficiently removed from these skin fractions by consecutive ethanol extractions. Berries contain a wide range of different flavonol glycosides, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives and anthocyanins and some of them strongly contribute to the different astringent and bitterness properties. Sweetness and sourness are located in the juice fractions along with the majority of sugars and fruit acids. The sweet and sour properties of the juice may be used to mask the astringent and bitterness properties of the extracts. Enzymatic treatments increase the astringent properties and fermented flavour of the black currant juice and decrease sweetness and freshness due to the effects on chemical compositions (IV). Sourness and sweetness are positive contributors to the liking of crowberry and bilberry fractions, whereas bitterness is more negative (V). Some astringent properties in berries are clearly negative factors, whereas some may be more positive. The liking of berries is strongly influenced by various consumer background factors, such as motives and health concerns. The liking of berries and berry fractions may also be affected by genetic factors, such as variations in the gene hTAS2R38, which codes bitter taste receptors (V).


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The amount of cotyledon polyphenolic cells varies extensively within the Theobroma species. The polyphenolic compounds of these cells play a protective role and furthermore have an important function in the development of chocolate flavour. The morphology of the polyphenolic cells of the mesophyll is described and the development of these idioblasts in Theobroma cacao L., T. subincanum Mart., T. obovatum Klotzsch ex Bernoulli, T. grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K. Schum., T. microcarpum Mart., T. bicolor Bonpl. and T. speciosum Willd. ex Spreng analysed. The total polyphenolic content in the seeds as determined by spectrophotometry showed a variation of about forty times. The alive, transparent polyphenolic cells are scattered throughout the cotiledonary mesophyll. However the polyphenolic cells of T. cacao and T. grandiflorum are also aligned perpendicularly with respect to the mesophyll borders and, in addition, both species display polyphenolic cells with a natural translucent purple colour. All the species analysed contained polyphenolic cells scattered throughout the parenchymal cells and also in a lengthwise association with vascular bundles. In T. bicolor and T. speciosum, the species with the lowest polyphenolic contents, these cells were mostly located around the vascular bundles. Using Scanning Electron Microscopy, the polyphenolic cells demonstrated a complex cytoarchitecture, and after fixing with glutaraldhyde, the polyphenolic secretion was shown to remain as a single unit or was organized into round droplets. Transmission Electron Microscopy displayed immature plastids from young mesophyll cells containing eletron-dense deposits similar to phenolic substances, suggesting that Theobroma plastids are involved in the synthesis of phenolics.


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Sensory analysis was used to get an overall flavour description of a reaction mixtures containing 5'-IMP and Cysteine. Ribose/cysteine systems were used as reference systems. Results from triangle and aroma profiling show a clear correlation between the terms used and the volatile analysis described in literature for these model systems. For instance reactions at pH 3.0 and 4.5 for 5'-IMP/cysteine systems, which were described as "meaty" and "boiled meat" by panellists, presented, in the literature, the higher number of "meaty" compounds in volatile analysis (1, 7, 8, 20) .


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Whey is produced in large amounts by cheese industries. This by-product can be used for biomass production by yeast cultivation, resulting in commercially attractive products. The use of yeast extracts as source of flavour enhancer consists of an expansible market, encouraged by costumer's choice for natural additives. The development of a suitable and economically viable project for the generation of valued-added by-products, may allow the dairy industry to diversify their portfolio and increase their rentability.


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Em determinadas regiões do nordeste do Brasil é produzido um tipo de manteiga artesanal denominada manteiga de garrafa que não possui parâmetros de identidade e qualidade estabelecidos pela legislação. Com vistas a propor padrões de identidade e qualidade para este produto, duas marcas de manteiga de garrafa (A e B) de ampla comercialização na cidade do Recife foram avaliadas através da determinação do percentual de lipídios, umidade, cloretos e extrato seco desengordurado, cromatografia de ácidos graxos, índices de iodo, saponificação, refração e peróxido, ponto de fusão, reação de Kreiss, acidez, análises microbiológicas e análise sensorial. Segundo os resultados, a manteiga de garrafa contém 99,65 -- 99,75% de lipídios, umidade de 0,2%, ausência de cloretos e extrato seco desengordurado; ambas manteigas apresentaram elevados índices de peróxido (1,97 -- 2,90mEq/Kg), acidez (0,39 -- 0,62 ácido oléico %), reação de Kreiss negativa e reduzido teor de ácidos graxos trans; índices de iodo, saponificação, refração, ponto de fusão e composição de ácidos graxos similares aos produtos lácteos; ausência de microrganismos e leve flavour de ranço como característica intrínseca. Estes resultados demonstram estreita similaridade, quanto às características de identidade, entre a manteiga de garrafa e o "butteroil" diferindo, entretanto, quanto aos parâmetros de qualidade, o que permite propor padrão de identidade e qualidade similar ao estabelecido para o "butteroil" na legislação vigente.


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Cocoa flavour is greatly influenced by polyphenols. These compounds undergo a series of transformations during cocoa processing leading to the characteristic cocoa flavour. The use of exogenous polyphenol oxidase (PPO) proved to be useful to reduce polyphenol content in cocoa nibs. The effect of a PPO associated or not with air over total phenol and tannin content was evaluated. Cocoa nibs were autoclaved and treated with a PPO or water in the absence or presence of an air flow for 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 hours. Total phenol content was reduced in PPO or water treatments, but when associated with air there was an increase in phenol content. Tannin content was reduced only by the treatment with water and air.


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The aim of this study was to introduce the tangential microfiltration (TMF) technique on the production of orange juice (TMFJ), and compare it with pasteurised juice (control) as regards chemical composition and sensorial characteristics. We used a TMF pilot equipped with four monotubular ceramic membranes (0.1, 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4mm) arranged in series with a filtering area of 0.005 m² each. Commercial flash-pasteurised orange juice was used as the initial product. Experiments were divided into three parts: a) the characterisation of the TMF pilot; b) optimisation of operational conditions; c) production of the TMFJ. In the second part, membrane with 0.8-mm pores presented best flux followed by those with 1.4-, 0.1-, and 0.2-mm pores. However, to guarantee permeate sterility, we chose the membrane with 0.1-mm pores for TMFJ production. Initially, the orange juice was sieved in order to separate part of the pulp, being subsequently submitted to TMF. A mixture of retentate and pulp was made, and was subsequently pasteurised. We obtained the TMFJ by adding the permeate to the mixture. TMFJ presented soluble solids content (°Brix), pulp, pH, and titrable acidity similar to the initial pasteurised juice (control). Nevertheless, 28% of vitamin C was lost during the TMFJ production. According to the juice taster panel, the control juice presented best sensorial characteristics (greater aroma intensity and fruity flavour) when compared with the TMJF.


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Com vistas a estabelecer o tempo de vida útil da manteiga de garrafa, duas marcas deste produto (A e B) de ampla comercialização na cidade do Recife foram avaliadas quanto a estabilidade durante o armazenamento a 25ºC a intervalos de 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias através da determinação do índice de peróxido, acidez, análise cromatográfica de ácidos graxos e análise sensorial. Segundo os resultados, a acidez apresentou uma elevação acentuada nos primeiros 30 dias de armazenamento estabilizando-se a seguir até 120 dias. O índice de peróxido aumentou ao longo do tempo sendo acompanhado pela intensificação do "flavour" de ranço para ambas amostras que a partir dos 90 dias de armazenamento foi referido como extremamente forte por 50% dos provadores. Quanto aos ácidos graxos, foi constatada diminuição do percentual do linoléico (18:2) na manteiga A embora nenhuma mudança tenha ocorrido no conteúdo de ácidos graxos trans para as duas manteigas. Os resultados demonstram que o tempo de armazenamento não exerce influência significativa e que a manteiga de garrafa apresenta uma curta vida-de-prateleira face a oxidação lipídica que a torna inadequada para consumo após 60 dias a partir da data de fabricação.


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The oil obtained from Brazilian roasted coffee by supercritical CO2 extraction shows considerable aromatic properties, mainly composed by five aromatic compounds, 2-methylpyrazine; 2-furfurylalcohol, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine; γ-butyrolactone and 2-furfurylacetate. Sensory analyses were used to verify the influence of a mixture of these important classes of aromatic coffee compounds (pyrazines, furans and lactones) and of the roasted coffee aromatic oil on the coffee aroma and flavour of black instant freeze and spray-dried coffee beverages. In the acceptance evaluation of the aroma, the samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee without the mixture of volatile compounds (sample 4) were not significantly different from the freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (sample 5) and from the sample prepared with freeze-dried coffee in which the mixture of the five volatile was added (sample 3), coincidentally from the same drying process. Therefore, sample (3) did not differ from samples prepared with spray dried instant coffee without (sample 1) and to which (sample 2) the mixture of volatile was added. Therefore, with respect to this attribute, the addition of this mixture did not interfere in this drink acceptance. Taking into consideration the flavor, samples prepared with freeze-dried instant coffee in which the aromatic coffee oil was added (5) and the samples with (3) and without (4) the mixture of the five volatile was added did not differ significantly, however sample (4) did not differ from samples (1) and (2). Regarding this attribute, the addition of the aromatic oil of roasted coffee or a mixture of volatile in samples of freeze-dried instant coffee had a better acceptance than those dried by spray dryer (1) and (2). Thus, the enrichment of drinks with the aromatic oil of roasted coffee, or even with the mixture of the five components did not influence the consumer acceptance with respect to the aroma, but exerts influence with respect to flavour.